Chapter 1; Being Odd in Washington
CLOSE ON Y/N'S face, he stares. He looks deep in thought as he looks out, chin rested on his palm. The quiet aura around him gives him a nice space, a nice moment of peace.
We zoom out, he is at a window seat. Alone. The outside passing by as the train moves. No one beside him, no one there even to bother him. He was at his most comfortable. What made him uncomfortable were the distant noises and the distant speaking amongst men and women.
"Look at these pictures. Boy, New York has really been on the bad end of things. I mean.... Look at the Knicks..."
"My friend told me her aunt died because of what happened over there..."
"J. Jonah was right, I don't think I can trust these guys anymore..."
"Never going there again..."
Suddenly, he is at a state of guilt. Part of him knows he wasn't necessarily at fault. But still, he ignored it. His eyes slowly shut as air comes out of his nose, frustration? anger? disappointment?
He suddenly let out a cough, making sure to cover his mouth.
Even Steve and Nat noticed, he has been very silent since he has moved away.
But where has he been? He took some time away to visit a certain place... for certain knowledge.
We transition to him walking down. The crowds and the gatherings of groups yet still, he was able to stand out. His face was blank, hands in pockets. He still looked like he was in thought. The meaning could be seen once you go deep into his eyes.
But he still looked blank, quiet.
He really tries his best to adapt and fit in. But even then, he will always be different.
THE SOUND OF FOOTSTEPS were heard through the halls as Y/N walked up to his door. The sound of his keys rattling before pushing the entrance of his apartment open.
The door summoning a creak as it opened. Y/N let out a sigh, dropping his bags, not bothering to pick it up. He flipped a switch on the wall which led to the lights of his apartment to open, the nice sky blooming as he placed both hands on his waist.
He admired the view.
The beautiful clouds soaring through the buildings as he blinked. Once he opened his eyes, he was brought to a flashback.
WAKANDAN TRIBE MUSIC was heard in the air as guards suddenly stood stern, Y/N greets each of them with a warm smile as he walked through the halls. His footsteps echoing while he admired such technology. His smile widens even more as he was greeted by the presence of a familiar man.
"T'Challa!" the L/N lets out as he does the wakandan salute.
"Ah, yes! Y/N my brotha', To what do I owe your presence?" T'Challa asked, placing a hand on Y/N's back as he led the way. "You said something about your blood test?"
Y/N smiled. "Yeah, Director Fury wanted to make sure I was quote-unquote 'stable' before I get back on field." he started to explain. "Found it a bit odd when he told me to take a blood test but I had no choice. So when I took it, they said something was a bit odd. Untraceable so I thought I could come by."
T'Challa scoffed. "Is that the only reason you came by? Oh how offending." The prince mocked, both letting out laughs as they make way to the lab.
"No, No. Also came to check on everything, it's been a long time... new changes too. How's Shuri?"
"Oh, don't get me started on that rascal. Growing too fast, she already knows the algorithm."
Y/N chuckled. "How about your dad?"
"Did someone call for me?" A voice boomed making them both snap their heads to the direction of the voice.
"Your highness." Y/N lightly bowed at T'Chaka, making him huff.
"No, stand up. We don't do that here." He waved, three of the men laughing.
A thought came in to Y/N's mind as he smirked. "Sorry, they said they have to respect our elders." T'Challa's eyes widened, covering his mouth to hide his muffled laughter. T'Chaka's mouth was agape, repeatedly pointing at Y/N in awe.
"Ohhh you're making me want to kick you out." He joked, earning another round of laughter. "What brings you back here in my land?" The King asked.
T'Challa quickly raised his hands, gesturing for him to answer instead. "L/N here would like to get a second opinion for his blood."
T'Chaka raised an eyebrow, inspecting Y/N.
"You look the healthiest you've ever been, what seems to be the problem?"
The L/N rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling as he did so. "Just following orders, nothing seems to be wrong as of yet... well, for now anyways." He joked, receiving a pat on the back from the king as he nodded.
"Well, good luck. I have to go so please tell me if my son causes trouble. If not, it's nice seeing you again, L/N."
The conversation ended with a Wakandan salute, both smiling at eachother before T'Chaka walked away. As he did so, Y/N didn't notice that they have reached their destination.
"Welcome back, Mr. L/N."
Y/N and Okoye greet echother with the salute.
"How are you?" Y/N asked.
"Fine. You?"
Y/N simply shook his head. "Not the best right now."
"I have heard, very tragic what happened in New York--"
"Ah, Ah. You're making the guest uncomfortable." Y/N waved off T'Challa's remarks but it was too late as Okoye respectfully bowed.
"Of course your highness, sorry master L/N."
"Master?" Y/N quirked his eyebrows, nudging the prince's ribs. "Master?"
"Knock it off."
Both men laughed before making their way to the computer, Okoye following. Y/N handed a USB stick to T'Challa. As he typed in a few words, Y/N's blood cells projected as a 3D hologram. His eyes widened from the sight before him.
"Seeing anything... weird?"
"No, seems norm- Wait.." He stopped as his eyes landed on a few groups of cells. Each carrying something the prince was familiar with, but never has he seen it in person. "Have you ever heard of-"
Y/N WAS SNAPPED OUT OF HIS THOUGHTS from a knock on the door. His heels turning almost immediately as he made his way through the sound. As he slowly turned the knob, face plastered in a tone of surprise.
"Rogers, why-- what are you doing here?" He greeted, leaning against the door frame. Steve though furrowed his eyebrows, eyeing the L/N suspiciously.
"You look pale....?" Steve pointed out. He inspected the L/N who just stood there, not too sure on what to say. "What's wrong with your eyes? Do you sleep-"
"I'm fine, Steve." Y/N interrupted, giving him a reassuring smile. He stepped to the side a bit, gesturing for him to enter, which Steve immediately and gracefully accepted. As he stepped in, first instincts was to inspect, eyes squinting as he discreetly looked around. "So, you never answered my question. What are you doing here?"
Steve sucked in his teeth, not able to find anything before turning to Y/N. "Kate notified me of your presence, so I came here to.... welcome you back.... So welcome back."
Y/N scoffed at Kate's name. Before he could reply, he lifted a finger before covering his mouth as he coughed again.
Steve quirked an eyebrow. "Are you sure you're fine?"
Y/N quickly nodded, bumping into a glass which he quickly caught. Steve continued to eye him in suspicion. "Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine." He let out, mixing in a little sniff. He decided to change the subject. "So... Kate. Had any luck?"
"Luck with what?"
"Asking her out."
Steve scoffed.
"Are you and Romanoff up to something? She's been pushing me to find a woman." Y/N chuckled at Steve's remarks. "Well, Rogers. When you've been out for 96 years, I think you need to kinda step out of your comfort zone for a bit." Y/N replied.
Steve though raised an eyebrow. "I don't think you're the person I should listen to when talking about the 'comfort zone'. " Both men chuckled at eachother before the sound of muffled ringing was heard. Steve slowly lifted a finger before pulling out his phone. "We got a new assignment... coming with?"
Y/N thought about it before nodding.
"Alright. Ooh- one last question." Steve lets out as Y/N hummed in response. "I'm thinking of going on a jog tomorrow, wanna join?"
"Uh, yeah sure. Why not?" Y/N replied, earning a nod from the blonde man. As he was about to leave, Y/N caught his attention. "Rocky."
"Rocky. It's this movie that just came into my mind when you said jogging. Maybe add that to your list."
Steve nodded. "Will do." He let out, waving him goodbye as he wrote on his small notebook.
Once the door closed, Y/N sighed, he slowly pulled out his phone, dialing a few numbers as it rung. After 2 rings, the other line answered.
"Hey, Nat....."
~This was just a set up chapter for what's gonna happen next.
~Make sure to vote for more!
~Comments suggestions are highly appreciated!
~What is with Y/N's coughing? Ooooo
~I'll see ya next chap!
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