The night sky felt suffocating, Corey watched it with a deep gaze as he let out a sharp breath. He didn't understand people's obsession with watching the stars, they would watch for hours and yet he didn't see any appeal. He blinked slightly, he could feel the cold air nipping away at his arms as he turned down the corner of the sidewalk. The soft hum of music played into his eardrums leaving him feeling satisfied as he reached into his jean pocket. He felt the mesh material smoosh his fingers slightly as he struggled to grasp tightly onto the box of cigarettes he just bought.
He rolled his eyes as he pinched the box with his fingernails, it felt it slide apart as he pushed his thumb against the edge. The paper ripped and he smirked as his fingers wrapped around a cigarette, he grabbed hold of it and forced it out of the box. He inhaled softly as he let it hang off the side of his mouth.
His lips dented it downward as he reached into his other pocket in search of his lighter. He felt the cold metal of it and he chuckled as he let it flip open as he lifted it towards the end of his cigarette. The flames absorbed the cigarette almost immediately as he puffed at the end of it. He felt the smoke coat his lungs as he walked along the street.
He could feel the leering gaze of someone as he passed through the neighborhood. His fingers wrapped tightly around the plastic bag and he felt it crinkle as he observed around in confusion. He normally didn't enjoy leaving his house so late in the night, but Casey insisted he grab popcorn from the store for her and Steven. Corey would've normally objected and told her to do it herself but he felt the strong urge for a cigarette consuming him from the inside out.
He put his shoes on quickly after that feeling hit him, it was like his skull was on the verge of snapping as he grabbed the money from Casey's hands. She looked at him with a smile and her eyes were full of such gratitude, she was always so happy. Corey didn't find a simple gesture like going to the store so happy, if anything it was depressing having the need to eat popcorn, especially when watching shitty movies.
Steven was the type of guy who rarely even paid attention to the movie Casey would carefully select. Corey would watch her for hours as she picked one after the other and then she'd put them back when she felt dissatisfied. She wasn't easily impressed and she knew Steven wasn't much either. Corey didn't understand her obsession with the guy, he was just some douche jock who always talked about sports.
Corey hated sports with a passion and if he could he'd suffocate himself with a damn football if Steven even mentioned it once. Corey kept walking along the sidewalk, the music had come to a stop minutes prior and his cigarette was almost gone. He flinched at the sudden contact of someone touching his arm, whoever it was their hands were freezing.
He shifted his weight slightly to the side as he pulled his earbuds out of his ears. They dangled off the hem of his shirt as his eyes meant with the girls beside him. She looked almost angelic as she smiled sweetly, her bangs covered her forehead almost perfectly and she bit down onto her lip with nerves.
He never personally spoke with Sidney Prescott but when he did, he felt his heart flutter with such intensity. He felt like his head would explode if he kept looking at her, he noticed the little things most guys didn't and girls found it oddly comforting. He could hear the soft whispers along the school hallways almost every morning, but he ignored them.
Like anyone would ever actually date Corey Becker. He cleared his throat, his hands pushing themselves into his jeans as he smiled slightly. "Sidney, surprised to see you here so late" he kept his tone quiet and cautious as he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth.
He felt it burn the end of his finger tip but he ignored it as Sidney shrugged slightly. "Those things are deadly you know? And they reek too" she looked at the cigarette in his hand. He chuckled as he let it fall onto the sidewalk, he smashed it with his shoe. He felt it crumble into ashes as he looked at Sidney.
"You sound like my sister when you say that, she's always going on about the value of oxygen and my life span being long and healthy. You'd think they would check for an ID at the store when I buy them, but they don't, which just makes it all that more tempting. Casey hates when I smoke, but it's not her choice to stop me, it's mine".
He blinked almost as if he was ashamed of himself as he looked deeply at the bag in his grasp. "She made you get that?" He looked at Sidney after his eyes looked at the popcorn with disgust. "Yeah, I don't get how she can eat it all the damn time, it's gross and gets stuck in my teeth, but she sounded desperate when she asked me to get it for her. She has a movie date with Steven literally every week".
He leaned back his feet aching as he pushed them into the sidewalk to make the numbness fade. Sidney chuckled and he felt his head go fuzzy for a minute. "Sounds like you really care about her if you're going all this way for popcorn, and just one at that".
He looked at the popcorn again, he would throw it in the trashcan across the street if he could. He could smell it so strongly and it hadn't even popped yet. "Well someone's gotta make sure my sister doesn't starve to death while she watches cheesy horror movies, you'd think she'd watch Halloween or even Friday the thirteenth but nope, she watches movies no one's ever heard of before".
Sidney pushed her arms around herself as she shivered slightly at the breeze that blew along the air. "My friend Randy forces me to watch Halloween all the time, Jamie Lee Curtis is in it and she's apparently..." Corey laughs "Jamie Lee Curtis is the definition of a final girl, any movie she's in is a classic, especially Halloween. I mean Michael Myers proves to society that anyone could wear a mask and terrorize innocent teenagers and get away with it".
Sidney smiled "except he doesn't actually kill her in the end so he doesn't really get away with it". Corey titled his head as looked down at Sidney with a grin "he could always come back and kill her, the possibilities are endless for movies, I mean she's a final girl, but that doesn't mean it won't bite her in the ass at one point, the villain always wins somehow".
He moved back and looked down at his watch with a look of annoyance. The conversation for once seemed good, half of the people he spoke with always sounded so damn monotone and uninterested. Sidney was someone he could tell anything to and she'd listen for hours, it was comforting being heard. "I should get back, Steven will be over soon and Casey can't survive without popcorn apparently".
Sidney looked down in defeat, she pressed her hands behind her back and he could see her eyes fade as her bangs covered them. He felt the strong urge to push them back, to take in every feature on her face but he didn't, she was with Billy Loomis. He would respect the fact that he'd never get the girl, especially someone like Sidney Prescott. "Well it was nice talking with you, and you should really quit smoking, it'll make you feel a lot better half the time".
He smiled, he felt the box of cigarettes in his jeans almost shift, it was like they were mocking him as he nodded. "I'll try one day, I'll see you in the morning then Prescott, don't get frostbite out here".
He patted her shoulder and then he walked past her as she nodded. She didn't say anything else but he could feel the warmth of her dimming as he turned the corner towards his house. He missed the warmth that is Sidney Prescott, it was almost intoxicating.
Casey Becker worried, all she ever did was worry for her brother. She'd see the distant look of darkness that coated his eyes and the way his body would twitch as he lit the end of another cigarette. She saw the light in his eyes fading away as he stared blankly into the void of the world that surrounded him. Her eyes watched so closely and she would worry far more about him.
She remembered the first time she caught him smoking, she could smell it through the crack of her window as she sat in her bedroom. She heard the soft cries escaping her brother's lips as she tried to keep herself calm and collected. She remembered peeking through the blinds of her window and seeing him there, a helpless boy crying as the sky turned dark.
His shoulders shook so violently and yet he was so silent as the tears ran down his imperfect cheeks. The smoke coated the air so beautifully and she could smell the strong scent of it. She felt a dull ache in her chest, the same ache she always felt when her brother would hide away from the world and cry. The sadness crept along her veins so suddenly when she saw him, it was as if she could feel it too.
He was always such a good person, a boy who bore the harsh hits of the people who surrounded him. Casey didn't think Corey would cry, she knew he did whenever no one was around or watching. He was practically sobbing and she could hear it the more she pressed her ear against her window. He had never had his heart be broken before, she witnessed it first hand what it was like to see her brother shattered.
He didn't date many people but when he did he gave it his all, Casey had dated Stu Macher and she ended it when she saw the way Corey would look at the boy. The way his eyes would light up at his presence makes Casey almost dread the love she held for Stu, but she didn't love Stu like she thought she did.
She didn't actually love him, she just liked the idea of being with him. He was warm and kind and yet she felt nothing when she was with him, just endless dread and sadness. The night she broke up with him she had never felt such fear before, the way he was so silent, so deadly as he left without a word.
Now she was watching him break away every single part of Corey. She ignored her heart and went for what her head felt, for once she was glad she broke things off with Stu. The boy had broken not only her heart but also Corey's, and now Casey was watching the effects of it in person. Corey didn't have the honor of dating Stu for long, it lasted two days before Stu decided the boy wasn't someone he wanted.
Corey didn't cry when Stu left, and he didn't cry when he walked to the store and bought a pack of cigarettes. He didn't cry when he opened the box outside to make the smell not linger in his house, but he cried when he felt the smoke coat his lungs. He cried and he felt his heart sink inward as he held himself.
He felt the warmth of his sister as she wrapped her arms around him, his shoulders shook with such sadness as he felt the cigarette in his mouth fade away into nothing but ash. He didn't move a single muscle, not until he felt the warmth of Casey, and he felt himself slipping into a pile of comfort.
Casey didn't let her brother go once, and ever since that night all she's done is worry. Sending him off to the store for popcorn was easy, it let him leave his room and not be so depressed. Yet she was almost distraught when she watched him walk down the road with a cigarette in his mouth. She watched him put it out quickly before he ran across the street towards the front door of their house. He kept it so hidden but she could smell it, and she knew he wouldn't stop.
She made herself seem busy as she walked into the living and looked at the movies she put out on the wooden table. The door opened with a big creak and Corey pushed the bag inside his arm dramatically swung around. "If it isn't the best brother in the world, Who walked for an hour to get this popcorn for you".
His voice bounced off the walls as he stuck his head inside and smirked "and you better eat every last crumb or else I'll absolutely crash your lame movie date with Steven and spill it all over your head".
Casey rolled her eyes as she grabbed the bag out of Corey's hands. He huffed as he walked inside fully and pushed the door shut with his foot. "A thank you would do you some good, I almost got frostbite out there Casey, another second longer and I'd be dead".
He chuckled as she hit his shoulder "it's not even cold out there! Besides I said thank you earlier when I asked, you really should've worn a coat". He watched as she walked into the kitchen and set the popcorn down onto the counter "I didn't feel like wearing my coat, besides I survived and didn't die of hypothermia, I mean you could've walked with me".
Casey smiled "I was picking out movies for tonight, you could join me and Steven, and actually leave your room for once, instead of listening to music and staring outside your window you could watch a movie with me and Steven. It'll be fun and maybe for once you'll have a conversation with Steven that's not you insulting him because he likes football".
Corey groaned in annoyance "because football is lame! And he's always talking about it, every conversation starts with the word football and it gives me major headaches. I'd rather watch paint dry than sit in a room with him and watch a cheesy ass movie for two hours. Besides he doesn't even like me so I'd only get in the way of your precious time together".
Casey sighed deeply and he could see the way her eyebrow twitched in disappointment. She looked so much like their mother whenever she held that look on her face, it made Corey feel like a little kid. "Corey we would both enjoy your company, besides I promise Steven won't even mention football once, he actually wants to be your friend Corey. He's trying but you're the one who isn't interested in trying".
Corey rolled his eyes as he walked towards the stairs "you two lovebirds can watch movies, I'm going in my room and listening to music until I fall asleep, I'd only get in the way anyways". Casey watched as Corey ran up the stairs, he was so stubborn and it made her head feel so damn tense.
She hated watching her brother change into a completely different person, he used to be so vibrant and outgoing. Now he was so cold and distant and it made her heart hurt as she held in her tears. She looked down at the popcorn on the counter and she heard his bedroom door shut. It wasn't hard to smell the smoke of the cigarette as she walked towards the stairs, she looked at the top of the stairs so silently. She would've walked up the stairs and stopped him, or even just sat with him but she didn't. She let herself walk into the kitchen instead and she told herself she'd cheer Corey up in the morning, she'd do whatever it took to make him be himself again.
The sickening scream that ran throughout the house is what made Corey jump out of his bed. He felt the harshness of the ground sting his body as he rubbed at his face in discomfort. He blinked away the tiredness that ran along his eyelids as he frowned in confusion and looked at his door with concern. "Casey!" he pushed himself off the ground and moved towards his door, "are you deaf, turn the damn tv down!".
He pushed open his door and then he felt his heart sink in terror at the sight of blood coating his sister's bedroom door frame. The hinges were on the verge of snapping off as he heard her scream. His entire body felt like it was heightened as he ran towards her bedroom. He saw the figure before he could even process what was happening, Casey was covered in blood as she whimpered and pushed herself against her desk. The knife looked so sharp as she tried her best to keep it away from her skin and Corey was so damn scared as he ran towards the figure.
He screamed as he tackled them into the wall, he could feel his kneecap shift in discomfort as he pounded it into their side. "Fucking asshole! Stay the hell away from my sister!" he pushed them aggressively into the table beside Casey's bed and he could hear glass breaking. He turned so quickly as Casey cried and held herself "Casey go! Get the hell out of here!" he could feel the sting of pain hitting his stomach before he could even let out a breath.
He saw the way Casey's eyes raised with concern as he tasted the sourness of blood inside his mouth. He groaned as he looked down at the knife that pushed itself deeper into his stomach. He looked at the figure in front of him with fright as they tilted their head. They were almost enjoying the sight of his pain as he felt the blade shift more upward, it was so slow he couldn't even focus on breathing. He screamed out in agony as his hands gripped at the figures' wrists desperately. He gritted his teeth as he felt the blade rip itself out of his skin, "fucking... bitch".
He pinched his eyes shut for a splint second as he used whatever strength he held left to grasp tightly onto the figures thick black robe. He sneered angrily as he pushed them into the wall and then with one final wave of adrenaline he screamed as he rammed them both through Casey's window.
He felt the glass engrave itself into his face and arms as he tumbled down the roof and smacked into the grass below him. He cried out as he felt the bone in his arm snap, spit flew out of his mouth as he grasped tightly onto the arm and screamed. He looked around in a haze as he grew concerned when he saw the figure was gone "no.... Casey!". He had never felt such pain in his entire life, he limped along the grass as his fingers pressed into his stomach.
He felt so weak as he felt blood stain his clothes, he blinked away the sleepiness as he searched desperate for Casey. He let out a heavy breath as his head pounded, he shook his head so he could focus as he called out for Casey. He heard her screams and he felt his heart racing as he looked down at the body of Steven. He gagged in disgust as he looked away from the boy with sadness "holy shit....".
He let out a weak breath as he limped inside the house through the patio door. He winced as he felt shards of glass sink into his feet. He couldn't focus, his vision was going blurry, his hand kept shaking as he grabbed the phone off the counter. He whimpered as he pressed his fingers against the buttons, he clicked the number one when he felt the pressure of hands grasping his arm. He turned so fast he cried out as his stomach burned, he latched onto Casey desperately as she cried. He could feel the blood seeping into his skin as he let out a shaky breath "where are they?".
He whispered as he pushed Casey beside him protectively "outside...." Her voice cracked as she looked at Steven's body with sadness. "He's dead... Steven's dead..." she cried and Corey pushed her more behind him at the sight of the figure. "Stay the fuck back!" he groaned as he felt the pain lingering along his body "Case, don't look...".
He moved back slowly as his hold on Casey tightened, his eyes kept closing as he moved towards the front door. "Corey..." his hold on Casey loosened as he began to fall toward the ground. "Corey!" Casey cried out as she grasped his arm desperately "get up, please....".
He felt his knees give out as he fell into the wall, he groaned as he let out a heavy breath. He looked at Casey desperately "go,... just leave me here". He saw the despair in her eyes and the way her lips quivered as she clinged onto his arm. His eyes widened as she was grabbed and pulled back he reached forward "Casey!" he could hear her screams as he tried to stand up. His body kept falling towards the ground as his vision began to turn darker, he let out a loud cry as he fell onto the ground.
"C..Case..." his eyes closed slowly as he felt his body get exhausted, his breathing was so weak as he pressed his fingers into his stomach. He was alive, he was breathing, he just needed to get up, that's all he had to do, a simple action and yet he couldn't. He let out a weak cry as he heard one last scream from Casey "no no no no no no....". He was once again greeted by silence as he felt his heart turn cold.
authors notes:
welp, rewriting this was definitely still sad asf. A little fun fact actually, the beginning part of his chapter where Sidney and Corey speak is an outtake from the original book of this. That book would've started with Corey getting popcorn for Casey and running into Sidney where they talk and what not, it just felt right to add the outtakes into the rewritten version. I remember writing that part into the old version and then scrapping it with Corey and Sidney meeting at the hospital, this way just felt more better and I wish I started the old version this way. Maybe that's why the old one sucked so much, I just kept taking things out that added character development and interaction, anyways sorry for the long ass chapter I got carried away, anyways enjoy the first chapter of the rewrite!
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