Sid sauntered along the pavement, a slight hop in his movements. He'd woken up early, and got straight to work - googling nearby racing tracks on his laptop. Despite getting sidetracked by the telly, when On the Buses came on, - he had tinkered with the set, rewiring it so it tuned into the British channels. He supposed he had a quiet morning. Nobody had moved an inch from their rooms. He supposed his relatives were either sleeping in - or his uncles were avoiding his dad like the plague. Sid shrugged to himself, it was their own fault. He humed, mind wondering, he grinned at the sight of a cream building.
He gazed with a awe, halting in his step after entering. Eyes taking in ever detail, a grin took his lips. Excitement tickled his insides, he was itiching to get behind a wheel. Race down the road. Feeling the wind through his hair, through the open windows. He practically bounced with every step as his feet moved themselves towards the counder.
"Can I help you?" The man questioned, bored.
"Ye'h," Sid grinned, tilting his head "How much does it cost for a membership?"
Rebekah held her shoes close to her chest, silently creeping down the staircase, glancing around the corridor and into the parlour. She didn't want to be caught out. Matthew strolled into the parlour from the kitchen, a cup of steaming tea in his hand. His temper had subsided, but he was still unhappy. Luckily for him, his brothers were keeping to their rooms. Keeping well out of his way, like the scaredy cats they were. He halted in his movement, eyes landing on the telly that was blaring away. An old George Cole was on the screen, with a young Dennis Waterman. Matthew sighed, picking up the remote from the arm of the chair before turning the box off.
"Sidney." He muttered, placing the remote on the table. He heard the little scroundrel moving about, knowing his vehicle deprived son, he was up at some racing track. Trying to get in, whilst keeping his record quiet. He took a sip of his tea, turning his head. Footsteps. Coming from the stairs. He furrowed one brow before sauntering towards the doorway. He smirked slightly at what he saw "Going somewhere?"
Rebekah cursed, stubbing her toe when she jumped. She looked over the banister, her heart drop, he was the last person she wanted catching her out. She scrowled at the amused look on his face, - which only made his smirk broaden. She found herself admiring the Salvatore for a second, as he leant against the doorframe, on ankle crossed over the other, a hand buried in his trouser pocket. Snapping herself out of it "Matthew."
"Rebekah." He echoed amused, eyes breifly scanning the state of her dress "Damon really did a number on you. Didn't he?" He remarked, causing her to narrow her eyes at him. Was it wrong to hope he was slightly jealous?
"Why, envious?" She questioned, smug.
"No," he shook his head blankly, seemingly unaffected "I'm hardly surpised actually." She raised her brows, puzzled "I never pegged you as a screamer."
"Oh!" She cried "Shut up!"
He laughed, despite the fact she threw her shoe at him "Missed!" He observed as the shoe inbeded it's self into the wall, ripping a hole into an old portrait by the side of his head. He chuckled, moving towards the door "Rebekah." She paused in the middle of the path, turning slightly "Do you want your shoe back?"
Her brows dipped down into a sour scrowl "No, thank you." She brought up her arm, and flung her other shoe at him. 'Luckily' he closed the door just in time, smirking as he heard the heel enbed it's self into the wood. Opening again, he pulled the shoe out with his free hand, smirking at it "Mikaelsons."
"He was gloating." Elena complained, pacing back and forth as Bonnie swirled the burning sage around. She didn't know why she was so angry, about Damon sleeping with someone - even if it had been with Rebekah. She loved Stefan, and Stefan alone. Right? She'd been turning Sidney Salvatore's words around in her head, she hoped he wasn't right. She and Matthew hadn't got off the right foot, but she didn't want to do wrong by him, or Sidney "Like actual gloat. Like he was proud of himself for sleeping with her." She sighed, halting, she stared at her friend "Is it working?"
aroline sighed, shuting the door behind her "It's not working. I can hear every word you're saying about Damon, the vampire gigolo. You shouldn't let Sidney's words get to you."
"Sideny?" Bonnie frowned, looking between her friends confused, there was nobody by that name in town or of they knew of anyway "Who's he?"
"He's Matthew's son." Elena sighed, siting down on the bed as Bonnie place the sage down, letting it go out.
"He's Stefan and Damon's brother." Bonnie's brows furrowed "Just how many Salvatores are there?"
"Millions it would seem." Caroline joked lightly, before smiling dreamily "He's definitely got the Salvatore genes." The two girls frowned at the blonde "Both them. Anyway, Damon and Stefan seem to be petrified of their brother."
Bonnie's eyes widened, disbelief swirling in them, she looked between the pair "Damon? Damon scared of someone? Really?"
The Gilbert and Forbes nodded, before Elena said "Who could blame him, or Stefan. Matthew was terrifing last night. Even more terrifing than Klaus."
"Sidney," the youngest Salvatore jumped slightly at the feminine voice that came into his ear out of nowhere "isn't it." He stood up straight, gaze landing on a blonde from over the bonnet of the car - he'd nicked from the garage.
"Ye'h," he raised an eyebrow "your..." he blinked "the girl dad was dancing with." He clicked his fingers, before jabbing a forefinger at her "Rebekah, yeah?"
She nodded, smirking slightly "It's rude to point, y'know."
He glanced at his finger, before throwing a bored look at her. He dropped his arm, a questioning expression rapping around his face "Can I ask you something?" She nodded "Why did you sleep with my uncle, if you like my dad?"
Rebekah blinked, face screwing up with self-disgust "It...I don't know. Why."
Sidney raised his brows, his eyes rolled upwards in thought "It didn't end well that night, anyway." She nodded in agreement "I suppose we were all just...pissed off, one way or another." He threw her a curious look "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"I just..." she sighed, shrugging "I just wanted to get away from my brothers. And Matthew mentioned you, I was...curious. I can go if you want. I didn't mean to intrude."
"Nah." He shook his head, a smile on his face "Stay. Your the only person who appeares to be sane in this town. One question;" he leant over the bonnet, a serious expression on his face as if he were to reveal a top secret. Making her do the same " ; do you like or are you friends with the latest doppelcunt - Elena?"
"No. Never in the next millennium." Rebekah cried, disgust written all over her face at the mention of the Gilbert girl.
He grinned cheekily, offering his hand to her "Sidney Salvatore. Sid for short, Sidney when dad's angry/upset and/or requesting something of me."
She beamed, taking his hand in hers "Rebekah Mikaelson."
"Nice to meet you." The Salvatore sang, before shaking her hand vigorously, making her laugh.
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