~ Chapter Ninety One ~
There had been plenty of decisions that Dusk had to make in her lifetime. But this one was more difficult than any previous choice she had to make. She tried to see a bright side, but at the moment, there was none. This is a lose-lose situation. We either die now or die later. She started pacing back and forth across the room as the clock was ticking, unable to finalize her vote. She wanted to believe that a future for her and Klaus would lie ahead, but what would happen if another apocalypse or doomsday showed up to wreak more havoc on the world? There was only so much strength the phoenix possessed, and if the same events kept happening over and over again, she wouldn't be able to fight anymore.
What do I do? Dusk inhaled a quivering breath, feeling her lungs begin to burn the longer she didn't exhale. She thought about talking with some of the Umbrellas to get their perspectives on the decision, but she feared some would try to push her in the wrong direction. Though she loved Klaus more than anything in the world, she didn't trust him to help her with this, especially when he believed their father wasn't so bad. Who else could I turn to?
A lightbulb appeared in her head. There was somebody who she trusted that could help. Not just one person, but two. Dusk dashed down the hallway, peering into the open rooms, hoping to find Five or Victoria. And as she searched the sixth floor of the building, she found the redhead sitting on a bed, scratching at Mr. Pennycrumb's ears as he licked her face with puppy kisses. "Knock knock?" Dusk asked, gently tapping at the door.
Victoria looked up and gestured her friend inside, while the little dog climbed onto her lap. "So, how's my best friend?" Dusk asked, trying to start the conversation on a light tone before digging into the root of her predicament. "I'm okay, considering the hours we have left and the lingering hangover," the redhead answered. The raven nodded at the last bit, she too still felt the sting after the pain-relief tablets she swallowed.
"I hear you and Five are a thing now. What caused you to change your mind about him?" Victoria's cheeks started to turn pink at the mention of his name. She knew deep down at least a few people caught her and the time traveler's big smooch on the dance floor, but hearing them bring it up made her both smile and cringe. "In truth, I swore to hate him till my last breath. But last night, after remembering the good times and who he really is, I realized I still love him,"
"Aww!" Dusk's hands went to her chest. "That's so sweet! You know, after all these years of never hearing from my twin, I'm glad he found someone to love and you both reconnected," Victoria chuckled softly, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear before her eyes widened. "Wait, did you say twin?" She questioned. Now's a good time as any to tell her, Dusky! "Yeah, me and Five are twins," the phoenix confirmed.
Victoria's mouth dropped open in shock, silently asking herself how she didn't realize it sooner. Looking back on it, she did see similarities between her boyfriend and bestie. "That's awesome! But why didn't you tell me sooner?" Dusk explained how she only found out a couple of days prior, and that she feared Victoria wouldn't want to associate with her anymore back when she considered Five her enemy. But the redhead told her that even if she and Five didn't get back together, she wouldn't have cut her out, just warned her to keep him away.
Their moment of brief happiness and joy was soon interrupted by the ticking of the old-fashioned clock that rested on the dresser. Only fifteen minutes left before they all returned to the lobby with their final decision on Project Oblivion. Dusk looked down at her hands as they rested in her lap, inhaling a quiet sigh. "Hey, what's wrong?" Victoria inquired. There was no point in hiding it anymore, she needed the advice. That was what she came for in the first place.
"This whole decision between Oblivion or accepting our fate... I can't decide, pressure's too much," Dusk opened up. She continued, telling Victoria of the never-ending battles and near brushes with death she and the Umbrellas had been subjected to. And the more she vented, the more she felt some of the weight come off her shoulders. "I love Klaus, I do. But how can I trust Reginald and not worry about him screwing us over?"
"I don't know, Dusky. If we weren't stuck in this kugelblitz and Five and I had a chance to spend our lives together, I would take it. But since that's not the case, we have to make the decision together. I'm sorry I can't be much help," Victoria slightly hung her head in defeat. "It's fine. I guess I'll see you downstairs?" Dusk stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. Victoria nodded her head, and the raven left the room.
As she rounded the corner towards the elevator, she saw Five walking out of one of the rooms and called out to him, stopping him in his tracks. "I was hoping I'd find you. I need some help," Five quirked an eyebrow. "What's going on?" he asked. They sat on the ground with their backs to the dark blue walls, and as Dusk explained herself, Five hung on every word.
"It's not easy, I know, But I thought maybe by coming to you and Vic, you could help," Dusk finished. "Have you given this some thought?" Five sucked in a breath, closing his eyes momentarily. "I'm still on the fence. I saw something last night that I wasn't supposed to see," Dusk's eyes widened a bit. "Please tell me you didn't see anything from me and Klaus!" she pleaded.
"Ew, and no I didn't. I saw Dad. He was in his room with someone, he was making some deal. Before you ask, I don't know what the deal was or who it was with. Everything is a blur for me," Five squinted. I knew something was off! "Whatever this deal is he's got with someone, it doesn't sound good," Dusk whispered. "That story with the eight bells? There's something Dad's not telling us. You know just as well as I do, sis. When has the old man ever been straight with us?"
Though Dusk knew the answer to his question, she took a moment to think about it before the words spilled from her mouth like word vomit. "Pretty much never," She replied. "Exactly! I'm old enough to trust my instincts, and it's telling me it's a trap," The time traveler adjusted his posture so he was face-to-face with Dusk. "So, you think I should vote for us to stay?" she questioned.
"I can't make that decision for you. If you want to fight for something that might not be guaranteed, knock yourself out. But I saw the future, and it told me to sit this one out," Five stood up and brushed off his suit, and when he was about to turn away, Dusk had to get one final thought out. "Five?" He stopped once again and turned his head. "Thank you." He asked her to elaborate, "For what?"
"Coming back for us. Dragging us through hell just so we might live to see another day. And although these past few weeks have been full of one catastrophe after another, I'm grateful you've busted your ass to save us," Hearing those words struck a chord within Five, while his siblings were grateful to be alive, if not a bit frustrated by the circumstances they never said it out loud. But hearing it for the first time meant a lot to him. He flashed her a brief smile before Dusk embraced him for what might be the last time.
"Alright, don't go too soft on me now," Five muffled, patting her back before pulling away. "We need to get downstairs," Five adjusted his sleeve, revealing the time, 2:00. "Okay, I'll see you down there," She nodded.
Back in the hotel lobby, most of the Umbrellas either sat or stood on the steps leading up to the elevator while others rested against the glowing blue pillars. Occasionally, they would look amongst themselves, all bracing themselves for the two potential paths they could be taking. "I think you can all guess which way I'll be voting," Allison spoke up. "We've all been through a lot, we've all lost people. But their deaths have to mean something,"
The more Allison spoke, the more Dusk became skeptical of her sister's sudden epiphany. Yesterday she acted like she hated everyone, and now she has this change of heart? That's suspicious. After the Rumor finished her speech, Lila stepped down from the steps and walked over to her. "Let's go save the bloody universe!" She cheered. "Well, since she said yes, I'll stay," Diego responded, standing on the steps.
"Klaus?" Allison looked towards the junkie. "I am with Father," He answered. Of course you are... Dusk's inner consciousness spoke with disappointment. Ben and Dahlia both voted to enter Oblivion, the vote was now five to one, the odds weren't looking too friendly. But there was still time for the votes to pile up. "What about you, Viktor?" Allison questioned. "I want to believe, okay? I really do. I just can't shake the feeling we don't know what we're getting ourselves into," Number Seven answered.
Allison crossed her arms as she tried to persuade him into voting to go into the unknown. But no matter how many times she tried to use the family card, Viktor held firm on his decision. Dusk could tell Allison was becoming ticked off by Viktor's vote, and for a moment she could see a flash of rage in her eyes. "Luther? Sloane?" The newly married couple looked at each other before making their final vote.
"Sloane and I talked, and we're out. Look, we want to spend whatever time we have left together. Not fighting some guy with a sword and ringing bells," The Ape-man stumbled over his words a few times, but with a light squeeze from Sloane's hand, she encouraged him to keep going. There were now only three people left to make their votes, Five, Victoria, and Dusk. "Dusky, what's your vote?" Klaus looked towards his lover, hopeful their morning conversation would convince her to come with them.
"I've been debating with myself on this matter, and after a lot of thought... I'm voting to stay," The raven responded. Some of the Oblivion voters looked at one another surprised. Maybe some thought that given the power she possessed she'd want to fight for the world. But no one was more surprised than Klaus. "What? But I thought we agreed to hear Dad out and give this a shot?" he stammered.
Dusk stood up from her seat on the steps and walked over to him, cupping his face into her hands. "I know. And like Viktor said, as much as I'd love to picture a future for you and me, I can only protect us for so long," She pecked his lips before pulling away, her hand slipping out of his as she went back to sitting with the staying Umbrellas. "That leaves Five and Victoria," Reginald looked towards the pair.
"I vote stay, it's time we accept our fate," Five said, not for a second breaking his gaze with the monocle. The old man looked at the redhead. "I'm with Five, we stay and accept whatever happens," she answered. The sound of thunderclaps filled the hotel. 7:5, the decision had been made. "You're all pathetic!" Allison hissed before storming off. It felt weird to not do anything. The only thing Dusk could do was just wait for the kugelblitz to take hold of them all.
"Why can't we just go in there, the five of us?" Dahlia whispered. "That would mean certain death, there has to be eight," Reginald exhaled. "Children, I can't say I'm happy with this. But I see that the blame falls on me. I failed you when you were young, and I failed you now. And in doing so, I have doomed the entire universe,"
Dusk closed her eyes and shook her head at his attempt at a guilt trip. No matter what he said, there would be no changing hers or any of their minds. She walked over to the elevator and pressed a random button, and just as the doors were about to close, she caught glimpse of Klaus going towards her before the metal box started moving.
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