

[Angie was in the kitchen making some noodles and she puts it on the counter with the bag]

Angie: (She rings a bell.) Order up Mk.

MK: On it! Thanks Angie!

[MK grabbed the  then puts on his headphones and drives around in the Tuk-tuk.]

Angie: Bye Mk! (She makes more noodles as Yin & Yang was helpping the clean up the bowls with their powers, Yin washing the bowls as Yang was drying the bowls) Good job you both keep it up!

[Angie sighed and she makes some noodles and gave it to Tang]

Angie: Here Tang, don't tell Pigsy that I gave you free noodles.

Tang: Okay I won't tell! (He ated the noodles as Yang throws the spoon at Angie)

Angie: OW- HEY!

[Pigsy chuckled as he saw what Yang did]

Pigsy: Good job Yang.

[Yang sat their proudly for hitting Angie in the head]

[Angie ran to Macaque dojo]

Angie: I'M HERE--- AAH! (She hits onto the ground and she groans) I ookayy...

Macaque: Okay kid you just came on time now do have your cloak that I gave you?

[Angie nodded and puts her bag down and revealed her newest cloak for the show and she puts it on her]

(With stars)

Angie: Ready!

Macaque: Okay boys, Yin, Yang sit down we want you all to know how it is.

Savage: Okay!

Rambel: Okay dad.

Macaque: Ready?

[Angie nodded and her necklace started to glow and started to started to tell the story for the Star Warrior a.k.a. Xīng Guāng]

Macaque: Okay kid it's time for you to go.

Angie: Okay, cmon Yin and Yang lets go! (She took off her cloak and and ran outside with yin and yang until she saw Sandy and MK) Hey guys, got room for three more?

Sandy: Sure, lets get the brush and lets started painting.

MK: Yeah cmon!

[Angie, Yin and Yang grabbed some brushes and started to paint the bout blue]


[The day is over and MK and Angie is getting ready to sleep.]

MK: Now for eight to twelve hours of uninterrupted— Mei!

Mei: (She is pulling clothes out of his drawer.) Get up, get up, get up! We are going out! (They spend all night at the arcade.) Woohoo! Anti-Gravity Arcade, yo!

MK: Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Angie: I got the star plushy!!!

Mei + MK: YAY!


Angie: (She rings a bell before she yawned.) Order up!

MK: Okay, Angie! (He yawns.)

Macaque: Now next is your stand.

Sandy: How about a nice sunset orange? (Mk + Angie helps Sandy paint. That night, the duo is briefly seen at the arcade snoring, while Mei cheers on.)

[The cycle continues as Angie attends 24/7 to whatever tasks her friends need help with.]

Angie: Order up. Order up.. Order up...

Sandy: What if we try blue again?

Macaque: Now we try and stay in the circle for the crowd

Mei: Angie!

Sandy: Angie!

Macaque: Kid!

[With all the helping out her friends, Angie groans and falls to the ground leaving Savage, Rambel, Yin and Yang in shock]

Macaque: Kid, hey wow you alright? (Helps Angie up and set her on the couch) You haved been really busy huh.

Angie: Yeah, making noodles, helping Sandy with his bout, partying with MK & Mei and getting trained by you is just putting my stressed up... If I have to do this one more day, I'll go (She makes an explosion sound making Savage, Rambel, Yin and Yang laugh) It's hard plus I kelt having visions about... the Lady Bone Demon, Samadhai fire and alot.

Macaque: Wait, the Lady Bone demon?! Oh no... So your saying she's coming?! Oh no...

Angie: I know... It's hard when LBD is back... Hey Mac is it okay if I tell you something but promised not to tell? (Macaque nodded and Angie took a deep breath) So I'm not from this world, I'm from another universe that you guys are a show and I came here by wishing on a star and right now, I don't know why I'm here for but right now I need to protect MK before... something bad happened... And I'm just want to go home but I don't know what to do, I have my life in my world and I don't know if my family or friends knows I'm here it's so... (Then Angie started to breaked down and Macaque sighed and hugged her trying to confort her)

Macaque: Hey kid everything is okay.. Everything will be alright for now... Okay kid you take some time off pack up and go home kid.

[Angie nodded and Yin and Yang came into the necklace and Angie put her cloak away in her bag and she left and she got back to the apartment to see MK waitting for her]

MK: Angie! I'm so happy your here! Wanna watch some Monkey cop? (Then sees Angie's eyes were red) Hey were you- (Then Angie hugged MK with her sobbing and he sighed and hugged her back trying to calm her down) Bad day? (Angie nodded) Okay maybe we can watch something that you like is that alright with you?

Angie: Yeah, Okay you will love this movie! Sonic the heagehog movie, great show with amazing things and alot for super speed!

[MK smiled and grabbed the popcorn and the duo watches the Sonic movie together as they were going to get some popcorn until they touched hands and the duo started to have visions as well]

[Then two looked at each other in pure shocked before the two laughed but Angie was faking her laugh]


Angie: (She rings a bell.) Order up!

'MK': On it, Angel!

Angie: Angel? Huh well that's new. Wait... Oh no... we got MK clones situation, TANG!

Tang: Yeah? AH! (He ducks after Angie tryed to throw a wooden spoon at him)


Tang: Maybe....

[Angie groans as she yawned]

Angie: Well I'm gonna walk see you later.

[Angie left and she walked through the city just thinking about how long will she be here for until she bumped into someone]

Angie: Oh my goodness I'm so sorry- (Sees 'MK') MK? what are you doing here and what's with the suit?

'MK': Well I wanna dress up because I wanna show you something! (Gave Angie a blindfold) Put it on!

Angie: Uh okay? (She puts the blindfold on and she felt MK take her hand and dragging her somewhere) Wow MK! Hey your running to fast!

[After some time they stopped and MK grabbed the blindfold to reveal an beautiful picnic]

Angie: Wow, MK it looks so beautiful.

'MK': Not beautiful as you.

[Angie blushed and she smiled as MK sat down and Angie sat with him]

Angie: Wow MK I'm really shocked that you made this I'm speachless.

'MK': I'm glad I just want this day to be just the two for us just you and me and nobody else.

[Angie smiled before poof, hair came out and she saw the real MK]

Angie: Huh right on time MK.

MK: Hey Angie! Wow did one of my clones made this because it looks so beautiful!

Angie: Yeah and your last clone is with Mei?


[MK breaks into the arcade.]

MK: Alright, Party Clone! Where is she?

Angie: Yeah Party clone! Where is Mei?

Party Clone: Oh ho ho! Angel and OG MK in the house, yoo!

MK: We don't even know what that means! Where's Mei?!

[The Party Clone reveals he has Mei trapped in the claw.]

Mei: Hey, MK and Angie! Mystic Monkey business? You're really bad at making clones by the way!

Angie: True.

MK: Hand her over, you! Me! We?

Party Clone: Cool your jets, OG. You want to get to me? You both gotta go through my boys! (He reveals the rest of the MK clones that he made.)

Mei + Angie: Why did you make so many MK's, MK?!

Party Clone: Oops, my finger slipped. (He opens an incinerator and Mei screams.)

MK + Angie: Mei!

Party Clone: (He laughs menacingly.) Get 'im, boys and don't hurt our Angel! (The Party Clones parties while the rest of the clones chase MK and Angie. Meanwhile, Mei is being lowered.)

Mei: MK! Angie!

MK: We're coming, Mei! Angie now!

Angie: Oh okay! (She summoned her sword and spears her sword and breaks open the arcade, saving Mei.) Haha I did it!

MK + Mei: Yeah!

MK Clones: Here comes Monkie Kid! (The Party Clone laughs but then MK dissipates them all.)

Angie: One more to go!

Party Clone: No, no, no, wait! Mei, Angel, how do you know I'm not the real MK? There's two of us at this porty! (He looks down at his clothes, realizing the obvious.) Ah shoot, I played myself.

Angie: Yeah and MK never once called me Angel.

MK: Here comes Monkie Kid! (He proceeds to dissipate him.)

Party Clone: (He sheds a tear.) Never forget... da music and my Angel.

Angie: Okay your clones keep calling me ANGEL! WHY JUST WHY!

MK: I have no idea...

Mei: Nice work, Baldy.

MK: Aw man, what was I thinking?

Mei: Don't worry. (She pulls out tufts of hair.) We got you, buddy! (She puts some on him.)

MK: Is it noticeable?

Angie: (She has put tons of his hair on herself as a beard, imitating an old man.) Not at all, my boy.

MK: Gross! Don't stroke it!

(Angie laughs in her old man's voice as Mei laughed.)


Mei: Got the night off, huh?

Angie: Yep!

MK: Yeah, Pigsy cut me some slack. After I cleaned up all that hair. And paid him back for all the food.

Mei: So, did you learn your lesson?

MK: You know it! Aw, Monkey King marathon! Turn it up! (He creates another MK Clone to increase the volume of the TV.) Aw, thanks.

(Mei and Angie notices the two MKs. Mei + Angie begins to use her powers and the two MKs look at them.)

MK + the MK Clone: Uh oh....

Mei + Angie: (They begins to attack the two MKs). MK!



Next: The Tale Of The Star Warrior


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