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[Angie was asleep until Yin booped her nose waking Angie up]

Angie: Okay I'm up, Okay wait what day it is...

[Angie stood up as Yang was trying to waking up Mk]

Angie: Oh it's my first day, Yin help Yang out to waking up Mk.

[Yin nodded and she walked to Mk room as Angie was getting ready for her first day]

Angie: Ooh 'kay what to wear?

[Angie smiled and she grabbed the clothes and she tied her hair and puts on her hat and looked in the mirror]

Angie: Huh Not bad Angie not bad! (She smirked and she exit her bedroom to see Mk asleep with Yin and Yang jumpping on his bed trying to wake him up) For real, Mk.

[Angie walked up to Mk and slapped him across the face]

MK: HEY OW! Why did you do that, oh Yin? Yang?  Uhh is everything okay?

Angie: Mk your gonna be late for work at Pigsy's, and Pigsy will be so so mad!

[Mk eyes widen in shocked and he quickly got ready with Yin and Yang both jumped into the necklace and Angie sighed and she got out for the apartment and does downstairs to Pigsy's Noodles]

Angie: Good Morning Pigsy!

Pigsy: Oh your here an few minutes early.

Angie: Yeah I know, Mk overslept but hey I woke up early so I can ready.

Pigsy: Heh, the kid is always late, now ready to make some noodles before the freeloader comes.

Angie: Sure boss!

[Angie smiled and Pigsy teached her how to make the noodles and lucky she was a fast learner and she succerfully made noodles and thats when Tang comes]

Tang: Hello Pigsy! Oh how's she?

Pigsy: This is Angie, the newest chief.

Angie: Hi! You're Tang right?

Tang: That's me, oh can I get  bowl for noodles pretty please.

Angie: Sure but you have to pay.

Tang: Sure!

Angie: Because Pigsy told me about you so you better pay or else I'll make you...

[Angie glares at Tang because she want to freak him out and it worked and Pigsy chuckled and that's when Mk came]

Pigsy: Kid, your on time!


[Angie chuckled and she looked at Mk and she saw Mk cheeks turned red but she shrugged before she makes the noodles for Tang and thats when she overed heared Tang telling Mk the story for the Monkey king A.K.A. Sun Wukong]

Tang: (Narrates) The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. Rising from the Netherworld, the Demon Bull King attacked. No one could stop him, no one could resist. No one except... the legendary Monkey King. The Monkey King used his magical staff to pick up a nearby mountain. He trapped the Demon Bull King underneath it. The Monkey King sealed the mountain with the staff that no other being could wield, trapping the Demon Bull King forever. With the battle won, the Monkey King vanished, never to be seen again. Legend says the staff still lies on top of that mountain, the one thing keeping our world from certain destruction. And with the Demon Bull King gone, civilization was able to advance into the amazing city we now live in. A world of elegant cultures, gentle loving people, a city brimming with five-star cuisine, and all because of the Monkey King.

MK: Oh, that's so good! Monkey King's so cool! He's so strong and handsome, don't you think Angie?

[Angie chuckled and she rolls her eyes]

Angie: MK, my friend, you always love the stories about him.

MK: Oh, but I do. I got his whole life documented extensively in this unauthorized autobiography of Monkey King. Written and illustrated by yours truly. Like I knew he was born from a stone, and live behind a waterfall with his sweet little baby monkey friends! And- and- and oh!

Tang: It's nice to know someone's taking in all these stories. Pearls of wisdom, dripping from my lips. Dont you think Angie (He clears his throat) Well, you know the deal: one story, one free bowl of Zha jiang mian. Hmm?

Angie: Don't worry I have your noodles just make sure you pay for them or you know what happened...

Tang: W-well I forgot my money at home so is it okay if I have it for free?

[Angie eye twich and she stepped to the side and thats when Pigsy throws a spoon at Tang]

Pigsy: Free noodles?! (He takes the noodles.) No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!

Tang: Ah, but Pigsy. I was paying with wisdom.

Pigsy: Yeah? Well, wisdom don't pay the rent, you freeloader! And you! (He points at MK) You've been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out, so quit slacking and get packing, plus (He then points at Angie) Angie's first day and she is helping as you are just sitting there doing nothing!

Angie: Busted!

MK: Yeah. I was about to take my break. So...

Pigsy: Break? Break?! There's no break in war! I need workers. Soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles. How else am I gonna expand my business into enemy territory?

MK: Uh, do you mean across the street?

Pigsy: I stand by my statement! Now, hurry up! (He notices Tang with a bowl of noodles behind him. He grabs a spoon to attack Tang with it) Hey, get back here, you coward!

Tang: No, Pigsy!

Pigsy: I want my money!

MK: W-well bye Angie!

Angie: See you later MK!

[Angie looked at MK getting into his tuk-tuk and leaves the shop, and she heard the phone ringing]

Angie: Pigsy! The phone!

[Pigsy stopped and answer the phone]

Pigsy: Hello, thanks for calling Pigsy's! Home of the world's longest noodles, how may I help you today? (The other end talked as Angie was making the noodles) Okay one bowl for beef noodles coming up! (He ended the call and turned to Angie) Hey Kid, we have an order, is it okay if you deliver them?

Angie: Oh got it, I'll make sure to make this customer happy when their noodles and make everyone happy with their noodles

Pigs: Good, now TANG GIVE ME MY MONEY!!

[Angie rolls her eyes and she grabbed the bag for noodles and she got out for the shop and she grabbed her phone to look at where the noodles is gonna be dropped off and she began to walk to the location, after awhile she looked at her phone and it says she was here]

Angie: Huh, It's says I'm but-- Oh Macaque order this huh, well here I go. (She enters the area and she saw the Snack Gal and she smiled) Oh miss did you order this?

Snack Gal: No, maybe It's from that door over there or whatever.

Angie: Oh thanks!! (She enters the theater and she saw alot for people there and she sighed and she sat down) Okay Macaque what storys you got.

[Then the curtain opens to reveal, the puppeteer aka Macaque]

Macaque: Welcome viewers to a shadow play the likes of which have never been seen! It follows the tragic tale of a legendary warrior, and how those who bring light into this world inevitability bring darkness to those they hold dear. (Then in the crowd he saw Angie and he smirked) And today will be specials.

Angie: Specials? Huh cool.

Macaque: The Star Warrior, she once friends with the Hero and the Warrior, she was the mix for the sun and the moon, her hyper was half for the sun as her calmess was the half for the moon, but one day in battle she was stapped in the heart by a celestial warrior leaving the hero and the warrior in saddness but one the hero and the warrior will be back with The Star Warrior... (Then the lights turned back and everybody slowly left as Angie sat there in shocked) Ah, I see you have my noodles?

Angie: Oh yeah here, plus nice story. But who was the Star Warrior?

Macaque: Ah well she was a white monkey just like Sun Wukong and The Six eared Macaque.

Angie: Yeah, and here! (She gave the noodles to Macaque) And your Macaque right?

[Macaque froze in shocked and he put his hood down to reveal himself]

Macaque: H-how?

Angie: Eh lucky guess.. Is it okay if I stay with you for awhile?

Macaque: Heh sure kiddo (Messes up Angie hair and he smirked) Plus I get lonely for awhile so thanks kid.

[Angie smiled and she sat with Macaque near the stage as everyone left and Macaque started to eat the noodles]

Macaque: Hey. (Angie looked at him) Where did you get that necklace?

Angie: Well... I had it for a long time and I never took it off.

[Macaque sighed and he tapped the necklace]

Macaque: Yin? Yang? You both can come out.

Angie: Wait?! (Then the necklace glows and Yin and Yang came out and the two saw Macaque and they both smiled and jumpped into Macaque arms) Wait huh how did you know about them?!

Macaque: Kid, you're wearing the necklace for the star warrior a.k.a. Xīng Guāng.

Angie: Xīng Guāng? Huh.

Macaque: Yep and you know you just look like her.

[Angie smirked that made Macaque chuckled]

Macaque: You little cheeky monkey.

Angie: Heh, I can't help it! I was born this way!

[Angie stood up and she sighed before Yin and Yang came back into the necklace]

Angie: Well I better go before Pigsy gets mad for me being late.

Macaque: Alright kid and hey I have something for you.

Angie: Huh? What is it?

[Macaque opened a shadow portel and he grabbed a box and he smiled and gave the box to Angie]

Macaque: In a few weeks I'm hosting a play for all for Megapoils and I need somebody to help me, can you help me with the play?

[Angie smiled and she nodded]

Angie: You got it Mac! Well bye!

Macaque: Heh, bye kid (When Angie left Macaque sighed and he stood up and went behind the stage to be greeted by Rambel and Savage) Rambel? Savage? What in budda name are you both doing here?

Savage: We were bored OKAY!

Rambel: Yeah!

Macaque: Then why can't you play the game I left you?

Savage: We don't like it because well...


Macaque: Okay well I just felt betayed by my own two sons.

[Macaque sighed before the trio went back home meanwhile Angie got back to see Mk, Tang, Pigsy and Mei]

Angie: Hey guys!


Angie: Uhh I'm Angie and it's pink, black and light yellow.

Mei: Nice!

MK: Okay as I was saying before Angie came back. (leaping onto Tang) The Demon Bull King is back! The legend is real! The Monkey King's staff is removed! We have to find him! It's the only way to save everyone before the world is destr-

Tang: (pushes MK back with his chopsticks) Boy, relax. You're getting spittle in my soup. Besides, you're delusional. It's just a story.

MK: Delusional, huh? Would you call this delusional? (he reveals the staff)

[Angie sighed and she sat down and she watches the gang talking as she kelt thinking about the story that Macaque telled]

Mei: Wow, MK. You found a stick!

MK: No, it's Monkey King's staff!

(The other three all burst into laughter as Angie was looking at her necklace thinking.)

MK: You aren't listening! Demon Bull King is out there. We have to get the staff back to the Monkey King! It's the real deal. I'll prove it. Angie do you think delusional?

Angie: (Snapped out for daze) O-oh no... I think it's real.

MK: Thank you Angie! I knew you believe me!

Pigsy: Oh, yeah? How?

MK: Uh... (The staff extends itself, crushing the table Angie, Tang and Mei are sitting at.)

Angie: AH-- (She fell out for her seat) Ow.

Tang: M-M-M-M-Monkey King's staff! I knew it all along! The legendary weapon that only he could wield to seal away evil! Wait a minute. Why do you have it?

Pigsy: All right, I'll bite. If the staff is here, then where is the demon punk now?

Mei: (holding her phone) He's at the shoe store.

MK, Tang, and Pigsy: What?!

Angie: Huh, I knew that...

Pigsy: This is better not be another one of your puppy videos, Mei!

Mei: (laughing while scrolling through her phone) There's always time for a puppy video, but no. Look what just started trending. Hashtag Demon Bull King!

[Angie looked at the gang and she sighed and she got up and she exit the shop again and walked to Sandy bout]

Angie: Yeah nah I'm not going to be in that van. (She sighed and then saw a bull clone watching her) HEY! I SEE YOU PUNK! (Then the bull clone ran away) H-HEY! Ugh whatever.. I'm tired right now... (When she got there and groans and she rubbed her eyes and she knocked on door to reveal) Hey... I'm Angie is it okay if I come in for some tea?

Sandy: Oh sure! It's nice to meet you Angie, I'm Sandy.

[Angie smiled and Sandy let her in and he grabbed some tea and Angie sat down with Mo coming onto her lap and he lays there]

Angie: Oh heh, theres a cat on my lap!

[Sandy smiled and he gave Angie some tea before the gang came and sat down and MK saw Angie]

MK: Wait Angie you're here but we saw you back at the shop?!

Angie: Yeah I kinda walked.

Mei: Yeah your lucky you didn't get into the van it was to tiny.

Pigsy: HEY

[Thats when Sandy came and then MK's team quiver in fear as they see Sandy with a butcher knife.]

Sandy: That's a lot to take in. You know what I do to people who disrupt the peace? Serve them tea! (he shows a tea set) You guys want some? You? How about that guy over there? Huh? Huh?

Tang: (he raises his hand) Oh, yes! Don't mind if I do. Certain noodle shop owners could learn a lot from your hospitality, Sandy.

Mei: Oh, you're right piggy, this guy is dangerous. He'll kill us with cuteness! (She puts one of Sandy's therapy cats on top of Pigsy's head as Angie looked at the tea and she sighed.)

Sandy: It's my own blend of anti-stress fruits. It really brings the heart rate down.

Pigsy: Sandy! What happened to you? Where's the angry, glass-chewing, fist-throwing buddy I used to know?

Sandy: Oh well, my therapist said I really needed to calm down. That's why I started drinking tea. Doing yoga. Investing in therapy cats. Really helps. Oh, don't you, Mo?

Mei: Oh Mr. Sandy sir.(she gets on her knees) We could really use your help. We've gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain!

MK: (he also gets on his knees) Please, the fate of the world is at state.

Sandy: Ok!

MK: Really?

Sandy: Anything for Pigsy. I can get you there, but it ain't a pleasant trip.

MK and Mei: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Sandy: Alright, let's get moving. But I'm telling you, old friend. If things get hairy, I've changed. I don't go around picking fights no more. (Pigsy sighs) Mo, initiate the launch sequence! (Mo jumps off Sandy's shoulder)

Mei: Launch sequence?

(Mo presses a button which starts up Sandy's boat.)

Sandy: Onwards to Flower Fruit Mountain!

(The boat goes off into the distance)

MK: Whooo! Yeah!

[Outside Angie sat on a crate and she was watching MK is practicing with the staff.]

MK: Halt evil monster! I must thwart thee! For I am the Monkey Ki-ahhh (The staff extends and breaks a part of the boat, almost hitting Mei.)

Mei: Wooo! That was awesome!

MK: Sorry, Mei. (He tries to pick it up and it bounces around and hits him in the face)

[Angie rolls her eyes and she thought for a song and she smiled and she played the music on her phone and she stood up and she started to sing]


You don't have to look like a movie star

Ooh I think you're good just the way you are (hey)

Tell me if you could would you up and run away, with me? (Hey)

You don't have to roll like a millionaire♪

Baby I would go with you anywhere

We don't need no gold, we'll be shining anyway, we'll see

[Then everyone looked at Angie in awe and Mei smirked and she grabbed her phone and started to go live and the comments were going crazy]

You know can nobody get down like us

We don't stop 'till we get enough

C'mon, turn it up 'till the speakers pop

Break it down, show me what you got

Ooh my, my baby don't be shy

I see that spark flashing in your eye

My heart beats fast 'cause I want it all

So baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

[Then Rambel and Savage was on Macaque phone and they saw the live and they started to watch it and they started to dance to the beat with Macaque watching]

Take my hand, we can go all night

And spin me round just the way I like

It feels so good, I don't wanna stop

So baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

[Then on a tall building a demon (**Cough** Redson **Cough**) was watching the live and he was shocked]

You don't have to wear no designer clothes

Just as long as we're dancing on the floor

Fingers in my hair and I'm letting go tonight, so free

You know can nobody get down like us

We don't stop 'till we get enough

C'mon, turn it up 'till the speakers pop

Break it down, show me what you got

Ooh my, my baby don't be shy

I see that spark flashing in your eye

My heart beats fast 'cause I want it all

So baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

Take my hand, we can go all night

And spin me round just the way I like

It feels so good, I don't wanna stop

So baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

Ooh my, my baby don't be shy

I see that spark flashing in your eye

Ooh my, my baby don't be shy

I see that spark flashing in your eye

My heart beats fast 'cause I want it all

So baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

Take my hand, we can go all night

And spin me round just the way I like

It feels so good, I don't wanna stop

So baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

Baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

So baby come with me and be my ooh la, la

[Then Angie stopped singing and she heard clapping and she looked behind her everyone clapping as MK was blushing alot]

Angie: You guys heard me singing?!

Mei: Yes and also the world!

Angie: SAY WHAT?!

[Angie started to chase Mei as MK looks and sees something glowing, which leads to Flower Fruit Mountain]

MK: We're here! Flower Fruit Mountain! Ahhh!

Everyone: Ahhh!

[A geyser hits Sandy's boat, causing a crate to fall over and drop into the ocean.]

MK: Huh?

[He and the others look to see the Flaming Mountains]

Sandy: Welcome to the Flaming Mountains, gang! A volcanic ring surrounds the mountain making it virtually impassable. This path is the only safe way through. That's as close as the boat can get. Just... be careful.

Pigsy: Stupid Sandy. Stupid Tang. Staying cozy in his stupid boat. What did I do to deserve this, Noodle Gods? (His complaining is interrupted by a geyser of fire erupting from the ground) Ahhh!

Mei: Careful, piggy! Eeeee! You gotta wonder why Monkey King decided to live here of all places. (she gasps)

[Angie sighed and she walked near MK but didn't speak]

MK: Angie you alright, you seemed down.

Angie: Oh I'm alright just so much is happening in one day.

[MK hugged Angie and she smiled sadly and she hugged MK back before he turned the the rest]

MK: You know when Monkey King had to get through the Flaming Mountains he actually used Princess Iron Fan's fan to blow (Princess Iron Fan laughs)

Princess Iron Fan: Well, well, well. Aren't you a little Monkey King fanboy? (She uses her Magic Fan and puts it into the fire. She then brings it up and throws the fireball as one was about it hit Angie just then a force field come out for nowhere and protected her.) What impossible!

Pigsy: Kids! Everyone okay?

Princess Iron Fan: Well (she laughs) I'll be taking that staff now and that necklace.

MK: This belongs to the Monkey King. And the necklace belongs to Angie! There's no way I'm letting you take them.

Princess Iron Fan: Oh you're just a little Noodle Boy playing at being a hero. Sorry to disappoint. Playtime is over.

(MK launches himself at Princess Iron Fan.)

Pigsy: Kid, no!

(Princess Iron Fan uses the Power Glove to catch the staff.)

MK: What? (Then he flys into the air and Angie the ran after to him) Ahhhh!

Ange: MK! I'm COMING! (Then Angie's necklace glows and then a yellow glows comes and she jumpped and then grabbed MK and held him tightly) I'm here...

Mei: No! MK! Angie! Ah!

Pigsy: Mei! We gotta go! (He throws Mei over his shoulder and heads back to Sandy's boat.) Sorry kids.

[Angie held MK tightly as tears came down and then she had versons]

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Angie: No... I have to make sure everything will be good...

(Then Angie and MK groans as he is being poked by one of the monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain)

MK: (Then him and Angie starts to get attacked by a group of monkeys) Ah! No! Wait! Don't! Ahhh! (he throws them off they then run away) Angie... Look-- Huh wow...

Angie: Huh no why- MK? You alright?

MK: Yeah I'm fine

(They looks to see the Flaming Mountains in the distance. They than looks to see Flower Fruit Mountain in front of him)

MK + Angie: Woah! Flower Fruit Mountain.

(The duo starts to climb up the mountain. They comes to a waterfall. They walks up to the waterfall and MK puts his hand up to it, unlocking it. The duo then walks into the Shuilian Cave.)

MK: Hello? Hello? Hello? (he looks up and sees a mural that has various friends of the Monkey King. Mk then notices the Monkey King) Hey! That's the Monkey King. (he looks and gets his Gold Vision using it for the first time.) What? Uhh! What's happening? What's uhhh! What's wrong with my eyes!?(he sees the mural come alive) Woah! That's Monkey King when he was born from a stone. And when he got his staff from the Dragon of the East. Angie look-- Wow... (He looks at Angie and sees her in her monkey form wearing an yellow kimono) You look so-- Woah! Ahh! Huh?  (he looks over and sees Monkey King) Monkey King? Hey! Wait up! Monkey King! (he tries to touch him) Its really- (only for him to disappear into dust) Monkey King? (he then angrily kicks a rock and sits down) Ugh! What was I thinking? For a moment there I thought. Hhhh! Mr. Tang was right. I really am delusional. (Then Angie came up to him) Angie... (He began to tear up and hugged her)

Angie: MK... hey its okay... You know I remember a story want me to tell you?

[MK nodded and Angie smiled and she transformed into her monkey form and she smiled and she sighed and then she stood up as Mk stood up with her and Angie took a deep breath and she started to sing]


Once there was a lost Star Warrior


A white monkey sat on a rock looking at the beauty for the night

She was away from home and lost in the night

Then the white monkey saw a ginger and a black furred monkey and she smiled

Her place was far too far away to find

Then she jumpped down out for the rock and ran to greet the two monkeys

They said it's nice to spend the night with you


The Star Monkey popped out for the bushes and she met the other two monkeys; Sun Wukong and The Six eared Macaque and they became BFF


Then the ginger monkey smiled and let the white monkey joined into the brotherhood and she accept

Nobody told me

Then the brotherhood began to have fun with the white furred monkey with her jokes and her actting with the ginger and black monkeys

It would be lonely

Until then a day before battle the white monkey was looking at herself

Maybe we're going

Then she started to get versons for the future and she started to freak out

Where we're supposed to be

She hugged herself trying to stay calm


But then she started to get versons for everything and she began to have a panic attack but she stayed calm for the battle for her life but she didn't know it be the first and last fight she ever had in her life


Then she was standing with her friends ready to fight as she held up her sword

He said come with me, I'll take you back

Then the gang came up to the Celestial Realm for battle

Even though it'll surely make me sad

Then the fight began...

She said maybe we'll be together soon

As the battle kelt going the white monkey was fighting a gaurd until. . .

Remember me and take all this with you

One for the Celestial gaurd snuck behind her and stapped her in the heart and she screams in pain and her friends eyes widen in fear


Then she got stapped in battle leaving the battle in hold...


Nobody told me

Then her friends ran up to her and the black and ginger monkey held her closely

It would be lonely

They held her closely as tears came down

Where are we going

Then her other friend teleported back to the mountain and then the white furred monkey said her last words before she closed her eyes

Feels like I'm floating

Then her friend all started cry about their friend


Her last word was "I love you both" and she closed her eyes and she rested forever that made her friends all sad


He wasn't scared, he was terrified

Then at night they burried her with tears coming down

He was alone

Then a month later the brotherhood came back to the fight

He was gonna die alone

Then again the battle started but without their white furred monkey friend

He felt a tear and he multiplied

And then soon the ginger furred monkey faced the Emperor but...

He let go

They failed...

And it felt

Then after the ginger furred monkey was trapped under the mountain with the black furred monkey was hiding as the rest was trapped somewhere else

Kinda like he was going home


And every year an new star was born....


[Then Angie looked at MK who was shocked]

MK: O-oh wow... Angie thats was sad really sad, I see now why every star is born...

Angie: Yeah... (Angie hugged MK and he hugged her back until)

Monkey King: Wow, I speechless this girl has storys!

[Then the two turned around to see Monkey King]

MK: M-M Monkey King?

Monkey King: Yep! The one and only. So, where's my staff? (He then sees MK on the verge of tears.)

Mk: I'm so sorry! I tried to bring it to you but Princess Iron Fan came and took it. She's got this glove.

Monkey King: (he laughs)I know, I know. Look, I'm gonna come clean. Um... I've been kinda watching you both.

MK + Angie: What? (They calls the events involving them and an animal, revealing to be Monkey King all long.) Wait, what? That was you?

Monkey King: (laughs) The look on your face. You're perfect!

Mk: Perfect for what?

Angie: Yeah!

Monkey King: To be...my successor!

MK: Uhhh? Are you sure you're the Monkey King? You've been cooped up in here way too long. I think your brain went mushed up.

Monkey King: Listen, Kid. You fought demons and you didn't die. And you made it here. Not just anyone can lift my staff. (he pulls out a bag of Peach Chips) But you did.

[Then Monkey King saw Angie and she smiled and he checkled and gave her a peach chip]


MK: But what about DBK?

Monkey King Phft! What about DBK? You can handle it. Consider it a trial.

MK: But I- (he sighs.)

Monkey King: Look if you can lift the staff you can use it. Just believe in yourself. Even a smidge makes all the difference. The staff was taken from you. Take it back.

MK: Alright! Come on Angie!

Angie: AH- Wait for me MK!!!

[MK and Angie heads back to the shores and looks at the Flaming Mountains.] 

MK: How am we supposed to get back? (They looks behind and see some monkeys with the crate that fell off of Sandy's boat. The monkeys then open the crate, revealing the Cloud Jet.) Hoooo! Yeah! (They looks at all the controls) Ummm? Can't be too hard to fly. It's for ages 8 and up! (He than presses a button, which sends them flying back to Megapolis.) 

Angie + MK: Wooohooo! Hahahah!

[Then the two made it to Megapoils and then the controls got bad and MK + Angie comes in on their Cloud Jet.)

MK + Angie: Ahhhhh!

Mei: MK? Angie?

[They proceeds to crush Red Son with their jet]

[MK and Angie comes out of the jet bruised]

Angie: H-huh, WE ARE ALIVE HAHA!!

Pigsy: Kid!

Sandy: (He sighs in relief.)

Mei: MK! Angie! Oh my goodness! We saw you blast into the fire and Angie chased after you. I thought you MK were all like "Phew, ahhh" but you both are not. (Tang pokes Red Son with a stick) Where'd you get a jet? Way to trash it already. Wait! Monkey King, did you two find him?

Mk: Yeah, We did!

Pigsy: So, where is he?

Mk: He said it up to me, to us.

Angie: Yeah so that means we fight TOGETHER!

[Then Yin and Yang came out for the necklace that freaked everyone out but not MK and Angie]




Sandy: Aww their so cute!

Mei: Okay anyway that's anticlimactic.

[They all look up at the Demon Bull King]

Tang: And how are we meant to fight that?

Mk: We believe in ourselves. You clean the streets. Me, Angie, Yin and Yang will stop the Demon Bull King. Somehow.

Mei: (she looks at the jet) Yeah this jet probably would have been really useful, hey? (she kicks it revealing the speed bike)

Mk: (he gasps) That'll work!

Mei Go get'em, buddy!

(He drives off as Angie used her portel and she jumpped in with Yin + Yang and with her sword to fight)

Demon Bull King: The little thief return.

Angie: It not just MK!

Demon Bull King: WHAT?!

[Then in the sky the trio came out for the portel and Yin and Yang started used their powers as Angie jumpped on the speed bike with MK]

Angie: That keep him occupied for now.

[Demon Bull King tries to blast MK + Angie, with them dodging the shots. MK drives onto the cannon he than uses his Golden Eyes of Truth]

MK: Uh what? Why is everything gold again? (he sees where the staff is) The staff! (He drives himself into the hole of Demon Bull King's armor.) Ahh!

Angie: MK!

[Angie stood there with Yin and Yang and she growls and her eyes glowed yellow and her sword glowed and Yin and Yang both glowed yellowed]

Angie: YOU WILL KNOW NOW WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU HURT MY FRIEND! (Before she attack Demon Bull King grabbed her and Yin and Yang and she screams in pain and she tranformed into her normal form)

Demon Bull King: (he laughs) Now this world is truly mine! (He then stumbles back losing his power.) What is this? (A stone pops out of the hole in the armor. It opens revealing MK with the staff in hand.) Monkey King?

Angie: Nah, that's MK.... (Then Angie comes back to her monkey form and comes to MK as Yin flouts aside MK as Yang flouts to Angie side and she turns to MK) Ready?

MK: Ready.


[MK + Angie punches the Demon Bull King. The Demon Bull King attempts to blast them.]

MK: (he laughs) Missed me! Nope! Over here! (Angie pushed Demon Bull King down with she sword. MK then grabs the top half of a building with the staff.) Okay, here we go you ready?

Angie: Yep!

Demon Bull King: No! (MK and Angie then tries to push the building down on him.) Not again! Enough! (He blasts MK and Angie then knocks them into a building, injuring them.) You thought you could stand against me. I am the Demon Bull King I will not let a little thief take victory from my grasp!

(MK and Angie looks up and sees the Monkey Mech arcade machine.)

Past Monkey King: Just believe in yourself. Even a smidge makes all the difference.

Demon Bull King: (he laughs) You might have that old fool's staff, but you are not the Monkey King.

Mk: Your right. I'm the Monkie Kid! 

Angie: And I'm the Star Warrior!

(MK plunges the staff into the ground, creating the Monkey Mech.) 

MK: It's time for you and your family to be brought to justice. Here comes Monkie Kid!

Demon Bull King: Impossible...

MK + Angie: Nothing is impossible if you just believe in yourself. Make no mistake, you just got MKO'd!

(MK and Angie tries to pick themself up but is stopped by a big wind tornado.)

Princess Iron Fan: We know when we've been bested. But this won't be the last you see of us, Noodle Boy and Star Girl. (she laughs and disappears with her family)

MK: What? No! No fair! Come on, you can't just run away when we were right about to win.

Angie: Booo...

Mei: MK Angie! You two totally kick DBK's butt. Without us, the city'd be toast!

MK: (He laughs awkwardly coming out of the mech.) Yeah. But you know, we couldn't have done it on our own, right Angie.

Angie: Yep, now Yin? Yang? Back in the in the necklace (Then the two came back into the necklace) We make a great team MK!

[MK blushed and he nodded and the two hugged each other]

Sandy: (He hugs Angie, MK and Mei.) You did, little man and little girl.


Sandy: Sorry Angie

Mei: You're basically the new Monkey King now.

Tang: Haha! Monkie Kid, didn't you say?

Pigsy: You did good, kid. You did real good.

Sandy: But, er... what now?

Mei: Isn't it obvious?

MK: Yeah! Bust up more bad guys!

Angie: And learn about new powers!

Tang: Or we could go eat some noodles?

MK and Mei: Yeah! Noodles, noodles, noodles!

[Angie laughed and she saw on top of the Monkey Mech, Monkey King sits watching the gang. He then transforms into a bird and flies away.]

Angie: Hehhe, A new journey has began.


[Angie was the the Dojo and she sneaks around until she got caughed by Macaque, Rambel and Savage]

Macaque: Kid what the hell are you doing here?

Rambel: OMG That her, omg she even more pretter in person!

Savage: Meh.

Angie: Hey Mac, I wanna ask you a question.

Macaque: Ask away kid.

Angie: Can you train me because my powers.

Macaque: Sure and plus maybe Yin and Yang can make sure the two can't do anything bad.

Rambel + Savage: WE HEARD THAT!

[Angie chuckled]

Angie: Thanks Mac.

[Then Macaque opened a portel and then shoved Angie into it and she went back into her room at MK's apartmen]

Macaque: Training will start in a week.

[Then the portel closed and Angie sighed and she got onto her bed and fell asleep ready for the next chapter for the story]



Next: Bad Weather


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