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[Angie, Lorise,Β Unknown, Mika, Sonic and Ozzy are watching TV, as Sonic and Mika is eating a bowl of popcorn as Angie, Unknown and, Lorise was eating some snack]

Sonic: All right Ozzy, Angie,Β Unknown, Mika, Lorise, its movie night at Casa de Sonic and Ozzy turn to pick.

[Outside, a Ring portal forms]

Angie: But we're not watching Snow Dogs again. That movie is the [Singsong] worst!

[Everyone laughed about Angie singsong]

Mika: Haha! That's funny--

[Suddenly, the lights shut off]

Unknown: Oh gee...

Lorise: It's a blackout.

Mika: Yep.

Sonic: [Laughs] Blackout!

[Sonic + Mika zooms away and returns, turning on a flashlight to reveal them in a blanket]

Sonic + Mika: [Spooky voice] Oooohhh... Oooozzzziiiee...

[Ozzy whimpers and runs off as the trio laughed]

Sonic: Oh, sorry buddy. Everything's okay.

Mika: Sorry Oz, but hey we made them laugh

Sonic: Yep!!

[Suddenly, the TV screen shows a static screen, startling them and causing them to walk out of the room]

Sonic: Um, excuse me? We did not order a poltergeist.

Mika: Yeah, plus if it's a backout, the TV won't do that

Angie + Lorise + Jade: Yeah.

[Sonic, Mika, Angie, Lorise and Unknown leaves, lightning flashes to reveal a shadow. them makes it to the door]

Sonic: Um, if this is the pizza guy, this is really unprofessional.

Mika: We didn't order any pizza right?

Angie: Nope.

Unknown: Nah.

Lorise: Okay this is getting crazy..

[Sonic and Mika gently presses against the door and reaches for the nob, only for sparks to surround it, making Sonic and Mika back away and Angie, Unknown and Lorise grabbing something incase. Soon after, the doorknob falls off, and the door slowly opens up to reveal Dr. Robotnik across from the gang with his finger of his control glove glowing like a taser]

Sonic + Mika: Eggman?

Angie: Egg who?

[Dr. Robotnik blows out the taser like a candle and looks at the gang]

Dr. Robotnik: Hello, Hedgehog and Bunny. Did you miss me? Looks like you got some new pals.

Sonic: I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here.

Mika: Yeah, now soon we'll get you back where you got out.

Dr. Robotnik: Oh contraire mon frère! The mistake was thinking that you've won. But that was just a prelude, an hors d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche--

Sonic + Mika: [Tersely] We get it!

Angie: Y-yeah you baldie from Bald'i Basics!

[Unknown and Lorise chuckled a bit]

Unknown: Burn.

[Dr. Robotnik chuckles as he walks forward waving a finger]

Dr. Robotnik: I don't think you all do. But you're about to. And so will that idiot sheriff and his wife.

[Sonic + Mika makes a fist with chaos energy building up]

Dr. Robotnik: And your little dog, too!

[Sonic rushes up and time slows as Sonic prepares to punch Dr. Robotnik in the face. Dr. Robotnik then backs away to reveal Knuckles leaping right at a surprised Sonic. Time goes back to normal as Knuckles punches Sonic right through a wall, destroying the TV. Sonic lays on the couch dazed, as he looks through the wall to see Knuckles looking right at him as the girls all came to Sonic]

Mika: Sonic!!

Knuckles: Pitiful.

Angie: Gee, that's gonna hurt.

Unknown: Oh boy we need to find somewhere to find to get you healed because that's gonna hurt.

[Knuckles walks through the hallways as Sonic gets up]

Sonic: Huh, what... Who are you?

[Dr. Robotnik sticks his head through the hole]

Dr. Robotnik: Where are my manners?

[Dr. Robotnik walks through the hallway and stands right behind Knuckles]

Dr. Robotnik: Sonic, Mika and girls I never met, meet Knuckles. My new BFFAE: Bestest friend forever and ever!

[Sonic gets on the floor and gets his bag of Rings as he wears it like a strapped backpack as Mika held Sonic hand as the girls were backing up for them]

Sonic: Look, Robotnik, I don't care who you brought to help you. You're never going to get my power.

Knuckles: Do I look like I need your power?

[Knuckles raises his fist to reveal red chaos energy coursing through it. Sonic dashes at Knuckles, only for Knuckles to punch him straight through the wall, making him fall backwards. Sonic regains consciousness as the girls ran to Sonic and Mika helpped him get up and they looks to Knuckles, standing across from him, pounding his fists together. Dr. Robotnik appears at the scene, eating Sonic's and Mika's popcorn]


Dr. Robotnik: So nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype! Plus finder's keepers losers weepers.

[Sonic and Mika face Knuckles, who stands his ground]

Knuckles: Where is it?

Sonic: Oh you want it?

Mika: Here it comes!

[Sonic and Mika starts building up chaos energy]

Knuckles: I was expecting more of you then two. You're both unskilled.

[Sonic and Mika looks at Knuckles sternly]

Knuckles: Untrained.

[Sonic and Mika gets on their hands and knees]

Knuckles: And unworthy!

[Dr. Robotnik gobbles Sonic's Mika's popcorn with his mouth open]

Sonic: You forgot one.Β 

Mika: Unstoppable!

[Sonic + Mika zooms right at Knuckles, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Knuckles is holding Sonic in place in his spin attack form. Knuckles walks forward, raises a fist, and pummels Sonic and Mika into the ground, creating a massive explosion of chaos energy and a large crater. Dr. Robotnik drops his bowl in a comedic fashion in slow motion. Sonic is grabbed by the throat by Knuckles and is pinned against a tree as Mika stayed on the ground then the trio eyes widen and helpped Mika get up]

Knuckles: It is my destiny to do what my ancestors could not. To restore the ultimate power to the home of my people.

[Dr. Robotnik overhears with interest]

Sonic: Ultimate power? I don't know what your talking about! You got the wrong guy!

Mika: Sonic...

Dr. Robotnik: Ultimate power? Now you're speaking my language.

Knuckles: Don't play dumb with me, apprentices of Longclaw!

Sonic + Mika: You knew Longclaw?

Angie: Longclaw?

Knuckles: Longclaw and her people were the sworn enemy of my tribe, the echidna.

[Chaos energy builds up as Knuckles raises his fist]

Knuckles: We fought and died at their hands, and now you will die in mine.

[Suddenly, a police car crashes through the fence with its emergency lights blazing, heading right toward Knuckles, who lets go of Sonic, but gets hit and sent into the green house with Dr. Robotnik startled by the ordeal. Tails, Sage and Laz reveals themselfs from the drivers seat and passager seat]

Tails: Come on!Β 

Laz: Get in!Β 

Sage: We're on your side!

Sonic: I'm sorry?

Mika: Who are you?

[Sonic looks to a groaning Knuckles, who starts to regain consciousness]

Sonic: You know what? It doesn't matter.

[Sonic, Mika, Angie, Unknown and Lorise, all gets into the car, only for Dr. Robotnik to leap at the windshield, making Mika, Angie, Jade, Lorise Sonic and Tails scream]

Sonic: Get us outta here! Go, go, go, go, go!

[Tails presses a button on his Miles Electric and small magnetic gadgets on the pedals make the car go in circles. Dr. Robotnik barks like a dog as he claws at Sonic's side of the windshield]

Sonic + Angie: Aahhh! He's gone rabid!

Mika: I DO NOT LIKE!!!

Sage: Tails! GET HIM AWAY?!

[Dr. Robotnik snarls at Tails and proceeds to lick the windshield]

Laz: Gross! Is he licking it?!

[Tails turns the car left]

Tails: See ya!

[Turning left, Tails tosses Dr. Robotnik into the bushes as he and Sonic drive off]

Sonic: Make sure to get your shots, Eggman!

Angie: Haha!

[Dr. Robotnik gets up and looks at the leaving vehicle. Knuckles gets up growling, his eyes glowing red as he proceeds to give chase to the car at high speed. Sonic shouts in fear as he looks to see Knuckles heading right toward them]

Tails: Wow. Okay, let me just say, it is an honor to finally meet you, Sonic and Mika. Is it okay if I call you Sonic and Mika? Everyone calls me Tails, the green Hedgehog is Sage, and the pink cat girl is named Laz. You're probably wondering why everybodys calls me Tails.

Sonic: Let me guess. Because of the extra tail?

Mika: True.

Unknown: Yep

Lorise: True

Tails: That's right! I should've known you'd get that.

Sonic: Cool.Β 

Mika: Also, what is going on?! Robotnik's back? And who is Clifford the Big Red Rage Monster?!

Tails: That's Knuckles.Β 

Laz: The last of the echidnas, and the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy.Β 

Sage: He's obsessed with finding the Master Emerald.

Sonic: Are you serious? The Master Emerald? That's just a bedtime story.

Tails: Well, he believes it's real, and he must think you both the key to finding it.

[Sonic and Mika looks and sees a red light on the road]

Sonic: Red light! Red light! Give me the wheel!

[Sonic pushes Tails away as he takes the wheel]

Tails: Hey! What are you--


Sonic: Move your foot!

[Sonic drives right pass a Splash Hills water gallon truck and looks to see that Knuckles is no longer on their trail]

Sonic: [Sighs] I think we lost him.

[Knuckles dashes right through the truck and leaps onto the roof of Sonic and Tails' car, ripping off the siren lights and punching right through the roof, making them scream]

Angie: We did not lose him! We definitely did not lose him!

[Knuckles rips the car door off, just as they head for a cliff road. Tails looks down to see the dropping ground as they head for a turn on the road]

Tails: I got an idea! Do you guys trust us?

Sonic: Of course not! We literally just met you guys!

Tails: Just let me--

Sonic: Whoa, what are you doing?!

[Tails takes the steering wheel and drives right towards the turn. Soon after, they drive right off the edge as Tails proceeds to grab Sonic and Mika hands as Laz used her tech to make not one but 5 flying skate board and Sage, Angie, Unknown and Lorise got on it as Tails use his twin-tails to fly them out of the car. Knuckles leaps out and slams the spikes on his gloves into the side of the cliff as the car explodes against the ground below. Back with Sonic, he has his eyes closed, screaming, until he realizes that he is in the air, flying as Mika held one for Tails hand in fear]

Sonic: We're flying. Uh, did your butt just turn into a helicopter?

Angie: Haha! we're flying!!!

Jade: Huh, we are.

Laz: Thanks to my tech!

Sage: Yep great job Laz!

Tails: [Laughs] A butt-copter!

Sage: Only Sonic the Hedgehog can come up with something like that.

[Mika, Sonic and Tails proceed to fly away with Sage, Laz, Angie, Unknown and Lorise follows them]

Laz: Now where do we go?

Mika: I know!



NEXT CHAPTER - Chapter 5 - Hello Longclaw


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