Name: Dagger
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Tribe: Hivewing
Crush: TBD
Occupation: Patrol Guard/Soldier, often one of the Hivewings guarding Misbehaver's Way.
Hive: Cicada Hive
Quote: "Sir yes sir!"
Personality: A loyal and obedient soldier to Queen Wasp. She has a deeper, raspier voice than most female dragons, but it matches her personality well, as she takes and gives orders like second nature and follows them without hesitation. Dagger believes strongly in the way the Hives are run- she's not big on slavery and gets all huffy when she sees Silkwings or lower-class Hivewings being mistreated, but she sure as heck would never change a thing about her beloved continent. She likes how things are run and wouldn't her job, Hive, or lifestyle for anything.
Abilities: Regular Hivewing abilities, fast flyer with impressive endurance, toxic saliva.
(By me)
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