38, where's chase?


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Emilia was very confused. I mean, after training with Donald while the others were on a mission, she wanted to know why the others were excluding Chase out. She could tell by the way she looked at him, their actions took an affect on him. She just hoped, he wouldn't do anything stupid or something that would get him hurt to prove he was good enough.

Oh how wrong she was.

Sitting in the lab, the group were hanging around as they had to watch Donald demonstrate another one of his inventions. "Okay, guys, say hello to my latest invention, the Cryo-Blaster. This thing can freeze anything in a nanosecond."

"Bravo, Big D." Leo applauded sarcastically. "You invented ice." Emilia snickered at the look the man gave him before he corrected. "No, invented a way for astronauts to travel to distant galaxies while frozen in suspended animation."

"Which is a fancy way of saying 'ice'." Leo chimed in, making Donald grunt in annoyance before grabbing Adam's glass and placed it on the cyberdesk. "All right, here, let me demonstrate. You guys might want to step back because the ray from the Cryo-Blaster freezes everything it touches." He zapped the device onto the glass making it freeze into an ice block.

Leo sighed, stepping closer as he looked to the group of four. "Can someone please tell this dude he's making ice?" He questioned, making Donald roll his eyes.

"Look, every space program in the world is gonna want one of these. I just need the element to fuel them: Cytanium." Donald continued to explain, bringing a map up on the cyberdesk. "And it's only found here. I'm sending you on a mission to the most remote part of Antarctica."

"As opposed to bustling downtown Antarctica?"

Donald sighed at Bree as Chase nodded his head before chiming in. "No worries, Mr Davenport. We've been to way worse places than Antarctica."

Adam chuckled. "Oh, yeah. Remember Bakersfield?"

"Oh, yeah." They all groaned.

Donald sighed. "Look, with your bionics, you should be able to swoop in and-" He was interrupted by the computer beeping. "Oh, no. There's a massive storm headed there."

"So, who cares? We just dealt with a storm." The youngest Davenport sibling said, looking at Donald confusingly.

Donald shook his head to correct him. "No, this is a category five. It's much more dangerous. I can't believe this. I'm gonna have to call off the mission."

"Wha- no! There's plenty of time before the center of the storm hits." Chase tried to point out, but Donald wasn't changing his mind. "It's just not worth the risk. I just hope the storm doesn't collapse the glacier." Donald sighed, going to walk out the lab.

"But if that happens, you'll lose the Cytanium forever." Chase reminded him, making the man sigh as he threw his arms out to the sides. "I know." He walked out the lab, leaving Chase to call after him. "But we can do this."

Bree scoffed. "Stand down, flash glue. You heard the man. No one is going, not even Hustle and Muscle." She told him, making Emilia sigh in annoyance before scoffing. "Yeah. And 'Muscle' could use some help." She pointed out, gesturing to Adam who had his tongue stuck to the ice block. Bree shook her head before ripping the ice block off his tongue making him groan in pain.

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Emilia was sleeping in her room when she began twisting and turning, many voices ringing through her head as it was giving her a warning.


Sitting up on the bed, she opened her mouth and let the scream build up from her toes, and fly up her body before it escapes her throat, the loud ear piercing scream echoing around the house.

She needed to do something before whatever situation Chase was in got even worse, where she could lose him for good.

She opened her bedroom door and ran out, and because Janelle was in the house, she had to run normally. She was so focused on what was wrong, that she hadn't noticed Janelle frozen in an ice block, with Leo looking freaked out.

"Chase? Chase!" She heard Donald call out as she entered the lab. A frown fell on her face when Bree stated. "There was a major avalanche at Chase's coordinates."

Donald shut the cyberdesk off. "He may still be alive, but we don't have much time." He said, before stopping in his tracks seeing Emilia stood by the doors, as Adam and Bree ran out.

"Is Chase okay?" Donald asked the banshee with a frown on his face, after hearing the scream coming from the girl.

Emilia sighed deeply. "If you mean by alive? Yes. But, I'm not so sure about how he's feeling emotionally." She answered, making Donald let out a breath of relief, but kept the frown on his face.

Emilia grabbed an earpiece before joining in on the com-set. Adam and Bree had arrived and was looking around for their brother. "Any sign of him?" Donald asked, making Bree sigh before telling them. "Nothing."

"I can't find a heat signature anywhere." Adam said to his sister who scoffed out a breath. "Well, how could he not be here? This was Chase's exact location." Bree sighed.

"There's only one explanation: he met a family of Eskimos who took him in as their pet because he's the exact same size as a penguin." Adam thought out loud, making Emilia roll her eyes.

"Adam. Now's not the time for jokes." Emilia scolded him.

"He's not here. Let's move South." Bree said to her brother before Donald stopped them. "No, guys, that's it. There could be another avalanche any minute. I'm... I'm calling off the rescue."


"No way! I'm not leaving without my brother!"

"Adam's right. You can't give up." Emilia pointed out, her eyes glossed over in worry. "Wait! That's Chase's comm set. He was here. We have to keep looking." They heard Bree say on the com-set.

"Guys, I'm serious. Get out of there!" Donald instructed, just as Emilia's eyes glowed a bright blue hue, hearing a rumbling sound. "Guys! Go, now!" She yelled before Bree grabbed onto Adam and super speeded away. All that was left was tears to spill in Emilia's eyes. Donald sighed, looking towards the girl before pulling her into a hug, letting her cry into his chest.

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Once Adam and Bree returned, they walked back into the lab with frowns on their faces as Donald tried to reassure them. "Don't give up, guys. There's still a chance we can find him." They stopped in their tracks, shocked as they found the boy standing by the cyberdesk. "Chase!" Donald called out in relief.

Sharing the same reaction, Bree chimed in while saying. "You're alive."

"Yeah, but he's not alone." Emilia informed, getting a strong scent that wasn't Chase's. She was proven right as Douglas Davenport walked out from behind, making Adam gasp. "It's evil uncle Daddy!"

Emilia growled, glowing her blue eyes as she demanded. "Get away from him."

Donald nodded along. "She's right. Back away from him, Chase."

"It's too late, Donald. He's with me, now." The man smirked, wrapping his arm around Chase before pulling him in closer. Emilia's eyes changed back to their normal colour as she furrowed her brows in confusion.

"What?" Donald questioned, not believing what he was hearing. "Chase, what's going on?" Bree asked her brother, looking at him with the same reaction. Emilia huffed out a breath, looking at the two behind the cyberdesk as Douglas continued to smirk. "It's true. I've finally taken back what was stolen from me." He told them.

Chase could feel Emilia's eyes on him, but he couldn't lock eyes with her. He wanted to look anyway else but her, as he didn't want to see the look of betrayal crossing over her face. But, he had to keep up the act for his plan to work.

Leo ran into the lab, not having seen Douglas, as his attention was turned to Donald. "All right, Big D. I know I'm not supposed to touch your stuff, but you know how sometimes things happen, and sometimes things happen when you really don't want them to happen, and that just happens to be what just happened. Upstairs." He ranted.

They all sent him pointed looks as Emilia and Donald pointed towards the direction of where Leo should look, making the young teen scream seeing Douglas right next to him.

"Whatever you're up to, Douglas, you're not gonna get away with it." Donald told his brother before a beeping sound was heard.

"I just did." Douglas corrected him, moving to stand behind the cyber desk. "The download's finished. I now have the power to give Chase all three bionic abilities." He continued to brag.

"You see..." Emilia sighed, turning to look at the three beside her. "This is what happens when you put down my boyfriend!" She mentioned, making them frown before Douglas added. "And now no one will be able to stop us."

"Actually they can." Chase informed him, making them furrow their brows at his sudden change of act. "That USB drive you're holding is completely useless." He said, making Douglas' face drop, as he looked down at it.

"What?! Well then what just took an hour and a half to download?!" Douglas questioned, as Emilia smiled, glad that Chase didn't take his side. "A list of everything Adam's ever eaten." He informed the man, making Adam gasp. "Not my incredible edibles!"

"You double-crossed me." Douglas pointed his finger at Chase, who narrowed his eyes at him before questioning. "Did you really think I would betray my own family?"

"Well, it's always worked for me." Douglas said, throwing his arms out. "Even if you could offer me every ability there is, I would never go to your side. We're a team. And teams never quit on each other." Chase seethed, making Emilia lightly chuckle.

"All right! You got me." Douglas chuckled. "What do you say we just... put all this behind us and get down to the business of healing this family? Am I right? Bring it in, people. Let's hug it out." He said, making Adam step forward but Emilia put out her arm to stop him. "Well you know what they say... if you can't join 'em-" Douglas said, pulling something out from his pocket.

"Get down!" Chase called out, as Emilia ran to Leo, making sure he was out the way and Chase zapped the Cryo-Blaster at Douglas before he could shoot his weapon, making the man freeze into an ice block.

"Wow! You froze him!" Leo gasped, making Emilia sigh. "Wow. Great observation, Leo." She said sarcastically, before remembering what he was talking about earlier. "So, what was this problem that you were rambling on about earlier?" She questioned, making him purse his lips as he moved to the other side of Chase.

"Now, exactly how would someone go about unfreezing someone?" He questioned, looking nervously at the group. "Cause it is not the button located here, here, here, here, here, or here."

Chase sighed before moving to approach Donald while saying. "Mr Davenport, I'm so sorry. I know I should have warned you about Douglas. I just knew that if I could get him back here, then we could trap him for good."

Donald placed his hand on his shoulder. "Good work, Chase. You make a great double agent." He complimented, making the teen smile. "Thank you. Oh, and I almost forgot." He added, pulling a bag out of his pocket. "Here's your Cytanium."

Donald gasped, seeing the bag before snatching it out of his hand. "Oh! Money, money, money, money, money!" He danced around in happiness, continuing to say the word 'money' to himself.

"So, what are we gonna do with frozen Uncle Dougie?" Bree questioned as Donald made funny faces at him. "I don't know- we could probably ship him off to one of my offshore facilities. Or we could get some rock salt and make the evilest batch of ice cream ever." Donald suggested.

"Speaking of the 'unfreeze' button..." Leo spoke up with a nervous smile, in which Chase shook his head. "We weren't speaking of the 'unfreeze' button." He mentioned, making Leo purse his lips. "Well, we probably should." He said.

"He froze Tasha and Janelle." Emilia clarified, making Donald widen his eyes at the mention of his wife. "What?!"

Leo narrowed his eyes at his best friend before sarcastically saying. "Thank you, Emilia."

She smiled sweetly at him. "You're welcome, Leo." She lightly chuckled before skipping out the lab to go upstairs with the others following.

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hope you enjoyed reading this
chapter! if you have any questions
about this book please do not hesitate
to ask and i will do my best to answer
without spoiling too much. thanks
for reading, i love you all!! <33

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