Not So Different~ Eren Yeager

Title: Not so different
Anime: Attack on Titan

I REALLY liked this oneshot. I still do actually. Just fixed up a few things~

-Reader is kinda like Mikasa based on her skills. Not personality thou.

Anyway! Enjoy!

Word count: 1720


Nobody could annoy you more than that's dumbass Jaeger, especially when he talked about defeating all the Titans.

That's LITERALLY all that comes out of his mouth.

At times you thought if anyone would ever say something to him about Titans, he goes berserk. Currently, you were sitting next to your friends Jean and Marco as you clenched your fists in anger, as you heard the Green-Blue eyed Fifteen year old rant out loud to some of the soldiers about 'Murdering all the Titans'.

I sat there, gritting my teeth as I was clearly annoyed. Jean and Marco sensed this, getting a shiver down their spine.  "I-Izumi-San.. M-Maybe you should calm down a little.." Marco said trying to calm me down but no avail, Eren had already angered me enough.

"How pathetic.." I said out loud. The dining area went silent, making some people sweatdrop.

"Can't you talk about anything other than those things?" I spat glaring at Eren, who returned the glare.

"She's right Eren... You shouldn't mess with Izumi-San.. She's been through hell." Someone said, making me advert my gaze from the Angry German kid.

"She's always calling me out! Why doesn't she just fight me already! If she's so tuff!" Eren huffed as I felt his glare on my back. I rolled my eyes as I stood up from the table and began to walk off, this was where Jean took over. As they fought, like always.

"I'm sorry... I'm getting too distracted from my goal guys..." I muttered to myself, sitting outside as I stared lost at the picture of my two younger siblings, mother and father. "I'll avenge you guys.. Don't worry.." I sighed closing my eyes as I placed the picture in the pocket of my jacket.

Yes, my family died.. My parents were In the Survey corps and had died during an expedition, along with that, my little brother and sister, (s/n) and (b/n), died as well when the Titans invaded the wall long ago.

So yeah, Titans are a soft subject for me. As annoying as he can be when talking about those monsters, he's right.

We must defeat them, and avenge the deaths of many people.


It was a usual day of training, but it wouldn't be to normal soon. I was sparring with Annie, though she's quite suspicious, a mutual friend of mine. We were both pretty skilled fighters so it was quite a challenge.

"Hey Annie! Why don't you leave Izumi-san to me." The Infuriating Turquoise eyed boy shouted walking over to us.

Annie glanced at him, then me. I let out a small sigh and a slight nod as I crossed my arms. She nodded, walking off and there stood Eren.

"You really are desperate aren't you?" I muttered getting in my stance.

"What can I say? I never forget a pretty face." He said simply, I shrugged off the blush trying to fight its way onto my cheeks. Obviously a distraction.

"It's your fault ya'know." He glared mirroring my actions. I swung my arm at him, which he blocked simply. "What?." I spat glaring back at him.

He went to kick my side and I blocked that simply, I took a quick blow to my arm though it felt like a playful hit, I huffed trying to fight back. He had me cornered.

"I speak the truth. Nothing But it, I could've left you alone to your own business. But you just had to make me-" I was currently fuming with anger as I cut him off by sweeping him off his feet, which made him land on his ass.

I pointed a wooden dagger at him, my eyes filled with anger as they glared at his hues.

"My fault?! You've got to be kidding me! It's your fault for talking about all this crap! Killing all the Titans isn't the only thing we should be focused on! We also must protect families and people! This is all of humanity that's left don't you realize that?! Some people couldn't even save their family because they were to weak! SO COULD YOU STOP TALKING LIKE YOU RUN THE PLACE BECAUSE ALL I HEAR WHEN YOU TALK IS GIBBERISH!" Currently distraught, I chucked the dagger at him storming off. You had left the place with quite a bang, some people were quite nervous.


It was dinner time, and yet there was still no sight of you. Eren sat at the table, not even touching his food as his mind raced with the thought of you. "Eren, you should eat." Mikasa said in a Monotone way.

"Did I say something wrong..?" He breathed out accidentally, making both Mikasa and Armin sweatdrop. "So dense.." Armin muttered which Eren had yet to hear since someone decided to speak up.

"Oi, Eren. Your mouth is shut for once, tired of talking about your vengeance?" Jean had said bluntly, taking a sip from his drink. Eren glared at him, "Where is she?" He asked angrily which caught Jean off guard.

"And why do you care? It's not like she'd want to see you Jaeger." He spat setting his cup down.

"It's not like I said something wrong, I just want to know what the sudden burst was about." Eren replied plainly.

"That 'Sudden burst' was about you and your Obsession with Killing all the Titans. You still don't understand?"

"Yes, What's the point of joining the squad if you don't talk about it?! We need Revenge!-" they were now face to face, anger in both their faces as they were ready to start fighting.

"YES EREN. We do need Revenge! But that doesn't mean people like the Titan topic being brought up! Izumi-San lost her parents, little brother AND sister to those monsters! AND SHE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT." As that was said, all was shocked, no one moved nor made a sound. Eren's eyes had softened, as he was taken back by those words.

"She's always thinking she's weak, like she can't take on the Titans cause they might trigger her memories. Of course she wants revenge, you both are the same. I just think her childhood was way more tainted than yours." Jean sighed, taking a seat again.

"You're not the only one Eren. People have gone through way worse than you have." Suddenly Eren stormed out of the dinning hall. In search for you.


"Izumi." His voice ringed though my ears making me flinch.

I let out a small sigh. "How'd you find me, Eren." I said crossing my arms looking back at the Turquoised-eyed boy. "Marco. He isn't very good at keeping secrets."

Of course, he's freckled Jesus after all.

I hummed in reply, starring out at the sky. I noticed Eren had sat next to me, which I didn't mind. "Jean told me.. About your family." He said bluntly. My eyes widened. In shock as I stiffened.

Just wait until I beat his Horseface ass..!-

"So you know now... Great, I sound like a little weak Bitch don't I..?" I said with an odd laugh.

"No, not at all.." I raised a brow at him, "why not?" I felt a grab of my hand as a stared into his surprisingly calm hues.

"Cause we're kinda in the same boat. Though, I only lost my mom... But.. You lost your whole family.."

I looked down the memories flooding my mind.

"You want to avenge your family's death right?" He asked and a gave a small nod.

He grinned and grabbed my hand more firmly helping me up, "Then let's do it together, what do you say?" His question was blunt, making me blink a few times and look back and forth from my hand to Eren.

He can't be serious..

But the more I though the more I leant towards the idea. Eren is quite strong, right? It's not like he'll be one of the firsts to die, right? (#Sorrynotsorry.)

I opened my mouth to decline but other words came out.

"I-I guess.."

I glanced away glaring at the floor, feeling heat rise up to my cheeks. I quickly tugged my hand away crossing them and huffed, "but if you start to get annoying I'm out!" I snarled looking up at him.

"Challenge accepted." He smirked returning the glare. I began to get flustered again and turned around looking up at the dark starry sky.

Am I making the right choice guys..?

I miss you guys... So much...

As I was starting to get emotional Eren spoke up. "You know, you never let me finish what I was saying earlier." I looked back at him with a glare, "Don't push it Jaeg- W-What are you-?!"

I was cut off by Eren embracing me in a hug, his hands wrapped around my waist. A blush quickly spreads across my cheeks.

"I speak the truth. Nothing But it, I could've left you alone to your own business. But you just had to be so Amazing. At combat, Maneuver gear, you name it."

"Let alone when your ticked off its pretty scary but cute. Your smart remarks are pretty annoying but it's who you are."

Eren was quite for a moment but then sighed and whispered something in my ear that I'd thought he'd never say.

"But you just had to make me fall in love with you."


"JEAN!!" I yelled stomping into the dinning hall, furious.

Jean gulped, laughing nervously, "oooohhhh heyyyy...." He said nervously. Suddenly you and Jean were both practically fighting, you shouting at him about how he's dead for telling everyone your business while he shouted apologies.

Everyone in the dining hall sweat dropped with a small groan.

"You seriously have a thing with her?" Armin asked Eren out of the blue. "Yup,"

"But you're both so different!"

"Yeah, and she may be a stuck up and all. But I love her for it." Eren said watching you with a small smile.


"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY HORSE FACE?!" Eren growled. Now poor Jean was in an argument with both you and Eren. Armin closed his eyes sighing,

"I guess their not so different after all."


Ughhh... I love it 😍

I hope you guys do too!

Anyways, next Oneshot!

~*TrueDisneyFan01 Left the chatroom~*

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