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Modern au
Muichiro is 15, Genya is 17
Classes had just finished and Muichiro was taking the last few things from his locker to head home.
Suddenly he felt a tug in his hair, someone pulled him back.
Oh, not again, please...
<<Good morning, seaweed head>> said a boy with a mocking smile. His name was Takeshi, Muichiro knew it. It was him and three other friends of his.
Muichiro grabbed the lock of hair that Takeshi was holding and whispered:
<<Please, Takeshi...I need to go...>>
<<I don't give a shit if you need to go>> the boys laughed.
Muichiro closed his eyes for a moment to stop the tears from forming in them, then opened them again.
<<Stop it>> he said giving a particularly hard tug at his hair, but Takeshi didn't let go.
Also the other boys surrounded him. Muichiro felt his anger rising. Despite everything he managed to free himself and kicked Takeshi, then tried to run away as fast as possible. But he couldn't.
<<Where do you think you're going, slut?!>> another boy grabbed him by the arm and the others joined him.
There weren't many left at school. There was no one who could help him.
Muichiro tried to free himself, but to no avail.
<<Okay, now you really fucked up. Stay still>> one of them told him, while two others grabbed him and prevented him from moving.
<<What are you going to do?!>> Muichiro raised his voice, but one of the boys slapped him hard, forcing him to cough.
<<You'll find out for yourself what we want to do.>> The same boy hit him again.
<<Shut up for now>>
Another hit.
And another.
<<S-Stop, please!!>> Muichiro yelled.
<<Lower your fucking voice!!>> Takeshi pulled his hair and the last boy slammed him against the wall, immobilizing him.
Suddenly, the phone that Muichiro had in his backpack started ringing.
The boys stopped and one of them came over and picked up the phone.
<<Mmmh, Genya is calling you... Genya Shinazugawa?>> he asked, accepting the call.
<<No!>> Muichiro yelled, but was immediately slapped again.
<<Hey, Genya...>> the boy opened the camera during the call and pointed the phone at Muichiro and his friends.
<<M-Mui?!>> Muichiro heard Genya exclaim.
<<Let him go!>> he yelled before the boy ended the call.
<<Genya... am I wrong or is he your boyfriend?>> the boy asked contemptuously, throwing the younger one's cell phone to the ground.
<<What?!>> exclaimed the others.
<<Are you gay?>>
<<That sucks!>>
<<Is there something not wrong with you?!>>
<<Ugh, it would seriously be better if you died>>
<<You know when we say you look like a girl?>> one of them asked Muichiro.
<<Well, we got tired of seeing you like this. You suck>> he grinned.
<<Now we'll take care of fixing you up, once and for all>>
Takeshi handed him a scissor and he took it.
<<W-What are you doing?!>> Muichiro's eyes widened.
<<Ohh, don't worry, we'll take care of it...>> Two boys held him down, Takeshi grabbed a few strands of his hair and extended it towards the last boy, who...
Cut it.
Muichiro said nothing. Tears just started welling up in his eyes and sliding down his cheeks.
<<Aww, are you crying? Really?>>
The boy cut off another strand.
<<You're so weak...>> he commented while the others laughed.
<<Why...?>> Muichiro whispered lowering his head.
<<Did you say something? I have not heard>> the boy brought his face to hims.
Muichiro didn't answer.
<<Mhh, you must be very sad, poor thing...>>
Takeshi punched him in the stomach, making him cough again.
<<Really Muichiro. Do something smart in your life and kill yourself>> said another boy, grabbing him and slamming him against the wall, making him headbutt hard, which made him dizzy.
They're really enjoying taking turns, Muichiro thought, grit his teeth.
<<Genya too, c'mon, do you think he really loves you? How deluded! He's probably just using you!>> laughed another.
<<Yes, he certainly has another girlfriend, he is certainly cheating on you!>>
<<Stop it...>> Muichiro whispered starting to cry.
Instead of stopping, one of them pushed him back against the wall and, encouraged by the others, did it several times, until blood started coming out of Muichiro's nose.
At this point the boys frozed and after a moment they left without saying a word.
Muichiro watched them go and slid along the wall, sitting down on the ground.
He allowed himself a few seconds to close his eyes, then picked up the phone, which was left on the floor. The glass was broken, but the phone still worked.
He looked at his reflection on the blank screen and ran a trembling hand through his hair.
They were so shortβ¦he'd never had a cut like this before.
He dropped the phone and looked up trying to keep the tears from rolling down his cheeks.
<<But why...?>>
<<Muichiro!!>> the boy turned around and saw his boyfriend, Genya, running towards him.
Muichiro tried to get up, but Genya reached him first and hugged him
<<Oh no... what did they do to you...>>
Genya gently stroked his head.
<<Sorry, I didn't arrive in time>> Genya hugged him again, tightly.
<<It's not your fault...>> Muichiro said holding his hands behind his back.
Genya helped him up and took him to the bathroom to wipe the blood off his face.
When Muichiro saw himself in the bathroom mirror he couldn't help but gasp.
<<Oh shit... I'm... I'm terrible>> he commented sadly.
<<That's not true, Mui. We just need to straighten them out a bit, okay? You will always be beautiful>>
Genya hugged him again and kissed his head.
<<It's not so much the look that bothers me... it's that Yuichiro and I promised each other never to cut them>> Muichiro lowered his gaze.
<<I mean, we knew it was going to happen someday... but I didn't want it to happen like this.>>
<<I'm sorry Mui. Maybe if I had arrived earlier it wouldn't have gone like this>>
Genya wrapped Muichiro in a warm embrace, which made him feel safe for the first time all day.
<<WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN THEY HURT HIM?!>> Yuichiro yelled on the phone with Genya.
<<Tell him it's fine!>> Muichiro said at his boyfriend's side.
<<W-We're coming home, Yuichiro! We are on the way>> Genya tried to calm him down.
<<Hurry up, take my brother home immediately, otherwise-!!>>
<<Let's go, Mui>> Genya hangs up and takes his boyfriend by the hand. Muichiro smiles slightly.
They arrived home in a few minutes and when Gebya knocked on the door, it was immediately opened by Yuichiro, who without a word grabbed Muichiro and hugged him.
<<You stupid, stupid asshole, what did you let yourself do?!>> he said in a broken voice.
<<I love you, Yui>> said Muichiro hugging him back.
<I don't!>>
<<You don't love me?>>
<<Are you sure?>>
Mrs. Tokito also joined them at the door, she had tears in her eyes.
When Yuichiro let go of Muichiro, he invited his children and Genya inside.
<<Dad... isn't there?>> asked Muichiro.
<<He's on his way home, as soon as he heard that something had happened to you, he left everything and got into the car to join us>> said the mother.
Yuichiro stared at Genya.
<<It's not that you have anything to do with it, right?!>> he asked then.
<<Yuichiro!>> scolded Muichiro taking Genya's hand.
<<What is it?! You know that if he touches you he's dead, right?>>
<<Yeah...>> Genya sighed in resignation.
<<Guys, stop! Mui, what are you going to do with your hair now?>> his mother asked.
<<I'll try to cut them in a nicer way...>> Muichiro said, then he looked at Genya: <<Will you help me?>> he asked.
<<You prefer your boyfriend to your brother!!>> Yuichiro accused him dramatically.
<<I feel offended! I'm leaving!>>
<<Stupid>> Muichiro whispered smiling to himself.
<<Let's go?>> he asked Genya getting up, and together they went up to the bathroom.
<<Ok, sit down, I'll take the scissors>>
Muichiro sat down and looked in the mirror. The sight brought tears to his eyes, but only for a few seconds.
<<Here I am. Are you ready?>> Genya asked.
<<Yes, thank you>>
Genya cut the strands to an even height and used the razor a bit on his boyfriend's scalp.
The result wasn't so bad, on the contrary...
(Just look at the haircut - but he's cute thoπ₯°!)
<<Done...How are they?>> asked Genya putting away the scissors.
<<Not so bad...>> admitted Muichiro.
<<Thank you very much, Genya>>
<<Don't worry, you're my boyfriend!>> he exclaimed, hugging him down from behind and kissing his head.
Muichiro chuckled.
<<Are you tired?>> Genya asked him.
<<Well, a little ... Shall we go to my room?>> asked the youngest looking at him with two pleading eyes.
<<Don't look at me like that, it's fine!>> Genya took him by the hand laughing and the two went to Muichiro's room.
<<So, Mui...>> Genya said, laying down beside Muichiro on his bed.
<<Yes?>> he asked approaching him.
<<Who were the guys who cut your hair? Can you tell me their names?>>
<<Don't cause a murder, please>> Muichiro laughed.
<<We'll see>> Genya started petting Muichiro's head, which soon made him close his eyes and rest his face on his chest.
<<I love you, Genya...>> he whispered without opening his eyes.
Genya caressed his cheek with his free hand and hugged him.
<<I love you too, Mui>>
Chapter requested by novieluvsmui
I don't think it turned out very well... tell me if you want something different!
Thank you for all the requests you are sending me! However, if you have already made one, you can also ask another one, just do it! π
The next chapter will be made by a request from MistHashiraMui.
Now byeβ€οΈ
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