~ Chapter Seventy Six ~

A/n: Just wanted to give a brief trigger warning, sexual assault is mentioned in this chapter. If you're uncomfortable, skip ahead a few paragraphs where the scene's ending will be in bold.

Mission accomplished, Dusk! We got Victoria on the team, now we can only hope this truce with the Sparrows goes smoothly. The tiny voice inside the raven's head spoke as she walked down the hall, back to the lobby. She made a few twists and turns before coming to the upstairs level where the pool tables and shuffleboards were laid out. Her ears perked up at unusual kissing sounds, and through the tiny space in the potted plants, she could see Luther and Allison.

What's going on? I thought Luther was with the brunette. Her confusion halted when they both stumbled over their words. " A-Allison, I used to-" "Oh my god..." she pulled away, resting her hands on the pool table, shaking her head. Dusk was conflicted, unsure if she should get involved, given her sister's current mental state. "I'm gonna go see Sloane, so I'm gonna go," Luther muttered.

As the ape-man began to walk away, Allison scoffed under her breath. "You can't be serious. You're blowing me off for some knockoff you've known for five minutes?" Alli, you got married to a man in the 60s. Can you blame him for moving on? "Be honest with me. If you had Ray and Claire back, would you even be here?" Luther questioned. Allison stormed towards him, making the raven's heart race as she continued to eavesdrop.

"I get that you need a distraction, but you can't use me for that!" Number One scolded. " I can if I want to!" That statement shocked Dusk and Luther, and it made the phoenix reflect on her sister's whole life. It's how she got an easier life in the academy, how she obtained her career, and how she got her husband and daughter. It soon made Dusk feel sick to her stomach.

As Luther tried walking away a second time, Dusk clasped a hand to her mouth as Allison said what she feared she'd say. "I heard a rumor you stayed," Luther's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he slowly turned around. He saw Dusk out of the corner of his eye, slightly mouthing the words, help me. "I'm done letting other people decide how much I can stand to lose," Allison snarled, folding her arms across her chest.

Though her body was trembling with fear for Luther's safety, Dusk's right hand jerked as she tried to conjure a fireball. She didn't want to hurt her sister, but if she tried to pounce on him, she had no other option. "Allison, stop!" She spoke up, coming out of the shadows. The Rumor shifted her gaze to the raven, scoffing. "He doesn't want to be with you. He's happy with someone else. Can't you see that?"

"This is none of your business. Now, piss off!" Allison ordered. "It is my business when you try to take advantage of my brother!" the phoenix defended. Luther stood behind her, unsure whether to take his chance to leave or stay to protect Dusk. Who knew what Allison would make Dusk do if she tried rumoring her? "Go see Sloane!" Dusk whispered, not taking her gaze away from Allison. "A-are you sure?" the ape-man questioned, having a sinking feeling. "Yes, go!" she insisted.

But as Luther tried to walk away a third time, Allison opened her mouth to speak. "I heard a rumor that you walked away," the speech vortex flew right toward Dusk, making her eyes roll back into her head. She tried desperately to fight back, but she found herself caving into the power and started walking out of the room, though her inner demon was screaming at her to go back and protect her brother. Luther stared at Allison in shock, "You didn't have to do that!" He nearly shouted. But Allison continued, rumoring him to want her.

Dusk's inner consciousness continued to fight back, and eventually, she broke free of her restraints, immediately turning around to see Allison manipulating Luther into wanting her. I have to do something! She flicked her wrist, hoping a ball of fire would appear and she could use it on her sister, but she was stunned to see nothing was working and fireballs flickering in and out like a lighter on low fluid. Come on, come on! Please!

"STOP!" Allison screeched, finally freeing Luther from her spell, causing him to cough and nearly collapse on the pool table. Allison ran off while Dusk rushed towards him, trying not to cry. "Luther..." She whispered. He said nothing, only glancing at her with a traumatized expression. As he walked away, the familiar bubbling in her stomach returned, and the raven rushed to a nearby potted plant, throwing up as sobs escaped her lips. She blamed herself repeatedly, thinking she could've done more to protect Luther from her wrath. This is all my fault...

Triggering scene over.


A while later, after the sun set over the remaining buildings not yet kugelblitzed, Viktor came down the steps, about to head out the revolving doors. "Hey, it's time. Where's Harlan?" Five questioned. "He's gone," Viktor answered. Luther shook his head in disgust while Five stood with a somewhat blank expression. "Harlan's death is not gonna stop the kugelblitz. It'll be just another tragedy on a tragedy. I will find another way," Viktor promised.

"Well, congratulations Viktor. You managed to destroy everything again," Luther scoffed. As he watched the scene play out in front of him, Klaus sat on top of the counter drinking small sips of Grey Goose, taking what could be his last sips of alcohol. "Well, that went great!" Klaus spoke sarcastically, sliding off the counter. As he and Five sat on the barstools, the junkie noticed him looking a bit down.

"I saw my future self die," he stated. "That's crazy. Almost the same thing happened to me, but I didn't die. Well, I did but-" Five cut in finishing his thought, claiming that his future self told him not to save the world before dying. The two of them poured themselves shots of vodka before taking their sips. But even through his fuzzy mind, Five still comprehended the meaning of his old self's statement. "I've dedicated my entire life to stopping the apocalypse. Apocalypses, plural. And he tells me... that it's what? Meaningless?"

Klaus poured himself another shot, doing his best to give him answers, but how could he if he didn't understand it? "You're really messed up about this, aren't you?" Five slowly nodded, admitting that he thought because he cheated time so much, he thought he'd be able to cheat death as well. "But it turns out I die a one-armed nightmare inside a bureaucratic hellscape of my own design," he explained.

"Spoiler alert!" Klaus chuckled. Five looked out of the corner of his eye, not hearing a peep out of anyone else. Perhaps he thought Dusk rejoined the family and watched this all unfold. Not to mention she had her opinions, and she would surely inflict them upon anybody present. But she wasn't there. "Hey, do you know where Dusk went?" he inquired, turning back to Klaus. "She went upstairs to talk with that redhead," the junkie answered. "Speaking of her, when are you going to tell me about the twin business?"

The time-traveler recalled hearing the truth about his birth and the flashback when he grabbed her hand to calm her cries. In all honesty, he had no idea what he would say. He couldn't just walk up and tell her, 'By the way, you're my twin sister. Surprise!' she'd be just as confused as he was and most likely would need to explain his discovery to convince her. Not to mention, he'd have to calm the anger in Victoria's heart so she wouldn't try to kill him again. And just from his time in the Commission, he knew she was one to hold grudges.

"I don't know. But I will tell her eventually," Five sighed before reaching into his coat pocket, going back to the original topic. "Not to mention I had this trashy tattoo," he commented, throwing a piece of his wrinkled and inked skin on the table for Klaus to see. "I'll be damned if I go out with an old man tramp stamp," Five shook his head. "Well, if you don't want to end up like this guy, how about you do something completely different?" Klaus suggested.

"What are you suggesting?" the time traveler wondered. "Maybe become an alpaca farmer, just keep your arms and extremities away from sharp objects. And whatever you do, don't join the Mothers of Agony," Number Four poked at the piece of skin. "What?" Five raised an eyebrow, wondering if he was talking gibberish. "The tattoo. It's the symbol of the biker gang, the Mothers of Agony," Klaus elaborated.

Five grabbed the piece of skin and examined it further. "Do you know them?" "Two timelines ago, they were... how do I put it? My farmacistas," Klaus slyly smiled. "This is good! Thank you, Klaus!" Five said hurriedly before blinking away. "Go get 'em, buddy!" the junkie muttered before finishing his shot. I should check on Dusky. He set his glass down before heading to her room, unaware of what he would find when he opened the door.

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