83, spikerella's got game

CHAPTER EIGHTY-THREE, spike vs spikette

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Douglas was standing in the common area, going through a line of students when the team walked into the room. "What's up, Douglas?" Leo greeted him first. "Doing a price check on bionic kids?"

"Ooh," Adam perked up at the thought. "I wonder how much I'm worth."

At Adam's words, Chase smirked. "Well, we could sell you for parts and find out." He proposed, and Adam turned around to face him. "All right. Well, just don't sell the part that does this." He told his brother before punching him in the arm.

"Ow!" Chase groaned, flinching back as he leaned onto Emilia with his hand holding the part of his arm where Adam punched him.

Emilia sighed before looking over at Adam with a look. "Adam for the last time, stop punching your brother." She scolded in a motherly tone.

Everyone turned back to look at Douglas when he spoke up to explain what he was doing. "I'm just cataloging everyone's bionic abilities."

"Oh, cool, count me in."

Bree furrowed her brows at what her brother said before reminding him. "Adam, we already know what your abilities are."

"Ugh, okay, you got me." Adam sighed, smiling as he gave in. "I just really like waiting in lines." He admitted to them before joining the front of the queue.

Douglas turned away from Adam and back to the others before elaborating on what he was doing further. "In addition to the bionics we know they have, Krane also gave them a lot of weird hidden abilities. Just trying to get a grip on what we're dealing with."

Emilia noticed one of the male students stood out of the queue, holding up his glowing red hands to his friend. "What does that guy have?" She asked, gesturing over to him.

"Check it out." Douglas said with a grin, before he turned around to take a burger out of the grill on the table. "Oh, no, my lunch is undercooked. Oh, Thermo Hands!" He motioned for the student to come over and hold his hands out, so he can put the burger on one of his flaming hands. Using his other hand, the boy covered the top of the burger like a sandwich, before soon lifting his top hand off to reveal a now cooked burger. "Why, thank you."

"Sweet ability, dude." Adam approved and raised his hand in the air for the boy to give him a high-five. Well, that was a mistake. "Ow!" He groaned and tried to shake off the pain in his hand. "Hot! Hot! Hot! Ooh!" He blew on his hand and looked back at the boy to tell him. "Hey, those things are dangerous."

"Try it again, I'm sure they've cooled down." Bree suggested, wanting to see if he would make that same mistake again.

"Oh, no, I'm not falling for that." He insisted and tapped the boy on the arm with a smug smile on his face. "I got her." And he high-fived him once again, making him let out a yelp. "Ow!"

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"Hey, Chase," Douglas called, walking over to the boy who was sat at a table with Emilia and Bree in the cafeteria. "you are not going to believe this. Another student has the Commando app."

"What?" Chase asked, surprised. "I thought I was the only one with that app."

"Yeahhh," Douglas leaned down and put his hand on Chase's shoulder. "you're not that special." He told him, before showing comfort by patting him on the shoulder twice. At his words, Chase pulled a look of disbelief, first sharing a look with Emilia before turning to Bree who practically scoffed at him. "Don't look at me. I've been trying to tell you that for years."

Chase closed his mouth before looking back over at Douglas, opening his mouth again as he stood up from his chair while asking. "So which one of these" He turned around and gestured around at the male students in the training area. "manly warriors is following in my footsteps?"

Douglas moved his head so Chase was looking in another direction before pointing out. "Her." He gestured over to Kate, one of the female students in the cafeteria who was currently struggling to open up a bottle of ketchup.

"Open!" Kate grunted in frustration.

"Kate?!" Chase stared in disbelief as he continued gesturing to the girl. "She's the most timid girl in the whole academy!" He looked back at Douglas before commenting. "I've seen her run from her own shadow."

Douglas grinned yet again. "And that's the beauty of the Commando app. The enemy is caught off guard by a non-threatening subject."

Chase had his arms crossed over his chest before pointing to himself. "But, I have the Commando App." He reminded the man who chuckled.

"Yes, you do." Douglas said as Bree joined in with his laughter. Emilia reacted with the shake of her head and whacked Douglas on the arm so he can return to the Kate subject. "Look, I didn't want to scare Kate, so I told her she had a sonic scream ability instead. So until I can figure out a way to remove the app, make sure nothing triggers it and sets off Spikette."

Emilia cleared her throat before looking back up at Douglas. "Umm... Spikette?"

"Catchy, right?" Douglas chuckled proudly at the name he had come up with, before taking notice of the looks the others were giving him. "I like it and I'm keeping it."

As Douglas started leaving the room, the banshee pointed over at him. "Good for you, Dougie!" She shouted after the man, making Chase and Bree laugh.

Bree stood up and walked past the table to chuck whatever she left on her plate, in the trash can as Chase spoke aloud. "Man, this is perfect." Emilia and Bree turned to him while he continued. "I've never seen my Commando App in action. If I can activate Spikette, maybe I can figure out a way to control it, which would help the both of us."

"Uh-uh, no way," Bree shook her head as she was quick to disagree with his idea to trigger the girl's Commando App. "you heard Douglas. He doesn't want us triggering a dangerous app."

"But, I canโ€”"

"Chase, no!" Emilia stood up from her chair while looking at him with a serious expression. "We are not here to experiment on the students. Because if you do that, who knows what will happen, and it's best if you don't risk it. Remember, we're here to help them."

Chase sighed. "Fine."

"I'll see you later?" Emilia spoke softly and raised a brow as she waited for his answer.

"Yeah. I'll see you later." Chase nodded at Emilia, and gave her a small smile as she returned it and kissed him softly on the lips.

"I love you." Emilia said before turning around to leave the room with Bree by her side.

"I love you too."

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After a while, the girls decided to check on Chase to see what he was doing after he was told that he couldn't trigger Kate's Commando app. Bree and Emilia walked into the common area and straight away heard loud crashing noises as some of the students rushed past like they were trying to run away from someone.

The duo walked up behind Chase who was hiding behind one of the posts while holding a tablet in his hand. "Chase, what's going on in here?!" Once he heard his sister call his name, he faced both of them with a nervous expression.

"Um..." He trailed off, struggling to come up with an answer that wouldn't get him in trouble, since he didn't listen to what they and Douglas told him earlier.

However, Emilia saw right through him when she stared at him with disbelief. "You activated Kate's Commando App, didn't you?"

"What?" Chase instantly started panicking before letting out a high-pitched "No!" At that, a student came passing by with Kate a.k.a Spikette holding a chair above her head, screaming as she chased after him. Well, that was bad timing. As soon as they were gone, Chase huffed and turned back to the girls and snapped. "Okay, technically I didn't do it. Adam did when he attacked me."

"Wait, what? That doesn't make any sense." Bree looked confused at that, as did Emilia, as the girls followed Chase down the steps. "Why would her Commando app kick in if you were the one who was getting attacked?"

"It must be triggered by some kind of mama bear instinct. And now it's glitching like crazy." Chase started explaining. "First, she's trying to baby me, and then, she's trying to destroy everything in sight." Now cue Spikette, making more noise in the next room before throwing the chair she once held above her head, in their direction, causing them to duck before it hit them.

"What were you thinking?!" Bree snapped and hit him on the arm.

Showing her mama bear side, Spikette ran in and pushed Emilia and Bree away from Chase. "Stay away from baby." She growled, making the latter widen her eyes slightly in fear. "Yes, ma'am, I-I'm sorry."

Chase gestured to what Spikette was doing before telling the two. "I don't get it. My Commando app would've shut down a while ago." He checked the tablet again and panicked. "But Kate's adrenaline levels are going through the roof!"

"Okay. Then just shut her down." The Hunter girl suggested the obvious.

"Oh," Chase let out. "that's a great idea, you know I hadn't thought of that." He replied sarcastically before snapping. "I can't, I don't know how!"

"Hey!" Emilia exclaimed. "You carry on yelling at me and I'll be taking away our movie nights." She threatened, giving her boyfriend a sharp look and he sighed, stopping immediately.

"Maybe if we can just contain her in here, we'll be okay." Chase hoped that was the case. But he was proven wrong, as Spikette then ripped out one of the support posts. "Then again, maybe not."

Spikette slowly approached them and held up the now destroyed post while she asked Chase. "Baby want toy?"

"You know, for a maniac, her maternal instincts are dead on."

"Come onโ€” I'll get Douglas." The banshee let out a sigh and sped out the common area to find the Davenport man. When she finally found him, she returned with Douglas, who was holding a bionic chip extractor in his hand, only to see Spikette in the training area, continuing to destroy the place while Chase and Bree hid behind an overturned table.

Joining the sibling duo, Emilia crouched down in between them as Douglas was on the right side of Chase, taking in the scene in front of him with an annoyed expression after finding out the boy next to him didn't listen to a word he said earlier. "So you turned Kate into Spikette, even though I told you not to?" He rhetorically asked. "You know, I try to be the fun uncle, but you people make it so hard."

"I'm sorry." Chase sighed through his apology. "I wanted to observe the Commando app. And now that I have, my scientific conclusion is:" The boy paused briefly before crying out. "I'm scared."

The four of them watched Spikette start eating off a chicken that she found in the trash can. Bree plastered a fake smile on her face as she gestured to Spikette. "Oh, look, she's taking a snack break before she destroys the rest of the academy." She commented sarcastically.

"No fork, no plate. Where are her manners?" The Davenport man questioned in disgust, earning a look from the girls.

Emilia turned her head to look at him with Chase and Bree following her actions. "You grilled your lunch on a kid's dirty hands." She scoffed, quickly reminding the man.

"In the name of science!" He countered, receiving a strange look from the three before returning to the previous topic of conversation. "The only way to stop the app is to manually override the chip. So first we have toโ€”"

"Okay. Get the chip. I'm on it." Chase nodded and stood up before sneaking up behind Spikette, but she turned around and spotted him before Chase could even do anything. "Mommy chewed food. Open your mouth!" She pulled him back, tipping Chase over as she tried to spit her food into his mouth.

"Baby good, baby good!" Chase yelled so Spikette would back away from him. Emilia and Bree were looking at them with a wince as Douglas laughed to himself. "Wait! The chip extractor! Throw it to me." Chase told Douglas who did just that.

But before he could catch it, Spikette ran in front of him and caught it herself. She glared towards Douglas before growling. "Not safe for baby." She said and broke the chip extractor in half.

Douglas groaned at the outcome as Chase quickly ran back to the overturned table to hide with the others again. "Great," Bree sighed. "now what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know," Chase replied once he returned to his spot behind the table. "but so far, panicking and hiding behind things is working for me."

Douglas gestured to Spikette as he turned to look at the teenagers before explaining. "We're gonna have to use physical force to restrain her, which means you're gonna have to get aggressive." And Chase growled as if he was agreeing with what he was saying, before Douglas widened his eyes like he just got an idea. "Really aggressive. Spikette needs to meet her match."

Knowing what he meant, Chase instantly went to disagree. "Oh, no. No, no, no. You can't turn me into Spike."

"But I can." Bree looked at Chase with a smirk as she grabbed his arm, which scared him when she super-speeded them both out of the room. Emilia and Douglas stayed there for a moment and only moved when Spikette made her way into the next room.

"Baby?" Spikette spotted Chaseโ€” no Spike, while dressed like a baby. "Baby!" She started clapping her hands happily as Emilia and Douglas peeked around the corner while hiding behind one of the support posts enabling stealth mode.

"Oh, I'm no baby." Spike disagreed while walking over to the girl. "I'm a man sandwich served with a tall glass of macho." He flexed his muscles.

"Well," Bree interjected. "are you man enough to take her down?"

"No can do." Spike declined before pointing over to Spikette. "She's a lady. Spike always respects a lady."

Emilia raised a brow, humming in disbelief at his words before widening her eyes at seeing Douglas come out of hiding and point towards Spikette as he corrected Spike. "This is not a lady."

Spikette growled. "Hey, who are you calling not a lady?!" She shoved Douglas, earning a laugh from Spike before they high-fived each other.

"Oh, Douglas." Emilia muttered to herself before looking back at the two with the Commando app as Spike announced. "Be right back. Spike feels... under-dressed for this particular occasion." Then he walked away, with his shoes squeaking across the floor.

"Well..." Emilia walked down the steps, pointing out sarcastically. "that went well."

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Douglas, Emilia and Bree were crouched down in the doorway as they watched Spikette continue to destroy the place. "I don't get it." Bree said as she looked at Spikette. "She's supposed to be winding down, not getting stronger."

"It's a glitch." Douglas explained, causing Emilia and Bree to look back at him. "If her Commando app keeps going, her chip's gonna burn out and melt her brain. And I am not cleaning that up!"

Bree walked around Douglas, stepping further in the room. "I cannot believe Chase." She groaned before turning around to look at the other two as she gestured to herself. "You know, if I was Spike, I would be showing that girl who's boss."

"Forget that." Emilia jerked her head back with a scoff. "Just send me in there and I'll kick her ass myself."

"Maybe you can." Douglas told them, wearing his idea face again. "Maybe you both can." He turned to face Bree and directed his next words towards the girl. "Yeah, Spike won't take out a lady, but if I give you the Commando appโ€”"

"Uh-uh, no way." Bree was quick to decline while shaking her head at Douglas.

"Oh, come on." Douglas groaned as he continued on trying to convince Bree to accept it. "It's a new version I can shut it down as soon as you're done. All either of you need to do is subdue Spikette long enough" He clicked his tongue like a sound effect. "so I can extract her chip."

"Not gonna happen."

Emilia snuck over to Bree and placed her chin on her shoulder. "May I remind you that you'll also be able to tear Chase apart? Which I will give no objection to since it's not really him." At Emilia's words, Bree instantly perked up, making Douglas smirk.

"Now, you're talking!" Bree said with a beaming smile on her face. "Let's do this, Dougie."

Douglas moved Bree over to the cyber-desk so he could begin the process. "Okay, your Commando app should be..." He said as he was almost done with the new version before pressing a button on the tablet. "good to go."

"It's not working." Bree sighed, thinking the plan had failed. "You obviously did something wrong becauseโ€”" She turned around, rubbing her head before the device beeped and the Commando app was activated. She turned around and growled at Douglas. "I wanna tear your head off!"

"Ahhhโ€”" Emilia let out.

Smiling to himself, Douglas gestured to Bree and he introduced. "Hello, Spikerella!" He laughed at the new nickname he had come up with. "Now that's catchy."

"Come on then, feisty one." The banshee carefully motioned for Spikerella to come to her. "You can do the talking... obviously. I'll just be here if you need me, but I doubt you will."

Spikerella just responded with a grunt before she walked into the training area where she got their attention. Spikette glared at her before speaking first. "Who the heck are you?"

"Your worst nightmare." Spikerella replied before the two started circling each other.

"This should be good." Spike smirked as his arms crossed over his chest. "Everyone knows girls can't fight."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, girls can'tโ€”" Spikerella cut him off with a growl before throwing him across the room as he screamed the last part of his sentence. Spikerella watched him crash with a smirk. "Who's the girl now?"

"Wow. Spikerella's got game." Emilia said quietly to herself in a proud manner. Looking away from a now unconscious Spike, it seemed like Spikette and Spikerella finally realised they were still in the same room together and went back to circling each other.

"Nice hair." Spikette spoke first. "Can't wait to rip it out and use it as a scarf!"

"Go ahead, then I'll shave your back and make some matching mittens."

At Spikerella's threat, the two began fighting eachย  other as Emilia watched, just in case she needed to step in. Spikette now had Spikerella in a locked grip, facing the other entrance to the room when someone walked in.

"Whoa!" The young boy let out. "What's going on in here?"

"Uh oh." Emilia panicked before she sped over to the kid that she did not recognise, however didn't want him to get hurt. She'll ask for answers later. The boy squealed when he saw Emilia get to him in a matter of a second before he was pushed behind her.

Spikette shoved Spikerella forward with the smileย  on her face quickly replaced with a scowl as soon as she saw Emilia standing in front of him. "Stay away from new baby!"

"Nah, I'm good thanks."

"And I'm not a baby." The young kid scoffed from behind Emilia.

"Baby cranky, must be hungry." Spikette said and walked over to the trash. Emilia watched the girl carefully, but was soon distracted when Douglas, Adam and Leo came running in.

"There you are." Leo pointed out when he spotted the boy standing with Emilia. "You're out of here, Reggie."

"I told you, I'm not going anywhere."

Emilia was suddenly shoved forward making her yelp as she crashed to the floor, so Spikette could get to Reggie without Emilia interfering. "Lunchy munchy! Open mouthy!" She tilted him back and he let out a high-pitched scream before Spikette spat food into Reggie's mouth, making the others grimace in disgust and he spat it back out.

"Get me out of here!" Reggie screamed for Adam and Leo to help him while Spikette wrapped her arms around the boy, squeezing him.

"Who's that?!" Douglas finally asked what Emilia had been wondering, making Adam sigh. "Long story short... Leo's going to jail." His words made the Dooley boy give him a look.

"Please don't tell me you guys actually kidnapped a kid." Emilia sighed from the floor.

"No! He found his own wayโ€”" Leo couldn't finish his sentence as Reggie cut him off with a cry for help. "Help me!"

"Oh, so now you're ready to go?" Leo replied with sass, and at Reggie's 'yes!', Leo clicked his fingers and pointed at the boy as he told Adam. "Grab him."

Adam managed to pull them apart before he took him on a run towards the common area with Leo joining them. "Baby!" Spikette yelled and went to run at Adam for pulling Reggie away, before she was tackled to the floor by Emilia.

"That's what you get for shoving me." The Hunter girl said with panting breaths as she got up from the floor. Spikette growled and went to run at her but Spikerella had interfered, resuming her fight with the girl from before Reggie came in. "Thank you bestie!"

Spikerella then threw Spikette into the next room and followed after her, with Emilia and Douglas in toe โ€” the latter was still trying to fix the chip extractor that Spikette broke. "Get back here! I'm not done throwing you!" Spikerella yelled.

"The chip extractor's almost fixed." Douglas told the girl. "Hurry up and take her down!"

"Shut it or I'll take you down!" Spikerella shouted at him, making Emilia shake her head.

"Carry on." Douglas backed away to stand next to Emilia, allowing Spikerella to continue her fight with Spikette. "Why is she only nice to you?" The Davenport man grumbled to the banshee.

With a smug smile, Emilia shrugged. "I guess I'm just everyone's favourite." Douglas simply rolled his eyes at her words as they carried on watching the girls fight until Spikerella finally got Spikette down on the ground.

This gave Douglas the opportunity to go over and remove her bionic chip. "Got it!" He said in relief before looking back down at Kate. "She should be out for a while, plenty of time for me to adjust her settings."

Emilia was about to follow him when Chase came into the room while holding his head, groaning in pain. "Ugh, what happened?" He asked, earning a growl from Spikerella, making Chase furrow his eyebrows. "Bree?! What's going on?"

"You again. Still think girls can't fight?" The girl challenged before roaring at him.

"I'm not so sure you are a girl." Chase replied and let out a yelp when she stomped her foot, making Emilia rush towards him. "Yep, she's got an alter-ego too, just like yourself. Now, run." She took a hold of his arm before super-speeding the both of them out of there as Spikerella chased after them.

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megan speaks!

i hope you enjoyed reading this chapter

next up is the mighty med crossover!!! WHOOP

thanks for reading, i love you all <33

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