It's been two weeks since we joined the community. I had talked with a man named Kyle who happened to be a botanist before the apocalypse, and he was currently a supply runner. I was outside with the supply ground. I gave him a list of drugs we needed

"Kyle, here's the list" I said to him

"Thanks" He said as he took the paper. Eugene, Noah, Maggie, Taylor, Glenn, Aiden, and Tara were also here. Noah held out a silenced handgun for Eugene

"Oh, no, thank you" Eugene said. Nicholas walked out. I cringed at the man. The idea of stringing him up and cutting off his toes and fingers one by one and then forcefully making him eat them, really put a smile on my face

"Just take it" Nicholas said to Eugene. He made eye contact with me and then winked. I flipped him off as he continued walking

"Come on, you got to protect yourself" Noah said

"Not if I don't go" Eugene said

"Eugene, come on. We need you" Taylor said

"Taylor is right, we're not driving all that way so we can just drive back with the wrong shit" Aiden said

"It's a dozen of these. They are consistent in appearance across manufacturers. Okay? The shit will be right. I will install said shit. Then the grid will be fully operational again" Eugene said

"Okay, I'm heading back. Be safe guys" I said before walking away. I walked to my house and then went inside. I went upstairs, and into my room. I then took off my shoes and face planted into the bed. Working with Pete was fucking annoying. All he spewed out was bullshit. 'Women belong in the kitchen.' Blah blah blah. My foot belongs up your ass. I heard footsteps walking up the steps, and a baby cooing

"I'm home" I heard Daryl say. I lifted my head up and turned with a smile as I saw him carrying Lyra. He put her in her crib and then walked into my bedroom. He walked over and then laid beside me on the bed. He had a stench again. I gave him a quick kiss

"You need to bathe again" I said laughing

"No" He said

"Why not? You look hotter without all that dirt on you" I said teasing him. He rolled his eyes playfully

"Dumb bitch.." He muttered

"I'm your dumb bitch" I said. Daryl chuckled as he looked away

"Don't call yourself that" He told me

"Why not?" I asked

"'Cause you're the smartest person I know" He told me. I lightly punched his chest

"You're such a charmer. If you keep complimenting me like that, I might just have to do something back" I said with a mischievous grin on my face. Daryl smirked

"Like what?" He asked. I got on top of him with a smirk still on my face

"Do you really want to find out?" I asked

"I think I do" He said as I leaned in. Just before the show could start, as if on a timer, Lyra began to cry

"Cockblock.." Daryl muttered as I sighed. I got off of him

"Maybe next time" I said as I walked out and went to Lyra. I picked her up

"Do you wanna go on a walk? Yes you do" I said as I carried her out of her room

"Dixon, you better take a shower by the time I get back. I'm leaving Lyra with that old couple. If you ain't clean you won't be getting any type of show tonight" I told him. I heard Daryl groan as I walked down the stairs. I grabbed the stroller and put it outside. I then put Lyra in it. We began walking around


I was drinking some water when there was a knock on the door. Daryl was in the living room with Lyra and Taylor. I got up with the glass in my hand. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Glenn

"Hey, Glenn.. you need something?" I asked. There was a grief filled expression on his face

"Noah.. he's dead.. Nicholas.. he's the reason why.. I had Noah.. but.. but.. Nicholas he wouldn't stop.." Glenn said sadly. I dropped the glass of water, it shattered on the ground. I really liked that kid. Anger was very present on my face

"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker! Where is he?!" I yelled. I heard frantic footsteps come in

"He's at his house" Glenn said

"That bitch gonna know true pain when I'm done with his annoying and ugly ass" I muttered as I pushed passed Glenn and walked out

"Y/n!" I heard Daryl yell. I pulled out my pocket knife and kept it hidden in my sleeve. A memory came into mind

Footsteps approached. I looked up to see a guy, he was new. He must have been from Grady Memorial

"Hi.. I'm Noah. Rick told me that you were close with Beth" He said. I nodded

"I practically raised her.. she was like my little sister" I said

"I'm sorry.. she.. she should still be alive.. it should be me.. if I had just went with Dawn.. it wouldn't have happened.. she- she.. died getting me out" Noah said as he began to cry. I looked up at him. I was sitting as he stood

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"Beth.. she was supposed to leave.. but Dawn wanted me to stay.. Beth wouldn't let that happen.. she wanted me to come along.. she stabbed Dawn.. and then Beth was shot.. she died because of me.." Noah cried as he covered his face with his hands. I stared shocked. He was Beth's legacy, and I wouldn't let her hard work go to waste

"Don't think like that.. don't let her sacrifice be in vain.. don't disappoint her" I said

I continued on my way to Nicholas' house. Suddenly arms wrapped around me

"Y/n, you can't do that" I heard Maggie say

"I have to! Beth died for nothing! Noah had to live!" I yelled out as a tear fell down my face

"Put the knife down.. you can't kill him.. think about Lyra" Maggie said. I dropped the knife as I fell to my knees. Maggie fell down with me. She put my head into her chest as I began sobbing

"Let it out, it's okay" Maggie said as she tried to comfort me

"It's not fair!" I cried. Everything I had been holding back, everything I had been keeping locked away had come out. I just cried in Maggie's arms. I knew she was sad too. She had to be. We both understood that Noah, was, Beth died for him, and for him to be dead, it made her death meaningless. Another memory flashed into my mind

"Y/n, the boys in my class keep pulling my hair" Beth complained. She had started kindergarten recently

"You want to know how to solve your problem?" I asked her. She nodded frantically

"Y/n- wait" Maggie said trying to stop me

"You walk up to them and kick 'em in the dick" I said nodding my head

"Y/n" Maggie whispered

"What?" I asked

"Behind you" She said. I turned to see Hershel

"Oh, shit. Well look at the time!" I said before sprinting out

"Y/n L/n! Get back here!" Hershel yelled

"Y/n, it's okay.. shh" Maggie said as I cried. It all hurt so much. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all. Tears don't solve your problems and I knew crying was pointless, but I stayed strong for so long. I just needed a break. Maggie had picked up my pocket knife

"Y/n, let's go back" Maggie said as she helped me to my feet. We walked back. I held the charm of my necklace in my hand. Holding it as I dragged my feet against the ground. We made it back to the house. Maggie opened the door and led me inside. I kept my eyes to the ground. I could hear Lyra cooing

"Y/n.." Daryl said. I looked at him and then wrapped my arms around him as I cried

"Y/n.. I.. I'm sorry.." I heard Daryl say. I heard the door close behind us. Footsteps approached the bed

"Nicholas made Beth's death meaningless" I breathed out as I cried. I felt arms wrap around me

"Don't say her death was meaningless. It wasn't" Daryl said

"He was what she left us. She died so he could escape. She died for nothing" I said

"I'm not good.. at comforting people.. but.. her death was meaningful.. it was.. don't say it wasn't" Daryl said

"Nicholas.. he killed Noah" I said

"Hey.. Noah.. he's still with us.." Daryl said

"No, he's dead, and I'm starting to wonder who will be next?" I asked. I heard Daryl's breathing stop

"Look at me" I heard Daryl said. I turned and looked at him with teary eyes

"I ain't ever wanna hear you say those words again. No one else is gonna die. We're safe here" Daryl said. He then kissed my forehead. He held me all night, refusing to let me go. He was there for me, and I would never be able to repay him for that


My tears had stopped. All that was left was anger and revenge. I would make sure Nicholas had the most brutal and agonizing death. Taylor didn't have a run today so she was watching Lyra. I saw her holding Lyra

"Hey, you wanna go on a walk?" I asked her. She looked up at me

"Sure" She said as she got up. We both walked down stairs and I grabbed the stroller. Taylor put Lyra in it once we were outside. We then began strolling down the street

"How do you like it here so far?" I asked

"It's fine" She said

"Y/n!" I heard a voice yell. I turned to see Carl

"What?" I asked

"You're the first adult I saw.. Mikey is stuck in a tree. Can you help us get him down?" He asked. I laughed knowing that I did that same shit growing up

"Yeah, sure. Taylor can you watch Lyra? I'll be right back" I said

"Yeah, sure" She said. Carl led me to where Mikey was. He was in fact stuck in the tree

"Why did you call her?! This is such a bad look" Mikey whined

"She was never gonna date you anyways" Ron said looking up at him

"Facts" I said

"I will get with a hot mom, just you wait" Mikey claimed

"He does the same thing to my mom- he's such a dumbass" Ron muttered to me. I laughed

"Okay, well jump down. I'll catch you" I said to him. He shook his head

"As much as I'd love to be in your arms.. I'll die if I do that" Mikey said. I rolled my eyes

"Kid, either you jump down or I leave your dumbass up there" I said. He thought about it

"Okay, fine.. but you better catch me" Mikey said. I held my arms out

"Okay, hurry up" I said. He jumped down and I caught him. He was heavier than he looked

"Oh, my God! I'm actually alive!" Mikey yelled laughing as I put him on his feet

"Your welcome" I said with a small smile

"As a thank you, how about I treat you to some dinner?" Mikey asked with a cocky smile

"How about you finish your homework" I said before walking back. I walked back to Taylor and Lyra only to see Lee talking with Taylor. Lee was the guy who opened and closed the gates. He was seventeen or eighteen years old. Really close to Taylor's age. He seemed to be really focused on her. He had that same goofy smile on his face. The same one Glenn had when he looked at Maggie. I walked over to the two young adults

"Hey, sorry I took so long. I'm back" I said

"Oh, hi Y/n" Lee said. Taylor looked at me

"It's fine" She said

"You and Lee looked like you guys were talking. I'll take Lyra and head back. I'm tired anyways.. well, you two have fun" I said as I grabbed the stroller and left Taylor with Lee. I had a feeling those two would get together


I heard glass shatter. Me and Taylor ran out to see what it was. Then we heard screams. We ran a little farther and that's when we saw it. Rick and Pete were fighting. Everyone gathered. They were both grunting. Blood had been drawn

"Deanna!" Reg yelled. Pete had punched Rick. Rick punched him back. Jessie was crying. Sam ran to Carol. Rick was on top of Pete. Then it switched to where Pete was on top. Rick was choking Pete

"Oh my, God" I muttered as Pete choked Rick. Jessie began pulling on Pete, trying to get him off. Pete punched her in the face. That's when I ran in and tackled the man

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I yelled as I punched him. Pete slapped me across the face as Rick got up. My face stung. Rick then began tussling with Pete once again. Carl tried to stop them

"Beat his ass!" I yelled

"Dad, get off!" Carl yelled. Rick pushed him away. Pete then punched him. I rushed to Carl

"Hey, are you all right?" I asked him as I helped him up. He nodded as he got on his own two feet. Rick had Pete in a chokehold. He was gonna kill him, and I certainly wasn't gonna stop him

"Stop it! Stop it right now" Deanna said as she rushed over. Glenn and Nicholas had run over as well. I stared at Nicholas. My hand twitching as I held in my urge to stab the man

"You touch them again and I'll kill you" Rick said to Pete

"Damn it, Rick! I said stop" Deanna said. Rick pulled out a gun

"Or what?" Rick asked as he pointed it at Nicholas. Him and the others in his direction stopped and backed up

"Rick" I said

"You gonna kick me out?" Rick asked as he pointed it at Deanna, Reg and Spencer

"Put that gun down, Rick" Deanna said. Rick was panting

"You still don't get it. None of you do! We know what needs to be done and we do it. We're the ones who live. You, you just sit and plan and hesitate. You pretend like you know when you don't. You wish things weren't what they are. Well, you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing things is done. Things don't get better because you- you want them to. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world. We have to control who lives here" Rick said. He was erratic

"That's never been more clear to me than it is right now" Deanna said

"Me? Me? You- You mean- you mean me? Your way is gonna destroy this place. It's gonna get people killed. It's already gotten people killed. And I'm not gonna stand by and just let it happen. If you don't fight, you die. I'm not gonna stand by and-" Rick was cut off by Michonne. She punched him and knocked him out

(2585 words)

Edited: 07/10/22

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