84, the incapacitator
CHAPTER EIGHTY-FOUR, lab rats vs mighty med part one
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You'd think being the boyfriend to Emilia Hunter for almost two years, would know, never to wake her up early unless she had a reason to. But, here she was, half-asleep at 5:30 in the morning, being dragged into the Mentors Headquarters by a very ecstatic Chase, who stopped in the room, looking around at Adam, Bree and Leo who were still fast asleep, before he burst with excitement, and the scream quickly disrupted his three siblings from their slumber. Leo fell off the small couch he was sleeping on, with a shriek, as the doors to Adam and Bree's capsules opened. "Guys, wake up!" He started jumping for joy. "We did it! We did it! We did it!"
Frustrated by his early awakening, Leo mimicked his movements with a glare. "We were sleeping! We were sleeping! We were sleeping!"
Emilia was wide awake now, standing next to Leo as her boyfriend ran around him to stand in front of Adam and Bree, when the latter turned to her brother. "Chase, it is 5:30 in the morning, what's going on?" She wondered, hoping he had a good reason to wake them all up at this time.
The elated grin remained on his face as he started to explain to them all. "It took five years, but Mr. Davenport and I finally cracked it. We created a new technology that's gonna revolutionise the way that the world gets its energy. Aaaah!"
Adam hoped he was kidding, but knowing Chase, he wasn't. "Did he just wake us up to talk about science?" He glanced down at his sister.
Bree pursed her lips in annoyance, before calling out to the Hunter girl. "Emilia, I don't care where you hit him, just make it hurt."
Chase pretended to miss the threatening look in his girlfriend's eyes as he beckoned for everyone to follow him. "Come on!" He ran over to Emilia to throw her over his shoulder, before he carried on his way out the room, as she squealed.
The others reluctantly followed them into a room where Donald was waiting, standing in front of a glass case with a transponder inside. Chase stood beside him, with a grin on his face as he gestured to their project in front of him. "Here she is. The DavenChase energy transponder."
"So, uh," Bree walked around the couple, to stand next to Donald, looking up at him with her brows raised. "what does it do?"
"It's kind of like Leo's transference ability." Chase answered for him. "It wirelessly harnesses energy from sources around it, then stores it, so it's the ultimate power source."
"Oh, cool." Adam grinned. "I've been looking for a new phone charger. Crack her open and juice me up."
His words managed to get a small chuckle out of Emilia, considering how tired she was. "It's not a phone charger, Adam." Donald had corrected the boy. "It's a billion dollar piece of technology. This little device packs enough punch to power an entire skyscraper."
Adam continued to look baffled. "So, what'll that get me, like fifteen hours of talk time?"
Donald stared at the energy transponder that had captivated him. "Right now, this is just a one-of-a-kind prototype but soon, the entire world will run on my technology."
"Uh," Chase stepped past the girls as he looked at the man like he was crazy, gesturing between the both of them. "I think you mean our technology."
"Yeah," Donald nodded at him. "my technology. Here, let me show you how it works. For security reasons, we're keeping it in this impenetrable cube that can only be opened with my retina scan." He leaned down to position his eye directly in line of the camera, as he demonstrated a retina scan that was confirmed, before he opened up the case.
"Eye am impressed." Leo chuckled at the pun he just made. "Get it. 'Cause he has to use his eye to open the thing."
Donald slowly walked over, cooing over the small object as he carefully set the energy transponder down onto a lower table. "Careful, careful." Chase quietly warned him not to drop it, and joined the man by crouching down next to him, and stared at the object with a smile. "Isn't it amazing?"
"Yeah," Emilia awkwardly trailed off, and pointed to herself. "eye am not impressed." The blue-eyed girl commented, while using the same wordplay Leo had used moments prior.
"See?" The Dooley boy pointed over at his friend with a beaming smile, when he caught her using his wordplay.
Bree watched the energy transponder and pursed her lips when she noticed the small object wasn't doing anything. "It's not doing anything—"
"It's harvesting energy!" Chase snapped.
Adam winced. "Ah, sorry. But all I see is a phone charger." He pointed out, before gasping. "Does it come with a cute little carrying case?"
Chase stood up straight to face his brother. "Okay Adam, still think it's a phone charger? Go ahead, put your phone on there." He told Adam, wanting to prove to his older brother that it was nothing like a phone charger. Otherwise, he will continue asking.
"Thank you. Don't mind if I do." Adam placed the phone on the energy transponder, and a moment later, the girls ducked down as the mobile phone blasted off the transponder and almost hit them.
Chase turned to his brother. "You still think it's a phone charger?"
"Nope." Adam shook his head with a smile on his face, mixed with relief and smugness, holding his actual phone that he hid in his pocket, in his left hand. "I'm just glad I tried it on your phone instead of mine."
"Ooh." The girls chorused before following Adam out of the room with Leo behind them.
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The next day, Donald focused on the DavenChase energy transponder presentation. Leo chose to go with him and Chase, volunteering to help out by being the camera person — leaving Emilia, Adam and Bree together.
The girls stood in the common area talking, when Adam entered the room, pushing the laundry cart with a frustrated groan. "How come I always get stuck on laundry duty?"
Emilia and Bree strolled over to Adam with their brows knitted together, when his sister reminded him. "You volunteered, remember? So, you could play your little 'guess the stain' game."
"Oh, yeah." Adam nodded at that, his lips tugged up into a small grin when he looked down at the laundry cart in front of him. "Ooh, this is a good one." He picked up a yellow-coloured shirt in his hands and sniffed it, to identify what the shirt he was holding smelt like. "Ah. Grape jelly and tuna. Healthy. Must be Bob's."
"Adam, come on. We need to go and get ready for training." Emilia announced through a sigh. Now that, Donald and Chase were finished with their presentation, the training area was now available to use for training.
"Wait a minute, I'm not done." Adam stopped the girls, before sniffing the orange-coloured shirt in his hands and scrunched his nose in disgust with a groan. "That smells horrible. But how does it taste?"
Just as he went to lick the t-shirt, Emilia took the piece of clothing out of his hands as Bree shouted his name. "Adam!" She grabbed his hand to drag him out of the common area, as Emilia followed behind, just in time for them to miss the arrival of two boys with unfamiliar faces coming through a wormhole.
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Emilia was sat on the floor by the table in front of the small couch that Bree was situated on, as they exchanged words about the training session they have just had with the girls. The banshee clicked her tongue, tapping the pen that was between her fingers, onto the table. "I'd say she has improved since last week. Wouldn't—"
"Hmm?" Bree looked back at her best-friend with her brows furrowed, wondering why the brunette didn't finish her sentence. "Um, yeah. I'd say she has. Who are we talking about again?" She asked, but received no response. Emilia stood up to her feet, with her back facing Bree, so she wasn't able to see the blue glow in Emilia's eyes. "Em? You okay?"
Emilia finally turned around, with her bright blue eyes glued to the doorway, causing the Davenport girl to fall into shock when she realised what was happening to her. "Chase." Emilia muttered all of a sudden, before speeding out of the room.
"Oh God." A worried Bree exhaled deeply, before speeding after Emilia to find out what was wrong, presumably with Chase, considering his name was the last thing she heard come out of Emilia's mouth before she left. Soon, she found the couple in the transponder room, with Chase on the floor and Emilia hovered over him, telling him to wake up. "Emmy..."
"Bree! Go and get the others." The teary-eyed girl urged for her to quickly alert Donald, Adam, and Leo, about Chase being injured. "I've got him. It's okay."
"On it." The Davenport girl nodded, and with her super-speed, Bree rushed out of the transponder room to notify the other three of the emergency.
Emilia flickered her eyes back down to Chase and softly tapped his cheek. "Come on, bub. Wake up for me. Please." Finally, the boy started to regain consciousness as his eyes fluttered open, causing Emilia to release a relieved breath. "Thank God, you're okay." She mumbled, leaning down to kiss him before he could even get a chance to respond to her.
When Emilia pulled away from him, Chase's eyes began to flutter yet again, until his vision became more clear and he was met with the soft smile on his girlfriend's face. "Lia?" His voice was hoarse, bearing in mind he was just unconscious.
"Hi." She spoke in a gentle tone, before tilting her head at him. "You okay? Do you wanna sit up and tell me what happened?"
The Davenport boy slowly nodded, letting Emilia offer her hand to help him sit up, when everyone came running in. "Chase!" Bree cried, as her and Adam rushed over to crouch down on either side of the couple.
"What happened?" Donald asked.
Chase moved his hand away from his eye, placing it on Emilia's thigh as he replied. "I was showing the transponder to a potential buyer."
"You brought a complete stranger in here?"
Chase didn't answer him, and chose to elaborate instead. "The guy blasted me with some kind of energy force."
Donald looked around, and noticed the glass case that the energy transponder was in, was nowhere to be seen. "Where's the transponder?"
Leo followed his steps. "He must have taken it."
"Great." Donald tutted in disappointment, before looking down at the boy with a huff. "Chase, what were you thinking?!"
Emilia scoffed at his words. "How about asking if he's okay first?" She understood that the energy transponder was an important device, but Chase should be the priority. Not one of them had asked if he was okay, and the missing transponder was what made Donald snap, when it should've been the furthest thing from his mind.
She was helping Chase off the ground, who didn't give Donald the opportunity to answer the girl as he chimed in himself. "And, I don't know! Maybe that you made a deal without me, so I was going to make a better deal without you!" He knew now that it was wrong, especially making a deal with a stranger, but he got tired of Donald belittling him throughout the project, because he still couldn't control his stupid ego and handle sharing credit.
Adam patted him on the shoulder. "Well, if your deal was to get knocked out and robbed, you did a bang-up job."
"We need to find the guy who did this." Leo said to everyone.
"It wasn't just some guy." Chase told them. "That energy blast wasn't human."
"Okay, then what was he?" Adam threw his arm out to the side. "Bionic? An android?" He gasped loudly. "What if he's an evil spirit from a galaxy far away?! We're no match for a space ghost!"
Bree turned to her father. "So we don't know who we're dealing with or what he's capable of." She stated.
"I'll contact the authorities." Donald announced to the team. "Get in your mission suits. This guy could still be on the island. Until further notice, everyone's on high alert."
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Emilia was pacing back and forth in the Mentors Headquarters, dressed in her mission suit, as she listened to Donald speak on the phone, informing the authorities about the situation. "I don't know who this guy is, but he's a major threat. Just have everyone at the FBI be on lookout."
"Uhhh..." As Emilia quavered, this caused Donald to divert his eyes over to the brunette after he put the phone down. His brows were furrowed when he noticed her eyes going past him, like there was something behind him. "Davenport."
Donald spun around to see what was concerning her, not expecting to see an unfamiliar man, who appeared to be wearing a suit that contained the colours black and two shades of green, along with the energy transponder in the case that rested on his left arm. It looks like they've finally found the culprit. "You're the guy who attacked Chase."
Emilia hurried over to stand next to Donald when the stranger finally introduced himself. "They call me the Incapacitator." His voice was gravelly.
The Hunter girl squinted her eyes, before waving her arms around. "And they call me Emilia." She mocked the tone in his voice, and the expression on the Incapacitator's face hardened.
"Really?" Donald raised a brow, referring to what the man just introduced himself as. "Is that, like, on your driver's licence and everything? What do you want with my transponder?"
The villain then went on to explain. "Right now, I can touch any power source and transfer the energy into my body. The problem is, that energy runs out."
Emilia turned to the billionaire inventor, with her finger pointed towards the villain. "You see? This guy needs a charger." She commented, which got a nod from Donald, knowing she was referring to when they got them all up at 5:30 in the morning the day before, to show the team the transponder that Adam believed was a phone charger.
"Also, have you tried juices?" The Davenport man wondered. Donald had decided to play along with the banshee's tactic to wind the man up. "I mean, there's this great kiwi-kale blend, or seaweed and berries. Pineapple-mint—" The Incapacitator got fed up and interrupted him by lifting him off the ground by his shirt. "Okay."
Emilia quickly stepped in. "Whoa, cool it with the violence, dude." She said, urging him to drop the Davenport man down onto his feet, which he did just that, with a grunt leaving his lips. "Don't you know that it's never the answer."
Donald put an arm out in front of Emilia, though, the Incapacitator didn't respond to her words, as his attention was now on the human, and put the focus back onto the previous subject, the energy transponder. "Since you've created a way for me to obtain energy wirelessly, I can continuously absorb it from everything around me and never have to recharge."
Donald pulled a face. "Well, thanks for explaining how my own technology works." He responded in a sarcastic manner. "What do you think you're going to do with it?"
The man wore a smirk during his explanation on his plan. "I'm going to drain the entire planet of all its energy and become the most powerful being in the world. Open this case. Now."
Emilia shook her head and tuttered. "Well, that's not very nice. You forgot to say please." Noticing the look that Donald was giving her, as a warning because of the infuriated expression on the man's face, Emilia pursed her lips awkwardly. "I'll stop talking now."
"Never." Davenport brought the man's attention back onto him. "That's an impenetrable polymer, and the only way into that case is using my retina scan." At the accidental reveal on how to open up the glass case, the Incapacitator instantly smiled at him, making Donald realise what he had said, and Emilia facepalmed. "I mean, there is no way to get in that case." But, it was too late for him to try and recover what he had done, and the fear in him rose up. "I don't suppose you're going to give me a running head start, are you?"
"Go!" Emilia exclaimed, and pushed him in front of her as they both ran to jump over the rocks, at the same time, the Incapacitator shot out a blast at the two. "Not on my watch, Electro!" Was the last thing that Emilia yelled, before they began to fight.
Meanwhile, with the remaining members of their team, Adam was first to step forward, instigating the fight with the three superheroes, but nobody has figured that out yet, as both teams assumed the opposing one was working with the Incapacitator.
Everyone continued to fight each other, until they were interrupted by the monitor in the common area switching on. "Guys, help!" The bionic super humans and superheroes were instantly met with a panicked Donald, who had managed to call for help as he laid on the floor.
"Big D!" Leo rushed over to the monitor as all the others followed him.
"Get up here, quick!"
"Who is that?"
Bree turned to the blonde-haired superhero with an alarmed expression. "Our father." She stated in worry, with her brows pinched together when she heard the sound of someone coughing in the background, like they were struggling to breathe. Only then, was she proven right, as Emilia came flying across the room, followed by a loud crash when she hit the ground.
"Emilia!" Chase cried, as soon as he saw the state his girlfriend was in. His level of fear reached its boiling point when the man that attacked him in the transponder room earlier, presented himself behind Donald with a smirk towards the camera.
"Who's that?" Adam questioned.
"That's the guy who stole the transponder."
The superhero in the red and blue suit pointed at the screen. "That's the Incapacitator." He quickly recognised the villain behind their father, before turning to the bionic super-humans with knitted brows. "Wait, you guys don't work for him?"
Chase shook his head. "No."
But, Adam raised his hand in the air. "Well, I am looking for a weekend gig. Is he hiring?"
The raven-haired boy moved to stand in front of the 3 superheroes. "The Incapacitator is a villain. That's who these guys came to take down." When he noticed the perplexed expressions on the four bionic-humans, he realised they still didn't know who each other were, so he faced both teams to introduce them to one another. "Oh, right, bionic heroes, superheroes. Superheroes, bionic heroes. I probably should have done that before the battle, but I'm so glad I didn't."
"Wait." The Dooley boy stepped forward, looking around at the three superheroes that had arrived on the island not long ago. "So, you guys are real superheroes?" A beaming grin then tugged at the corner of his lips, before the bionic teen let out an ecstatic yell. "Like the ones in the comic books? And on my lunch box?" At the awkward looks on their faces, Leo pointed a finger at them through his lie. "Which I no longer use."
Adam strolled over to the blonde superhero with a bright smile. "Bro, that is so cool. It must be an honour for you to meet me." Tecton pulled a face at his words.
"Uh, just so you know," Oliver, the other boy that arrived on island earlier that day, walked over to Bree. "I totally would've helped you if I could have."
The bionic girl tilted her head with a smile. "It's okay. You're still cute."
"Who, me?"
"Yes, you." Bree continued to flirt as she stepped towards him, with her hands on his shirt. "Your little red shirt, it's so adorable—"
"Let's go, lover girl!" Chase exclaimed. "We have to go help Emilia and Mr. Davenport!" He turned around and ran out the common area first with the others following him.
Back with Emilia and Donald, they were both on the floor, with the Incapacitator's foot on Emilia's neck, causing difficulty for her to breathe. While the banshee was unavailable to help, he focused on Donald, using something from his suit to scan Donald's eye. "No! What are you doing?"
"Making my own retina scan." The Incapacitator took his foot off Emilia's neck, and a coughing fit erupted. He ignored her wheezing breaths as he stepped over to open up the glass case to pull out the energy transponder.
Donald looked up at the villain, holding his eye in pain with a scowl. "You'll never get away with this."
Everyone else finally joined them in the Mentors Headquarters, making the man turn around with a smirk. "Don't move, Incapacitator." The blonde haired superhero ordered.
"You're too late, Tecton." The villain began to say, as Chase kept his eyes on Emilia. "I already have what I need to make you and the entire world bow down at my feet." He raised the transponder in the air as electricity sparked from it, absorbing more of its energy.
"Take him down." The superheroes went forward to get ready to attack him, but soon failed, as the villain they were facing, formed a massive green ball of energy that surrounded them, and lifted them up in the air before throwing them out the roof.
Because of this action, the rubble from the ceiling that the superheroes were thrown out of, had fell down. "Ow! Ow!" Emilia winced in pain. She had turned to the side, holding her head after feeling the contact of a small piece of rubble hit her in that area, because she was unable to move away in time. "That hit me on the head. That hit me on the head!"
"That's it." Chase looked away from his girlfriend, seething at the Incapacitator. Now, that was the last straw. "I got us into this mess. I'm gonna get us out."
"Chase, no! He's too powerful!"
Emilia, who was now safe in Bree's embrace, and away from the man, somehow managed to catch on to what Chase was doing, even though, the girl could barely see at that moment. "Chase, please don't!" She cried.
Her voice went through one ear and out the other as Chase hit him with his laser bo anyway, but he ended up getting blasted across the floor.
"Chase!" Bree screamed, and struggled to hold up a nearly unconscious Emilia as they made their way over to her brother, with the others crowded around him.
"With this transponder, my energy will continue to grow. I've already taken down one of your so-called bionic heroes. Just imagine what I'm going to do to the rest of the world." The Incapacitator laughed evilly before running away.
"He's still alive, but he's fading."
"What do we do?" Leo asked.
"I don't know." Donald raised his voice as he was so worried for Chase. "He's fried Chase's entire bionic infrastructure. I don't think I have the equipment here to save him."
Bree cleared her throat. "By the way, just to put it out there, that Emmy is in my arms, also in need of medical attention." The brunette reminded the ones around her, making them look down at the banshee who's eyes were almost shut. The small piece of rubble managed to graze her head before she turned away from the line of the rubble.
"Don't worry. We can."
"What?" Donald stood up straight, turning to face the two strangers.
The raven-haired boy was first to speak. "I'm Kaz and this is Oliver." He introduced himself and his best-friend. "We work at a place called Mighty Med. It's a hospital for superheroes. We deal with this stuff all the time. We can save him, and help Emilia out as well."
However, Leo was cautious. The newcomers had only just arrived that morning, and they all didn't know them well enough to see if they could trust them to look after members of their family. "Big D, we barely know them." The teenager muttered to his father-figure. "Are you really considering this?"
"Trust me, we save heroes' lives everyday." Oliver mentioned, trying to reassure the lot. "I promise you. They'll be fine."
"Mr. Davenport, what do we do?" Bree asked, as she focused on putting Emilia onto her back.
"Go." Davenport didn't hesitate to order. "I'm not going to risk his life. I'll stay here and get the word out about the Incapacitator."
Leo helped the boys place Chase safely on Adam's back, before the latter spoke. "Okay, how are we gonna get them there?"
"Through a wormhole." Kaz replied, touching his shoulder. For all of them to get through it, every person had have some sort of grip on each other.
Adam sighed, obviously not understanding that a wormhole transporter was a thing. "I know we're friends, but is now really the time to make fun of Chase's size?"
"I don't care what you have to do. Save my son."
Donald continued to hold his eye due to the pain, watching as the group huddled together and they disappeared into the wormhole, leaving the adult to look after the students.
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author's note!
hiya! i hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
please don't be a ghost reader! i'd love to know your thoughts in the comments, if you're loving the book as it inspires me to write more!
next up is part 2 of this crossover! thanks for reading, i love you all!! <33
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