22, buzz buzz
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Down in the lab, the group were getting a head start on their homework before school when Bree began waving her arm around, hearing a buzzing sound.
"What is that?" Bree asked, and thinking it was nothing, Chase told his sister. "Bree, relax. It's just a fly."
"Well, why is it bothering me when the foul, ripe stench of Adam is right there?" Bree questioned, standing out of her seat, and gestured to her brother.
Adam shrugged. "Lucky undies. Nine days in a row, and no lightning strikes- that's science."
Emilia hummed in annoyance, watching as Bree continued to get the fly away from her. "I can think of one person." She turned her head towards the direction of where Leo had walked in bursting in laughter.
Leo laughed. "You look ridiculous."
"Well, yeah, so would you if you had some flying thing attacking you." Bree said, assuming he was just making fun of her and not the one responsible.
"Would I?" Leo smiled smugly, before the fly landed on him, doing nothing.
Bree furrowed her brows in question. "How'd you do that?"
"I talk to insects." Leo said. "They call me the Fly Whisperer."
"No, they don't." Emilia disagreed, unlike Adam who had jumped out of his seat. "You can talk to flies? Ask him why bees are such jerks." He snapped.
Chase looked down in Leo's bag before sighing in realisation. He pulled what he wanted out of his bag to show everyone before saying. "Guys, Leo's messing with you. That's Mr Davenport's spy fly, he designed it for recon missions. You see, the fly's head is a tiny camera. Leo's controlling the entire thing with a trackball on this watch."
"Is there anything you don't ruin?" Leo asked, turning his head to look at the boy.
"Nope." Chase smirked. "Leo, I don't think Mr Davenport would approve of you using his expensive gadgets as toys."
"Well, then, he shouldn't have gone to Rock 'N Roll Fantasy Camp." Leo retorted. "Hello! You're almost forty! You can't rock, and you're no one's fantasy."
"Can I see it?" Bree asked as she went to reach the container, though Leo was quick to pull it away before she could touch it. "Back off, Handsy. It needs to charge in it's fly hive. I used it all night." He informed.
Bree chuckled. "Wait. You spent all night playing with that stupid thing?" She questioned.
"Well, half the night." Leo informed. "I spent the other half editing the footage."
"What footage?" Emilia asked, making Leo smile as he turned to her. "Well, now that you've asked, I give you the best of Bree." He called out as he approached the monitors to show the footage that he had managed to catch - that included of Bree snoring in her capsule and kissing the door in her sleep.
Chase and Adam of course laughed, unlike Emilia who frowned at the screen. "I can't believe you, Leo!" Bree scoffed at the Dooley boy who threw out his arms before countering. "Hey, it's not my fault you sleep ugly."
"Leo, you shouldn't have done that." Emilia said with narrowed eyes before grabbing her stuff and walking out the lab with Bree.
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Emilia stood around watching as Leo continued to tease Bree with the spy fly since he had brought it to school, when Chase and Adam approached them after walking out the classroom. "Hey, guys." Chase greeted, making Emilia widen her eyes at the baby he was holding.
"Chase, have you been stealing from five year old girls again?" Leo questioned with a smile.
The boy chuckled sarcastically. "Ha ha. It's for Health Class. Each of us has to baby sit a robo-baby for a night." The doll started crying. "Are you hungry? Yes, you are, my snoogie-woogie-boogie!"
Emilia smiled as Chase sat down to feed the baby before Bree thought out loud. "Just when we thought he couldn't get any creepier."
"It cries when it's tired or hungry. I have to take care of him." Chase defended. "Because if I don't, I lose a point. Which, of course, I haven't." He pulled the doll's shirt up to reveal he still had 100 points. "And I won't, because I have downloaded every childcare book available. I even know how to rescue a baby out of an alligator's mouth. Happens more often than you think."
Emilia sat down beside Chase, glancing at the baby doll in his arms with a smile before turning to Adam. "So, if Chase has a baby, where's yours?" She asked.
Bree chuckled. "Lost it already?"
"Ha. No." Adam chuckled sarcastically. "Do you really think I'm that responsible? It's in here." He showed the baby hanging upside down in his bag, as he continued. "I named him 'Shut your Cryhole'. That way, whenever I say his name, he'll know to stop crying."
"You keep your baby in a bag?" Leo asked.
"Yeah! It's super-toasty, books to read if he's bored, and it's totally safe." Adam said before pulling the baby out to reveal it had multiple things stuck to it. "Oh! You found my gum!" He pulled it off the doll before putting it in his mouth. He pulled it back out his mouth with a gasp. "And a penny!"
"Dude, you are totally gonna fail this assignment." Chase told his brother as he stood up from the bench.
"No, I'm not, because unlike you, I know what a baby likes. I think like a baby." Adam pointed out. "Yeah, he's got you there." Bree agreed with his point.
"Oh, yeah? Well, if you're such an expert on babies, why don't we just let the scores speak for themselves?" Chase suggested with a slight smirk.
"You're on." Adam said, before looking down at his score. "I've got a 98. I'm only two points behind." Chase moved Adam's baby the right way around as he corrected. "That's an 86."
His baby doll started crying. "Aw, it's okay, 'Shut your cryhole'. Okay, seriously, shut your cryhole, 'Shut your Cryhole'." He walked away, leaving Bree to turn to Leo. "Come on, Leo and Em, or we're gonna be late for our physics test."
"Okie dokie." Emilia hummed, before glancing at Chase. "Good luck with your baby challenge."
"Thanks, Lia." Chase smiled before walking away, leaving Leo standing alone with the girls with his face filled with shock.
"Physics test?" He repeated which indicated his lack of knowledge about it when he followed the girls in panic. "Oh, no, no, no, no. I was so busy with the fly I forgot to study." Instantly, Leo went to butter the girls up. "Emilia, Bree... sweet, loving, caring girls... wonderful, wise, beautif-"
"What do you want, Leo? And you're not copying my answers." Emilia interjected and went to walk into the room, leaving Leo to butter up Bree, only to be shut down by her aswell, not one of them aware of his plans of using the spy fly.
During the test, Leo decided against using Emilia as his target, and glanced towards Bree who was closer to him. "Move your hand." He muttered, staring at the camera on his watch that had the view of Bree's paper. The girl had noticed the fly, and waved her arms around to get it away from her. Looking up, she saw it hovering over her making her sigh and drop her pencil before using both of her arms to wave it away.
She gasped, looking down at her nose when the fly landed on it. She stood up out of her seat without thinking, and looked straight towards the culprit with angry eyes. "Aaah! That's it! Give me that thing! Gimme!" She yelled.
Emilia looked up with a sigh, knowing Leo was bothering Bree with the spy fly. Perry walked towards them, with her attention on Bree as she said. "Hey! Bounce house! Knock it off. There are people in here trying to concentrate on failing."
"But he was-" Bree tried to defend but Principal Perry stopped her. "No buts. You know the rules, you leave your seat during a test, that's an automatic 'F'. Go! Walk the hallway of shame!"
"Principal Perry, wait." Leo stood up, making Emilia think he was gonna own up to what he did, when a frown appeared on her face when Leo said. "Can I get a little extra time? That was really distracting." Emilia shook her head at her friend, disappointed in his actions.
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The next day, Perry walked out of her office with the spy fly container in her hand when she placed it in the centre of the room.
"Listen up, Space wasters." She announced to her students. "I've installed a new surveillance system. And FYI, this total invasion of your privacy comes courtesy of the one and only Leo Dooley! Perry Airlines cleared for takeoff! If you're experiencing mild turbulence, it's because we're passing over the rockies! Whoops. Those aren't mountains, those are pimples!"
Perry cackled before continuing. "To your right, we see Lindsay Hoffman writing in her oh-so private diary! What? Lindsay has a crush on Timmy Newcastle? I think I'll go tell him. Whoops! I think I just did. Good Luck." She laughed while walking away.
"Perry left the charging hive." Leo pointed out, gesturing to the container in the middle of the room. Emilia had grabbed it before the other two could before passing it over to Bree with a smirk.
Leo held out his arm in front of him, looking at Bree as he said. "Now, Bree- Bree. Think about what you're doing. If you give that to Perry, she can recharge the fly and my life will be over, everyone will hate me."
"That's the plan." Bree smiled, along with Emilia who stood beside her. She watched as the two began to fight over it, making her eyes widen in panic. "Wait, no stop!" The container was pulled into Bree's hands as the lid was accidentally pulled off, making a swarm of flies empty the charging hive and surround the room, making the students scream.
"See what happens when you don't let me cheat off you?" Leo said, looking straight at Bree. He groaned, moving around as everyone continued to wave their arms around to get the flies away from them. "How am I gonna get all these flies back?"
"I don't know. And also, I don't care." Bree said bitterly.
"Neither do I." Emilia muttered, waving her arms around.
Principal Perry walked in, her attention on Leo as she shouted. "Dooley! Your stupid toy's messed up! Uhh! Where did these come from? I haven't seen this many flies since I thought my cat took a five-day nap. I'll open the door."
"No!" Leo stood in front of the woman. "They're my step-dad's! I can't lose them!"
"That door is opening whether you're in the way or not. I just need a running start." Perry told the Dooley boy who continued his attempt to object her decision. "Can't we just talk this out like civilised-"
"Charge!" Perry interjected, making Leo scream as he moved to the side so Perry could run to the doors, when she got stuck in the swarm of flies.
"Girls, I can't get all these flies back without your help." Leo begged for their help.
"No problem. Just tell Perry you cheated." Bree proposed, making Leo furrow his brows. "Really? You're still on that?" He sighed.
Emilia nodded. "Yes, Leo. You did a bad thing. It's time you own up to it."
Bree smiled in appreciation. "Looks like you're stuck, Leo." The boy's eyes lit up once he got an idea. "Stuck. That's it!" The boy grabbed a pot on non toxic rubber cement and painted it over the homecoming dance poster while explaining. "The best way to catch a fly is with flypaper."
Bree chuckled in disbelief. "Leo, that'll never work. They're not real flies." Perry came running around the corner screaming when she suddenly crashed into the poster, sticking to it in the process. "I'm stuck." The woman muttered.
"Got one." Leo pointed out.
Emilia shrugged in agreement. "He technically has a point." She pursed her lips at the sight, not really sure what to do. They continued to try and get the flies away from them as Perry resumed to be stuck against the flypaper, when Bree groaned. "Just confess and we can help you fix all this! You'll never be able to steer them all."
"Please, have a little faith." Leo told Emilia and Bree before clicking on his watch which made a sudden beeping noise. "What is that?" He asked, furrowing his brows, in which Emilia pursed her lips with a sigh. "Attack mode engaged. Stun stingers activated."
Bree chuckled. "This is getting better by the minute." The three gasped, seeing every student laying on the floor, as Leo uttered. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Oh. Oh. Hey. Uh, don't worry. It says the stings aren't lethal. You'll just be stunned for ten minutes. In Spain, they call this a 'Siesta'." He laughed weakly before starting to cry.
Suddenly, Chase ran in when he stopped in his tracks seeing all the students stunned on the floor making him furrow his brows in confusion as he asked. "Leo, what's happening?"
"Oh you know, destroying priceless inventions, unleashed a biohazard, hated by all. Typical Tuesday." Leo answered.
"More importantly, what the fuck happened to the baby?!" Emilia questioned with wide-eyes.
Though before Chase could answer, Adam ran in looking up at the flies with a gasp. "Whoa! Look at all those flies!" His baby slipped out of his hand, and got pulled into the swarm of flies.
"My baby!" Adam screamed.
"Poor waffle baby." Emilia muttered under her breath as Chase opened his mouth with a bright smile, glancing at Emilia before looking back at Adam who begged. "Somebody do something! Chase, throw your baby up to get mine down!"
"No way!" Chase scoffed out a breath.
Adam gestured to the baby. "But, it's gonna get hurt!"
Chase furrowed his brows. "Hurt? Adam, it's a plastic doll." He reminded his brother who gasped. "That is so insensitive. To you he's just a piece of plastic, but to me, he's become a little fake person friend who almost never judges me. I was supposed to look after him, and I failed. I failed you, my little Cryhole!"
"Well, I don't care." Chase said. "I'm going to turn mine in, which means I'm gonna win and you're gonna lose. Ha!"
Bree leaned closer to Emilia. "You know, remind me, if you and Chase ever get together and have a family. Please teach him how to not destroy your future child, like that." She gestured to the burnt baby in Chase's hand.
The auburn haired girl turned to the girl in surprise, almost choking on her own saliva as she spluttered. "What makes you think me and Chase are going to get together? Or even have a family?"
Bree smirked. "I trust my instincts. And that's all I'm going to say." The banshee squinted her eyes in confusion before turning back to the boys seeing Chase sighing in defeat. "Okay fine, I'll help you." He threw his baby up into the air, making Adam's baby drop down and him catching it in his arms, along with Chase's who hit the floor. "Thanks, Chase. That really meant a lot to me." Adam said, receiving a hum from Chase.
"Especially the part where you completely fell for it!" Adam's mood changed in the second, before stepping away, kicking Chase's baby making it cry even more. Chase widened his eyes before running after Adam.
Leo stood behind Bree, grabbing onto her shoulders as he squealed. "Help me!"
"Are you ready to tell Perry you cheated?" Bree sighed.
"Not really, no. Oh, come on! Adam and Chase would cover for me." Leo groaned before Emilia was quick to remind him. "Yeah, and they also turned their babies into breakfast treats."
Bree nodded. "Look, I'm your sister, and it's my job to call you out and hope that you're mature enough to take responsibility." She sighed.
"But, I'm not!" Leo exclaimed, throwing his arms out to the side. The girls rose a brow at him, making him sigh in defeat. "Fine. I'll tell Perry."
"Smart move." Bree hummed. "I'll just use my super speed to create a vacuum effect and suck the flies back into the hive." She explained, making Leo question. "What about using your bionics in public?" Emilia gestured to the students around them who were still currently stunned. "I think we're good."
Leo passed Bree the charging hive who placed it down in the middle of the room with an open lid before using her super speed to run around it and create a vacuum effect like she said, making the flies swarm together and be pulled back into the charging hive, with Bree closing the lid once all of them were in.
"Wow. That was the fourth-weirdest thing I've seen all day." Leo mentioned.
"Speaking of which, number three is still over there waiting for your confession." Bree reminded him, gesturing to Perry who was still stuck to the flypaper.
"Great. I have to confess to the wrong end of a pantsuit." Leo pursed his lips in disgust. All the students began standing up from the floor as they were okay to move again, as the girls followed Leo to stand by Principal Perry.
"Principal Perry?" Leo called out to the woman, who grunted in reply. "Who is that? Don't try anything, I can identify you by your stench." Leo shared a look with the girls before stating. "It's me, Leo."
"Ooh." Perry let out. "The only reason Bree was talking during the test was because I was using the spy fly to cheat off of her. She didn't deserve to fail, I did." Leo confessed. "Aw, that's nice. I got an itch- unless you're plannin' on scratching it, get me off of here!" Perry seethed.
Leo pulled on her arm, but frowned when he failed, making him slam his foot on the flypaper, to help him pull her off, only then just realising he had gotten his foot stuck. He looked back to the girls who sighed before standing behind them and helping to pull them off. "One, two..." Bree started, before they were finally pulled off. Perry turned to Leo with a smile before saying. "Thanks Dooley. I owe ya one."
"Really?" Leo smiled. "Yeah... one long, hot trip to Summer School." She told him with a cackle, before stopping in her steps. "Forgot my eyebrows." She said, before going back to the flypaper before pulling them off and sticking them back on to her face, only for them to turn out wonky.
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