[Angie was taking an nap in Macaque's dojo and Rambel + Savage was putting some makers on her face until a portel opened and came out waking up Angie]
Angie: H-huh?! HEY! (She ran up to the person and she saw. . .) Wait ANGEL?!
Angel: Hello, it's been awhile.
[Angie helpped Angel up]
Angie: Girl, how did you get here?!
Angel: Well I was minding my own thing and then poof portel came out for nowhere! When you you get here?
Angie: Well I kinda wished on a star.
Angel: Oo, wish on the star and your dreams come true~
Angie: Shut up! (The duo laughed until they heard Macaque) Oh macaque!
Macaque: Hey kid, I want you to meet somebody.
MK: Hi! Wait Angie?!
Angie: MK, oh. By the way Macaque and MK meet Angel one for my friends.
Angel: Hi!
Macaque: Heh, well Angel does suit you.
Angie + MK: What?!
[Angel blushed and she chuckled]
Angel: Why thanks. . .
Angie: MK is Macaque flirting with my friend?!
MK: Yep.
[Angie groans]
Angie: Well I think this ain't gonna be fun when Monkey king hears this.
MK: Yep.
[An bit later Macaque trained MK as Angie and Angel was watching some puppys videos that Mei sented her]
Angie + Angel: Awe so cute!!
[MK gotten an idea to impressed Angie so he tryed to used his attack but failed]
Macaque: Not bad. Don't get me wrong, but I was kind of expecting a little more from someone with your power.
MK: Hey, hey, I've got more. I can give way more than that. I can do better.
Macaque: Okay. Maybe show me next time.
[A training montage sequence begins.]
Macaque: Stop holding back. Stop trying to be nice. Your first strike should be your last strike. Every time you attack, give it everything you've got. Other people are going to tell you to be patient.
[Then at the apartment, Angie was healing MK scars and the two both smiled and then bursted out Mei and Angel with snacks]
Macaque: They are slowing you down. (Back in the dojo, MK trained with Angie, the two were training with swords as Macaque and Angel were watching and Macaque gave Angel a flower making her blush) You have power inside you. Use it. Take the power and destroy. Remember. You don't use a weapon. You are a weapon.
[In the dojo, Angie showed Angel Yin, Yang, Rambel and Savage as Angel squeels]
Angel: They are so cute!! (Hugged the four, as Macaque chuckled) They are just to cute!
Angie: I know right, their four peas in a pot!
Rambel: C'mon, a hug is nice!
Macaque: Just let plum give you a hug you both.
Angel + Angie: Plums?!
[Then MK bursted in and Angie knew that he had a little fight with Monkey King]
MK: I'm ready.
Macaque: Okay, let's begin.
[The two fought as Angie and Angel watched and Angie felt bad for MK as Angel smirked]
Angel: You like MK don't you.
Angie: (Blushed) What me like MK, nah- yeah. . .
Angel: So, how many epsiode are we at now?
Angie: Episode 9, we are in the Macaque episode, right now, LBD is out, inside DBK body possessed him and the Bull bots, next body will be Bai he, then after Lady bone demon is done, next: Azure lion then after the nine-headen demon...
Angel: Yinks, MK has alot going at him...
Angie: Yeah. I need to protected him but I don't wanna tell him...
Angel: That we are from another world?
Angie: Yeah...
Macaque: You're ready.
MK: Ready for what?
Macaque: I found out where it lives.
[Macaque leads the trio up a mountain.]
Macaque: The Smoke Monster is actually an ancient demon. A very, very powerful one. We need to destroy it once and for all. Come on.
MK: Wait, what? Last time, I couldn't even hit it.
Macaque: Totally. But since then, you've had me teaching you, Angie and Plums. You're stronger now. Don't you feel stronger?
MK: I guess.
Macaque: Remember. You're the weapon. Give it everything you've got.
MK: Here comes Monkie Kid. (He uses the Golden Staff and lunges toward the Smoke Monster.) I am the weapon!
Angie: MK WAIT!
[MK attacks the monster, but it reveals itself as Macaque. It punches MK in the stomach, and the monkey logo on MK's back glows purple. MK falls to the ground. Out of a shadow in the ground comes another Macaque.]
Macaque: You know, you really are a good kid. Super nice...
[The second Macaque disappears into a shadow on the ground. Macaque holds a stone in his had; MK's powers, as he hold a star in his had; Angie's powers, which he absorbs the powers. The staff launches towards MK, pinning him to the mountain as Angie eye widen when she saw her power being absorbed.]
Angie: Wait my powers. . . Macaque, you also used me?!
Macaque: Sorry kiddo, your really sweet, plus love training with you but I need some for your power as well but your lucky your necklace still has some so you still have some for your power left. As for MK I wanna thank you, for giving me all of Monkey King's power. Huh? Oh, no. Can't you hold the magic staff anymore? Well, you know what that means. There really isn't anything special about you. You're just some kid with a heavy stick.
[Angie teared up as Angel came up to Angie and helpped her]
Monkey King: Enough!
MK + Angie + Angel: Monkey King!
Macaque: Monkey King. It's good to see you, bud!
Monkey King: Are you ever going to get sick of living in my shadow? It's time to give back what you stole.
Macaque: You are such a gem. It's going to be so satisfying, killing you with your own powers.
[Monkey King and Macaque and their clones fight. And the duo tryed to get the staff off for MK.]
MK: Angie, Angel, I didn't know why Macaque did this. Now I feel bad for you Angie he also took your power...
Angie: It's okay he did say I have some left.
Angel: Yeah now come on before-.
Macaque: Seriously? You fell for that? (To Trio) Sorry, kids and Plums. Nothing personal! (He conjures the Smoke Monster and prepares to finish off MK, Angie and Angel.)
MK + Angie, Angel: (Screams.)
Monkey King: Kids!
[Monkey King breaks free from the shadows. He blocks MK, Angie and Angel from Macaque's attack.]
Angel: My hero. . . (She blushed as Angie and MK both chuckled) If you try a tease me I gonna hit you both.
Angie + MK: Okay we won't!
Macaque: Come on! Show me the real Sun Wukong! The old you would have leveled this whole mountain range to stop me, but you're scared of hurting some kids? Pathetic!
MK: (He struggles to break free from the Golden Staff.) Come on, staff. I can't. I'm not strong enough.
Monkey King: Kid. We're definitely going to have words later. But it's time for the hero stuff!
[MK, Angie and Angel uses their strength to lift the Golden Staff as MK and Angie regains their powers.]
Monkey King, MK, Angie, Angel: Patience. Focus. Step into the strike!
[They hurls the Golden Staff at Macaque and the Smoke Monster, blasting away. Monkey King, MK, Angie and Angel all sit on the mountain top together.]
Angie + Angel: Haha we did it!! (The duo hi-5 each other) Woo-hoo!
Monkey King: You did it, bud. You remembered what I told you.
MK: I'm sorry.
Monkey King: Oh, oh, you totally should be. I can't believe you two-timed me on your training.
MK: I just wanted to be good enough. Like you.
Monkey King: (Sighs.) Hey, your heart's in the right place, kid. We can work on the rest.
MK: So you'll keep training me?
Monkey King: Of course, bud. I've got something special in mind. And kid, who's the girl the glasesses?
Angie: Oh yeah, Monkey King A.K.A. Sun Wukong meet Angel one for my friends.
Angel: Hi!
Monkey King: Well, it's nice to meet you Angel, I'm Monkey king.
[The two shaked hands as MK and Angie both smiled and Angie rested on MK head]
Angie: You did good.
MK: Yeah I did.
[MK does chores back at Monkey King's home as Angie and Angel ate some peach chips.]
MK: This is totally going to be one of those "do the boring, hard chore thing", but secretly, it's "learn the awesome kung fu secret", right?
Monkey King: Uh, sure.
Angie: MK opened wide, Peach chip is coming to you! (She threw the peach chip and went into MK mouth) Haha! First try!
[The four laughed as Angel did it to Monkey King and the peach chip also went into his mouth]
[Redson was busy doing stuff until a portel and a girl came out]
Redson: What the?!
[The girl named: Athena groans and she saw Redson]
Athena: H-huh?!
Redson + Athena: AAH!!
Next: The end is Here!
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