[Angie and Angel were watching MK and Monkey King are fighting in the Monkey King's training grounds and Angie was trying to help Angel with her powers.]
Angel: Are you sure I have powers?
Angie: Yeah but all week we try and find your power put nothing worked! I know Nuwa gave you powers, plus unlocked some of mine in a few days and last time it was shield!
Angel: Yeah yeah, we all know dummy.
MK: You call this a training session? I've barely broken a sweat.
Monkey King: A battle's no place to be arrogant, you gotta stay humble.
MK: Says you? (He fights and puts Monkey King near the edge.) Hah, who's gotta be humble now?
Monkey King: Hmm. Still you.
[Monkey King kicks the staff off of MK. The Golden Staff launches to the mountain, forming rocks.]
MK: Oh boy. (The rocks fall on him.)
Angie + Angel: Ouch! That's gonna hurt.
Monkey King: Ok, class commencing, how'd I win?
MK: Uh, you buried me under a rock slide?
Monkey King: Yes, but why were you standing in the way of a rock slide?
MK: 'Cause you put me there!
Monkey King: No, no, no, no, no, no. I got you where I wanted you by putting myself where you wanted me, it's called misdirection.
MK: Seems like a shady lesson.
Angie: Really shady.
[Angel nodded as she on her phone trying to find a power she might have]
Monkey King: Too soon, guys.
MK: Ugh, I'm never gonna be as good as you.
Monkey King: Not with that attitude. Class dismissed!
MK: Yes! WE better hit it, me, Angie and Angel was supposed to meet Mei and the others for the fes— (Monkey King throws a pillow at MK while he sets up for the New Year's.) Hey! Whoa. How long have you been preparing this?
Monkey King: Come on, it's New Year's, buds. Let's watch the fireworks.
MK: Oh, love to but I really should get back to my... friends. (Monkey King looks back towards the sky. MK sighs and then sits down with him.) Sure, you guys wanna join?
Angie + Angel: Sure! (They sat down and ate some food That wasn't Monkey's king hair)
[In Megapolis, people are celebrating the New Year's. Mei and Lorise is helping fold the dumplings at Pigsy's Noodles.]
Mei: I feel like this would be easier if I had fingers.
Lorise: I have to deal with paws, I am cat + human hybrid!
Pigsy: (He hands a bowl to someone.) Thank you! Great happiness and prosperity this Lunar New Year!
Tang: Mei, Lorise, is it just me or does Pigsy seem more.. stressed than normal? Isn't MK or Angie meant to be working today?
Mei: He's training with the Monkey King. He said, "New year! New MK! I'm gonna take my training to a whole new level!" (She has demonstrated with a broom.) As Angie is helping Angel with her powers, so they with Monkey king.
Tang: Wow.
Pigsy: Give me that! (He snatches the broom and breaks it in two.) "New year, new MK." and Angie helps somebody with their 'powers'. Keep going like this, they's gonna be newly unemployed! I mean it! If MK and Angie don't get here soon— (He screams.)
Sandy: (He appears with goodies and dumps them all on Pigsy.) Good cheer and happy new year! Look at all these delicious little goodies! I got enough to share!
Mei: Ooh! Thanks, Sandy!
Sandy: So uh, where's MK, Angie or Angel?
Pigsy: (He pops out of Sandy's pile.) Would you guys please screw around somewhere else?! I got a business to run so if you ain't gonna help, go bother some other noodle shop owner! (Then Athena walked) Hey Athena, can you help is?
Athena: Sorry I'm going to see somebody.
Lorise: I bet it's Red Son!~ (She and Mei both laughed)
Athena: SHUT UP LORISE! (She groan and she walked away)
Lorise: Guys, I think the flouts are going to come!
[The gang ran to the flouts and watches the flouts coming]
Mei: Oh, man! MK's really missing out on all these awesome floats! There's the dragon! There's the monkey!
Sandy: Yeah and there's the spider!
Lorise: S-spider?! (She poofed into a cat and came on Mei's head.) Huh, oh nice I a cat haha I have a power!
Mei: (chuckled) Yeah I gonna make cat videos with you Lorise!
[Lorise smiled and sat on top of Mei's head]
Tang: Spider? Pfft. There's no spider in the zodiac. It's probably just an eight-legged rooster or a— (They soon see a spider float.)
[One of the spider-bots toggles the lever and the tarp flies into the air, revealing the Spider Queen, Spider Angie and their army.]
Mei, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy: Spider Queen and Spider Angie!
Lorise: Wait, Angie turned into a spider?!
Tang: Well no she used some of her DNA with the spider queen to make Spider Angie.
Lorise: Oh okay that makes sense.
Spider Queen: Would you look at that? Everyone here to celebrate the Year of the Spider! Go let them know their Queen and Princess is back.
Spider Angie: Well let the party begin!
[Everyone runs off, screaming. Unfortunately, the spider demons and bots catch up and infect everyone. Meanwhile, the Spider Queen shoots our webs and activates her Spider mech as Spider Angie chuckled as she finds something.]
Spider Angie: Now, I need my prince MK.~
Lorise: Uhh say WHAT?!
Back on Flower Fruit Mountain.
Angie + Angel MK + Monkey King: Happy New Year! Fireworks!
Monkey King: Over a millennia and fireworks are still the best thing humans have invented! (He pulls out a piece of fur and makes an illusionary box of treats out of it.)
MK: Uh. Am I eating hair right now?
Monkey King: It's better not to think about it.
Angie: Lucky for me and Angel, we didn't eat the hair and we bringed our own food.
Angel: Heh, MK you need to stop eatting Monkey King's hair.
MK: (He immediately spits out all the hair as Angie and Angel laughed, while the fireworks have gone out.) What happened to the fireworks? (He and Monkey King use their Gold Vision and see the Spider Queen destroying the city.)
MK + Angie + Angel: The city!
Monkey King: The fireworks! (MK, Angie and Angel gives him an unamused look.) Oh, uh, also people getting hurt. I guess.
Angie: For real.
MK: (He whips out his staff.) Alright, me, Angie and Angel willgo take care of business. (He leaps off but Monkey King grabs him and tosses him on to his back.) Whoa! What?
Angie: Huh? (She pressed her necklace and she opened a portel) Haha, we see you boys later! (She and Angel both jumped into the portel)
MK: Awe, I wanna jump into a portel. . .
Monkey King: Nobody messes with my New Year's. Let's go! (They fly off and arrive at the city.) Huh. Guess Spider Queen finally crawled out of her cesspit.
MK: Huh? (He suddenly notices the spider-bots and freaks out, crawling all over Monkey King.) Spider! No, get them away from me! Get them away!
Monkey King: Get off, MK! (He puts him down on a roof where Angie and Angel are on.)
MK: Wait! What are you—
Monkey King: (Sighs.) If you can't handle a little spider, how are you meant to help me with that? I'll handle this one, bud. You're staying tight.
MK: Wait! I-I can still— (Monkey King blasts off.) help...
Angie: MK, we need to find the gang-
???: There you are my prince.
[The trio saw Spider Angie smirking]
[Angie opened a portel and the trio jumpped in before Spider Angie grabbed MK]
Spider Angie: UGH, NO MY PRINCE! I MISSED, ugh, I'll find you soon my prince just you wait. . .
[Athena walked to find Red Son stand and she smiled]
Shoe Store Assistant: Your food might have permanently damaged my taste buds! (He opens his mouth and fire comes out. He bangs the service bell repeatedly.) Why would you ever sell anything this hot?!
Red Son: (He stops his hand and smiles.) Oh, dear customer. The spice level was no mistake. I, Red Son, have devised the perfect culinary experience. (He pulls down a chart.) If you would direct your attention down at this chart here, it clearly ranks the spice level from "Very Hot" to "INFERNO!" You ordered "Very Hot." So...
Shoe Store Assistant: But it's the lowest one!
Red Son: Oh so I guess I meant to make barbecue for peasants with little, unworthy, disappointing taste buds that shame their fathers. Is that it, huh?!
Shoe Store Assistant: (He grabs Red Son's shirt and shoves his own face into his.) Look, I want to speak to the manager.
Red Son: Fine, fine. It's your funeral. (He shows him the manager who growls at him.)
Shoe Store Assistant: Uh I-I actually didn't need taste buds anyway so thank you for your service and have a prosperous and fulfilling New Year. (He runs away, screaming.)
Red Son: Father, you can't just scare away every single customer that complains. This is our chance at something great!
Demon Bull King: Great?! I am the Demon Bull King! What would you have me be? The King of Street Food?!
Red Son: Well, yes? I mean, after you recent humiliating defeat, I thought a fresh start was exactly what we needed. Just you and me working together, Father and Son! No evil plans, no talking bones. (Demon Bull King growls.) Sorry, fresh wound.
Demon Bull King: Enough! I may have failed as conqueror, but I will not be made a fool.
Athena: Hey Red Son!
Red Son: Oh it's you, It's really nice to see you again. So what to you want?
Athena: Inferno!
Red Son: A-are you sure?
Athena: I said INFERNO!!
[Red Son nodded and started to make the Inferno order and gave it to Athena and she ate it all up and she smirked]
Athena: Haha! Another one!
[Red Son and Demon Bull King eyes widen and Demon Bull King chuckled and whispered to Red Son]
Demon Bull King: If you don't ask her out right now, I'll do it for you.
[Red Son blushed and he looked at Athena]
Red Son: Athena, do you wanna- (Then he saw Athena eye's widen) Athena?
Athena: Behind you guys!
[Red Son turned around and he saw the spider mech arrives and destroys their stall behind them]
Red Son: Um, Father? (Demon Bull King turns to look and is immediately snatched by webs.) Father! (A Spider-Bot launches at him and Athena and gets into a tussle, before Athena ripes the Spider-Bot apart up. The case of the venom lands in her hand. The duo runs off and pulls off the covers to Red Son's Inferno Jet.) Sorry, Father. I will come back and Athena tell me next time remind me not to get you angry. (He blasts off with Athena.)
[Lorise (till in her cat form), Teng, Mei, Pigsy, and Sandy have escaped to the edge of the city to Sandy's boat.]
Tang: Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Mei: What about MK, Angie or Angel?
Lorise: Or Athena
Pigsy: They are with Monkey King, as Athena is better be safe. They safer than anyone. (Sandy starts up the boat.)
Tang: Trying to get away from the spiders and we're in the middle of the o— (Tons of Spider-Bots are revealed.) cean? (The boat dies.)
Mei: Um, Sandy? We gotta get going soon.
Sandy: Don't do this to me. (The control burst into flames. He puts it out with the extinguisher.) I don't usually have this problem. Honest.
Tang + Lorise: We're all gonna die.
Mei: Uh, Sandy?
Pigsy: Get us out of here!
Sandy: Uh, working on it! (He searches for something down in the boat.) Uh here, oh there!
Huntsman: It's not so bad if you go quietly. The transition will be almost painless.
Pigsy: (Mei and Pigsy have taken stance.) We can handle one of her lackeys. (Strong Spider emerges.) Two of her lackeys? Oh boy. (Huntsman and Strong Spider prepare to fight when MK, Angie and Angel falls out of the sky.)
Lorise: Guys! Oh thank god you guys aren't zombies!
MK: Guys! You're okay! I thought you've been turned into gross spider thingies. They're. Everywhere! (He trembles, hugging the staff.) I can still feel them crawling all over me.
Pigsy: Kid, focus!
MK: Yep! Working on it! (He calms himself and faces the spider demons again.)
Huntsman: We found the Monkey King's apprentice with his friends, exactly where you said he'd be.
MK + Angie + Angel: Oh, no. (The trio runs off to the boat and the others pull them up. The spider-demons race towards them.)
Pigsy: Sandy! It's now or never, old buddy!
Sandy: (He finds a remote.) Found it! (He zips outside and presses it. A meow is heard.)
Mei + Angel: Uh, Sandy?
Sandy: Give it a minute! (A boom is heard and the Team Dronecopter flies over.)
Huntsman: They can't escape! (Sandy tosses everyone aboard but not before Huntsman throws on a tracker. They zoom off.)
Sandy: So, what do you guys think? Been saving it for a rainy day.
Mei: Real cool, Sandy! It's awesome for taking in... the horrifying vistas.
Angie: Spider Queen captured Monkey King.
MK: Yeah.
[Angel nodded]
Sandy: No!
Pigsy: (Simultaneously.) What?
Tang: (Simultaneously.) That's not possible!
MK: Yeah, her and this weird skeleton thing, she got him and then I-I didn't even try to help. He lost and then—
Mei: It's okay, MK. We got this. We can beat her—
Angie: She beat the Monkey King, Mei! We don't got this! I'm sorry, I just— I don't what to do.
Pigsy: Kid, no one ever does. Not really.
Mei: But we're going to figure this out.
Tang: Together.
Sandy: That's right, little man. Just as soon as we deal with that! (Red Son and Athena falls out of the sky towards them, screaming.)
Tang: Incoming!
[Sandy punches the jet, busting it into pieces.]
MK + Angel: Red Son?! (Sandy drops him.)
Athena: Ow. I hate this! (Then Lorise smiled and tranformed back and hugged her as Angie and Angel joined the hug)
Mei: Get him!
Red Son: No— (They all pounce on him anyways.) Get off me, you filthy peasants!
MK: What are you doing here, Red Son?
Mei: Yeah, spill! You one of the Spider Queen's henchmen now, huh?
Red Son: Henchmen? (He seethes and throws everyone off him.) Not that any of you would care but my father was captured by that eight-legged freak! So, if you'll excuse me, I'll just steal this ship and be on my way.
MK: Wait, what?! That's not—
Angie: WHAT?!
Red Son: Ugh, fine! Will you let me steal your ship so I can go save my father and also the world from this spider menace, please?
Mei: Are you serious?!
MK: (Simultaneously.) You can't steal the ship!
Sandy: (Simultaneously.) Pretty convincing.
Red Son: Well, I can't use mine! It's busted! One thing Athena do have is this. (Athena pull out a vial.)
Athena: The Spider Queen's venom. It's turned everyone into her slaves but we can make an antidote.
Red Son: However, I'll need supplies and the only place to get them is. (He points up.)
MK: (He looks up in wonder.) Space.
Angie: No, MK. The Celestial Realm!
MK: Oh.
Tang: The Celestial Realm?! The realm of heavenly deities and immortal beings?! (Pigsy tugs Tang back.)
Red Son + Athena: Sure.
MK: So if you get to spa— uh the Celestial Realm, you can fix all of this?
Pigsy: Kid, you're not really considering this, are you?
MK: Well...
Angie + Mei + Pigsy: WHAT?!
Mei: MK, are you serious?! It's Red... Boy!
Pigsy: He's literally a demon!
Angie: HE TRYED TO SEAL MY NECKLACE AND YIN AND YANG! (Angel, Athena and Lorise eyes widen.)
Angel: Yinks.
Athena: I kinda feel bad.
Red Son: Oh, pretty rich coming from Pig Man and the blue thing! (MK considers the options as they fight.)
Mei + Lorise: Don't you dare talk about my friends like that!
Sandy: (Simultaneously.) Hey, what'd I do?
Red Son: I'm not even gonna start on you, Dragon and Cat Girl!
MK: Let's help him.
Mei, Pigsy, Red Son, and Tang: Huh?
MK: What other choice do we have? Look, Spider Queen won't see this coming. It's the best plan we've got. So I say let's help a demon rob the Celestial Realm.
[Angie, Mei, Pigsy, and Red Son glare at each other. Red Son is finishing up a spell.]
Red Son: Hmm.
Tang: So, how exactly does this work?
Red Son: Ugh. If I tried to explain mystical interdimensional travel to a bunch of peasants, it'd melt your brains but not you Athena!
Athena: Awe, okay!
Lorise: Hehhe!
MK: We don't have any other option. We have to trust him.
Red Son: Great speech, Noodle Boy. Super motivational. (He commences his dramatic preparation to open up the portal but is interrupted.)
Tang: Uh, are we sure mortals can travel to the Celestial Realm, yes?
Red Son: Of course they can! (He continues but is stopped again.)
Pigsy: Safely?
Red Son: Sure. Probably.
Athena, Angie, Lorise, Angel, MK, Mei, Pigsy, and Tang: Probably?! (They fly through the portal anyways.)
Red Son: I did say it'd melt your brains. (He points at Sandy's hair, which is on fire, but it goes out as he sees the realm.)
Tang + Lorise: The Celestial Realm.
Angie: So pretty (She smiled as MK looked at her in awe)
MK: But your the most prettyest.
[Angie blushed and she chuckled]
Pigsy: So some special pills, a fancy peach, and a furnace. Where are we gonna find these things?! (They all look at Red Son, who doesn't have an answer.)
Athena: (Gasps.) Red Boy doesn't know!
Red Son: I know they're somewhere! I'm a demon! It's not like I've been here before.
Tang: Well, in the legend, Monkey King said stole—
Sandy: Stole? That's not the Monkey King I know.
Tang: Borrowed the Peaches of Immortality from the Heavenly Orchard so unless they did the sensible thing and moved them, they'll still be there! The pills of the Great Master Lao Tzu, Monkey King stole— uh, borrowed some of those too, they must be in Lao Tzu's alchemy lab.
Red Son: And what about the furnace? I can't make anything without that.
Tang: It could be there in the lab, but my guess is it will be in the Jade Emperor's throne room.
MK + Angie: Wait, what?
Mei + Lorise + Angel: Huh?
Red Son: Alright, then. I'll be off to grab that peach. Toodles! (He leaps off but Athena grabs him.)
Athena: Sir, we just let you wander off on your own? (Red Son escapes her grip.)
Red Son: (He pats her head.) You just wait here like an obedient, little— (Athena bites his hand.)
Athena: (Grits her teeth.) I'm keeping you where I can see you! (Red Son tries to swing her off.)
Pigsy: I'll go for the pills. Uh, they're just regular-looking pills, right? Round-kind-of-shaped-like pills? You know, like normal pills?
Tang: I better come, too.
Mei: I'll come as well.
Lorise: Yeah I coming as well!
Angie: As me, Angel will get the furnace.
Pigsy: I don't know if that's a good idea.
Tang: The throne room's too well-guarded. (Angie and Angel leaps off, without any consideration.)
Sandy: You guys get the items and get back here as fast as you can. Me and MK will stay here and knock some sense into the engines. (The gang has split up while MK, Sandy works out the engines.) I'm helping. (He sees Mo with the spider tracker.) What you got there, Mo? Some kind of ominously beeping spider-themed tracker? (Mo taps it and it explodes, sending off a signal.) Uh, I'm sure it's fine.
MK: I don't think it's good plus I wanna get the furnace. . . (He sighed and when Sandy wasn't looking he ran off to find Angie and Angel then MK has arrived at the footsteps of the temple.) Wow. (He walks up the steps.) Guess this is the throne room. (Unbeknownst to him, the lion statues activate.) Whoa. I knew this place was gonna be big but wow! (A furnace is being lowered to the middle of the room.) There it is! Well, that was easy. (Two Lion Guardians appear behind him.) Uh, nice giant monster dogs? (He panics and hops inside the furnace. The cover starts to close on him.) Wait! No, no, no, no, no! (The cover closes on him.)
[The duo looked everywhere but didn't find anything]
Angel: We looked EVERYWHERE but no furance. . .
Angie: Yeah, this place is BIG- (Hears somebody giggling) Oh boi. I know that giggling.
[Then Spider Angie jumpped infront for them]
Spider Angie: I found you, prince taker!
Angie: Prince taker?!
Angie: Okay Spider Angie became a brat now.
Angel: Yep, huh I got an idea. (She took a deep breath and flouted and then golden strings came on Angie and she sighed) Here's goes nothing.
[Angie smiled and she tranformed to her fighting outfit and grabbed her katana and Angel began to sing]
[Then Angel used her stings to make Angie fight Spider Angie]
You've been nothing but a thorn in my side since day one!
But I am Angel the Great and I'll not... ha!
Be outdone!
[Angie spins to dodge Spider Angie]
Welcome to Angel's spectacular theatre in the pound!
Please excuse my thespian vernacular
When I say: thou ist going down!
[Then Angie spins her katana to slice the Spider-bots coming at her]
I've had enough of you
So time to be my puppet on a string
I've had enough of you
Oh, dance, my little muppet plaything!
[Then Pigsy, Tang, Mei and Lorise got the pills and they saw the fight]
The audience is thirsty for fun
Time to run
'Cause now your denouement has already begun!
That means you're done!
[Then Red Son and Athena got the Peach and saw the fight]
We could both be pirates on the sea
You'll swab the deck and play your part for me
Mops galore!
You'd better keep it clean!
Watch out now, my little Spider, 'cause Angie's looking mean!
[Then Spider Angie growls and she pinned Angie but Angie kicked Spider Angie and the two kelt fighting]
I've had enough of you
So time to be my puppet on a string
I've had enough of you
Oh, dance, my little muppet plaything!
A battle, like no other
Better move, 'cause here's another!
At least you'll get to see defeat in epic style!
The audience is primed, each attack right on time!
Seeing you entwined is so worthwhile!
But why stop there?
Add a lion, a bear
What's wrong my petite chère? Why don't you smile?
[Then MK rides on a Lion Guardian mech, which takes the furnace and he heard Angel singing and the fight]
The final act is sure to be a theatrical plot twist worthy of a prize
Want a shot? You better be more tactical
Messin' with Angel is never wise!
[Then Angie goes on her monkey form and kelt fighting Spider Angie]
I've had enough of you
So won't you be my puppet on a string
I've had enough of you
Oh, dance, my little muppet plaything!
I'm up to here with you
So, why don't you finally face it?
Your fate is sealed!
And everything you do is what I say!
Starting now and everyday
You'll be my puppet, learn to love it
Every word I say, you'll covet!
Start-a-new, stuck like glue
Bid your former self adieu
'Cause I've had enough of you!
[Then Angel's sting disconnected Angie as Spider Angie was on the ground in pain after the fight and everyone smiled and everyone got on MK's Lion Guardian mech to run to Sandy's mech and they got onto the mech and they blast off to the mortal realm]
Angie: We did it!!! Angel you have powers!
Angel: Yeah!
Tang: So uh, what now?
MK: We find a place to lie low, make the antidote, and save everyone.
Red Son: Ugh, you're back to your disgustingly, enthusiastic self. What happened?
MK: I got a new power. The power... of self-reflection.
Lorise, Angel, Mei, Pigsy, and Tang: Whoa! (Red Son and Athena turns away in disgust as Angie chuckled.)
Mei: So! Where we headed?
MK + Angie: Set a course... for Flower Fruit Mountain!
Red Son: I, Red Son, will find the powers of the Celestial artifacts with the Spider Queen's own venom, save my father, and reforge the world as I see fit!
Mei: Red Son, that was amazing!
MK: Such a good hero speech.
Red Son: Villain speech! And perhaps my best of all time!
Athena: Yep. Best Villain speech.
Pigsy: Okay, so what do we do now, guy?
Red Son: We do nothing. I add the ingredients in a very precise order (MK and Angie has disappeared from the scene.) you wouldn't understand.
Mei: Uh, there's only two more ingredients, Red Boy.
Lorise: Wait where's MK and Angie?!
MK + Angie: And I already chucked them in.
Red Son + Athena: What?!
MK: You're welcome.
[Everyone is left on the ground, coughing. They go over to check the antidote.]
Tang: Ooh, I think it worked.
Lorise: Yay!
MK: Alright. Time to take the fight back to the Spider Queen and end this nightmare once and for all.
Pigsy: How? Those spider people aren't just gonna line up for a sip.
Tang: And even if they did, are we forgetting about Spider Queen? She defeated the Monkey King! How are you...
MK: We'll find a way! We always do.
Sandy: Well, I might have an idea. (He pulls out another remote and presses the button. Water shooters pop out.)
Mei + Angel: Oh, yeah!
MK: With this, we might have a chance!
[They blast off with the antidote as Angie looked at the sky.]
MK: Angie?
Angie: Yeah?
MK: When this is all over, do want to take a break, I can ask Pigsy.
Angie: No no I'm fine.
MK: If it isn't Spider Queen throwing herself a party, prepare to meet your doom! (He and Angie both cackles.)
Red Son: Now that's a hero speech!
Mei: Wow, MK, you're handling your spider phobia so well.
MK: (Up close, he's revealed to actually be sweating.) I'm internalizing a lot of stuff right now.
MK + Angie: Release the antidote! (The team releases the antidote.)
Spider Queen: What? No.
Citizens: Freedom. Freedom. I'm free! I'm free!
Mei: It's working! Let's finish this!
Angie + Angel + Athena + Lorise: We got this! (The four grabbed bottels of the antidote and Angie opened the portel and jumpped in to get everyone back to normal)
MK: You reign of horror is— (He trembles.) over.
Spider Queen: Oh, Monkey Boy, you're nothing without your master. There's nothing that can stop me! Nothing!
[Spider Queen powers up her mech. MK leaps at her with the staff but she stops him and shoves him back. He crashes into the wall.]
Mei + Angie: MK!
[The rest of the team jumps at her but she catches them all in her webs as Spider Angie laughed.]
Spider Queen: Hmm. After all I've won and lost and won again, you think I was really gonna let some boy take it from me. Bye bye, problem child. (She prepares to take him out but her powers go out.) Oh! (She sees the base losing power.) No. My powers!
Demon Bull King: (He bursts out.) I am no one's slave! (He lands and sends everyone flying but he goes to Red Son and rips off the webs.)
Angie: Thanks DBK! MK! (She ran to MK and she used her monkey form and she climbbed up to get MK down)
Red Son: Father. (He frees Athena from the webs.)
Spider Queen: All of you together can't beat me! I am the Queen!
Monkey King: Oh yeah? (They look up to see Monkey King walking down the walls. He takes the staff and frees MK and Angie caughed MK.) Well, I'm the King. Turns out, I'm not so good with spiders either.
Spider Queen: If I can't rule this world. (She uses her web to lift her back on to the base.) No one can! I'll level this whole city! (Angie, MK and Monkey King leap up to confront her.)
Monkey King: Alright, guys! It's now or never!
MK + Angie: Right.
Angie, MK and Monkey King: Here! Comes! Monkie!
Monkey King: Kid. (He throws MK and Angie.)
Angie: And Star Warrior!
Spider Queen: No! (MK and Angie destroys the base but then falls.)
MK + Angie: No. (Monkey King catches them but they still freefall quickly. Demon Bull King leaps up and grabs them both as the base explodes.) Thank you— (They realizes who's they were thanking.) Bull— Demon Bull King— Mr. King, sir? (He sees the sky and they all look at the aurora lights lighting up the skies.) Whoa!
Sandy: Whoa.
Monkey King: Hah, now those are New Year's fireworks! Huh?
[Angie smiled in awe as MK chuckled]
[Everyone is gathered at the rooftop, enjoying the rest of New Year's.]
MK: We should really get better at not smushing the city.
Monkey King: Eh, priorities. (They both laugh.) You did really good today, bud?
MK: Are you okay? After—
Monkey King: It's fine, bud. It's dealt with. Want to tell your friends to take it down a bit? (He peeks over his shoulder at Tang who is gawking at him.)
Tang: Monkey King! I-I'm your biggest fan!
Mei: Hey! Daddy Bull King! Your baby Red Boy did real good hero work today!
Red Son: No! No! For the last time, I am not a hero! (Mei laughs.) Father, let's never tell Mother anything that happened today?
Demon Bull King: Agreed. Come along... Son, and don't forget about her.
Red Son: S-Son, oh yeah, Athena!
Athena: Yeah?
Red Son: Well, I wanna ask if you like to go on a date.
Athena: Oh sure!
Red Son: Great, I'll pick you up in a week (He leaving the scene with his father.)
Lorise: Well Athena x Red Son is canon! Who will be next? (Athena groans and she blushed)
Angel: I voting on Angie x MK!
Angie + MK: SAY WHAT?! (The duo blushed)
Tang: Where did Monkey King go? Huh? (He sees a box of treats left by Monkey King.) Oh. Well, don't mind if I do.
MK: (He watches Monkey King fly off.) Happy New Year's, Monkey King.
Mei: Ooh, yummy!
MK + Angie + Angel: Wait, no! Don't eat that!
Tang: Tastes like hair.
Athena: Gross.
[Then the gang laughed and Angie sat next to MK and she rested her head on MK shoulder as Angie's necklace shined abit]
Next: Sleep Bug
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