Lock the palace down
Loki stood in the doorway of your room and observed as Caspian cautiously manoeuvred around his Jotun body in an attempt to gain access. However, before he could enter, Loki launched out his arm and used it to block his path.
Caspian snapped his head to the side and scowled, enraged that he had been denied entry.
Loki clenched his teeth. Seeing Caspian's glaring face set every fibre in his body ablaze. His mind screamed at him to seize hold of him and hurl him into the nearest wall, but as he was convinced that it was the elf who had abducted you, he forced himself to keep composed and restrained his desire for vengeance.
"Let me pass, lest I order my armed men to exterminate the frost mites that have infested Embrodi." Caspian spat. But to his displeasure, Loki showed no emotion in response to the insult. Loki simply scanned Caspian's slim form from end to end, grinning the whole while.
"I like your pretty elf armour. Do they make it for men too?"
Caspian narrowed his eyes angrily. If there was one thing that grated on his nerves, it was the persistent portrayal that elves were too feminine.
"Your insult lacks originality." He scoffed, glancing around to survey the numerous Docat's who were now regaining their footing after the abrupt explosion. "I see that you've brought along your copycats." His focus stopped and settled on Suri. "Oh my, there's a girl in tow, too." He exclaimed in delighted surprise. "Strength does not posses a woman, but I do believe they serve a purpose in combat. A purpose that finds them primarily on their back." With a sly grin, he eyed Suri sexually. "Since her skin isn't lethal to touch, my troops could put her to good use."
Ovahh became enraged upon hearing Caspian's abhorrent remarks. It caused him to launch out in a furious manner before Loki even had a chance to caution Caspian for his immoral words.
"Get out your scalpers, men! Those silky elf locks will braid into the swankiest of ropes!" Ovahh quickly unsheathed his pointed dagger.
Caspian regarded the weapon Ovahh wielded and smirked; drawing his own jagged knife from its sheath. "Be careful who you threaten frost-mite." He raised his sharp blade and eyed it. "Is a replica frost whore really worth risking your life? This sawtooth dagger will slice through your flesh like butter. And your abnormally large bones will make excellent white picket fences for our pigsty."
The heavy footfalls of Ovahh as he marched angrily towards Caspian caused the debris on the ground to vibrate.
Loki observed his guards rage and mentally prepared himself to intervene. However, he was well aware of Ovahh's nature, and despite the fact that he showed fury, Loki was confident that Ovahh would not react in a manner that would hinder their chances of finding you.
Ovahh abruptly halted a foot away from Caspian, only just resisting his violent urge to throttle his neck, yet Caspian shot him a patronising grin.
"You look as though you wish to eat me. I must look rather tasty in comparison to your usual food source."
A look of disgust settled on Ovahh's face. "I have to admit. You'd look great impaled from both ends and roasted on a spit. They say elf meat tastes like chicken....Prissy, rotten white meat. However, the last pointy I bumped into was unable to confirm this as my large boot on his throat prevented him from speaking."
Caspian scowled when he heard the offensive term "pointy"; it was yet another elf insult that he detested.
"I'm sure we would be far too rich for your primitive diet. Best you stick to rodents and berries."
"I concur." Ovahh agreed. "I wouldn't want to suddenly wake up resembling a dainty woman after consuming elf. I rather enjoy my masculine features that are easily distinguishable from those of a pretty lady."
"You're pathetic!" Caspian snapped back, irritated by the conversation so much that he risked touching Loki's arm as he darted under it and rushed towards King Hoyd.
"King Hoyd, I came as quickly as I could." Caspian placed his hand on his shoulder to give the impression that he was a concerned friend. "I am here to remove Eden from all this savagery, and should Jotunheim protest, we will join as allies and eliminate them."
From his seated position, King Hoyd looked up at him with furrowed brows. "Take Eden away? Have you not opened your eyes, she is not even here!"
Caspian shifted his attention to your bed and noticed that it was empty. Angry, he turned around and shot Loki an accusatory glare. Loki was still observing him from the doorway, analysing his every move.
"What have you done with my Eden?!" Caspian yelled.
"Your Eden?" Loki snarled. "She is mine! And it is you who took her!"
A heated argument ensued between both royals, which centred primarily on who you officially belonged to, with each holding the other accountable for your sudden disappearance.
King Hoyd regarded the two men incredulously as they continued their tirade. He grew impatient and fatigued with the same nonsensical arguments that failed to provide a clear answer as to where you were.
He abruptly stood up, a surge of adrenaline and strength coursing through him. It prompted his heart to grow stronger, pumping with fiery determination to discover who had abducted you.
"If none of you took my daughter, then who did?!"
Loki and Caspian diverted their focus away from one another and looked towards King Hoyd. But upon hearing silence instead of responses, King Hoyd issued a startling command that shocked even Loki.
"Guards! Lock the palace down. No one leaves these quarters until someone confesses and my daughter is returned to me."
"Is the siege still ongoing?" The familiar and pleasant voice of Sif could be heard.
"It seems King Hoyd is as stubborn as our Eden." Thor replied. "He continues to barricade both Loki and Caspian inside the royal quarters of the palace. I just know my brother is going crazy. He's never been fond of snobby elves, and the boredom—his mind must be crumbling."
Sif snickered. "Better he be kept bored and safely within a palace than on a rampage out of it. You know Loki, his wrath is so very dramatic, remember when he misplaced his favourite daggers? All hell broke loose, his theatrical despair was noteworthy."
"And those were merely daggers!" Thor chuckled. This is Eden, his one and only love. I'd not like to see the inside of that palace, no doubt his growing rage has rendered many holes in the walls."
Sif tutted, she knew you'd not appreciate the new decor that came with a stagnant siege. She was well versed with camping out with battle ready men who hated doing nothing. They tend to fight, bicker, and cause a mess of their surroundings. Her longest siege lasted two months. Sixty days of idleness within swampy bog-lands, trying to convince the shapeshifting boggart creatures to come to a peaceful truce with Asgard.
Thor sighed and stared down at your sleeping features. "I wish she would wake, Sif. I fear that Loki's restraint to not kill Caspian diminishes with each day that he is stuck in that palace. The unknowing of Eden's whereabouts is surely torturous for his mind."
"We cannot alert him!" Sif sternly reminded. "We have to protect Eden with our silence. One word that she resides in Asgard will prompt Caspian's allies to invade and attempt a kidnapping. Let us have faith in Loki, he will not hurt Caspian, not when he needs information."
Thor exhaled again. "I know. I know..." He felt the comfort of Sif's arms as she wrapped them around his large shoulders.
As they both looked upon you, you felt delicate fingertips brush away the stray wisps of hair from your face. You were thankful, as the little strands tickled your nose whenever a breeze passed through the open balcony. However, you appreciated the gentle wind because it carried the comforting scent of roses from Asgard's garden below.
"It's a little cold. I will close the balcony." Sif proceeded to shut the doors, while Thor rummaged through a blanket box at the foot of the bed to locate you the softest blanket.
While they were both occupied, you made a greater effort to move your body, your mind feeling extremely alert. To your surprise, your eyelashes began to flutter, and you effortlessly opened your eyes. Intricate swags that were draped from a four-poster bed came into view, and immediately you recognised that you were laying in the same bed provided for the duration of your stay in Asgard.
You exerted all of your strength into moving your limbs, and soon, your hands escaped their agonising stillness, with your body swiftly following.
In silence, you propped yourself up and watched Thor and Sif as they went about their task. Sif closed the balcony doors as Thor tested each blanket against his skin to find the most comfortable one.
You had missed them terribly.
"Do you think she will like this colour?" Thor held up the blue blanket.
"I don't think it matters. She is asleep."
"It matters, Sif. Loki insists that he could feel colours. He always knew when I'd take his favourite green blanket and switch it for red. He'd wake up instantly and scorn me."
Sif laughed, which in turn made you giggle.
Their bodies stiffened when they heard another laugh mixed in with their own, and they simultaneously turned their heads in your direction; their mouths dropping open in astonishment.
"I like your choice of blue, Thor. It has the same hue as Loki's Jotun skin." Even if it was slightly croaky, hearing your own voice was a welcome relief.
"Eden!" They rushed towards you and embraced your small body with their powerful arms.
"You took your time!" Sif fought back tears.
"And you gave us a fright." Thor added.
"I'm sorry." Your voice sounded muffled as you spoke against a body. You weren't sure whose chest you were pressing up against because the three of you looked like a tangled knot of yarn, but it didn't matter. You were simply relieved to be up, alert, and surrounded by the few people you care about.
"Have I missed much? I heard the words siege and stubborn." You disengage from their close embrace and deliver a light blow to Thor's arm in retaliation. You had clearly heard him describe you as stubborn.
He grinned, missing your sisterly tendencies.
"Oh Eden. We have lots to tell you." Sif proclaimed.
Thor and Sif began to inform you of all that had occurred. From your heart stopping, your father's journey to Jotunheim, Loki's cruel separation from you with no visitation rights, and Caspian gaining support and approval to transport you to Alfheim.
Knowing that you had been asleep in recuperation while all of this transpired initially seemed unreal, and after some time spent contemplating and attempting to assimilate this information, horrific images began to flash through your mind.
Visuals of you waking up in your room and having a brief conversation with Caspian replayed. Then him, sticking you with a needle and forcing you to sleep. You had forgotten and now remembering it so vividly, made you woeful and hurt, but more so angry.
"Caspian." You scowled. "How could my father be so easily swayed?" You question with growing rage.
"Frigga said it is his heart, it grows weak, as does his mind. He was breaking in his turmoil. And a mind under so much anguish is so much easier to manipulate. Don't blame your father." Sif answered.
"I do not. I blame that darn elf!" You yelled angrily, your fiery temper rising.
The sudden ghostly sensation of his hands on your body manifested as you recalled more of what he had done while you were forcibly paralysed. You felt sick to your stomach, and you clenched your fists tight as fury filled your entire body.
Yet, the anger you felt seemed different; your body reacting unusually. It produced a chilling prickling sensation, with icy goosebumps erupting on your skin.
Thor did a double take and Sif continued to gaze in disbelief as they observed the shocking phenomenon occurring throughout your body. They both abruptly retreated from the bed with terrified expressions on their features.
"What in the holy Valhalla!" Sif wailed.
You look at them in bewilderment. "I'm sorry, I will control my anger." You assumed they were annoyed by your sudden rage given that they had never seen you angry before.
"How could this be possible?" Thor cried out. His eyes were fixed on your body, not even blinking.
"We must get queen Frigga!" Sif stated with urgency.
"What's wrong?" You asked warily.
Sif hurriedly approached your vanity and seized the small tabletop mirror. "Now Eden. Don't be alarmed when you see yourself."
You began to touch your face with your hands out of sudden panic, believing that you had been disfigured, which only fuelled your emotional distress.
"What in the godly realms above! Her eyes are now red!" Thor shrieked.
Sif approached you with caution and outstretched the mirror. As soon as you saw your reflection, you screamed and instinctively knocked the mirror from her grasp. It landed on the floor with a crash.
"What kind of sorcery is this! What is going on?" Your voice exhibited a palpable sense of dread.
"Eden, calm down. Please cool yourself." Sif pleaded.
"She cannot get any cooler than that!" Thor blurted.
You leapt upwards and stumbled over to the full-length mirror, your legs occasionally buckling from inactivity over the past few weeks. You gaze at yourself in disbelief, struggling to comprehend that this was actually you.
"What has happened to me?" Your face was full of apprehension as you scanned your blue skin, gingerly touching your arms with your fingertips.
Silent footsteps approached you from behind, Thor and Sif emerging in the mirrors reflection. They latched onto your wary eyes and paused momentarily before responding with an answer based on what they saw.
"It appears that you have developed the ability to change appearances. A transition from Embrodi to Jotun." Sif kept quiet to enable you to adjust to your new look.
Light poured into the room right at the moment your eyes began rolling over your entire form. You stutter a gasp, the blue hues of your skin shimmered mildly under the sun's illumination, almost pearlescent like.
After examining your body, you transfer your attention to your hair and are shocked to discover that it has not changed. Opposite to typical Jotuns with hair the shade of raven, you retained your light colour. The unique colour of your hair was a feature that distinguished you as an Embrodi, and you were happy that it had endured the transformation.
Unwinding your braids, you allow your locks to cascade over your shoulders in waves, and seeing the contrast of it against your blue skin made you smile.
You slowly turn around to look at Sif and Thor. "How is this possible?"
"What type of Jotun cuisine has Loki fed you?" Thor's serious tone made Sif roll her eyes at his idiocy.
"Not everything is food related, Thor." She huffed.
You began to pace the room, feeling anxious. "But I wasn't like this when asleep, why have this suddenly happened?"
Sif considered your question and hypothesised a single rational explanation. "Only when you became enraged did your body begin to change."
You halted your quick steps to look at her, and attentively considered her explanation.
"Clearly something occurred in Jotunheim of which I am unaware. And according to your theory, Sif, my apparent anger towards Caspian caused this visage to emerge." Your thoughts whirled as you analysed what could have happened in Jotunheim to grant you the ability to evolve into a full-fledged Jotun. However, you ceased your frenzied mental activity when a grave concern entered your mind.
"Will Loki still love me like this?"
Thor snorted incredulously. "Are you seriously asking that question? You can suddenly shapeshift into another form, and your primary concern is whether or not my brother will continue to love you?"
"Yes!" You curtly reply. "Loki is my everything! And I need to remain his everything too."
"You truly are odd, Eden." Thor was astonished.
You displayed exasperation by waving your hands in the air, and continued your quick pace. As your anxiety grew, you began to mumble to yourself, becoming lost in your worry.
Sif noted your agitation and without thinking, stood in your path in an attempt to halt your weary strides. You immediately balled your feet and froze, fearing for her safety.
"My touch could have harmed you! Your action was extremely hazardous, Sif."
Sif realised her mistake, and as she stood in close proximity to your skin, she could feel the icy chill exuding from it. She was certain that you possessed the same lethal skill as a regular Jotun.
"I just wanted to soothe your anguish, Eden. Loki will love you, however you look. You must know this." Sif retreated back a few steps to ease your concern for her. "I really think you should calm your racing heart. The strong emotion only triggers your transformation to remain."
You pondered Sif's words once more, then sat down at your desk and performed breathing exercises. As your heartbeat slowed to a normal rate, your blue hue gradually faded, with your eyes being the last to return to their normal colour.
As a new day of besieging began, Ovahh loudly huffed in frustration and boredom. Loki could clearly hear him sigh, but he purposefully ignored it to keep watching Caspian from across your bedroom. However, the persistent call of Ovahh grew to annoy him more than his enemy's pointy face.
"Psst... Loki!" Ovahh's attempt at whispering was a failed effort. He had no idea how to use his inside voice.
Loki turned to look at him. "What is it ovahh?"
Finally having his kings attention, Ovahh scurried to Loki's secure corner of your room, where he had established his own private base, and sat next to him on the floor. Ovahh noticed that a few of your personal items were concealed beneath one of Loki's pillows. Loki had taken it upon himself to stealthily keep some of your belongings to prevent his mind from becoming idle and to feel closer to you. Ovahh surmised that you also owned the pillow because it exuded a floral scent.
"We have hardly eaten for the past few days. I am starving. So bored. And this humid heat only exacerbates the stench emanating from all these perspiring males." Ovahh moaned.
"Feel free to eat an elf." Loki mused.
Ovahh grimaced. "I'd eat the creature that infected our waters long before I put rancid elf in my mouth. I am hungry. Not insane."
Loki laughed softly, appreciating the small distraction from the anguish he felt from your absence. Soon, however, his agony returned, and to aid in the healing of his shattered heart, he inhaled the lock of your hair he always kept in his hand.
From his secure corner, Caspian was seen brushing his silky hair while being kept cool by guards manually fanning him. Even in such dire circumstances, his top priority was to upkeep his appearance.
"Urghhh.." Ovahh grumbled, sickened with Caspian's display. "Send me back to the badlands already!" Both he and Loki rocked their heads back against the wall and forced themselves to refocus their glaring attention on Caspian.
"After five days of lockdown, I assumed this elf would have removed himself by now. But it seems he's found a way to keep comfortable at the expense of his guards. Do not allow him to see you falter. You represent Jotunheim." Loki stated.
Caspian and King Hoyd attentively observed Ovahh's movements as he inched closer to Loki. "I will never succumb, my king. However, I know in my heart that Eden would not want me to endure Caspian's constant hair grooming, neither the hunger or the stench."
Ovahh grinned playfully, but Loki, feeling the sting of your absence once again, was unable to tolerate any further humour. Ovahh saw the pained expression on Loki's face and withdrew from his personal space, returning to his own little corner of the room. But when no one was watching him, he decided to sneak away to find sustenance.
You rapidly came to terms with your newly discovered ability, and with the aid of Queen Frigga and Odin, you learned to control the transition. Odin, however, was very concerned for your health, insisting on exhaustive tests and refusing to let you leave the palace grounds until they were all completed.
Even though queen Frigga fought for your release knowing that you were physically healthy, Odin did not relent. He was adamant about your welfare, insisting it was his responsibility to assume the role of a concerned father in the absence of your own. You sensed that Loki had adopted his father's worrisome nature as it was clear to see that both males exhibited exceptional empathy. It was sweet.
After two days, you begged Odin to let you return home after hearing the shocking news that your father had cut off all food sources; confining Loki and Caspian to your chamber instead of allowing them free roam of the royal quarters.
He took extreme measures, knowing that cramped and close proximity between enemies always results in conflict. Hoping that either one will slip up and divulge your whereabouts. It was a strategy that had won him numerous battles.
"Please, King Odin, I feel capable of confronting Caspian. I can now exert self-control. The realms must know that caspian caused the disease in Jotunheim. It is time for me to depart."
"Dear girl, you are as precious to me as my sons. Are you truly sure that you are up to the challenge of travel, and facing the man who purposely put you in paralysis. Not to mention the carnage that Loki has caused to your palace? I do not wish for the trauma to harm your fragile health."
You smile. You knew he meant well. But you were far from fragile. You felt strong, as strong as a Jotun.
"I appreciate your concern, King Odin, and it comforts my heart to know that you consider me to be on par with your sons. Because I aspire to one day be truly connected to your illustrious lineage. I hope to have your approval to marry your son."
Odin grinned from ear to ear, he knew that you loved Loki, but no word of marriage was ever brought up. He puffed out his chest proudly as Frigga tried to contain her squeals of delight.
"My dear, all of Asgard will rejoice for an entire year when you are finally bound to my son. There will be nonstop celebrations." Odin stated triumphantly. "I will be honoured to crown you princess of Asgard, but I will be even more honoured to declare you my daughter."
You felt Frigga's arm wrap around your side and gently draw you into her embrace. "What a beautiful bride you will be. In both forms." She smiled.
You blushed.
Odin rose abruptly from his chair. "Then the matter is resolved. Today, you will travel to Embrodi. We will terminate the siege and reunite you back with Loki."
You were unable to contain your burst of excitement, causing all eyes to be drawn to you. They observed your enthusiasm, unaware that behind it you harboured anxiety. You had no notion how you would suddenly present yourself to Loki or when or how you would reveal your new ability.
You took a deep breath and smiled, calming your anxiousness.
"Then I will gather a few things, and make my way." You declare.
"Not without me!" Javier stood alert within the doorway of the throne room. "As newly appointment general to King Odin's regiment, I volunteer to personally escort you to Embrodi."
You flashed Javier a grin, extremely pleased to see his presence. You were aware and grateful that he and Frigga came to Sanfil's aid, helping him by discreetly removing you from Caspian's clutches. Javier had paid you a visit many times while in a deep sleep, but after you awoke and it was disclosed that you had a new, uncontrollable ability, he and others were prevented from seeing you out of concern for their safety.
However, Javier, the ever inquisitive and nosy friend, much like Ovahh, strove to discover why he was prevented from seeing you. He burst through the balcony doors one evening to discover you in Jotun form.
His initial astonishment led you to believe that he would run away. But it was his unwavering loyalty and composure that helped you ease the anxiety you felt about yourself, which evidently brought about better control over your transitions.
"How can I go anywhere without a personal escort." You muse.
"I hope I'd be the first choice."
"My only choice." You smile.
Grinning, he sauntered over to you, and now confident that you could control your emotions, you finally gave him permission to embrace you.
"I've missed these hugs." He whispered.
"And I've missed you, Javier."
He withdrew and gazed directly into your eyes. "Let's return you to Embrodi. There are at least two additional men who necessitate a similar embrace. I can't be greedy."
"Two?" You ask, arching a brow.
"Loki... and my good friend Ovahh. He will relish a hug."
Your grin grew as the realisation set in. Your Jotun form grants you the ability to touch any Jotun skin, allowing you to freely embrace Ovahh, and Loki.
You found yourself smiling so wide that your mouth began to ache. But as you imagined a steamy, all-night romp with Jotun Loki, the abrupt onset of excited flutters overcame you. Seeing both of your blue bodies twisting between the sheets of your regal bed caused you to forget how to breathe, and when you awoke from your explicit reverie, all eyes were on you, your cheeks immediately flushing red.
You concealed your embarrassment in order to appear less nervous. "Well.." You spoke with confidence. "Take me home, Javier."
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