Chapter seven: We Need Each Other

        Light streamed in through Ivory's eyelids, beckoning her to awaken from her peaceful sleep. She refused, turning over to hug Eliot's comforting neck, but she didn't feel the familiar warmth. Instead, she felt thin, cold sheets. Her eyes shot open in surprise and she was instantly blinded.

        She cried out in surprise, covering her face with the back of her hand.

        "Ivory! Oh, I was so worried!" a familiar voice exclaimed.

        Ivory heard the quick shuffling of fabric and then a comforting hand resting on the one that was protecting her face. "Are you alright?" the voice continued in a worried tone.

        A groan emitted from Ivory's lips as she slowly removed her blocking hand. "Where am I?" she mumbled.

        "You're at the hospital!" the woman answered in a high voice. "You had me so worried! What in the world possessed your mind to do such a thing!? You could have gotten deathly sick!"

        "I—I—" Ivory began as her eyes adjusted, focusing on the disheveled face of Madam Orantia. A tear slipped down her pale cheek. "I just wanted to see Eliot!"

        "Goodness, who's Eliot?" the woman questioned desperately.

        "The one God sent me," Ivory replied quietly.

        "Excuse me?"

        "The one God has sent me," Ivory repeated louder. "We need each other."

        "But who is he? A zookeeper?"

        "No! Not at all! He's the elephant! The same one from yesterday!"


        "From the zoo exhibit!"

        "Oh, darling," Madam Orantia said softly. "That was a few days ago. And they're planning to put down the poor creature. He was so wild—"

        "But he's not!" Ivory interrupted, shooting up. "He's the tamest, sweetest animal you'll ever meet! He just doesn't like being kept prisoner at the zoo!"

        "He almost killed you, Ivory," Madam Orantia replied, rubbing Ivory's arms comfortingly. "And on top of it all, you went to see him without your coat, in terribly freezing weather!"

        "But he kept me warm! And he didn't almost kill me, Madam Orantia. He saved me!"

        Madam Orantia stayed silent, but her pursed lips showed how she didn't believe the girl laying helpless in the hospital bed. She patted Ivory's leg gently and stood up from where she sat next to Ivory. "Just rest. Everything is just confusing right now. You're a bit delirious, that's all."

        "No!" Ivory cried, grabbing onto Madam Orantia with strength she didn't know she had. "I'm not confused! I'm not delirious! You're can't let them put him down! He was sent into my life by God! I know it! I just do!" Waterfalls of tears gushed from Ivory's eyes as she held Madam Orantia's gaze with such desperation, that she knew Madam Orantia would have to give in.

        The woman sighed. "Alright, Ivory. I'll talk to the keepers. But there really isn't much I can do."

        "No, I want to come with you," Ivory insisted, still holding on to Madam Oranitia's wrist.


        "Please!" Ivory exclaimed quietly. "Please, they can't take him away—" A few more tears slipped down her face. "Please," she begged.

        Madam Orantia sniffed sadly and wiped the tears from Ivory's eyes. "If it is truly what you want—"

        "It is, Madam," Ivory answered softly. "It truly is."

        "Alright then. I'll make sure the hospital releases you as soon as possible. Are you sure you're alright?"

        Ivory nodded quietly and finally let go of Madam Orantia's wrist.

        Madam Orantia walked to the door and disappeared past it, leaving Ivory alone in the sterile hospital room.

        Ivory grabbed her legs tightly in her arms and squeezed her eyes shut.

        The only sound in the lonely room was her soft breathing. She bit her lip, ignoring the growing solitude and focusing her thoughts on the growing warmth in her heart.

        She knew what it was. It was her growing faith. God truly was there with her, guiding her through life and giving her the tools she needed to continue on.

        The words formed in her mind, but she knew she didn't need to say them out loud for God to hear them.

        "Thank you, Lord."

        And she smiled.

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A/N This is one of my favorites so far! I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to vote and comment!! I would also love if you shared ❤️

Thank you so much for reading this far! It really means a lot to me!



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