Do You Love Him?
Chapter Fifty One
Brandon POV:
I was sitting on the roof top alone. It has always been my hiding place. When I was a kid I used to hide here after stealing Noah's football until he will get tired of finding his football or in this case me.
My mom always knew that's where I hide but she never said anything about it to anyone.
The night was silent, after Madeline left her parents decided to leave as well. My mom took Bryan with her because he was tired and sleepy.
I heard the footsteps and turned my head to see my mom making her way towards me.
"Hi". Mom said sitting beside me on the floor.
"Hi". I said to mom.
"I have never expected to become Grandma of your kid so soon". She said.
I smiled at her comment.
"I know you and Dad are still young enough to pass as my son's parents". I teased my mom.
She chuckled and slapped my arm.
"Madeline told me how you both end up making my cute grandson but destiny and some misunderstandings pulled you both apart". Mom said.
My face turned little red from the embarrassment knowing that my mom has a good idea of what happened in the past.
"Mom, I was young and I know you guys didn't expect something like this from me. I don't regret becoming a father at young age but I do regret for not being there with Bryan and Madeline. I regret not doing things in the way Madeline and my son deserve.". I said.
She placed her hand on my shoulder and gives it a light squeeze.
"I think you should stop feeling guilty and do all those things which you would have done if you were there with them from the start. Madeline and your son loves you". My mom said.
I turned towards my mom.
"I think Madeline still doesn't trust me. She doesn't let me in her life completely. I feel like there are so many things that I want to know about her but she pushes me back every time I try to break the wall that these six years has built between us. But I failed every time". I said.
My mom stared at me for few seconds then said "Would you like to hear a story like old times?"
I nodded my head and laid my head down on her lap while she ran her hands through my hair.
"I told you how I got married to your dad because of your father's great granddad's last wish". She said.
"Yeah, mom. I remember how my great-grandfather forced both of you in arrange marriage when you guys were really young and then you end up loving each other". I told her knowing the story by heart now.
"Yes but it's not the whole story. You guys were young so we skipped few parts". Mom said.
I looked at her confused.
"Really, did you had any villain in your and dad love story? Or were there any ex-boyfriend/girlfriend to make you both jealous?" I asked my mom.
"Yes, there was this girl who liked your dad for a long time but your dad didn't feel anything for her". My mom said.
"He didn't feel anything for her because he loved you". I said completing my mom sentence.
She shook her head.
"In the starting of our relationship your dad didn't even like me. He used to think of me as some silly young girl and didn't fancy my company. But I loved him. When I become pregnant with Noah he changed. He started spending time with me and showing his love towards me and the baby. I was extremely happy with the way life was moving. Then Noah came into my life and it felt like a fairy tale. A perfect husband and cute kid. But due to some misunderstandings your father asked me to leave". She said.
I snapped my head in shock and say up on the floor.
"Mom, you are joking?" I asked her in shock.
"No, I'm not joking. Your dad and I got divorced because of someone's conspiracy". Mom said.
"Although I don't believe you that you and Dad got divorce. But did this misunderstanding was created by this girl who liked dad?" I asked to my mom.
Mom shook her head again.
"The girl did nothing; it was done by someone else. I left your dad and went to live with my parents. I didn't talk to him for almost three years". Mom said.
My eyes widened.
"You guys stayed away from each other for three years? Mom, dad doesn't even go out of country for business meetings without you". I said.
"Yes because now things are different. He loves me as much as I love him". Mom said with the smile.
I was really hoping that this is one of my mom's joke but it looks like she was telling truth.
"So how did you guys stayed separate for three years?" I asked her.
"I was angry at him and whenever he would call I ignored them. But when I finally caught the courage to face him and called him after three years to ask him to join us for Christmas just because Noah wanted to meet him. Your dad took the first flight came to spend Christmas with us. Your dad took Noah and I to this beautiful cabin inside the woods where we spent Christmas together. After Christmas was over everything changed because your father told me why he asked me to leave him when he loves me". Mom said staring up at the sky.
"Why did he asked you to leave him?". I asked my mom feeling confused as why would dad asked Mom to leave when he loved her.
"He thought that I and Noah might be safer with my parents. He thought that divorce is the only thing that can make me leave him and to protect me from this villain he did that while it hurt him more than me". Mom said with tears in her eyes.
I felt angry at whoever this villain was and make my parents to go through the painful three years of separation.
"Who was behind the separation of dad and you?" I asked my mom.
"That's not important". My mom brushed off my question and continued with the story "So your dad told me everything and apologized to me for everything. He confessed his love and told me he never signed those divorce papers. I decided to give him a second chance. Then he proposed me very romantically I must add and we revised our wedding vows again". Mom told me.
My mind was still not ready to accept everything.
"Why didn't make it hard for dad to get you back?" I asked my mom.
"He was living in guilt that was eating him alive every day and he was alone. If I had pushed him back that time means I would be breaking him again. All these years your dad did his best to show me how much he loves me and appreciates the family we have and that's because he stopped feeling guilty for the things he had done in the past. He learned from the past and decided to rectify his mistakes by giving me the life I have never imagined". My mom said.
"That's true. I think Dad is the best father in this world. He really loves us". I said.
My mom smiled at me.
"And I think he is best husband too". My mom mumbled.
"I want my and Madeline relationship like yours and dad". I said.
"You can have a relationship like us if you try your best to mend her broken heart". My mom said getting up from the floor.
My phone beeped and I pulled it out to see a message from Sebastian. I read the message and stood up from the floor.
"Mom, will you please take care of Bryan? I need to go somewhere for something important for a day or two". I said.
"Okay but tell me where are you going?" Mom asked.
"Atlanta". I replied.
Madeline POV:
When we landed in Atlanta City I didn't know that I will feel so worried and depress.
During the whole flight I kept thinking about the way I left Brandon. I couldn't even imagine what he would be feeling right now.
"Can you please stop thinking about the way you left Brandon?" Sebastian said picking our bags.
"I am trying but it's eating me alive. I want to go back and tell him everything". I mumbled.
"You don't need to go back, just tell him everything on the phone. I'm sure he'll understand". Sebastian said making his way towards the car that was waiting for to take us to the hotel.
"No, I can't tell him anything over the phone. He'll not understand me. Even you didn't understand me in the beginning". I said sliding inside the car.
"I did understand you but I don't believe that what you are doing is right". Sebastian said getting inside the car beside me.
"If you still think what I am doing isn't right then you're allowed to go back". I snapped.
"Madeline you can't change how I think. And I'm here because I promised to support you no matter what you do". Sebastian said.
"Then support me without making me feel like what I am doing is wrong". I said staring at him controlling my tears.
"Okay. I'm sorry". He said giving a light squeeze on my hand.
Sebastian phone rang and he picked it up.
"What you told me that you know where he lives? You are useless. I want his address as soon as possible or I'll chop your fingers one by one". Sebastian said to someone on the other side of the phone.
"It was quite harsh". I told Sebastian after he ended the call.
"They need one more day to find his address. The owner of the house threw Adrian out from the house he was living until yesterday. Now the men's need more time to find his new address". Sebastian informed me.
"So, it means my we have to wait for tomorrow". I said.
"Yes, we have to wait for tomorrow". Sebastian said.
Next Day
I spent the whole day staring at my phone that didn't ring once. I was waiting for Brandon call but he never called me. After some encouraging speech to myself I called him but he didn't pick my call.
Sadly, the man couldn't find Adrian's address so we had no other option but to go to the club and corner him there.
When the night came I got changed into the dress that will look suitable for clubbing and doesn't resemble with my ninja outfit.
I heard the knock at the door and opened it.
"We need to wait. Adrian hasn't arrived yet at the club". Sebastian said.
I took the deep breath and nodded while we waited together for the call from the man Sebastian asked to keep an eye on Adrian.
Around ten o'clock we received a call from the Sebastian's man informing us that he has arrived.
Sebastian and I didn't waste any second and went to the club. There I found him sitting on the stool near bar with the bottle of whiskey.
He has changed a lot; the beard has covered his shapely jaw hiding all the sharpness. His face and cheeks look sunken like he hasn't been eating properly.
My heart broke at the sight of this broken man.
Before I could make my way over to him a hand on my shoulder stopped me.
I turned around to find Sebastian shaking his head, telling me to wait.
"He knows this bar better than us. If he'll see you coming he might try to escape. Let him get drunk. When he will be vulnerable we would catch him". Sebastian said.
I nodded my head.
Sebastian and I settled on the booth in the corner, not far from Adrian.
He was just focused on drinking and get drunk. Few girls came and tried to distract him but he was just staring at the engagement ring in his hand.
After half an hour a man in Black suit made his way towards Adrian and pushed something inside his pocket.
Adrian slapped some money in the man's hand and I sucked in a breath.
"Sebastian, he is trying to kill himself. He is doing drugs and drinking like there is no tomorrow". I mumbled.
"Madeline I want you to know that he is already dead from inside. If you'll fail to drag him back to New York remember you tried and that was the only thing you could do for him". Sebastian said trying to make me think rationally.
"You are way too negative today. Is there any special reason?" I asked him.
"Yes, actually my parents have found another suitable fiancée and future bride for me. According to my mom this is the perfect girl, young, smart and beautiful". Sebastian said making nostalgic face.
"Oh, so that's why you decided it is a great time to pay visit to me. You wanted to escape from your mother's expert matchmaking skills". I teased him.
He gave me sarcastic smile.
My eyes moved to find Adrian and he wasn't sitting on the stool anymore.
"Sebastian, Adrian is nowhere". I said getting up from the seat.
Sebastian was staring at something behind me and when I turned my head to see who has caught his attention I was left speechless.
Brandon was standing there; dress in black slacks and navy blue button down shirt.
Before I could ask him how he found me my eyes landed on Adrian leaving club.
I sprinted towards the door once again ignoring Brandon's call.
"Adrian!" I yelled his name and caught his attention.
He tilted his head in my way and his eyes connected with mine. At first he didn't realize who I was looked away then his face turned back at my way, his eyes widened. The realization of who was making wat towards him made him jump up. He ran faster than any drunken person could have possible managed to run with so much amount of alcohol in their system.
I followed him out but failed to catch him in his fast strides. He hailed a cab and jumped inside it.
He disappeared in front of my eyes.
I cursed myself for wearing stupid heels. I should've worn my Ninja outfit.
When I turned back I saw Sebastian and Brandon making their way towards me.
"I chased him Sebastian but he disappeared. I lost the chance to talk to him". I said feeling the urge to cry.
"My man is following him so let's get in the car". Sebastian said as he unlocked his car.
I took the front seat while Sebastian took the driving seat.
"Would you like to come with us?". Sebastian asked to Brandon.
Shaking his head Brandon got in the back seat.
To the whole ride we all stayed silent.
Finally, Sebastian stopped outside the apartments that looked old and rusty.
I stepped out of the car while both of them followed.
"Do you know his apartment number?" I asked to Sebastian.
"He lives on third floor apartment no. 102". He said.
I started walking inside the building and we took the elevator that was actually working and looked new.
When we reached at third floor I started looking at the numbers and found 102 in the corner.
I rang the bell and no one opened the door. I knocked at the door but there was no response.
In complete anger I punched the door and it was suddenly open.
I pushed the door back and lock fell down on the floor making a clicking noise.
I made my way inside the apartment which was completely dark.
"Adrian". I called his name.
But I didn't get a reply.
Sebastian switched on the flashlight on his phone and Brandon found switch board. When the lights turned on I made my way towards the bedroom and found Adrian slumped down on the bed.
"Adrian" I said making my way towards the bed.
He was breathing slowly. The packet of some powder was sitting on his bedside table.
I sat beside him on the bed and tears started pouring from my eyes. How can I take him back to New York when he is looking like a half dead.
If his parents see him like this they'll break down.
"Adrian what have you done to yourself?". I said placing my hand above his hand.
Even his hand was cold.
Sebastian checked Adrian's breathing and the packet of powder was still full means he didn't take the drugs.
"I think he passed out before he could have stuffed some of this powder in his mouth". Sebastian said looking at the drugs.
"His hand is cold". I mumbled.
"Like his heart". Sebastian said jokingly.
I glared at Sebastian and wiped my tears from my face.
"We should take him to the hospital". I said.
"No, we can't take him to the hospital. If someone finds out who he is what will we do?" Sebastian said.
I shook my head and left the room to find kitchen and bring some water to pour on Adrian face to wake him up. Brandon decided to follow me.
"Madeline what's going on? Who is this guy and why he is so important for you?" Brandon asked me.
I noticed how he has been silent all this time but these questions must be running inside his head.
"He is Adrian Ford". I said but Brandon stayed silent waiting for me to continue.
"Six years ago, he kidnapped me". I said.
Brandon sucked in a breath.
"He kidnapped you". Brandon repeated in anger.
"And you decided to follow a man who do drugs and kidnap innocent young girls. I can't believe this. Are you stupid Madeline?". Brandon said.
I was shocked after hearing him.
"You don't know anything about him. You don't know what he went through and he doesn't kidnap everyb girl". I snapped in anger.
"I don't care Madeline. We are leaving this tacky place right now and you're not going to see this man again. I'll make sure he rots in prison for rest of his life". Brandon said holding my wrist and dragging me out.
"Brandon, leave me. I want to stay here and I need to talk to him when he'll wake up". I said trying to free my hand.
He turned to me with his jaw clench in anger.
"Are you serious? You want to talk to the guy who hurt you and left you bleeding outside the hospital. And if you knew about this guy who kidnapped you why didn't you say anything to Police?". Brandon asked me.
His words left me paralyzed. He know everything about the kidnapping. How?
"How long did you know about my kidnapping?". I asked him.
"I found out sometime ago but I didn't bring it in our conversation because I didn't want to hurt you. I was waiting for you to tell me everything yourself". He said.
I closed my eyes stopping myself from crying.
He knows everything so there was no reason to hide anything anymore.
"Yes, he is the guy who kidnapped. But I have my reasons for not informing Police about him". I said.
He stared at me.
"What are these reasons?". Brandon asked me.
Suddenly, my throat felt clogged with emotions.
Before I could say anything Brandon asked me "Do you love him?".
The floor under my feet trembled at his question and I took the step back.
He still thinks I love another man when I spend six years waiting for him.
"I don't love him. Yes, I care for him because despite kidnapping me to take revenge from Sebastian, he never hurt me. Even he saved me from getting rape and brutally murdered by the psychopath. He saved our son from dying". I yelled.
There was complete silence after the words were out of my mouth.
This one thing of my life no one knew, not even Sebastian.
I didn't stop there.
"Do you know what he did to safe me? He killed the man in front of my eyes who stabbed me and tried to force himself on me". I whispered.
I was transported back to that horrified night.
When Adrian came to his apartment to check on me and found me bleeding with the scar man on top of me trying to have his way with me.
Despite the pain I was fighting with the man, stopping him.
Adrian warned the man to leave me but that man was angry and out of control. He was squeezing my neck with so much pressure. That's when Adrian pulled the trigger and shoot him on the back. The man took his last breath and fell down on the floor in front of my eyes.
I was in a complete shock and the sound of shoot still rang in my ears. I was dizzy because of the amount of blood oozing out from the stab wound.
Adrian came back from the shock and picked me in bridal style. He deposited me in the back seat of his car and took me to the hospital.
During the whole ride to the hospital he was crying, begging me to forgive him and not to die.
I told him to leave me outside the hospital because even in my half dead state I knew that hospital will call the police and he will get arrested.
When I found out that I was pregnant my mom told me that the baby would have died if someone didn't bring me to the hospital on the right time that day.
They didn't know who brought me to the hospital that night but I knew. It was Adrian. He saved my baby's life by taking me to the hospital on the right.
When I was discharged from hospital and sent back to my house I noticed someone always hiding in the bushes of garden and watching me from afar. Later, I realized that it was Adrian.
After getting tired of watching me from afar one night he came to meet me. I thanked him for saving my life and my baby's life. He didn't know I was pregnant so when he found out everything changed.
He started beginning me to forgive him and I did forgive him. He kidnapped me and it was wrong. But what he did that to inflict the same pain on Sebastian which he has received.
Losing his girlfriend in an accident left him in a mess and he become the person he was not by the nature.
I lied to the police and my family about not remembering anything about the kidnapper.
One day Adrian parents came to meet me to tell me that they took care of everything. They showed how grateful they are because of what I did by not mentioning their son's name to the police. They said they'll stay indebted of me.
I didn't lie to police because of Adrian but I lied for the sake of my sanity and my baby's future.
I didn't want to go to the trails and recall everything that happened to me. I wanted to bury those horrible memories and keep going with my life.
At that time I didn't know what was wrong and what was right.
I knew that if I decide to tell the truth I'll be ruining three lives.
Hello lovelies,
I know the update is late but bonus point the chapter is long.
3979⬅ word count
Maybe one or two chapters are still left and then Mending Her Heart will be complete.
Please don't forget to give your honest review on this chapter. I really want to know what you feel after reading this chapter.
If there are any mistakes I'm really sorry.
Thank you so much for reading and voting.😘😘
Don't forget to vote and comment if you've enjoyed reading the chapter.
Love you all.
Published Date: 17/08/2017
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