ᗷEYOᑎᗪ 𝓅𝐥ùŜ Ⓤ𝔩𝓉𝐫𝒶
name . Arisu Tsubasa
nicknames/aliases . Ari, Wing Man (with a space) Wingman (without a space ^v~), Angry Chicken Man (when angry), Chicken Man
EDIT: Thank you so much to -sunnitae who helped me come up with Arisu's hero name, The Soaring Hero: Piniontal <333 (Saved my life TvT')
age . 15 yrs.
birthday . March 27th (it was the first thing that came to mind)
gender + pronouns . male, he/him (I'm so sorry... T T)
sexuality . pansexual demiromantic
love interest . I don't know, you can decide based on his profile! (Or y'know he can just be... single for a long time...)
quirk . Wings. Arisu is able to sprout different kinds of wings on command; be it normal feathered bird ones or butterfly wings or tiny fairy ones. Each type of wing has a different power; for feathers the feathers can detach and be controlled (Hawks-style!); for butterfly wings when flapped a powerful gust of wind is released; for fairy wings he can shrink to the size of a mosquito and everything in between; for dragonfly wings he temporarily gains all the abilities of a dragonfly-like enhanced sight; for bat wings he gains echolocation; for sea bird wings he gets enhanced stamina and the ability to walk on water briefly; for hummingbird wings he can flit around extremely fast in all directions (but it requires lots of energy power-ups); for peregrine falcon wings he can dive as fast as the said animal; for dung beetle wings he becomes superhumanly strong; Etc. (There are so many types so I just listed some general wing types, I leave the rest to you!) Each transformation can only last for fifteen minutes at most, but he isn't limited to any type. However, he can't switch between wing types all that easily; it takes him at least 10 seconds to make the full transition, and he can't have wings of what already extinct creatures had (like dinosaurs).
special move . Invincible Wings-Dark Matter. When he sprouts six white crystalline-like wings that transcend space and time that are pretty much invincible. They can stretch, bend, can act as a shield, and a lot more. However he can only do this for about three or six minutes because it takes a massive strain on his body and brain, if he goes overtime he'll burn to a crisp instantly or at least fall into a near-permanent coma of sorts.
friendships .
- Kirishima Ejirou. Right from the start Arisu admired Kirishima for his determination and love for 'manliness', as well as his friendly personality. He also really appreciates how Kirishima can quell Bakugou without getting hurt.
- Kaminari Denki. Really, they just vibe. Besides from the fact that Denki is also Arisu's convenient phone charger, they just like to laugh and joke and be idiots together. It's super fun and Arisu likes how he can just relax around Denki or count on him to ease up the mood.
- Izuku Midoriya. It was kind of an accident they got to be friends; Midoriya spotted Arisu's wings one day when Arisu was changing in the locker room and immediately later went to question him. Although he was a bit startled and flustered because it's Midoriya-he's cute and he's the only person who's gonna ask you questions about yourself/your Quirk like he does-he was pleasantly surprised. Arisu was also like "Hey we've got matching scars!" looking at the similar scars they have on their right hands.
- Mina Ashido. These two are the breakdancing KING AND QUEEN and frequently have battles to see who's better. (Currently the score is tied) They became friends after Mina witnessed him using some of his dance skills in combat during training (see: fighting style!) and after training struck up a conversation with him about breakdancing... which gradually got more and more fired up and eventually ended in a dance battle, of course. They like to share tips and tricks and see each other as friendly competition in that matter. Arisu also just likes her friendliness and carefree attitude.
- The Big Three. Naturally Arisu admires them, for more reasons than one. For starters yes, he can see just how much hard work Mirio has put in and he really admires that because as you probably detected by now, he has a soft spot for people who work really hard and pursue their goals with passion and don't stray easily from that path. Second Neijre just reminds him too darn much of his little siblings to resist, plus her Quirk is super cool and she's super friendly! (he also has a soft spot for friendly people as you also can probably tell) Finally with Tamaki Arisu took one look at the guy's chicken wings and immediately bonded with him although it took quite some time for the shy adorable bean Tamaki to open up <3
- Mei Hatsume. He likes how eccentric she generally is and finds the way she calls her inventions her 'babies' equally cute and funny. He likes to just visit her and Power Loader at the innovation center and watch their chaoticness unfold XD
enemies .
- The two Ms-Mineta and Monoma. Mineta, for obvious reasons (*cue "EW GROSS PERVERT" screech*) and because the way Monoma is always picking a fight with 1-A and trying to prove that Class 1-B is better just gets on Arisu's nerves.
- Other than that not really. Guy gets along with people what can I say, if somebody annoys him he proceeds to avoid and ignore them for his own better good.
appearance . Below!
He dyed part of his hair red for literally no reason except that he wanted to, making it match his eyes, and doesn't really bother combing it at all. Because of his Quirk, he always has two small cupid-like (or rather, he says they're more chicken-like) wings on his back that either vanish when he uses his Quirk or just change into whatever type of wings he wants instead. (They look like the chicken wings Tamaki gets when he eats fried chicken, hence why he says they're like chicken wings instead of a cupid's) Those are usually covered up or flattened to his back completely, not making them quite noticeable, and are much smaller versions of the wings he used to have. (see: backstory!) Although later under some prodding he lets them into display at times. (And when he's in a rush, say, because he's late for school he lets them out and flies. Although it should be noted these wings of him aren't meant for flying at all, they're kinda just decorational.)
accessories/belongings . He always has a necklace which is a thin gold chain with a single wing pendant. It's pretty rusted and old and has broken several times and also doesn't come into the spotlight very often. He also always wears bandages around his neck to hide his nasty thick scar as well as the ones on his body. (see: backstory!) He claims it feels weird if he doesn't wear at least the one around his neck and they both disgust and make him feel at calm by wearing it. (like with Shigaraki and his hand attachments) You can usually see him twirling one loose bandage around his finger idly when bored or thinking or talking sometimes. Literally walk into his room you'll see at least one locked up case with his backup stores of bandages... (like with Iida's BOOKSHELF FULL OF NOTHING BUT BACKUP GLASSES PFFFT-) He also has a gold single wing earring dangling from his left ear, which he toys with when thinking, distressed, or nervous.
hero suit . He wears a pair of loose pants that are tight at the ankles and the bottom half (like from the knees down) can be ripped away in case they get caught on something (or somebody grabs it). On top he literally doesn't wear anything except his bandages covering his entire top body from his waist to his wrists to his neck, his back left mostly open for his Quirk. He also wears ankle-length comfortable boots that provide great mobility and balance and support! (Provided by none other than the support course's MEI HATSUME, of course!)
scars . Arisu has one very thick scar around his neck that reaches all the way around, as well as two giant scars on his back from where his two original wings were sliced off. (Those two are his most prominent and HIDDEN ones, he will death stare at anyone who asks about his back scars when he's in his hero outfit) Other than that he has a lot of smaller less prominent scars on his hands and body, especially two scars on his right hand. During the entrance exam he managed to avoid drawing blood but got a few bruises when he was trying to save some people and couldn't dodge in time.
walking manner . He walks... normal? If he had to say, he'd say that he walks like a cross between Bakugou's carefree, slightly slouchy manner (although slouching too much cramps his wings so he prefers not to) and Momo's confident walk, with a touch of 'I'm the King of the Mountain' air added on just for good measure. He kind of has a trickersterish air around him and likes to swing his arms slightly when walking just for the heck of it. Otherwise he kind of walks like Todoroki-totally normal (as far as I can tell). He also likes to tuck his hands behind his back and tilt on his feet when he's talking to someone in the middle of walking, or anything like that.
flight or fight . Arisu is naturally not the type to give up, but even he knows when it's time to get the heck outta there. He will stay and fight for as long as he needs or wants to, even willing to be the person who stalls the enemy, but if he senses that the enemy cannot be defeated or will harm them too much he'll literally fly and use his Quirk to get away, usually taking his friends with him. But that doesn't apply if he's the only one that flies away while his friends are left facing the enemy; then he'll fight until the end willingly.
physical (quirk) . First and foremost, in order to use his wings in a versatile style and to their fullest extent, he has to know how they work (like the bone structure, etc.) and what kind of ability it grants the creature the wings belong to. (So if he wanted to use hummingbird wings he'd have to study on how the wings benefit the hummingbird and how to maneuver them properly) If he doesn't do this it's highly possible that he'll either fall because the wings disappear or what he wants to do will not happen. (Currently the wings he knows the best and therefore use the most are the ones I listed in his Quirk description) Second, his wings are also part of his greatest weakness, they are easily susceptible to damage (depending on what type he chooses) and it's super easy to take Arisu down just by having a hold on his wings. Also, he needs to stretch them occasionally, because it's possible that by not doing that they'll just freeze midair or something like that. Third, his wings are literally a part of his body. If they get burned burn marks will appear on Arisu's skin, if they are broken so will a few of Arisu's bones depending on the amount of damage. (Basically, whatever damage inflicted on his wings will reflect onto himself) Fourth, he can't at the moment switch between types fluently-he needs about 10 seconds (as mentioned earlier) to switch between types, which can be inconvenient. Finally, also like I mentioned, he can't do anything too grandiose like GIANT WINGS OF A PHONEIX AND BURN ALL THE ENEMIES MWAHAHAHAHAHA- or do anything like that. He can gain wings from mythical creatures like manticores or griffins, but the skills he'll gain aren't very major or strong so he tends to stick to real-life creatures. Also if his wings are broken completely it takes forever for them to completely heal properly, and if they're cut off completely he can't just his Quirk at all for a while until he finds someone who can grow them back.
weaknesses/phobias . Arisu is deathly afraid of losing his sight (like being blindfolded) and is extremely paranoid of losing his wings again thanks to trauma. If anything sharp even comes near his wings he'll fly into a panic-induced violent frenzy seizure-like state. He also has claustrophobia-lock him in a room and the same thing that happens with sharp things coming near his wings will happen again-and hates being tied up/restrained by physical bonds. His hidden fear is fear of dogs; he was traumatized as a child when a dog bit his right arm (teeth mark scars still remain) and also injured his left wing, resulting in it being slightly crooked (before it got cut off, that is). Arisu also hates needles for some strange reason and while he's not afraid of it, he hates pain. He is also quite afraid of falling (physically) and does not like the snow. (Those are just his major ones; there are bunch more like fear of clowns/dolls and failure but those ones impact his personality the most.) Oh yeah, and he is also quite scared of skateboarding or snowboarding or anything like that ever since two certain accidents where first he accidentally slipped and did the splits and second slipped again and landed on his hand. (He doesn't like this fear his but oh well it's a phobia he has and he can't deny it!)
strengths (quirk) . As much as Arisu doesn't like to admit it, his Quirk is much more suited to rescue situations than it is for battle. While his many wing type-gained abilities are very versatile and useful in any kind of situation as long as he gets the right ones, they're better used for rescuing. His Quirk is good for distraction and mainly for escaping like mentioned earlier, he can use the types of skills he gains from the wings for fight but not all of them are practical-a main usage of wings on creatures today is for them to escape from danger, and the same is for Arisu, if he tries to dive into a fight he can't win or a fight he shouldn't get into it'll end VERY BADLY for him. He can easily carry at least five people if he uses the dung beetle's wings and superstrength.
strengths . Arisu is, besides from his Quirk, a rather mentally strong person and isn't the type to break easily under pressure; in fact it just makes him want to work harder. He is naturally a hard worker and won't go down easily. He took martial arts as a side thing to help his Quirk and also help if he can't use his Quirk, and knows a lot about weapons because he's the type to read about weapons in his spare time. Arisu also is quite an analyzing individual, he likes to study and just take notes about people and their Quirks (much like Deku does). He has an okay aim with things (but still isn't the best at throwing things from afar to say the least) and also has a decent knowledge of basic survival skills.
fighting style . Arisu can't fight non-stop, that's for sure, or he'll run outta steam real quick. He usually darts in with one attack, darts out to analyze damage and his opponent better, darts back in, and repeat. He likes to use a blend of breakdancing with a touch of traditional forms of martial arts thrown in to create a unique versatile fighting style. Generally he favors either mid-range attacks or support fighting, he doesn't really like to stay in close combat for too long.
personality . Hm... the short version is, throw Bakugou's loudness, Kirishima and Denki's friendliness, a touch of Shouto's cold arrogance (you know the one he had in the beginning before Midoriya got to him) and there you go! You've basically got Arisu's basic layout! He's not as painfully explosive as Bakugou or as cold as beginning Shouto or as into manliness as Kirishima, but he is definitely a friendly guy. He makes an effort to try and 'break the ice' as people say and doesn't like awkward silences or anything like that. Silence in general, to him, is both oppressing and slightly terrifying. He's the type to try and befriend anyone and everyone, but he also doesn't get offended easily-if they reject him he'll just shrug it off and move on. Typically he's either daydreaming or chatting away with one of his friends, or concocting some sort of plan-did I mention, he's also a LITTLE bit of a trickster? (or maybe a lot, he blames it on his trickster little siblings haha) Arisu loves to play pranks on people and then taking a photo of that poor target's face and put it into his photo book (it exists seriously) but even he knows when to draw a line with jokes and pranks. He likes to joke around and talks a lot and has a rather big mouth, but he knows when he needs to become serious, like during missions. While he looks carefree and uncaring about most things on the outside, on the inside he's actually quite serious, the carefree side is just the facade or persona he's developed to throw people off his radar and also just because he thinks that's better than just being brooding and ridiculous all the time like that. To people he doesn't like, however, he is a sharp-tongued and cold person who won't hesitate to throw you emotionlessly under the bus without a single emotion except the "SUCK IT" he'll probably say with a stuck-out tongue as he does the 'throwing under the bus'. To people he does know and care about he's a lot kinder and more open, he laughs a lot and plays pranks and jokes around and pokes fun occasionally. Harm his friends? I don't think so, you'll be sent to the ER before you even know what hit you by Arisu the Angry Chicken Man. He's intensively protective of his dear ones and won't let bad things spoken about them pass and hates discrimination or racism. Sometimes, though, he can be too blunt for his own good and really has a hard time apologizing. He really truly does value the connections he has and values loyalty a lot, he doesn't take betrayals very well. Arisu can also hold a grudge for a REALLY LONG TIME. A RIDICULOUSLY LONG TIME, and although he might not show it he'll get his revenge in a thousand little subtle evils. (Being passive-aggressive is another skill of his) He also has quite the silver tongue, he's pretty good at talking his way out of a tight spot or distracting them long enough to get out of that said tight spot. Daydreaming is another thing he adores to do, when daydreaming he looks very hard to approach and cold and he has this nasty habit of glaring menacingly (like in the photo of him I got above) when he's in a bad mood at anyone and everyone, even if he's not actually mad at that person or thing. He sometimes talks to inanimate objects, and when angry at a person he tends to drag out their name when facing them. In short though, he's a genuinely good guy who really wants the best for his loved ones and tries his best (hard workers-he's got a soft spot for them, for sure).
backstory . Compared to some OTHER OCs I have, Arisu actually had a pretty decent childhood! He grew up in a loving and close-knit although slightly chaotic family, had several close relatives that dropped by from time to time to play with him or just visit. When he turned six he was introduced to his 'uncle' Nami (at the time he didn't realize his uncle was nonbinary, but Nami was too polite to correct his nephew) and Nami's adopted child, Akizuki. Arisu and Akizyuki immediately became close friends after being introduced, Arisu being fascinated with the strange boy who was thinner than normal and had curious blue hair and ocean-like eyes. While Arisu couldn't help Akizuki with his Quirk because his Quirk was too dangerous to use (later on Arisu found out the reason why Akizuki got adopted by Nami was because he used to be forced to use his Quirk by villains, and it was slowly draining his life force). They lived happily for about four years, and later Arisu would name Akizuki as 'his first love'. Then disaster struck when Arisu was ten, he was caught practicing his Quirk by a villain from a mysterious villain group (not the LoV). At the time he was going through some blonde phase and had just dyed his hair blonde. Seeing his Quirk and appearance, the villain immediately thought that Arisu was secretly Hawks's lovechild or something. The villain basically stalked Arisu for a few weeks, then kidnapped him one snowy November night and brought him to the villain's base where the rest of the villain group was waiting. At this point they were pretty much convinced that Arisu was Hawks's child and this thrilled the villain group to no end because 'hey! LEVERAGE!' However that WAS NOT ACTUALLY THE CASE, and Arisu said that several times. The villains didn't believe him and assumed that he had been told to lie in case a situation like this one happened-so they proceded to try and torture it out of him. Arisu was blindfolded, confused, and in pain. He just kept on trying to scream at the villains that 'no, he really didn't know what they were talking about, so please let me go'. Finally fed up the villains cut off his wings (before his smaller ones, he had a pair of bigger, more fancy wings). When that didn't get any helpful results, the villains called up a buddy of theirs from the yakuza (that guy with a Quirk that forces people to tell the truth) and had that person use their Quirk to get Arisu to tell the truth. Well that revealed that Arisu really didn't know a thing about what they were going on about, and the villains realized their mistake, but it was already too late, the heroes burst in and tried raiding the place. (An hour prior the villains had sent a picture of Arisu all tied up and beaten to Hawks to spite him) In desperation for leverage and for a distraction one of the villains actually nearly decapitated Arisu. He then blacked out and thought he was going to die-and he was supposed to die. But then he woke up, one day later, in the hospital, and when he demanded to know how he was still alive his parents explained: he did die, with his head pretty much severed from his body, but at the last moment Nami had come in and offered to bring him back to life. Despite the protests Nami received Nami had used his Quirk to bring back Arisu from the dead, but at the cost of Nami's own life. Arisu was horrified. But wait! It gets worse! Akizuki was also extremely traumatized by his adoptive 'uncle''s death and blamed Arisu for it. In desperate Akizuki tried to use his Quirk, Time Leap, to go back in time and fix it so that both could live, but every time it didn't work. Finally he couldn't leap anymore as leaping back every time was killing him, and Arisu found Akizuki as he was dying in an alleyway. In his final moments Akizuki told to go and live and avenge his 'uncle'. With his dying breath he laid a kiss on Arisu and then died. Well to have both his best friend and 'uncle' die because of him (or so he assumed) Arisu fell into depression, he was extremely depressed and guilty. His family and friends were all very worried, but no matter what they did it seemed impossible to drag Arisu out of his state. Then one day out of the blue he just seemingly... returned to his normal self, cheerful and bouncing and sarcastic. When asked what happened and if he was really okay, he just replied with a mysterious, sad smile and simply said, "I just had an epiphany, that's all.". After that he threw himself into improving his Quirk, martial arts, and breakdancing, and now here we are a few years later. ^v^
a pro hero they admire . Hawks (since they have somewhat similar Quirks, Arisu kind of feels like he has a lot to live up to; although he equal parts admires and resents Hawks since he kind of caused some pain for him-see backstory!), Eraserhead (... it's a given okay), Present Mic (Arisu loves his Quirk and his coolness in general), Edgeshot (Arisu really admires how well Edgeshot has mastered his Quirk and hopes he can do such a thing too one day with his Quirk), and Gang Orca.
reaction . Arisu was super shocked when he got his letter. He was like "Okay which one of my siblings set this up it ain't all that funny" but after some thorough checking he was like "Oh. Okay it's not a joke" Then kind of felt mixed about it; he felt happy that he could learn how to use his Quirk better for himself and for others, but also kind of scared, kind of intimidated, and a touch sad he'd be leaving behind his family.
likes and dislikes . Likes: breakdancing, takoyaki, fried chicken, reading, refining his Quirk, flying, freedom, epiphanies, his friends, the LoV, playing pranks and making jokes, playing the wingman (he's a huge romantic to several people's surprise); Dislikes: admitting weakness, failure, the snow, people prying into his past, people asking about his scars, people who are too nosy, people who compare him extensively to Hawks, awkward moments, when people give up something great for his sake
family .
- Kuricha Tsubasa (mother, alive, retired hero, 31 yrs. old. ; kuricha- creature ; Quirk: Animal Imitation. She can imitate animal features and some abilities as well.)
- Chirashi Tsubasa (father, alive, 33 yrs. old. ; chirashi- flyer ; Quirk: Dragonfly. He has a pair of dragonfly wings on his back and can do everything a dragonfly can.)
- Hiraku Tsubasa (little brother, alive, 10 yrs. old. ; hiraku- From Japanese 拓 (hiraku) meaning "expand, open, support" ; Quirk: Enhance. He can enhance Quirks and restore energy to some level.)
- Jun Tsubasa (little sister, alive, 11 yrs. old. ; jun- From Japanese 淳 (jun) meaning "pure", 潤 (jun) meaning "moisture", 純 (jun) meaning "pure, clean, simple" ; Quirk: Moisture. She can create shapes by manipulating her moisture or the moisture around her.)
- Momoko Tsubasa (little sister, alive, 5 yrs. old. ; momoko- From Japanese 百 (momo) meaning "hundred" or 桃 (momo) meaning "peach" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child" ; Quirk: Spirits. She can summon peach-colored ghost-like animals from her elongated claws.)
- Nobuyuki Tsubasa (little sister, alive, 13 yrs. old. ; From Japanese 信 (nobu) meaning "trust" or 伸 (nobu) meaning "extend, stretch, open" combined with 行 (yuki) meaning "row, line" or 幸 (yuki) meaning "happiness" ; Quirk: Elongate. She can stretch her limbs every which way and that.)
- Nami Hirawa ('uncle', deceased, 31 yrs. old at death. ; hirawa- plain of harmony ; Quirk: Regenerate. 'He' could completely regenerate all wounds and even bring back a person from death at the cost of 'his' own life.)
- Akizuki Hirawa (cousin/ex-best friend, deceased, 12 yrs. old at death. ; Quirk: Time Leap. He could rewind time at the cost of his own lifespan.)
sacrifice . It depends on who the person who's gonna get hit is. If he doesn't care about that person sayonara~! (Although in most cases he'll probably end up going back anyways haha) If it's a life-or-death situation, possibly, but again it depends on the situation. It would kill him if he was the cause of someone's death because he chose his own life over their other person's, but at the same time he's thinking about all the people who will be sad if he dies. He doesn't like calling out for help until he knows for sure that he actually needs to, like in the 'flight or fight' situation. Although he can be awfully stubborn and REFUSE to give in and call for help.
love . Arisu is super dense so he probably wouldn't even realize he's got a crush until somebody bitchslaps him across the face figuratively by telling him straight-up clearly by stating facts even he can't deny or some miracle of an epiphany strikes him out of NOWHEREEEEE~ When he's still oblivious he'd probably be more docile and kinder towards the crush, probably being slightly overprotective and flirting without knowing it. When he's not-so-oblivious anymore, cue the flusteredness and avoidance because he's embarrassed! Let the drama ensue!
villain name . Arisu doesn't like fancy names so he just went with Ari. That's it.
motive . It's simple: he wants to have fun and also because he's bitter because of what happened to him as a child, and how people are always comparing him to Hawks once they learn of his Quirk. (The flipside version is he's trying to get revenge on the mystery villain group that kidnapped him and he's just using the LoV to get what he wants)
popularity . He's known in the LoV as 'the anti-Hawks' or what Hawks might be like if he wasn't a hero and had a slightly different Quirk.
attachments . All his friends at UA and some teachers (if he decides to betray the LoV to UA then it would be the same, he likes both sides equally)
theme song . Rise by Katy Perry.
playlist .
- How to Save a Life by The Fray
- Bitter Taste by Three Days Grace
- Used to Be by Arrows to Athens
quotes .
- "Compare me one more time to Hawks and I will slit your throat."
- "Heyyy everyone, instead of just sitting around doing nothing, how about we just go out and go, uhhhhhh... shopping? For merchandise? All Might statues anyone-OKAY DON'T JUDGE ME I'M TRYING TO BREAK THIS AWKWARD SILENCE HERE-"
- "There's no point in saying 'I'm sorry for your loss' when somebody dies to that person's family, because that person is already dead. There's no point... in apologizing for something that has already passed."
- "You, yes you, stay right there. *snaps photo* Perfect. This is good blackmail ahHAHAHAHAHAHA-"
- "Oh, believe me, if I could turn back time, I could. 'If only life had a rewind setting'. I think everyone thinks that at least once in their life."
- "Fate is a big fat bitch. Karma is also a big fat bitch, an extra big one at that. Maybe that's why I keep on trying to run away from both even though I know they'll catch me eventually-maybe they already have."
- "W h y ."
- "Everyone run! (name of some usually dense or dumb here) has finally gotten or regained their common sense, the end of the world must be coming!! Run!"
tags . MyBabySugaC, cxpsicles, bellini-
password . Wings.
any extra notes . Arisu has a slight type of 'color blindness' where the color red is brighter to him than any other color, blue being second, and green being the dullest color as well as yellow. He can sort of perform empathy through this; for example people who are feeling happy will shine in a bright, warm red and people who have been scarred or are feeling down at the moment will have a dull, twisted red color. It appeared when he was about three (he just didn't know what it was) and later when he grew older, his parents reassured him that he was perfectly fine, because his 'uncle' Nami had also had kind of this 'color blindness'-just instead of with red, it was with blue.
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There's my OC, I hope you accept him and I can't wait to read your story!! \^O^/
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