𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕀𝕠 π•˜π• π• π•• π•¨π•šπ•₯𝕙 π•ͺ𝕠𝕦 🀍

It was a Thursday afternoon, Muichiro and Yuichiro were having lunch at home from school when the younger's phone started ringing. He took it and accepted the call, under the look of disappointment of his twin.

<<Hello Mui! Look, today at school I forgot to ask you... are you free this afternoon?>>
<<Uhm, yes... why?>>
<<Do you want to go out together?>>

Muichiro blushed and Yuichiro noticed.
<<O-Ok, sure... where do you want to go?>> asked Muichiro.
<<Uhm, I don't know, do you want to go for a ride to the park?>> Genya asked.
<<Do you want me to come to your home and then we take the bus?>>
<<Y-Yes, thank you...>>

<<Good! See you around 4.00pm, ok?>>
<<Ok... bye...>>
<<See ya!>>

Muichiro turned off the phone and glanced at Yuichiro. He was looking at him wide-eyed, gripping the glass so tightly that Muichiro was afraid it might break.

<<I told you you shouldn't go out with him!!>> she exclaimed.
<<I... but Genya is a good boy!>>
<<Yes, yes, come on... do you know his father?!>>

It was known that Genya's father was not a nice person at all.

<<He is different!>>
<<You can't go out with him!>>
<<And you can't decide for my life!>>
<<Shut up! I'm the older of us two, you won't go out with him, neither this afternoon nor ever!>>
<<Stop being so mean!>>
<<I'm not mean, I'm just protective! If I wasn't, you'd get yourself killed in seconds!>>
<<You've never met Genya, you don't know how it is!>>
<<That's exactly what worries me! If I knew him maybe I would believe you when you say he is a beautiful person>>
<<Oh, why don't you shut up?>>

<<I'm doing it for you! It is clear that you are in love with him, but what if he takes advantage of it?>>
<<What do you mean?>>
<<See? You're just naive!>>

Yuichiro sat down at the table again, but Muichiro moved his chair and walked away.

<<Where are you going?>>
<<Anywhere far from you>>
<<Stop being a kid!>>
<<This is not being a kid, I just do not understand why you have to stop me from going out with the boy I like!>>
<<I explained it to you earlier, you idiot!>>
<<Shut up! I hate you, Yui!>>

Muichiro went upstairs with tears of anger in his eyes. It wasn't true that he hated his brother. But when he did that it really pissed him off.

He entered his room and closed the door behind him. He sat on the bed and picked up the phone.
I'm sorry Genya... he started typing on the keyboard.
My brother doesn't want me to go out with you today...

Before sending a message, an idea occurred to him.
He deleted the text and rewrote another message.

Hey, do you mind if you come to my house today instead of going to the park?

He sent it and anxiously awaited his reply.
Genya answered him almost immediately:
Sure, but why?
Any problem?

Well, writed Muichiro.
It's just that my brother would rather I didn't go out today.
I'm sorry, he's very protective.

Don't worry 😘
Genya just added the emoji that sent a kiss...
Muichiro blushed violently and wrote him where he lived.

Maybe if Yuichiro saw this and realized that Genya was a good guy, he would let him go out with him.

Just then, someone knocked on his door.
<<What do you want?>> the younger one asked coldly, moving towards the door, but without opening it.
<<I wanted... to apologize... maybe I exaggerated before>>

Muichiro smiled slightly. It was evident that he was making an effort to pronounce those words.
<<Don't worry. You know...>> Muichiro opened the door to look into his twin's eyes.

<<Today Genya will come here!>>
Yuichiro's eyes widened.
<<What do you mean?!>> he exclaimed.
<<That you're gonna meet him! So you'll stop saying he's a bad boy!>>


Around 4.00pm, someone knocked on the door.
<<I'll get it!>> Muichiro exclaimed from the kitchen, but before he put his hand on the doorknob Yuichiro pulled him back and opened the door for him, hissing: <<Don't even try>>

Outside the door was Genya, Yuichiro looked him up and down in a way that Muichiro thought was quite intrusive.
<<So you're Genya, ehh?>> commented Yuichiro narrowing his eyes.

<<Yes...>> Genya looked at Muichiro with a questioning look, who blushed with embarrassment; nice way to welcome the boy he fell in love with...

<<Come inside, Genya!>> Muichiro invited him, making Yuichiro move, who looked at him angrily.
<<Thank you...>>

Genya looked at Yuichiro and he returned a defiant look.

<<Uhm... Let's go to my room>>
Muichiro wouldn't have been surprised if at any moment Yuichiro decided to stab Genya. So he thought it would be better to take it away from him.

<<Listen...sorry about my brother...>> Muichiro said embarrassed.
<<I too have an older brother ... I understand!>> he chuckled.
Muichiro smiled. Genya was so kind...

The boy approached him, making him blush even more, and touched his hair.
<<They are beautiful ... I always thought so, you know?>> he said.
<<O-Oh...! Thanks!>> answered Muichiro surprised.

<<Can I style them for you?>> he then asked, getting closer to him, continuing to smile.
<<...y-yes...>> Muichiro usually didn't let people touch his hair, but after all, Genya was the boy he was in love with...

The two sat on his bed, Genya knelt down behind the younger one and simply started stroking his head, then started dividing his hair into strands and braiding them together.

<<Mhh... it's relaxing>> he commented, gently scratching his skin.
Muichiro tried to say something, but the words didn't come out of his mouth, so he just nodded.

Genya turned to look him in the eyes.
<<Do you know that you are really cute?>> he said in a low voice.
<<W-What?!>> Muichiro turned trying not to let Genya see the blush that had just tinged his cheeks. The older boy giggled and finished braiding his hair, tying it into a high ponytail.

<<You look good like this!>> Genya commented with a broad smile.
<<Why are you so nervous?>>
<<I'm not!>>
<<Yes, of course...>>

Genya gently leaned Muichiro's head forward and kissed his neck.
<<W-What are you doing!?>> exclaimed Muichiro without objection.
<<You don't like it?>> Genya whispered.

<<I see>> Genya smiled. <<Come on>> the older one lay down on the bed, pulling Muichiro along with him, making him lie down next to him, very close, and started to cuddle him.

The strong blush on Muichiro's face slowly started to disappear, the boy felt more and more at ease.

Muichiro rested his head on Genya's chest.
<<It's comforting to be with you>> said Muichiro happily.

<<I'm glad you think so ...>>
Genya continued to cuddle the little one making him close his eyes.
<<Come on, relax... you look tired...>>
<<I'm not>> protested Muichiro almost snuggling on him.

<<I... love you...>>
<<I love you too, Mui>>

It was... a bit rushed, sorry!
Chapter requested by MistHashiraMui.

The next chapter will be made at the request of Old_Geezer101, and will contain abuse (⚠️)

Wait, I have a story to recommend: it's called "The Monster Under My Bed (KNY Future Au)", written by RonnieRatio.
Trust me, it's beautiful even if... it makes you cry. I shed seas of tears, seriously. If you are sensitive be careful, otherwise check it out!


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