chapter eight
Esme and Aries got out of Aries car approaching Nancy's house. It was the next morning and as promised the two showed up bright and early. They stopped seeing Nancy and Jonathan rush out from the side of the house and on cue Enzo crawled out of the window from his first floor room.
"What the hell is going on?" Aries asked watching as the three stormed towards them.
"We'll talk in the car get in!" Jonathan whisper yelled.
"What?! Just leave my car?!" Aries asked trailing behind them.
"Yes we'll come back for it later!" Jonathan shot back.
The five quickly got in. Jonathan and Nancy in the front and Esme, Aries, and Enzo in the back.
"You knew about all of this and decided to have my sister tell me?! That's why you guys were hanging out so much cause you were bonding over a monster" Enzo exclaimed.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know how to tell you! It's hard to even believe okay" Aries defended.
"I nearly passed out when I saw the photo. Aries that's from the night I drove you home and I have no recollection of any of that" Enzo said making Esme groan.
"Okay you've been caught up! You two argue later now I want to know why we rushed out and what happened last night!" Esme said banging Jonathan's seat.
"Esme" he groaned throwing himself back against the seat in hopes for her to stop.
"Last night we went into the woods and we heard these noises, we ended up finding this deer and it look like it'd been killed by a bear or something and— upon further investigation I found a tree and it had this hole in it like... with goo and I don't know. So I went in it" Nancy said making Esme and Aries gasp.
"Why would you go in there?!" Aries exclaimed holding onto Nancy's seat.
"Alone too?!" Esme huffed.
"Guys!" Nancy yelled trying to get the girls back on track. "I got stuck in there. I think— I was being chased by that thing that took Barb and Will. It was so dark and cold there... it was like another dimension" Nancy's voice began to crack and everyone fell silent feeling bad for her.
Enzo reached over placing a reassuring hand on his sisters shoulder.
"Anyways" Nancy cleared her throat. "I could hear Jonathan but I couldn't see him. Eventually I found the tree again and Jonathan pulled me out. We need to go back and kill this thing... for good" Nancy said making Esme scoff.
"How are we even supposed to do that?" Aries asked.
"We trap it, then... I don't know we shoot it, burn it, whatever we can to try and kill it" Nancy shrugged.
"I feel like this is so much bigger than any of us can even fathom. We don't know what we're walking into right now." Enzo sighed as Jonathan stopped the car.
"We at least have to try" Jonathan said looking at the four. "We have to try for my brother, for Barb. This thing is most likely coming after you next Aries. That photo has to be a warning. We have to stop it before it takes you or anyone else" Jonathan said making Aries shrink in her seat.
"Aries" Nancy said turning in her seat and looking back at the girl. "I don't want to scare you but when I was in there... I heard the creature shrieking and it for sure wasn't speaking. Words at least. But I also heard a different voice" Nancy said making a pit in Aries stomach grow.
"This voice was speaking. Actual words. It almost— it almost sounded like your name... I'm not entirely sure but I know I heard it" Nancy said.
Aries face grew hot as she tried to hold back her tears. "Get a fucking gun" Aries croaked out.
"On it!" Esme said quickly getting out the car.
Nancy and Jonathan were quick to follow her out leaving Enzo and Aries in the car.
Tears immediately started streaming down her face. Enzo was quick to wrap an arm around her and she fell into his shoulder sobbing. "I don't want to die! I'm too young!" Aries cried.
Enzo tried his hardest not to laugh at the statement but instead kept playing with her hair reassuringly. "You're not going too. You've got us to help you. Listen I just found out about this whole thing yesterday and I was hesitant about being involved. But when Nancy showed me that photo, that you could be in danger. I immediately was on board. You have so many people here that care about you, and I bet all of us would risk everything for you. You're not doing this alone." Enzo said making the girl sniffle.
"I don't want to get you guys hurt. Why does this thing even want me?! I've done nothing!" Aries sat up throwing her hands around.
She wasn't so scared anymore, now she was mad.
"Evil doesn't care about what you've done, they just take. Maybe there's nothing too it, maybe you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and it found you" Enzo said sending chills down Aries spine.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about any of this, and I'm sorry for dragging you into it" Aries sighed leaning her head back on Enzo's shoulder.
She was feeling guilty now. Even he said he wouldn't have joined this if it wasn't for her, and now knowing what she knows. She'd be risking his life and her friends. So they could what? Protect her? Find Will and Barb? Someone was gonna pay for all of this.
"Don't apologize. None of this is your fault. You didn't choose this. We're all here because we want to help one way or another. We want to help you, and Will, and Barb. None of you chose this" Enzo placed a kiss on Aries forehead as she stared off.
None of this should be happening. Nothing ever happened in Hawkins. Why was something happening now, and to her and her friends. Why couldn't it be another group of people?!
"Do you think we can actually kill it?" Aries asked lifting her head and her glassy eyes met Enzo's.
A look of doubt filled his face. "I think anything that has flesh can bleed. We just gotta find out" Enzo shrugged.
The two sat in the car for another ten minutes waiting for Esme, Jonathan, and Nancy to return. They spoke of the date Enzo promised to take her on when this was all over. That gave her hope that maybe she'd live. The two perked up seeing the three approach the car and place stuff in the trunk.
Esme opened the car door sliding in. "I don't know why you guys let me go in there alone with them... I felt like their daughter. They were asking me which gun I liked best! I don't think any of them are pretty!" Esme complained.
Aries smiled at her best friend nudging her shoulder. "I want a pink gun. Can you get me one of those?" Esme asked looking between Enzo and Aries.
"I'm not buying you of all people a gun" Aries scoffed.
Esme's face twisted as she stared at Aries with hurt and shock. "Good. Cause you'd be my first victim with that attitude" Esme snapped making Aries roll her eyes.
Before the two could further argue they heard Jonathan banging loudly on the car. They looked back through the windshield to see Jonathan and Nancy rushing off.
Aries was the first to get out the car and follow after her friends. Enzo and Esme weren't far behind.
Aries running began to slow down seeing Jonathan and Nancy stop to look up at something. Aries eyes trailed up finally making it to them.
'Starring Nancy the SLUT Wheeler'
Was spray painted on the movie theater sign. Aries covered her mouth in shock watching as Nancy stormed off.
"Who did this?!" Esme asked in disbelief. "Why would someone do this?" Esme asked looking over at Jonathan who looked down.
"What happened?" Aries asked looking at him.
"I just slept over her house last night. That was it. I couldn't leave her alone" Jonathan defended.
"Jonathan it's okay" Aries reassured placing a hand on his shoulder. "Did anyone come by? Did anyone see you guys?" Aries questioned.
Jonathan stared off shaking his head.
"Let's go find Nancy." Enzo said grabbing ahold of Aries hand and dragging her into the alleyway Nancy walked into.
Jonathan was ahead of them so he was blocking Aries view. But she knew those voices. At least she recognized two of them.
"Speak of the Devil" Tommy H laughed as Carol chimed in.
Aries heart began to race immediately knowing what this was and who did it.
Steve Harrington and his barbarians.
Aries, Esme, and Enzo came into view making Tommy H laugh even more.
"And here come the rest of the losers club" he pointed out waving at Aries. She quickly glared at him looking at Steve.
Steve's eyes were glued on Jonathan and he stared at him harshly.
"You came by last night" Nancy exhaled realizing what this was all about.
"Ding ding ding" Brooke another one of Steve's minions chimmed in.
"Does she get a prize?" Carol asked sarcastically.
Steve glanced over at Aries and she didn't see any light in his eyes. He was pure cold. Her face was filled with disbelief. She had some hope that Steve had good in him, especially for Nancy and then he does this. He ruins it all.
Nancy's eyes followed Steve's gaze and she scoffed looking between the two. "You're a real hypocrite" Nancy snapped.
Aries cheeks grew red knowing what Nancy was implying. It was the same thing Enzo implied yesterday. That Steve Harrington had hidden feelings for her.
Aries could tell Enzo knew what Nancy was going on about cause his hand stiffened in her grip.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I did nothing" Steve spat getting close to her face.
"Like going over to her house and not telling me? I had to hear about it from my brother. It doesn't matter if you did anything just by that look I can tell!" Nancy yelled.
Aries dropped Enzo's hand looking over at him upset. His eyes stood on the ground too ashamed to look over at Aries.
"Nothing happened! Even if I wanted it to you know saint Aries wouldn't let anything happen" Steve said glancing over at her.
"Fuck you" Aries spat
Steve chuckled looking back at Nancy. Nancy wasn't upset at Aries what so ever. She knew Aries didn't reciprocate any feelings. But now she was doubting Steve.
"This has nothing to do with her so let's not even bring that up" Steve said making Nancy scoff. "This is about you having another guy in your room!" Steve's head bobbled to the side as he grew more irritated.
"Look I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't like that" Nancy defended.
"What so you just let him into your room to what..." Steve trailed off breaking his eye contact with Nancy and look over at Aries. "Study" he finished making Aries blood run cold.
Enzo scoffed smiling to himself. It wasn't a pleased smile. Steve quickly looked back at Nancy with no expression on his face.
"Or for another Pervy photo session" Tommy H joked chewing on his gum obnoxiously making Carol and Brooke laugh.
"Shut up" Esme snapped at the boy holding onto Jonathan's arm. More so to hold herself back.
"We were just!—" Nancy stuttered.
"You were just what? Finish that sentence" Steve interrupted. "Finish the sentence" Steve's voice lowered as he got closer to Nancy looking down at her.
Nancy stood quiet breathing heavily. Aries arms were now crossed as she looked at the scene.
Not another word came out of Nancy Wheelers mouth. It for sure looked bad for her but Steve didn't know the context, and she couldn't tell him the context.
"Go to hell Nancy" Steve mumbled turning away.
"Come on, Nancy let's just leave" Jonathan said stepping forward and grabbing her arm and tugging them back.
Esme, Enzo, and Aries began to follow.
"You know what Byers I'm actually kinda impressed" Steve turned around following the group. "I always took you for a queer" Steve shoved Jonathan making him stumble.
Aries and Esme immediately stopped staring harshly at Steve.
"But I guess you're just a little screw up like your father" Steve smacked Jonathan's back once again as he tried to push his friends away from the scene.
"Oh yeah yeah yeah, that house is full of screw ups. I guess I really shouldn't be surprised a bunch of screw ups in your family" Steve antagonized continuing to push Jonathan around.
"Jonathan leave it" Nancy said realizing Jonathan was now frozen and she could tell he wanted to hit Steve.
Steve's voice began to blur out and Aries got angrier as he listed Jonathan's family members. As soon as Steve brought up Will Aries stormed forwards punching him right in the jaw.
Everyone fell silent as Steve hurled over against a metal pole trying to collect himself. Aries panted heavily holding onto her fist waiting for Steve to turn around.
He slowly turned to Aries staring at her in shock. "Has anyone ever told you to shut the fuck up at least once in your life" Aries spat.
Steve stared at Aries blankly. "You're a screw up too Aries. I'm just waiting for you to notice. Your dads a drunk and your mom abandoned you... maybe that's why you get on so well with Byers" Steve mumbled harshly.
Aries breath hitched as her nose twitched. She didn't know whether to cry or be angry hearing that come from him.
He knew she hated being called that. He had defended her when people use to make fun of her for her father being a drunk and her mother leaving. And now he called her it.
No remorse on his face he stood cold.
Aries swallowed harshly, tears at the brim of her eyes fighting their way out. "Screw you" Aries voice cracked turning away. That was the only thing she was able to squeak out. Her mind was racing at his comment but she still couldn't come up with a clever comment to put him in his place. All she was thinking about was his words. screw up.
Steve's face faltered for a quick second, he stepped forwards to try and reach for her arm but Jonathan was quick to move in punching Steve.
Aries immediately turned back around hearing the scuffle. The two froze grasping what Jonathan just did. Then within seconds they were on the ground punching and pushing each other around.
"Steve!" Nancy yelled.
"Get off of him!" Aries yelled watching in horror.
"Enzo do something!" Esme yelled nudging him.
Enzo was quick to react but was immediately pushed back by Steve sending him crashing to the floor. Aries helped him up not taking her eyes away from Steve and Jonathan.
"Knock it off you guys!" Carol yelled.
"Kick his ass man!" Tommy H said encouragingly.
The girls voices filled the area as they pleaded for the two to stop. They watched as they flipped over and eventually stood up.
"Get in there he's gonna hurt himself!" Carol complained.
Tommy H stepped In between the two trying to hold Jonathan back. Enzo immediately stepped forward pushing Tommy H back. "Don't touch him man" Enzo scoffed.
"Hey get outta here, get outta here" Steve said holding a hand up at the two signaling for them to stop.
Tommy H laughed pointing at Enzo. "Only this time Wheeler" he smiled stepping back.
Enzo immediately walked back over towards Aries side. Aries watched in horror as the boys swung, two back to back punches at each other.
Jonathan's punch had a little more force. Steve's nose began to bleed and he stumbled back holding onto it. Aries eyes widened now seeing the blood.
"Jonathan stop!" Nancy yelled.
"There's blood! There's blood! Stop! Stop!" Aries begged covering her eyes.
She could hear grunts and the girls pleading for Jonathan to stop. That was the word of the day apparently. Stop.
Aries uncovered her eyes now seeing Jonathan on top of Steve repeatedly punching him. Cop sirens went off making Aries grow more worried.
"Jonathan stop! Get off!" Esme yelled.
Aries looked back hearing a car engine watching Officer Callahan and Officer Powell pull in to the alley.
"Cops!" Tommy H yelled.
"Jonathan really get off!" Aries screamed watching Steve's face bruise up more and more as blood flew out his mouth.
Aries stepped forwards trying to push Jonathan off, Nancy joined her side but nothing worked. Jonathan continued to punch Steve.
Carol and Brooke ran off.
"He's had enough man!" Tommy H said grabbing ahold of Jonathan. "I said he's had enough!" Tommy H yelled as Jonathan pushed him away.
"Kids alright!" Officer Powell yelled stepping out the car.
Enzo was now in the middle trying to pull Jonathan off but his grip was too strong. Officer Callahan approached from behind trying to pull at Jonathan's jacket.
Jonathan was quick to shove an elbow back smacking Callahan right in the nose and sending him crashing against the car.
"Ow my nose!"
Officer Powell pulled Jonathan off and Tommy H lifted Steve off the ground. Aries and Esme grabbed ahold of each other watching Jonathan get slammed against the car and cuffed.
They turned to see Steve and Tommy H run off. Officer Callahan tried to chase after them but they were too fast.
Aries placed her head in her hands watching everything.
"You two in my car now!" Officer Powell yelled pointing at Aries and Esme.
They knew better than to argue. Aries looked at Nancy and Enzo. He had his arm wrapped around her and she was crying into his arm.
"Come on" Aries mumbled grabbing Esme and walking towards the car.
Usually you're not allowed in the back of a cruiser if you're not being arrested but this was different. She might as well be getting arrested because the wrath she was about to face with her father.
Esme's mom was not gonna be happy about this either. The two slid into the car and watched as Jonathan was pushed into the back besides them.
"You're such an idiot" Esme scoffed slapping his knee.
"Ow!" Jonathan groaned glaring at her.
"Why didn't you stop!" Esme yelled.
Jonathan stood silent looking down. "I couldn't. After all that stuff he said about my family. I just couldn't" Jonathan mumbled.
Aries sighed leaning her head against the window. "If this creature doesn't kill us, my dad definitely will" Aries mumbled.
The group sat up straight watching Officer Powell and Officer Callahan get into the car.
"We're calling your dad, get ready kid" Officer Callahan exhaled pulling out his walkie.
Aries groaned hitting her head against the window.
"Hey chief?" Callahan said into the walkie.
"Yeah go ahead" Hoppers voice filled the car.
"Yeah a fight broke out here and—" Officer Callahan was quickly interrupted by Aries father.
"Cal, I don't have time for this" Hopper sighed.
"It's Jonathan Byers... you haven't seen Joyce have ya?" Callahan asked. "Also it's Aries" Callahan added in afraid of the chiefs response.
"What?! Where is she?" Hopper yelled.
"Say hi to your dad for me kiddo" Callahan said holding the walkie back.
Aries sighed leaning forwards, "Hi dad." She muttered nervously.
"I'm on my way don't you let that girl out of your sight!" He yelled into the walkie.
"Copy" Callahan said clicking the walkie off.
authors note.
More and more juiciness, and more and more of Steve being a jerk :) I love the little squad Nancy, Aries, Esme, Jonathan and Enzo have formed! Not a lot of Steve being nice this season but we'll get there soon!! Hope u enjoyed!!
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