𝗥𝗼𝗲𝗺𝗶: ልክ ልየየረሃቻጎር
✨ 𝒀𝒗𝒊𝒔𝒌𝒐𝒔 𝑫𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒔 ✨
- - - > Spring
- full name: Yviskos Daskalakis
- nickname(s): Yivvy, Vis, Daski (last name reference), ✨Beauty Angel✨ (as insisted by him), Sprigs, Hibi (since 'Yviskos' means 'Hibiscus' in Greek), Glitter Guy
- age + birthday: 17 yrs., August 24th (Virgo)
- gender + pronouns: male, he/him
- sexual + romantic orientation: omnisexual demiromantic
- nationality: Japan
- ethnicity: Greek (from Greece)
- faceclaim and backup: (SORRY BUT IM DOIN A DESCRIPTION INSTEAD LIKE GRIFFIN DID! T6T) Yviskos is rather tall for his age and has brown eyes. He has shoulder length slightly curly messy dark purple-pink hair (dyed of course) with two longer blue strands framing his face (also dyed. His original hair color's a plain brown). He wears prominent pinnnnk lip gloss and likes to wear nail polish as well as some light makeup like eyeliner and mascara at times. Since he's from Greece he's got a slight olive skin tone but it's not too clear since one of his parents is Japanese.
- personality: Let's start off reallllll simple: Yviskos is obsessed with beauty. He adores it and embodies it with all his soul. He's what people would call 'a man with girly habits' as he wears prominent lip gloss, paints his nails colors (usually pink or black), and can be seen crossdressing on more than one occasion, as well in ladies' makeup stores. His room is filled with all sorts of beauty products such as makeup, skincare products, perfume (although he doesn't like perfume all that much in general, he's picky about his perfume) He's a super dramatic, flair-loving person in general (got that from his momma) and likes to add hand or body motions to e v e r y t h i n g (or at least most of it) he does. You can often see him twirling or spinning around like a dancer because he also loves dancing. Yviskos is a bit narcissistic and tends to not be as serious as he should be. He's not great at taking things seriously and like his father, isn't the most careful of people. You can see him doing lots of impulsive things like buying anything that is pretty on impulse. He is a person who believes truly and full heartedly to be your true self and cannot I repeat ca. NOT. stand people who don't do that. If he knows that you're doing you'll be dragged into his room for a long and heartfelt lecture on why it's important you do so. Yviskos loves to indulge himself and hates doing things that are unnecessary or more than two, three times. He doesn't like being stopped in his plans and is a rather confusing guy but he's also quite charismatic... that is, he winds up confusing you so much that you just give in confusedly to whatever he wants. Heh. Also quite a shameless person who loves shoujo, yaoi, shonen ai, and all that good stuff, he loves to binge on manga-he don't care what you think about 'im. He'll do what he wants his own way without giving a damn about other people think about him (although this often doesn't end up being the case when he's really been hurt or it's someone really close to him criticizing him).
- summary of personality: Yviskos is obsessed with beauty, loves flair, super charismatic in the weirdest ways, could be a great dancer, super carefree, loves to like add hand motions or body motions to e v e r y t h i n g he says or do, doesn't give a damn about what other people think about him (mostly), and often confuses people as his pastime!
- strengths: First and foremost in terms of ability, Yviskos is a great swordsman! He knows how to wield that sword of his like an extension of his own body! (No, he did not learn that from Avatar!) He's also got great agility and strength thanks to his second power and knows a ton. I say a ton. About nature. Granted he needs to know about nature and flowers in general for his power to work properly, but still NATURE IT BOOOOOOTIFUL! So yes if you dump him in the middle of a forest which nothing but very few basic survival needs he'll be fine and you'll see him again with a sword at your throat maybe a few days later if the forest isn't that big. Also because of the LARGE AMOUNT of yOgA he likes to do Yviskos is quite flexible. He's like a rubber band human! And like I mentioned earlier he's charismatic. He knows what he wants, how to get it, and isn't afraid to do so. Is he a blushing virgin? No, he ain't, he's shameless and he ain't afraid to show it!
- weaknesses: In terms of ability, his powers are not very combat-oriented. In terms of offense and defense, they're more suited for DEFENSE-that is MANIPULATION EMOTIONS AND STUFF B E H I N D T H E S C E N E S AHAHAHAHAHAHA-Also, his first power has a time limit; the effects of his power wears off after five, ten minutes. And he needs to have at least one of the flowers on him for his power to work! (See: power 1. Let me know if you want more on power weaknesses afterwards, a~ri~ga~to~!) Other than that he can easily get on people's nerves with his, er, strange passions and also tends to appear to care less than he actually does, which also annoys people. He can also be ridiculously stubborn and refuse to back down or admit defeat even though that's what's needed at the moment, and sometimes spends way too much time indulging himself instead of being helpful. His impulsiveness can also end up being damaging in the long run... for his bank account, that is. He should get insurance in case he winds up dead broke one day without realizing it. Also in terms of levelheadedness? Z E R O. This guy needs some common sense to be knocked into him.
- likes: beauty, beautiful things, Shakespeare (he loves how tragic his tragedies are... they are 'tragically beautiful' in his own words), reciting haikus, skincare, yoga, Anoixi (his sword), flair, finding out more about interesting things, adVENTURE
- dislikes: unbeautiful things, dirt, dirty things, people who don't accept or are ashamed of their true nature, boring things, being bored, taking the 'boring path' to things
- backstory: His parents were pretty strange. His mother was Greek (the one who loved adding ✨flair✨ to e v e r y t h i n g ) his father a Japanese martial artist/swordsman (the one who acted a l o t on ✨impulse✨). They met and fell in love when his father went to Greece for an impromptu vacation because his dojo was getting 'suffocating'. His mother promptly packed up her bags and went to Japan with his dad and they had a couple of children. Yviskos was the oldest of four and spent a majority of his childhood having fun and learning martial arts and the art of the sword in his father's dojo alongside the rest of his siblings (not seriously, of course, it was just for fun) and getting homeschooled by his mother (because she insisted and because, in her own words, 'All those teachers in school! They have absolutely no flair, that would be bad for my children~! Flair is important, especially when one is stuck in school all day, no~?"). Even when he was young he was naturally attracted to any kind of beauty and loved to wear lipstick and other things 'not really befitting of a man'. When he was thirteen years old (going on fourteen!) his father's father (his grandfather) visited to see how they were doing. Now although his father was rather lax, not really the strict and overbearing type, his grandfather was the opposite. His grandfather believed that discipline and order reigned first (it's no surprise he didn't approve of his son's marriage to a woman who was pretty much the opposite) and was like y'know the type who's against changes and sexualities and all that sh!t. So yeah uh when he visited to see his son's children it goes without saying, he was disappointed like hell. He went around and lectured (read: reprimanded) each child, pointing out their faults and such before leaving ✨dRaMaTicAlLy✨ like villains tend to do. Yviskos's siblings had inherited a majority of his father's carefree nature, so they simply let their grandfather's reprimand roll off their backs and take in only the kinder parts. However Yviskos didn't just do that; he was deeply affected by his grandfather's reprimand and felt ashamed of his 'girly' ways and attractions to beauty. He steeled himself and forced himself to work harder for the next year, often working himself to exhaustion. His family was worried seeing his state, but none of them knew how to talk to him or dissuade him. Finally one day his father approached him and said this: "Son. I know what my father said to you has affected you greatly, but listen to me. It is in your nature to be attracted to beauty, as it is in your nature to love and embody it, just as it is in mine to be impulsive and your mother's to add flair to things. It is who you are; what makes your being. As you are right now you are fooling yourself; I have always told you your true self comes from first admitting and finding it yourself and then accepting it. Don't be ashamed of your true nature, my boy-it is beautiful and there will be people who will love you for it, like me, your mother, and your siblings. You'll find once you free yourself from society's expectations, you'll be able to accelerate in life-be it with your sword or with anything else, as long as your true nature is in it, there is nothing stopping you. So be yourself, Yviskos." Those words reached straight into Yviskos's heart and soul and shattered the view he'd had before. From then on he openly showcased his love of beauty. He found that like his father had said, once he stopped denying his true self he found that things came easier. Alongside the rest of his family he continued in his learnings and even developed his own style of swordsmanship, becoming quite the accomplished swordsman!
- summary of backstory: Yviskos lived a nice life with his Greek flair-loving mother and his Japanese impulsive father in his father's dojo in Japan, learning martial arts/swordsmanship with his father and being homeschooled by his mother (because teachers at normal school 'have no flair')- until his villain grandpa crashed in when he was thirteen! Boom go the harsh words reprimanding Yviskos's very nature! Goodbye goes his true nature as he works his butt off for like a year to prove his grandpa wrong! Boom comes his father with one heck of a heartfelt speech and hello to Yviskos's true nature once more!
- love interest: Yes and preferably male~!
- power 1 and explanation: Spring is known as the season for new beginnings, for rejuvenation, when new things spring up (pun intended~) and the season for FLOWERS! Hence, Yviskos can perform flower-related attacks through FLOWERS! Based on their meanings! For instance chamomiles mean 'patience in adversity' so by crushing and scattering a chamomile flower he can calm people down if they're panicking for better actions, a bittersweet means 'truth', so he can use a bittersweet flower to compel people to tell the truth, a red camellia means 'you're a flame in my heart' so he can briefly manipulate fire and attack towards a certain person, a dill means 'power against evil', so that can act as an ability-enhancer, holly means 'foresight' so it would grant him clairvoyance for some while, etc... Man there are a lot of flowers so I'll just list the basics. But! Although most flowers are all pretty pretty and have super soft romantic meanings he's taken it upon himself to study up on flowers with DOWNRIGHT EVILLLLL meanings! For instance! Buttercups mean 'ingratitude, childish behavior, and unfaithfulness', so he could use buttercups to make the enemy act so childish that they can't attack properly anymore. Petunias mean 'deep resentment and anger' so he could use that to make the enemy so wildly angry and out of control they trap themselves in their own anger and end up self-combusting or going on a wild rampage that ends up damaging themselves more. And black roses mean 'Bakugou screaming: DIE! DIE! DIE!' (no they mean 'death') so by using one he could send his opponent into a temporary slumber (because spring does not kill unless you have allergies in which it is endgame). A side power is enhanced healing skills (basically he's just like better at healing and healing others), VERY MINORRRR plant manipulation (it's so minor all he can do is like make a flower pop up-handy in case he needs a quick FLOWER POWER ATTACK-and make plants live longer) and the power to imbue his weapon. Basically! He can channel his own emotions and desires into his weapon to make it stronger and such-like he channels his 'true nature' and love for beauty into his weapon TO BECOME THE FINAL BOSS-no it's just like an enhance thing of sorts. HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH-
- power 2 and explanation: Gravity manipulation-no, not the OP gravity manipulation, I prooomissseee! There shall be no "SLAM WHAM NOW YOU CAN'T MOVE AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA I SHALL DESTROY YOU INSIDE AND OUT" today! Instead it's more simple, this gravity manipulation just lets Yviskos make things lighter or heavier. Its most common uses is to make himself lighter for an advantage in combat, make his sword a bit heavier for heavier strikes, and-to FLYYYYY! He can float in the air along with three other people (at the moment) as well. *cue sparkles* Unfortunately it's mainly just levitation for flying.
- season: ✨Spring✨
- quotes:
- "What would this world be, if there was no beauty~?"
- "Life is just like 'dancing'. I 'dance' to beauty, and I will dance until I can no longer dance, I've become tired of it, or I find something new to dance to."
- "Please, don't scratch my darling Anoixi (his sword), or I shall have to spend money to buy glitter for your funeral pyre~"
- "I omorfiá eínai omorfiá. A beautiful line, no?" ('Beauty is beauty' in Greek)
- "Come with me, sweetheart! We shall ravage the makeup and clothes shops, until we find something that is uniquely you! We shall not stop until my wallet is empty! But no, lunch is on you, unfortunately~"
- "No! No! No! You must say it like this: 'Oh Romeo, wherefore ART thou Rome~e~o~?' Give LIFE to this tragically beautiful play! LIFE!"
- "Come with me darling. We are on a mission. But we might die. Wait-. . . COME ON, I'M ONLY MISSING O N E SYLLABLE! Or maybe two!"
- trivia
- Owns a sword/katana named Anoixi (spring in Greek) which is his primary weapon. He refuses to part with it and treats it like it's a real human being; it's not uncommon to see him when not primping himself or doing something else to be talking to Anoixi, taking care of it, or hugging/stroking it. (if you'd like to know what Anoixi looks like I can tell you) Also, damage Anoixi and you'll be the one damaged later.
- Yviskos has a habit of calling people by nicknames like 'sweetheart' or 'darling' or things along that line. After spending time in Japan, though, he's also developed the habit of adding on '-chan' to the end of a person's name when addressing them.
- Another habit he developed from being in Japan is... HAIKU RECITING! He loves to just recite haikus on the spot for the occasion although they are mostly missing syllables in some way or another.
- Looks innocent, looks totally like a child that wouldn't dream of ever doing bad... and also a notorious prankster. There have been no shortage of pink glitter bomb explosions in his house.
- Trilingual-fluent in English, Japanese, and Greek (although he has admitted his Greek-speaking skills could have a bit of polishing to do)
- Loves skincare and testing out new makeup
- Keeps a literal chart on his phone and in his room on what and when new skincare or beauty products are released
- Thinks that yoga is the best thing America has invented since makeup (does it nearly every day)
- writing advice: Use a lot of '~'. THAT IS VERY IMPORTANT. USE A L O T OF ~. To make things easier imagine him twirling or dancing to like everything he says. Or like, y'know those typical Leos? Who are reaaaaaally dramatic? Yep! Take those Leos, accumulate your knowledge, and you'll be safe sailin'~! Or just take an example out of this form, which was written in a way Yviskos would have approved of. ;D
- passwords: DONEEEE~~~~✨
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Really hope I get in if not aw well shucks, I'll first sob quietly in a corner then wipe away my tears and let Yviskos get reincarnated sooner or later... And also still read this story 'cause why the HELL not~? >v<
(P.S. I was in a bit of a rush so if I missed anything or if you need more details or anything like that notify me and I will fix it immediately! But I also might just come back in and add in details I forgot later as well!)
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