Extraordinary~ Connor (RK800)
Title: Extraordinary
Game: Detroit: Become Human
WARNING: This is long as FUCK (about 6000 words)
Yoooo 😂😂 this game showed up in my recommendation so many times last year and I just now get obsessed with it? What's going onnnn guyssss 👀
Personally, I really really love Marcus because what the shit guys it's Jesse Williams? 🥵
But the fan favorite seems to be fully surrounded by Connor so this is who today's one shot is about 🤗
Sorry if Connor seems really OOC by the end, I just feel like if an Android suddenly becomes deviant and realizes certain things they start to think a bit emotionally and not mentally. You'll see what I mean later 😉
I hope I've watched enough Blue bloods, Chicago PD and Criminal minds to write about this motherfucker 🤡
(NOTE: Happy New Year guys! This was all already written in July of 2019!! I just now completed the editing lmao, I'm a huge procrastinator I know! Ending before the extra is unedited because I REALLY wanted to get this story out so enjoyyy 🤩)
It all happened so fast.
"Hank! Is that an Android I see?!"
He could've sworn they were going to both make it out alive.
"What—! You can analyze that? Oh my god this is insane!"
Even during the aftermath he still could not understand your selfless actions.
"You're an Extraordinary, Connor."
And maybe he never will.
You were sitting at your desk, bored out of your mind when he first came in. He was alone at first, and you couldn't help but watch in shock.
He seemed to be walking over to an empty desk, which later was found out to be Lieutenant Anderson's desk.
An android. You started at his Cyberlife uniform in between the cracks of a few books decorated on your desk. You're heart started racing with millions of questions swirling in your mind.
What the fuck?
An Android here for Hank? Wait, is it his? When did he start liking them?
What. The. Fuck.
An RK800.. Is that a new model? That must've been super expensive!
What the actual FUCK?!
"Excuse me, Do you know what time Lieutenant Anderson Usually arrives?"
oMg he speaks too.
Well no shit me, how else would he communicate?
"Depends on where he was the night before."
You quickly averted your gaze from the conversation the Android was having with one of your coworkers, pretending to be doing whatever on the computer so you didn't seem suspicious. You couldn't go up to him yet, he might become intimidated Or maybe even creeped out by you.
"If we're lucky. We'll see him before noon." You're coworker finished off by saying, turning back to his work.
You took a quick peek away from your computer, the android sat down on a chair with amazing posture. Before he stood up once again and began looking through Lieutenant's things.
"What on earth goes on inside his mind..?" You mumbled, resting you're chin on your open palm and pondering different reasons for your answer before you caught yourself staring and glanced back at your computer. It seemed as if the Android was on to you, he had almost caught you staring, Glancing over at you nervously typing at your computer as he held headphones near it's ear.
Jesus. I need questions answered.
After what felt like forever you heard Hank barge out of the captain's office, Mumbling under his breath and stopping over to his desk.
God, what a drama queen.
"Aw.. Did something not go your way?" You took you chance to speak to him, pouting at him playfully from your desk directly across from him.
"Fuck off, Hill. I'm not in them mood." He puffed, making you giggle and turn you swivel chair towards him and away from you computer.
"Come on, what did he do? He gave me the same lecture but, I'm sure you tried to fight back didn't you? I'm listening!" You cupped your ears in attempt to get him to talk, but he just flicked you off instead.
"Hey, I'm trying to be nice here! Don't be like that!"
"I do not need a 22 year old as a therapist." He retorted But then visibly started to curse under his breath and glance away. The Android was back.
"I get the impression that my presence causes you some inconvenience, Lieutenant." He started, and just like that your heart started to race again from excitement. Glancing back and forth between the two, Hank glared at you as a hint to back off.
"I'd like you to know that I am very sorry about that."
Hank didn't answer, which genuinely made you want to bang your head on your own desk and intrude.
How rude!
"In any case, I'd like you to know that I am very happy to be working with you."
Oh my god, he's so pure-
"I'm sure we'll make a great team."
You couldn't help yourself, you had to step in.
"Hank! Is that an Android I see?" You stood up quickly and made your way to his desk, already staring at the Android like it was an ancient artifact.
"What the- Hill! Get back to fucking work!" Hank shouted at you but you simply ignored him and continued talking.
"This must've been a fortune! You know I've been wanting one of these for the longest time!" You said, shyly fiddling with your hair and staring at the Android in awe.
"Hello. My name is Connor, I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife." He said with a polite smile, that alone wanted to make you squeal from excitement.
With a bright smile you held out your hand for him to shake. "Detective Hill. Pleasure to meet you Connor!"
When Connor's hand collided with yours, something changed in both of you.
You just wouldn't find out what it was because Hank was such a asswipe.
"Alright alright, thats enough. Stop drooling over it." Hank scoffed, waving you off.
"You have this cool looking Android at your finger tips and you expect me not too?!"
I N S T A B I L I T Y ^
The second time you saw him, it was ironically during an investigation. The 79th floor was swarmed with news castors, the FBI had even stepped in which made you realize how intense this whole situation actually is.
"We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes and our rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a better future, for humans and Androids. This message is a hope— epohasiegassem siht.sdiordnAdnasnamuhrof—"
You were standing behind the monitor, playing the video on the big screen. Watching, replaying, and pausing closely for any hints or things they had forgotten to cover up to figure out who this android is.
He has two different eye colors... That must mean he was destroyed and repaired again how—?
"Shit, what's going on here? There was a party and no one told me about it?" You glanced behind you, listening in on Lieutenant Anderson's use of sarcasm.
Once they had walked into the room, Special Agent Perkins was already on Lieutenant's ass. Talking down to him as if he owned the place. You had just met him a couple of minutes ago and you already had it out for him, he was annoying. And you didn't plan on seeing or even working with him anymore after that.
You glanced over at Connor who was off on his own, Looking at the evidence gathered. "Connor!" You call for him, gesturing him over to the monitors where the video played when he glanced in your direction.
"Is there a problem Detective Hill?"
"Can you get anything from this video?" You played it again, watching the Android analyze it just as closely as you were doing a while ago.
"Hill, what the fuck are you doing with him now?" Hank called out to you, Walking over with his arms crossed. You put your hands up in defense, "I'm not doing anything this time, I haven't even touched him!"
"This message is a hope for a people. You gave us life, and now the time has come for you to give us freedom."
"think that's rA9?" Hank had said to Connor, and for once you were looking at them in Confusion.
"rA9? What's that?"
"Deviants say rA9 will set them free. This Android seems to have that objective." Connor answered almost immediately, still staring at the skinless android in the video, as if analyzing it.
On second thought I think he actually was.
"D'you see something?" Hanks second question has you staring at Connor in awe, waiting for a response.
"I identified it's model and serial number..."
"What!" You said in a slight whisper voice. "You can analyze that? Ohh.. My god this is insane!"
Hank rolled his eyes, shaking his head at your silly response where as Connor just gave you a slight smile. God, was your heart really racing about this amazing Android and it's fascinating abilities? Yes. Of course that's the case.
"Anything else I should know?" Connor was looking back at the video, almost hesitant. "No." he said, "Nothing."
"Well damn Connor, you figured out more in a few minutes than I did in an hour!" You giggled.
"Why are you here anyway? I thought you weren't coming in." Hank has changed the subject so you weren't squealing about the Android most of the conversation.
"And miss this? Please, meeting my family whom I haven't seen in years is not as important as this deviant revolution going on!" You mentioned, holding your head up high in confidence.
"They cancelled last minute again didn't they?" Your heart dropped to your stomach, "Pfft- No! No way! They wouldn't do that again... They're just running late. Okay?" Your subtle laugh and nervous smile was enough to have Hank sighing and Connor looking at you in utter confusion.
"Is there a problem with your family Detective Hill?" Connor said, "your stress rate as risen to 50%."
"Your can detect stress too? God, so cool." You laugh, fiddling with a strand of you hair attempting to wave off the whole conversation. "I'm fine! No chatting! More working!" You walk off from the pair to look at some bullet markings through the wall. Luckily, they had taken the hint and went back to work.
You hesitantly glance at your phone, awaiting for the text of your family's arrival in Detroit. A smile was brought to your face, heart racing when you saw a text from your mother and you opened it quickly. That smile faltered almost immediately.
I'm so sorry honey, we can't make it.
And so did your heart.
You weren't born and raised in Detroit. No, your home lied elsewhere. Where your family was. Because of your rising in the social ranks of becoming a detective, you had to leave right away when you were offered a job here. Your family couldn't join you, so with a kiss planted on your cheek and a shove by your shoulder you were on your way.
They haven't visited since you first got here.
It's okay mom. I'll just come down during the holidays! No biggie!
If Fowler even gives you the days.
Before you could even hit send you had heard something being knocked over, this made you head snap up and glance around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the main room. You put your phone securely In your pocket and walked near the source of the noise.
You were about to walk towards the exit when you peeked at the kitchen area. You stopped in your tracks in suspicion. An Android was on its way out.
Weren't they supposed to stay still?
"Hank..!" You heard the strained voice of Connor from inside of the kitchen, "I need help.." The Android made a beeline for the exit in quick steps and your eyes widened, rushing into the room.
"Connor?!- oh my god!" You gasped, running over to the Android who had taken a knife out of his hand and dropped to the floor, calling your first name now in the same strained voice.
"Holy shit—!" you dropped to your knees, pulling him up to rest his head on them.
It looked, bad. Blue blood everywhere, his LED was blinking red, and a gaping whole in the center of his stomach, whatever the hell was there was taken out with force.
"Y-You're missing a- whatever the hell it is!"
"There.." He weakly pointed in a direction. "10... 9.." he gasped out and that alone made you blood turn cold.
Glancing in the direction of where he was pointing you saw the piece he was missing. "I got it!" You reached over and grabbed it, plunging it back into where it was taken out from. "Connor?" You said worriedly, cupping his face into your hands and starring down at him. he gasped as if for breath. "I've got you.. Just breath." You said as steadily as you could, his eyes meeting yours.
"D-Deviant... It's Deviant..!" Suddenly you recall the Android walking out of the kitchen merely seconds ago and chills run up your spine.
Connor stood to his feet quickly and ran out the kitchen, that alone made you run after him. "Connor wait!"
"It's a Deviant! STOP IT!" You heard Connor shout when you ran into the room and stood next to him. The Android at fault looked back, Pushing back one of the guards and snatching their gun, aiming a shot right at you.
Connor; in one swift motion, grabbed the gun from behind one of the nearest officers and snatched your wrist pulling himself in front of you. He shot the Deviant with no hesitation.
"Nice shot, Connor." Hank said getting back up with an officer as Connor handing the gun back to the officer without eye contact. He had yet to let go of your wrist.
"I wanted it alive."
"You saved.. Human lives..." Hank retorted, Looking at the Android and then you, shocked and blue blood covering your clothes.
"You saved my life." He finished.
"Are you okay?" You said almost immediately after, facing Connor and looking at him all around. "D-Did I put it in right? Everything in working order?" You seemed genuinely worried. This confused Connor, he was just a machine that could be easily repaired. Why did you care so much as he was a living being?
"I'm okay, Detective Hill." He stared at you head on, LED swirling yellow and unknowingly looking for anything out of the ordinary in you himself. "You jumped in front of me.." she said in a steady voice, making full eye contact. "Thank you.." a smile of gratitude was placed on your lips.
Connor didn't answer and upon noticing, had released you wrist from his grasp.
"If it weren't for you I wouldn't have stopped that deviant.. I believe I'm the one who should be thanking you." He was staring at your clothes and arms, almost coated in Thirium.
"Oh, that?" You said with a laugh and twirled your hair, something Connor noticed you did when you get nervous. "Was nothing, all in days work! But we're even at least, I saved your life and you saved mine." You said, Gesturing to your clothes and chuckle, a small twinkle in your eye that made Connor tense.
I N S T A B I L I T Y ^
"By the way, do you know if this stains? I really really like this shirt!"
The last time you saw him was at the Cyberlife tower.
You had gone there originally to sit down with one of the Android creators and see if you could get to the bottom of these Deviants on the run. Maybe figure out what is causing these emotions and stop that from happening.
But then again you were hesitant, The whole meeting was shady because what Deviant would go to Cyberlife just to be reset and be investigated on?
"Detroit police." You said, lifting your badge to the guards at the entrance. "I have a meeting with-" you cut yourself off when you saw the familiar android walking with a few guards towards the elevator, "actually. I'm with the Android. Connor!" You shout, picking up your pace to catch up to him.
Connor had glanced back in your direction, his LED had suddenly went from a calm blue to a bright yellow and back. "Detective Hill." He said, a small hint of nervousness in his voice that you caught.
Wait. Did I hear that correctly?
Finally catching up to him you smiled, "I didn't expect to see you here." The guards walking him looked at you in suspicion before you showed them your badge. "It's alright. We used to work together." That small effort was about enough for them to back off, although they were still quite suspicious.
"What are you doing here?" Connor had said to you in a slight panic hinting in his voice when the guards were a good distance away. The comment was strange, he wasn't being as formal as you had become accustomed too.
"Fowler took some pretty good people off the case, so I went back on my word and decided to personally find out the problem for you guys." You replied, looking at him a his LED swirled the same bright yellow since you got here. "Is, everything okay Connor? Why are you even here..?" You added, raising a hand to point out his LED but he had quickly avoided your hand, straightening his posture along with his tie, the LED returning to a calm blue.
"Everything is alright, Detective." He replied, staring forward again as you both and the guards piled into the Elevator. You had nodded your head to drop the subject, but you did not believe him for one second.
It was unbelievably quiet on the way, that alone had you nervous and you already were nervous about the meeting in the first place. You stood on your side, intertwining your fingers together and looking at them to pass the time.
You would've even started up a conversation if it wasn't for what happened next.
"Do you trust me?"
Chills had reached your spine, creating bumps on your arms and legs at the sudden question that was whispered into your ear.
"What the fu-" your heart was practically beating out of your chest.
"I need to know detective." He repeated, I eyed him as he stared at the camera in the corner of the elevator.
What the hell is he gonna do?
"Of course I trust you. Connor, What's this about?" You were growing worried, Reaching out to him once again but this time he caught your hand with his, holding it firmly.
"Then I promise to protect you." He looked to you with a knowing smile that made your beating heart literally freeze and eyes wide.
And just like that everything in your strange detective mind clicked.
He's Deviant.
Before you could even react to this sudden news he had pulled you into the corner of the elevator, letting you go and attacked one of the guards.
"What the shit- Connor!" You shouted in fear when he shot on of the guards and then the other after fighting for the upper hand. Just like that your blood went cold, were you next?
"Don't move!" You said to the Android, taking out your gun and aiming it at him. You saw him freeze, speaking to the elevator AI with a different voice and changing the direction the elevator was heading. Level -49. Connor slowly turned around to face you.
"Detective Hill, I'm not going to hurt you." He said to you softly and your cursed yourself for your hands slightly shaking in fear. He knew you were scared.
"You're a Deviant and You killed those guards! I'm next aren't I? I tick you off a certain way and I'm dead meat- Don't! Move!" You threatened to shoot, seeing him still stop slowly from coming towards you.
"Detective, you said you trusted me." He said softly, though his voice held so much concern and guilt that it had convinced you to feel bad for him. This had you confused, was this what he meant by trying to protecting you?
"Where are we going." You changed the subject, trying to peek through the glass window of the elevator from your stance.
"All I've done was protect you and this is what I get in return?" He pressed on, Getting closer to you with his hands raised. "Stop it." You attempt to keep your angry stance but even your voice comes out barley above of a whisper. He calls your first name firmly and you didn't even notice how close he was to you until now. "It is not in my program to protect you. I chose to protect you myself," He placed a gentle hand on your cheek that finally had convinced that he was not going to harm you. "What happened to you..?" You spoke, staring into his eyes looking for any kind of answer so your pounding heart can finally ease.
He suddenly seemed distressed, puling his hand away and trying to find the right words. "There was a sudden error in my program.." Hearing the elevator ring, he walked in the direction of the opening doors, "I have subsequently developed... Emotion." That certainly did not calm your beating heart from being so shocked that the deviant hunter himself had become deviant.
You subconsciously followed him out the elevator, curious on what he was to achieve from what he's already done. "Detective, you should leave while you have the chance. None of what i am doing is safe."
"Why are you even here?" You glance around at the hundreds of androids lined up, brushing your fingertips on a few of them models before you. "I volunteered to infiltrate the Cyberlife tower and wake up these androids to shift the balance of power." he started, walking up to one of the androids almost hesitant to grab its arm, "which is why you are not supposed to be here detective." you sighed shakily, taking in the information as lightly as you could and making your way towards him, inevitably bursting out with emotion.
"Connor. This is dangerous! they could have you killed in a heartbeat for what you're about to do!" you panic, a lump forming in your throat realizing the situation were currently in. "And how about you? Detective, you will be reprimanded by the Detroit police if they figure out you are assisting an android like this. so please.." He stared into your eyes again almost pleading, "Go before you get yourself hurt."
"I'm not leaving you." You walk over to him and return his stare head on, your heart beating out of your chest uncontrollably at that. " I care about you far to much to let you do this alone." You blurt out to your surprise, placing a hand a top of the one that held the other Android and held his other hand. "We're in this together now." You couldn't help but almost blush at those words you said.
A detective and an Android.. Together. It sounded insane but in a way.. Perfect.
Connor called your name gently, releasing both the arm of the Android and your hold, placing his hands on your cheeks in the end. "C-Connor I.. I think I.." You were frozen still, but your ears burned and your heart was definitely not at a calm state. This is really happening.
"I believe I do too.." He spoke, completely understanding your words and lifting your chin, leaning in to press his lips against yours.
Both Eyes fluttered closed as your lips just brushed each other, the cold sensation of his gave you even more chills then before. And just before you were completely engulfed in the blossoming love a gun suddenly clicked, making your eyes open right away.
(Reader POV)
"Easy, fucking piece of shit!.." I look over to see hank being held at gun point by a replica of Connor.
"Hank..?" I mutter softly and he looked at me, sympathy completely in his state.
"Step back, Connor!" The other Connor shouted, "And I'll Spare him!"
"Sorry, Connor.. This bastard's your spittin' image." Hank grumbled, glancing between the two androids in dismay.
"Your friend's life is in your hands. Now it's time to decide what matters most!" The other Connor continued, "Him.. Or the revolution."
"Don't listen to him! Everything this fucker says is a lie!"
Connor stares at me with saddened eyes, as if apologizing for putting me into this mess before anything continued.
"I'm sorry, Hank!" He says looking at the situation before him now, gesturing for me to stand behind him to which I silently obeyed, "you shouldn't have gotten mixed up in all this! Neither of you shouldn't have.." he said, glancing at me slightly before looking back.
"Forget about me, Do what you have to do and protect them!"
Connor seemed almost distressed, unable to think of a way to solve this mess.
"If I surrender how do I know you won't kill him?"
"I'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission. It's up to you whether that includes killing this human... Or even them." The other Connor mentions with an evil glint in his eye that gave me chills upon chills.
"Don't you even think! About touching-"
"Enough talk! It's time to decide who you really are." The other Connor persist, waving the gun closer and closer to Hank's head.
"Are you gonna save your partner's life? Or are you going to sacrifice him?"
This was stressing Connor out as is, and I wasn't going to lie and say it wasn't stressing me out either. "Connor, please.." you pleaded quietly, hoping he wouldn't be the result of Hanks demise.
Connor sighed, stepping away from the Android and raising his hands slowly. "Alright, alright!" He said calmly, making sure to keep me behind him at all times. "You win.."
"Connor, Look out!-" I shouted with wide eyes as the opposing Connor aimed his gun at both of us. Being impeccably quick on his feet, Connor ran towards his doppelgänger and tackled him, creating an all out battle between the both of them.
"Connor!" I shouted going straight into the fight, but was held back by Hank who grabbed my arm tightly and called my name to stop me. He pulled me back behind him and held up the gun to both Connors.
"Hold it!"
Both Connors stopped, making my eyes widen in sudden realization that we couldn't tell which one was the real Connor.
"Thanks, Hank. I don't know how I'd have managed without you." One Connor said, slowly standing to his position. "Get did of him, we have no time to lose." He added, gesturing to the other Connor who was staring at both me and Hank.
The Connor staring called me name softly and then Hank's, "It's me, Hank! I'm the real Connor!"
"One of you is my partner.. The other is a sack of shit." Hank muttered, pointing the gun between both Connors, "Question is.. Who is who?"
"What are you doing, Hank? I'm the real Connor! Just give me the gun and I'll—"
"Don't move!"
The other Connor looked in distress, making me almost believe it's him until he told hank to ask them something only the real Connor would know.
"He uploaded my memory.." the quiet Connor mumbled after the opposing Connor answered the first question without hesitation. His LED swirled yellow.
It's him... I swear, If it wasn't for my detective skills I swear I'd be dead.
"Hank.." I say quickly, ready to tell him who the real Connor was but he brushed me off almost instantly. "Get back, Hill. None of this safe." I opened my mouth to persist once again but he started another question before I could say anything.
Everything will be fine if he just answers all the questions correctly.
"My son, What's his name..?"
Shit. He couldn't possibly know this answer.
My eyes land on the real Connor as he tries to figure out the name lost completely in his thoughts, but he can't find it.
"I.. I don't know.." He looks at me guiltily as Hank aims the gun towards him and clicks it. I stare in horror as I watch him look straight at me and mouth those four letter words that changed everything.
I love you.
My eyes widen in shock and in that moment everything in my mind told me what I was about to do is the right thing.
"Hank! NO!—"
(Regular POV)
It was as if the world appeared in slow motion when you shouted.
Hank had aimed for Connor but because you had gotten in front of him so quickly, he shot you straight in the chest knocking you down.
"NO!" You heard Connor shout, dropping to his knees and catching you safely in his arms.
Hank suddenly realized his mistake and with no hesitation shot the Connor doppelgänger just as he was about to get tackled, the doppelgänger dropping just as hard as you did.
"C-Connor..?" You muttered softly, starting up at the Android- no. Him with pain in your eyes. You couldn't help but let out a light laugh, tears freely falling down your cheeks "I-I knew it was y-you.." he sushed you and called your name softly. "It's gonna be okay.. Just stay with me please.." He says wiling your tears and looking at you with so much emotion it brought more tears to your eyes.
"Y-You're Extraordinary Connor.." you said with a weak smile, "... And I-I will a-always love you.." You gathered all the strength you had left to push yourself up and press your lips completely on his and regardless of your situation it still felt like... butterflies. Both of you fit together perfectly even though he was different, you love one another even though you were two different beings.
And with that thought, A lone tear fell down his cheek as you took your last breath, releasing from the kiss and dropping to the ground.
"Nonono... Please No!" Connor pleaded and lifted your limp body as if you would open your eyes once more.
"What have I done..?" Hank muttered to himself, staring down at Connor distressed and heartbroken for the first time.
Suddenly the only thing that could be heard was the repeated phrase of "wake up" as the thousands of androids willingly converted all around them.
- Extra~
"This is insane."
A scientist observed with curious eyes as his co workers finished the final touches on the newest android prototype. "after all of this hard work Cyberlife was able to accomplish.... We've finally done the unexplained." he breathed out, lightly touching the human skin of the prototype, shivering at the warm touch and familiarity it had, something most other androids surely didn't have.
"We shouldn't have done this. This is too much! What if they remember ag—?!" The nervous scientist was cut off by a few materials being shoved into his stomach. His groans and whimpers were barely inaudible when he hunched over to soothe the pain. "Shut the hell up. Don't you remember who you're working for? There's no turning back now and we shouldn't." A woman spoke coldly, looking down at him with a deadly glare.
The male stood up straight and whimpers slightly under her gaze. "He asked us to do this. So just finish the job." The woman adds, fixating her eyes back on the lifeless figure on the table.
He nods his head again and clears his throat.
The body on the table suddenly came to life, opening their eyes calmly. The LED on their temple swirled a calm blue.
The male scientist stared in shock, watching the android sit up and look at their hands with curiosity. It was odd, They felt a familiarity in their body that they couldn't quite pin point.
"Register your name, HA100." The female scientist beside the Android spoke, and the male on the opposite side handed the android a mirror to look at it's appearance.
Once the androids eyes met the mirror, their blood went cold.
The stern woman had said your first name bluntly, "Most commonly know as, Detective Hill." It was like a switch in your system flicked on when The scientist murmured and you immediately started to panic, remembering everything you once knew.
"I-! I-I thought I!-" words could barely come out of your mouth as the grumbling anxiety in your gut built up. "Yes, You died." The woman said then glanced at the scientist to continue. "B-But with the right materials and time. Cyber life has h-happily granted you a second chance at life." It seemed like he was at gunpoint and forced to say that. Although you were aware of how shady the two were being your thoughts had settled on a certain android that made your heart beat out of your chest. Unless, of course— you no longer had a heart.
"W-Wait—" you started to panic again, getting up from your spot on the lab table but almost falling over in the process. "Where's—?"
"Who?" The woman's eyes narrowed, making you feel like she knew what you were about to say. Has this all happened before?
After struggling on Standing on your two feet you glance around some more, looking for the one you last saw before you died. "Detective, please take a seat—"
"Why Don't I remember him..? What the hell did you guys do?!" You shout, stepping away from them with slight fear and raking over every part of your mind for some sort of recollection yet finding none. The woman's eyes narrowed and she immediately glanced at the squeamish scientist, "Deactivate her. We must try again." Hearing those words made your eyes widen in horror and automatically trying to escape this hell hole of a room, but two giant guards had stopped you in your place and roughly grabbed your arms tightly. "No ! Don't do this! Please! I'll do anything!!" You scream loudly, tears streaming down your face just hoping for at least someone in the outside world would hear your cries.
The scientist took quick strides towards you with guilt brushing his features, going for the piece that kept you walking and breathing once again. "I'm sorry, sweetheart.." the scientist mumbled softly before yanking out the piece, making your horrid screams and cries stop altogether. a 10 second timer appeared in your vision as you slowly grew limp, and suddenly you recalled a name that meant so much to you that you just had to call it out, "CONNOR!—"
That was the last thing you screamed out before you fully deactivated, your once life filled body completely lifeless in the eyes of the scientist, who quickly also took out the parts that kept this android being you, your brain, and your lively beating heart.
"Put her with the rest." The woman said sternly to the guards who obeyed, and took the android to the room of failed prototypes similar to this one.
"We must try again." The woman put a firm hand on the scientist's shoulder, who held you parts endearingly, as if mourning your loss.
"Doctor Hill," The woman spoke. "If you want your daughter back—"
"we must rid her memory with all things of that RK800. I know." He finished for her in a monotone voice, going back to his desk to begin a knew prototype just like the smiling photo of the girl planted on his desk.
Although she called Connor's name in a confined room, somewhere not so far away he stood at your grave and heard your call. At that moment a growing a sense of danger had struck him and for once since your final breath, he looked back at the illuminating tower that stood over Detroit, getting the sudden feeling that this was just the beginning of something disastrous as your final screams echoed throughout the city.
Secret ending unlocked: Cyberlife's greatest Invention
My favorite thing about this game is that there's so many different outcomes based on just a choice that you choose. That's just personally my favorite kind of game type. So hypothetically, there are plenty of different ways this one shot could've played out based on the Detroit: Become Human game, Reader could've never met Connor, Reader could've been shot by the Deviant in the 79th floor scene, Reader could've even killed Connor. And most important of all:
Reader could've completely survived the whole story.
I'm this ending, Connor has feelings for reader and reader is suddenly aware of how much she cares about Connor and her strong feelings so suddenly that she inevitably takes a bullet for Connor. Also because Connor didn't do something correctly (It's obvious but still try and guess what it is!). There were also a couple of more things that weren't done that could've settled for a good ending!
And I was really feeling the aNgsT in this one, so enjoy this considered "secret ending for reader" instead 🥰
Four things:
•Imagine actually being born and raised in Detroit and reading this one shot 🧐
•I hope you guys liked this, i literally spent a whole 4 months writing it because of my procrastinating headass 🤡
•If you guys really want to see an alternative ending to this, let me know what kind, I'll see what I can do~ 🥴
•And if you guys want to see anything (character suggestions or even plot suggestions too!) in general let me know! It might take a long time for me to upload it but it will still come around! 🥳
(2020 me: See! I wold you I'd upload by the end of the week! Ugh, finally this baby is sailing off 🥺 my New Years resolution is to upload more often and not procrastinate so hopefully I'll do just that!)
Ok I'm gonna go cry now Byeeeee 🥳
*~Truedisneyfan01 has left the chat room~*
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