23, mission fail
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE, missin' the mission
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The team have just got back from a mission when Emilia and Leo walked into the lab, with the latter stepping over the man who layed on the floor, so very kindly, Emilia held out a hand for Donald to take who smiled in return.
"How'd the mission go?" Leo questioned with a bright smile. Bree stepped towards him as she answered. "Great. We fixed the Pentagon's communication satellite and returned it to orbit."
"I even rigged it so we get every TV channel in the world! Who wants to watch Guatemalan drag Racing?!" Chase chimed in. Leo glanced between the three before wondering. "Did my suggestions come in handy on the mission?"
"What suggestions?" Chase asked with furrowed brows. Leo stepped away while explaining. "I did a ton of strategic research and gave it to Big D."
Donald pursed his lips. "Oh, right. I'm sorry, Leo. I didn't have time to use it." He told his step-son which earned a laugh from Adam. "Yes, you did. You spilled your coffee and used Leo's research to mop it up." He caught Donald in a lie.
"You used my suggestions as a sponge?" Leo exclaimed, in which Donald corrected. "More like a paper towel. But, it was very absorbent." The auburn haired girl shook her head at the man who then looked towards the siblings. "Why don't you guys go clear out the rest of your gear."
They walked out the lab, leaving Leo's attention to turn to Donald as he spoke. "We need to talk. I'm done being the water boy. I wanna be a part of the team." Donald sighed before turning his head to look at his stepson and informed. "Leo, I told you, you can't be part of the team. You're not bionic. And besides, statistics show that most accidents happen within a three-mile radius of you."
This made Emilia snort, which Leo ignored as he came to defend himself. "But, I've grown. I've matured. I wear medium now. Look, I know I can't go on missions, but I can help you in other ways. You keep ignoring me!"
Donald hummed in response, turning to look at Leo who mentally rolled his eyes. The Davenport man sighed in defeat before telling him. "I'm sorry. You know what? Maybe there is a way you can help out around here."
"Finally. Thank you." Leo said, before his face fell at the massive pile of papers that Donald had slammed on the cyberdesk. "Here. You can type up the mission summary reports." He smiled before walking off as Leo questioned. "You want me to be your secretary?"
"No. Secretaries get paid." Donald informed his stepson. "You'd be doing this for free." Donald smiled before walking out, leaving Leo looking at Emilia who shrugged. "You asked him. Bye!"
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The group were laughing as they walked down the stairs of the school. Once they reached the ground, they turned around at Perry talking through a megaphone. "Not so fast!"
She stopped to stand between Emilia and Chase, before turning her head to look at the three siblings as she informed. "You three missed school yesterday, not that I didn't enjoy it. But, it's been happening way too much lately." She showed them the attendance sheet as she continued. "Look at this attendance report."
Chase furrowed his brows. "You still keep paper records? You know, we have computers now... also indoor plumbing and fire."
"Do you really wanna poke the bear?" Perry challenged, after glaring at the teen.
Leo leaned closer to the woman. "Do you really wanna use that analogy?" He questioned his principal who turned to him with a glare. "Shut it, Dooley! I've been working out. Don't make me flex my guns." She turned back to look at the other three before telling them. "You three are in big trouble."
"Oh, actually we're not." Bree corrected, pulling a note from her pocket as she excused. "'Cause we have a note from our dad. He signed it and everything." Perry put down the megaphone before grabbing the note off Bree.
"With his name." Adam chimed in. Perry looked at them with a fake smile after reading the note and told them. "Oh, well, I'm sorry. My bad. That changes absolutely nothing!" She ripped up the note, and let it drop to the floor as Emilia nodded along. "Should have seen that coming."
Perry looked at the three siblings. "Just because your dad lets you cut school doesn't mean I have to. Somebody has to be the disciplinarian. It's like I tell my cats..." She hissed, making Emilia furrow her brows in question. "See you three in detention!" She walked away with a grin on her face.
Chase sighed, turning to his siblings. "Great. We miss school for a mission and get punished. This isn't fair."
Leo shook his head. "No, it really isn't. Well, you guys have fun. Come on, Emmy!" He grabbed her hand before pulling the girl away who looked at the siblings with an apologetic look. "Sorry, guys. That sucks."
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After school, Emilia and Leo went straight home not wanting to wait three hours for the other three. Emilia sat on the couch along with Leo as they were busy in their own worlds when Donald came walking in with a robot version of Eddy behind him who crashed into the man, making him whack Eddy with the rolled up newspaper in his hand.
"Will you stop that?!" Donald exclaimed, in which Eddy responded with. "What do you think, I'm trying to crash into your butt?" The man sighed, before turning to the two teens on the couch. "Guys, where is everybody? I sent out a mission alert and no one is responding."
"Oh, they're stuck in detention." Emilia informed the man, before Leo chimed in. "They're probably getting flipped and ripped as we speak. The clipping's not so bad, it's the ripping that haunts ya." He laughed, making Donald shake his head before explaining. "There is an underground gas leak and the hazmat team cannot contain it. I need Adam, Bree and Chase to shut it down."
Leo stood up from the couch. "Let me help." He suggested, making Donald laugh, thinking he wasn't being serious. "That's very funny, but this is serious. If that substation explodes, it'll send a highly toxic gas cloud into the atmosphere. I gotta get Principal Perry to let them go. Talk about a highly toxic gas cloud." Donald worried.
With a sigh, Donald put his phone back into his pocket as he said. "There's no answer. I can't wait for them. Look, take this note to Principal Perry and tell her to let Adam, Bree and Chase leave. Eddy and I will head to the substation and start taking gas level readings." Emilia nodded apart from Leo who didn't have the same reaction.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're taking him on a mission and not me?" Leo questioned, in which Eddy answered for him. "Oh, it's nothing personal. He just thinks you're worthless." The auburn haired girl narrowed her eyes before snidely saying. "Shut it, robot!" In a rush, they all went their own ways to do what they were instructed.
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Opening the doors to the hall, in came Leo who was being dragged by two lunch ladies, with Emilia by the side as she threatened them if they ever touched her. "Oh, goody." Perry said, seeing the two teenagers walk in. "What do you want?"
"There's an emergency and my stepdad asked us to give you this." Leo explained to the woman, while passing her the note. Perry only smiled in response. "Ooh, yum! Second lunch!" She put the paper into her mouth and began chewing it.
"Told you, she would do that." Emilia muttered, as Leo exclaimed. "What are you doing? This is serious! It's a matter of life and death!"
"You said the same thing when the vending machine ran out of cheese curls." Principal Perry reminded him.
Emilia gave her friend a look before letting out a sigh. "This is different, we swear. Please! You gotta let them go!" She tried to plead, though the woman just laughed. "No!" Perry gasped, raising a finger in the air. "Although, there might be a way they can earn their freedom."
Suddenly, the three siblings all had their heads leant against the tip of a baseball bat while spinning around them. Perry was counting them down while the others chanted for them in encouragement. "Okay, whoever makes it out the open door is free to leave!" Perry challenged.
"Come on, guys. You can do this." Emilia encouraged. After seeing Adam fall, and Chase crash into a table, Emilia looked to Bree. "Come on, girl. Follow our voices. No, that way!" Chase seemed to still be standing, making Emilia smile as she called out. "Come on, Chase!"
"Freedom is so close. Can't you just taste it?!"
"I'm almost there! I'm gonna make it!" Chase said with a smile. He groaned in pain, suddenly bashing his head into the door before falling to the ground.
Perry laughed whilst calling out. "Fail! Prepare to be entertained, Amoeba Brains! Time for my next challenge!" Whilst Emilia was making sure the others were okay, Leo looked to the woman and guessed. "They're gonna be here a while, aren't they?"
"Ring, ring. Excuse me a second." Perry said, making her hand look like a phone as she held it to her ear. "Hello? Oh, Department of stupid questions? It's for you." She held her hand out to Leo, who sighed before walking towards Emilia and pulled her out the room, while she muttered apologies to the siblings before going back home with Leo.
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After a lot of begging, Emilia finally let Leo follow Donald to the mission area, only if she stayed home, just in case the others arrived back.
While waiting, Emilia did nothing but dance around the lab, eat food, until she eventually fell asleep on the cyberdesk. The next time she woke up, was to Chase's voice who ran in with Adam and Bree behind him. "We're here, Mr Davenport! What's the urgent mission?!"
Emilia rubbed her eyes with a groan. "They've already done it, I assume. Because I've been asleep."
Donald nodded. "Sleepy Emilia is right. You missed it. Luckily, Leo here saved our butts."
"No, seriously, what's the mission?" Bree asked in disbelief.
"I'm not kidding. Leo really stepped it up today. He showed me that he has what it takes to be a part of this team. So, I am making him our new strategic mission specialist." Donald declared, making Emilia smile at her friend. "Congrats Leo. You deserve it." She told him, along with the trio who called out compliments to him.
"Awesome! Wait, does that mean more paperwork?" Leo wondered, getting a laugh from Donald who then said. "Yes. But, you will also be helping me design the overall mission strategies, and while these guys are in the field, you will be assisting me, along with Emilia, from your own mission specialist workstation!"
"Really? This is mine now?" Leo gasped, in which Donald told him. "According to this fancy digital nameplate, it is."
"Ah-ah-Ah, fingerprints." Leo pushed Bree's hands off the desk. "Wow. I'm officially on the team. I have my own place in the lab and I'll finally have input. Sounds like the kind of position that should come with a serious increase in allowance."
"Or, I could eliminate the position entirely." The Davenport man challenged, making Leo chuckle in correction. "We'll talk about the money later."
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