A promise fulfilled
Your heart was racing as you made your way to Loki's suite, and as you got closer, you could make out the sounds of a heated discussion going on inside.
"You need to leave Magritte, go back to Asgard, or to your lapdog of a father, Lord Sweely. I care not where, but Jotunheim will never crown you as queen. Regardless if we hold a diabolical marriage contract."
You listen intently, having recognised Lord Sweeley's name. You believe you knew him as a wealthy merchant with Embrodi-based enterprises. Could the father of Magritte be the same man?
"Oh, I have no desire for your pitiful crown. I'm here for Eden. Her betrothed has sent me here to retrieve her before your pandemic affects her health; she must return with me. She needs to be in perfect health to bear his offspring."
Loki felt an acute pain in his heart upon hearing Magritte announce that you were already engaged. However, on realising from whom these remarks emanated, he was unable to accept anything as true without further investigation.
"Eden is intended for who?"
"Does it matter? Why do you care? Focus on the dire situation here in Jotunheim, not the concerns of a princess who never should have set foot in Jotunheim. She was expected to return to Embrodi after saving Asgard. The difficulty she has caused me; having to travel to this desolate location to retrieve her for Caspian. It disgusts me how much he craves her. She is nothing extraordinary!"
Your stomach lurched at the mention of Caspian. Now you knew why she came, and it was not to preside as queen or to renew her relationship with Loki. But because Caspian discovered that you were in Jotunheim, the realm most challenging for him to reach. Unfortunately, Embrodi and the vast majority of other realms were easily accessible to him, his status meant he was always welcomed.
You found comfort in the knowledge that caspian could not reach you here.
"Caspian? As in the elf prince?" Loki queried. "And Eden... she has agreed to his proposal?"
"You sound extremely invested in Eden's romantic life; it's almost as if you're in love with her." She giggles, amused by the notion.
The expression on Loki's face and his silence, however, indicated that what she believed to be an absurdity was in fact true.
"You can't be serious? How many more men are going to be attracted to her rather plain appearance and lacklustre personality?" She sounded bitter and jealous. "I don't care that it's you. I'm actually quite astonished that you can feel anything with that ice-cold heart of yours. And it's amusing that you opened yourself up to the most coveted princess. It's almost as though you're asking to be hurt by rejection. Eden, being the only royal princess to be born in over a millennium makes her highly desirable, a rarity, she could never desire a life with frost-scum." Magritte laughed.
Loki clenched his fists in anger, his emotional turmoil rising to dangerous levels.
"I want a divorce Magritte. Grant me it or I will demand you live your days within the realm you detest the most. But not by my side like a respectable queen, but beneath my feet, where you will serve as an inanimate footstool.
She glared at him. "You dare threaten me? You filthy barbarian. Should caspian hear of this he'll..."
"He'll what? It is abundantly obvious that he has no regard for your life if he is willing to send you on a perilous route to Jotunheim that contains a very real pandemic." Loki scoffs. "You are his personal minion, a disposable lackey, and nothing more."
"Shut up! He cares for me!" She screamed in fury.
You couldn't help but grin at Loki's insulting remark towards Magritte, and now you felt it was time to reveal yourself.
Knowing that Loki loved you and that you loved him gave you the kind of unshakeable assurance that made you feel like nothing else in the world mattered as you strolled in.
Loki's expression contorted into shock when his focus shifted to the doorway and saw you, he believed you'd be packing with the intent of leaving by now.
"Is there a purpose behind your intrusion into the royal quarters? I am conversing with my husband. Be grand and begin packing will you, you are expected back in Asgard." Magritte's tone sounded very much like an order.
You arch a brow. "And why would I run to the call of Asgard? It is not my realm."
She was surprised at your dismissal of Asgards order to return. "You are good friends with the queen are you not? She requires that you depart at once."
"Do you have a letter in her script to support your claim?"
Her face soured. "No, it was a rushed decision."
"Hmm," you knew full well that her real orders were on Caspian's command and no one else's. You wouldn't be surprised if he went to the extremes and ambushed you on route back if you left with her. You were in no way departing with Magritte.
"I'll remain here until I resolve the issue in Jotunheim. I will not abandon this realm or its residents to confront this challenge alone." You felt Loki's gaze on you, but this time you didn't shy away; instead, you smiled as you looked at him.
However, he was so surprised that you had genuinely smiled in his direction, that he felt inclined to look behind him to see if you had intended your kind gesture for someone else. You let out a small quiet chuckle at his doubt.
Magritte glared at you. "You are foolish to remain, Eden. What an incredible squandering of royal blood!" She spat. "Perhaps if you were aware of my husband's less than platonic sentiments for you, you would reconsider your decision to remain in Jotunheim. You are aware that frostgiants are barbarians; you may find him wild in his desire one night and awaken to him in your bed! No woman can fight off a Jotun, he'll rip your purity apart!"
"I would never force myself upon, Eden!" Loki protested and looked desperately into your eyes, begging you to believe him. "I would never, I swear it, darling."
"You can't trust a Jotun, Eden. They have no morals or remorse for their actions." Magritte continued.
Loki's wrath boiled over, and he lacked the mental strength to endure any more of Magritte's literary spew. As he rushed forward, he attempted to prevent his Jotun form from emerging, but he was unable to do so; his blue form appeared, arms extended, with the intention of grabbing her throat.
"Loki stop!" You screamed but his mind was too conflicted with rage to comprehend what you were saying.
"Please stop!!" You wail once more, but you knew it was useless to simply yell, you had to act swiftly before it was too late. You dash towards Magritte and position yourself in front of her, hoping to prevent Loki from doing something that could land him in prison.
Loki awoke from his fit of vengeance when he realised he was rushing towards you instead of Magritte. He rapidly put down his heels and stopped in the nick of time, and as he abruptly ceased, you felt the wind surge into your face and his chest rise and fall against yours as he breathed fast.
"Get that monster away from me!" Magritte screamed, running across the room and putting a table in between her and Loki.
You observed Loki's pained expression as he attempted to calm himself, his towering body still trembling with distress.
"I will never hurt you." His voice was strained.
"I know, Loki."
"I... I love you, Eden. More than all the stars..."
"—And every grain of sand combined." You interrupt.
When you repeated his passionate vow from last night, Loki immediately resumed his rapid breathing.
"I believe I have a promise to keep." You smile timidly.
"You remember?" He sobbed.
"Have you heard the latest rumour concerning an Embrodi princess?"
He furrowed his brow, but the smile on your face began to ease him. His Jotun visage dissipated in a glow of green and his Asgardian form appeared, but now with a smile on his face.
"I don't believe I have... What do they say?"
"They say Princess Eden loves a Jotun."
"And is it true?"
"They don't know the full extent of it." You grin, closing the distance between you and him. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and feel his rising heartbeats synchronise with yours. "The truth is, I am truly, madly, and deeply in love with you, Loki, my king."
Loki grinned widely. "I require that promise to be fulfilled now, my queen."
"With pleasure," you murmur, and the flutters you felt in your stomach intensified as you slowly neared his lips. When your mouth finally met his, the first kiss brought forth an eruption of sensations that overwhelmed and ignited every pleasure receptor in your body.
Loki coiled his arms around your waist and pulled you in, your bodies melting together as he intensified the passionate kiss, releasing a tantalising moan in response to finally tasting you.
Your souls merge into one, no longer a pair but rather a single entity, completing the god's predetermined plan for your union. You were fated, and you both felt it as soon as your lips connected.
Not even Magritte's horrified gasps could diminish the fiery heat of your first kiss. Or the sounds of Ovahh hushing her after he had slipped into the room to observe you fulfilling your promise.
The kiss came to a natural stop and you drew back.
"That was beyond my wildest expectations." Loki grinned and gripped your body tightly, afraid to let go for fear of this being a dream he'd wake up from.
"You'd let a frost giant touch you?" Magritte grimaced in disgust. "You are severely deluded."
"Oh Magritte, I fully intend to do a lot more than just touching," you laugh at her horrified expression. "Do me a favour." You ask as you walk towards her and roughly grip her arm. "Go back to Caspian and return this to him." You squeeze Magritte's arm firmly, ensuring that your handprint leaves a perfect bruise.
Magritte winced and hissed at your hard grab. She cradled at her arm when you let go, and scorned you. "That will leave a bruise, you bitch!"
"Exactly, I'm returning mine and giving it back to him. Be sure to delivery it will you."
Loki finally knew who the culprit was that left marks on your body, and now his blood boiled with hatred for the elf prince.
"You will grant Loki that divorce Magritte, or else.."
"Or else what? Hm.. Are you going to end my life, huh?" She scoffed, "Why would I do such a stupid action, I'm a kept princess."
You smirk. "I will give you a fate worse than death. I will grant you your worst fear, a life of poverty and hard labour."
Magritte swallowed nervously. "My father has money, and I have the dowry of Asgard for my marriage to Loki. I can never be poor."
"Your father is merchant Sweely-"
"Lord Sweely!" She interjected.
"Yes, well, money buys titles nowadays doesn't it?" You scowl. "Your father's primary trade is with Embrodi; if I stop the trade, your father will go bankrupt. Without money, you have no status. And when I tell all your royal friends that I discovered you engaging in adultery right under the nose of King Odin, they will turn their backs on you. While they are not shy about admitting to their adulterous ways, being caught is a different story. As according to the terms of any marriage contract, if infidelity is witnessed in plain sight by a royal born, the contract can be promptly revoked if coitus did not occur. And I do believe Loki has never laid with you." You turned to Loki for confirmation and he stared at you in awe.
My loins recoil in her presence, the very notion of mating with her is repugnant." He affirmed, and you held back a restrained chuckle.
Magritte was at a loss for words, her pulse rate accelerated, and she started to perspire.
"I ... I can refute the infidelity accusations. It's your word against mine. My lover would never tell."
"Oh, but I have true royal blood coursing through my veins, so my word trumps yours, and my guard and loyal friend Javier would surely tell everyone who will listen about the time you pushed him into your room and assaulted him with your lips. He is still profoundly traumatised by it."
Her countenance sank as she realised she had no more justifications.
She looked at Loki pleadingly. "But you need me, Loki, only I can enhance your reputation throughout the realms!"
If Loki had detected even a small amount of kindness from her during their brief encounters, he would feel pity for her current situation. But she never showed any contrition for her actions or words; she was always cold and heartless. And he felt nothing.
"I care not for reputation, I never have." Loki declared.
"No father to rely on, no more royal friends, and a cease on the unlimited supply of wealth from Asgard. In fact, I believe you'd have to pay back all the dowry given."
"You wouldn't be so cruel? We are the same you and I, both princesses, fighting in this chaotic world run by men!" She begged.
"We have nothing in common. You are a false princess, a tarted-up commoner who wishes she had even a trace of regal essence, but everyone will soon know that you are merely a passing fad." You enjoyed her expression of shock. "Whereas I... I am a legacy, a queen, and one deserving of a king, the king of Jotunheim."
You suddenly hear applause and turn to see Ovahh, grinning broadly while clapping loudly. "There is the ferocious Embrodi I had longed to see! Indeed, the rumours are true!" He laughed out loud, unable to contain his joyous amusement.
Magritte dashed out of the room while demanding for Javier to return her to Asgard. You feel arms wrap around your waist from behind, and you lean back against Loki's chest as you revel in your triumph.
"You are amazing, darling." He whispered into your ear, in awe of you. And now, after witnessing your fierce display against Magritte, he was unable to control his desire. He placed his lips firmly on the supple skin of your neck, and began nuzzling down its entire contour.
You felt tingling throughout every part of you as his hands gripped your hips more firmly, and his moist lips reached a tender spot behind your ear.
The combination of his breathy moans and his lips on your neck was like a narcotic, and you were hooked. You close your eyes and lose yourself in the sensations, and as Loki's desire for you reached its peak, he couldn't stop his firm rod from poking you in the back.
You opened your eyes in response to a loud throat clearing and saw Ovahh in his trademark position, reclining against the wall with his arms folded and looking pleased.
Your forgetfulness that Ovahh was in the room and the embarrassment at being observed in an intimate embrace, caused you to propel your body forward and escape Loki's embrace.
Loki, still in a love-induced haze, regarded you with bewilderment. "Did I do something wrong? Is it because of this?" He looked down at his strained pants that had a clear erection. "I'm sorry, but you don't know what you do to me, Eden."
Your cheeks burned fiercely when you saw what poked you, and you found it endearing that he believed you would be offended by it.
"I think she has an idea of what she does to you, my king." Ovahh smirked.
Loki, now realising Ovahh was in the room, spun around to hide his shame.
Ovahh rolled his eyes before pushing himself away from the wall. "Oh, come on, I have the same appendage. I'm not sure if our sizes match, but if you'd like to compare..." Ovahh began removing his belt in jest, fully aware that either one of you would stop him. He wagered on you.
"Ovahh!" You gasp, and immediately he grinned cheekily. "It is a jest, Birdy. Such matters take place in private." He winked and Loki glared. "So, what's to be done now?" Ovahh, asked a valid question.
"Well, I'm assuming and hoping that Magritte returns to Asgard so that I can concentrate on what's most important right now."
You felt the heat of Loki's approach, and he once more envelops you in his arms and presses you against him. "Am I an integral part of what is most important, my love?"
You turn around in his arms and smile at him. "You most certainly are, my king." He draws his face closer until his lips reunite with yours and you engage in another passionate exchange of tongues.
When it became apparent that Ovahh was attempting to get your attention with another loud cough, you smiled against Loki's lips.
"If I have to keep straining a forced cough as though I am sick, I really am going to get a sore throat," Ovahh claimed.
You draw back from Loki's lips once again and continue. "As I was saying, yes Loki, you are an essential part of the important steps which lay ahead, as without you, how can I travel to the elder tree and find out the root cause effecting Jotunheim? Remedying the current realms problem is the upmost priority right now."
Loki pulled you back towards him and you met his gaze. "You were talking of the sick crops?"
You witnessed his look of disappointment. "Did you assume I was talking of something else?"
Feeling slightly humiliated, he silently shook his head.
"Are you sure?" You enquire.
"No.. nope..."
You were suspicious that he was concealing his true thoughts, but you quickly move on to more pressing matters. "Okay, so I was thinking we could venture out—"
Loki abruptly interrupted you. "Well, actually, I was thinking of something else." He couldn't contain his feelings any longer.
You looked at him curiously. "And, would you like to share with us your thoughts?"
Ovahh sat down and assumed a comfortable position at the dining table, watching with delight. He was well aware of what was dominating his king's mind.
"Well..." Loki said nervously. "I thought perhaps I should ask Dagr to transfer your belongings to the royal suite."
You peered at him confused. "But I need my belongings in my room, how am I to dress?"
You shoot Ovahh a glare after hearing him emit a small chuckle. "Why do you laugh?" I am querying a legitimate issue."
"Birdy, I believe my king is attempting to say that he wishes for you to move into the royal suite, so that you may share a bed together."
The sudden onset of nerves caused your face to freeze in a shocked expression, and you found yourself stuttering as the stark realisation struck you in the face: Loki desired intimacy with you.
"Uh..oh... I see.." when you finally mustered the courage to look at Loki, you noticed that he was the same shade of flushed red as you.
"It's too soon, I'm sorry, I should not have assumed you would want to... um." Loki averted his gaze downward.
Before you could timidly respond to Loki, you were forced to endure the ear-splitting sound of Ovahh dragging the fruit bowl across the wooden tabletop. He popped grapes into his mouth as he sat back to observe the humiliating exchange between you and Loki; his expression revealing his enjoyment.
Don't mind me, I missed breakfast, carry on." Ovahh, grinned.
"Maybe you should leave, Ovahh." Loki curtly remarked.
"I will be quiet from now on, I promise." He crossed his heart.
"Please, Ovahh. Can you give me and Loki a minute alone." You asked gently, but Ovahh was able to detect your imploring.
Ovahh's expression of amusement waned, and he nodded before rising and leaving.
Now that you and Loki were alone, you both exchanged silent glances for a moment before erupting into nervous giggles. You stepped up to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. His arms assumed position around your waist, and he held you close to his body.
"Loki, I am thrilled and ecstatic that we have finally opened up to how we feel, and know that I love you with all my heart... but," you sigh, "I would prefer to wait until your binding to Magritte has been dissolved and finalised before we... um, before we become intimate."
You lowered your gaze in order to avoid witnessing any hint of sadness that you may have caused. You felt guilt, fearing that he would interpret your decision as a second rejection.
He took hold of your chin and raised your head to meet his gaze. To your surprise, he was smiling.
"Darling, simply knowing that you love me is more than sufficient. I will never press you for more if you are not ready. But... perhaps we could sleep within the same bed? Fall asleep to the sounds of our beating hearts while holding one another?"
Loki appeared optimistic with his proposal, and he hoped that you would agree, as the idea of sleeping alone now that he had captured your heart was agonising.
You furrowed your brows and now undoubtedly felt a pang of guilt.
"I'd adore nothing more, but, let's be realistic, once our hands are on each-other in a dim room with a regal king-size bed to ourselves, is it likely that we'll fall asleep? Or sleep at all for that matter." You looked at him knowingly. "We must be mentally prepared for the challenges posed by the pandemic, not weak from being deprived of sleep. We have to think of Jotunheim, and put aside our desires.... just for now."
Loki sighed. "I suppose you are right, sweetheart." You saw his obvious disappointment, but it soon morphed into a smile and he stared at you sweetly.
"What is behind that look?" You query, finding his sudden grin suspicious.
"Your sincere commitment to prioritise the needs of the people of Jotunheim over your own, demonstrates that you have assumed the position of their queen so naturally, as if the gods themselves had destined you for it." He gently cupped your face in his hands. "You are an unexpected blessing in my life, Eden, and I never imagined I would attain such happiness. But I have, because you chose me. I've waited a lifetime for you, what is a little more? I will agree to whatever makes you happy."
You felt a rush of emotions at his understanding, and you didn't think you could love him more than you did already, but his words convinced you otherwise.
"We can spend the evening together, reading by the fireplace until it is time for us to depart for the night." You smile and hope that this modest offer will suffice to make his heart happier.
"That sounds wonderful, darling." He tugged you closer, his hug warm and reassuring.
As Javier approached the royal suite while striding through the corridors, he noticed Ovahh hovering outside of it. His stooped posture indicated that he was eavesdropping.
"You know, listening to royal conversation is a crime in Asgard." Javier remarked.
Ovahh leapt, not anticipating an ambush.
"You do realise I am a Jotun? Creeping up on one could be your demise."
"You look sad, what's wrong? Did the duo throw out their third?" Javier smirked. "No threesome on the cards, then?" He taunted.
Ovahh scowled. "I was dismissed from the royal suite. However, I admit that even I would throw myself out at times. My manner was not appropriate."
"It seems to me that you behave quite witty when you are full of emotion. Did seeing them together make you so tense that your automatic response was to act like the class clown? Loki will catch on soon enough that you love her."
"She is the future queen of Jotunheim. Obviously, I adore her, as will all Jotuns soon enough. Now cease your chattering on the matter and tell me, has the pasty faced woman been made ready for departure?"
Javier sighed. "Unfortunately, yes. I'm just here to alert Eden, that I soon depart."
Ovahh grinned, now he had an excuse to enter the royal suite again. He barged the room and began talking in a boisterous volume.
"I bring good news, I bring good tidings."
You turned to face Ovahh and noticed Javier following behind him. Javier noted Loki's glowing visage and then observed his arms around your waist.
"I see the promise worked well for you, Eden?" Javier held back his jealousy.
"It did," you reply, smiling meekly.
"Good," he curtly remarked.
Loki sensed your discomfort and desired to make amends with someone you care about.
"I appreciate your assistance, Javier. I apologise for having referred to you as Magritte's guard."
"Thank you for your apology, but since we are expressing our emotions, I feel I must apologise for kissing your queen. Well, she did kiss me, so."
Loki immediately turned his astonished face towards you. "You kissed Javier?"
"Huh? No—"
"Oh, no. Not that queen, but your official queen, Magritte." Javier smirked; he was aware of his actions.
Ovahh leaned in to Javier and whispered into his ear. "That's cruel. Even I wouldn't have done that."
"Did you see his face? He panicked, he thought I was referring to, Eden." Javier held back an amused chuckle.
"Ha, you wish." Ovah remarked.
"Of course I do. But so do you."
You smiled at loki, "I find it adorable that you immediately consider me whenever queen is mentioned. However, know that I have never kissed anyone else's lips besides yours, nor will I ever endeavour to do so."
Loki relaxed in your embrace. "And in all my years, my lips have never desired another's; it was only when they saw the fullness of yours did they pine for your kiss."
You lean in and plant another kiss on his lips, intending to limit it to a chaste peck, but as soon as your lips touched, they adhered together, once more consumed by the pleasures of new discoveries.
Both Javier and Ovahh gazed at you and Loki for a moment, envious of him and wishing they were the one to receive your kiss. But when they saw Loki's hand roll over your ample rear, they knew they wouldn't be able to watch for much longer without something noticeable happening to their body.
In sync, they both quickly cleared their throat.
"Åh herregud!" Loki cussed, annoyed with another interruption. "Really, now the two of you share a sore throat?"
Loki's growing desire for you which was constantly being thwarted, was making him irritable.
"Sexual frustration is a very real thing." Javier leaned in and whispered to Ovahh.
"No doubt." He firmly agreed. "But there are many solo techniques available to ease such frustration... when a woman is not available that is."
Javier turned to Ovahh with a look of intrigue.
You observed Ovahh and Javier conversing discreetly, and you thought it was charming that they were getting along. Despite the fact that you pondered what they discussed.
"I wonder what they are saying to each other." You murmur to Loki, whose lips stop nibbling your ear in order to observe Ovahh and Javier.
Loki watched their lips and attempted to lip-read in order to translate and satisfy your curiosity. However, his eyebrows rose when he grasped a portion of their conversation.
"What? What is it?" You query seeing his expression.
Loki regarded you timidly. "I'm not sure you'd want to know."
"Tell me..." You chuckle, now so curious.
Loki paused as he gazed at you, but then hesitantly spoke. "They speak of sex... and well, it seems they are giving each other tips."
That was unquestionably not the topic you had ever put in mind. An Asgardian and a Jotun discussing explicit techniques? It appeared that regardless of race or realm, when two men are in the same room, the conversations deviate to ardent desires.
You were unable to contain your amusement and burst out laughing, attracting the attention of both Javier and Ovahh. The heat of embarrassment caused you to swiftly turn away after catching both of their gazes.
Javier looked at Ovahh. "She didn't hear us did she?"
"No. She was too busy liplocked with my king." Ovahh reassured.
However, Ovahh sensed that Loki was watching him and turned to acknowledge his king. Loki smirked, causing Ovahh's stomach to plunge at seeing the mischief in his grin.
"Perhaps we don't speak of this topic anymore." Ovahh quickly added, and Javier was swift to agree.
A loud screech suddenly reverberated down the long hallway, prompting both Javier and Ovahh to run outside to investigate. However, you and Loki were fully aware of the source of that dreadful sound, Magritte.
"Javier, I'm ready to depart this forsaken realm! Let's go!" Magritte commanded.
With Loki firmly at your side, you descend the palace steps and meet Javier at the bottom. He kisses your hand and bids you farewell.
"Safe travels, Javier, I will see you again." You convey sorrow.
"You can count on it, princess Eden. Perhaps I will visit you in Embrodi, should you return home that is."
You observe him with confusion. "Of course I will return, Embrodi is my home, and you are very welcome to visit."
Loki's brow furrowed as he absorbed your words; he was so engrossed in his happiness with you that he completely forgot that you might wish to return to Embrodi.
Before Javier ascended onto the carriage to assume control, he approached Ovahh and surprised him by extending his hand for a handshake. Ovahh was astonished that he was willing to risk touching his hand, regardless that it was gloved. He stared at his hand for a brief moment before peering up at him.
"You're suppose to gentle grasp it, and move it up and down. It's called a handshake." Javier proceeded to give instructions.
"I know what a handshake is, Asgardian." Ovahh rolled his eyes.
Before Ovahh could decide whether to accept his hand, Javier firmly grasped it, and the two men exchanged a straightforward handshake with a smile.
"Don't be a stranger, Jotunheim is positively charming during the summer." Ovahh added.
You found it amusing how Ovahh subtly encouraged his new companion Javier, to return to Jotunheim one day.
As he responded, Javier began assuming his position atop the carriage. "Oh, and what is the summertime temperature?" He inquired, now contemplating a future voyage.
"It's mild, pleasant even. At only a few degrees below baltic, give or take, the risk of frostbite is minimal." Ovahh grinned, and Javier chuckled.
"Well then, I shall bring my shorts." He answered in an amusing manner.
Prior to Javier's departure, Magritte beckoned you from the carriage window, and you reluctantly approached her.
"Yes, Magritte." You say through gritted teeth.
"I care not for you, but I must answer Caspian truthfully when he asks if I have warned you. He has a talent for detecting lies, and I am certain that he will inquire."
"I don't need to hear your silly warnings!"
As you attempted to leave, she grabbed your hand firmly, causing Loki to rush forward in your defence, but you swiftly signalled for him to stay put. You were confident you could handle Magritte. Loki hung back, however, he never took his gaze off of you.
"This realm is doomed Eden, it is inevitable, just like Fumi. But I'm pleased you're staying. I pray you all perish together." She abruptly released your arm and motioned for Javier to depart.
You stood in stunned shock as you processed her words, and an overwhelming sense of foreboding swept over you. The carriage had long since disappeared from view, but you were still in a trance, your mental gears whirring in thought. It was only the light contact of Loki's hand on your shoulder that roused you from your stupor.
"Darling, they are gone. But if you wish to stay in the cold a bit longer, at least allow me to procure you a warmer cloak."
You turned to Loki and smiled meekly. "No, I am ready to go inside. We need rest, we have a big day tomorrow."
The reminder of your intention to visit the perilous outskirts of Jotunheim unnerved Loki. The climate and route were already hazardous, but recent reports that the disease has spread increased the risk. Loki's informant who was monitoring the lands, indicated that the disease, which was previously confined to the uninhabited fringes of Jotunheim, has now spread to the region's agricultural heart, where crops and livestock are raised. He was concerned about you. He did not want you to contract a potentially contagious illness.
"Eden, I've dispatched those acquainted with our lands to investigate the cause of the diseased trees and rotting harvests. And my healers are striving to find a cure for the sick." Loki inadvertently divulged that Jotun people were now ill.
You quickly turn your head to his. "Are there sick people now?" Your tone was one of concern. "What are their symptoms, Loki?"
"Don't worry, darling, it will not be grave, Jotun bodies are resilient."
"Please, Loki, tell me everything you know, and do not hold back." He saw your pleading, anxious gaze.
He exhaled. "This morning, it was reported that a few children have fallen ill. Our young are vulnerable until they reach a certain maturity; only then can they withstand the majority of diseases."
You frowned, saddened by the news. "And of their symptoms?"
"I do not know, sweetheart. I have sent people to investigate."
"We must go to them, and I must visit the site where the first infected crops were discovered"
"That is difficult, Eden, as the elder tree is located far beyond the inhabited lands, in remote regions that can only be traversed by the skilled."
"Then it's fortunate that we have Ovahh, isn't it?" You turn to Ovahh, who was pretending not to eavesdrop while standing behind Loki. "Right, Ovahh?"
He innocently peered up, "Hm?"
You rolled your eyes. "I know full well that you were listening. So what do you say? Fancy another trip through the snow?"
Ovahh grinned. "Only if you promise not to get lost this time."
"I can't promise that." You chuckle.
"Yes, she can, she most certainly can!" Loki asserted.
You were enchanted by Loki's heartfelt concern, and you tenderly cupped his face. "How can I get lost when I'm accompanied by two large Jotuns?" You pressed the tip of your nose to his, and Loki instinctively pulled you towards him.
"It is a long journey, with a scarcity of places to rest and sleep, it is unavoidable that we will have to share sleeping quarters." Loki grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We may have to cosy up in a cave overnight, huddled together on fur rugs next to a log fire, listening to the howling of the winds outside, with only ourself to entertain each other. I wonder, what could we possible do to prevent boredom?"
You saw Loki's lips curl into a devilish grin, and you now have the impression that he was quite enthusiastic about the idea of the journey if it meant having you all to himself, where you'd have nowhere else to escape to.
"How can we get bored when we have Ovahh's wit to entertain us?" You grin.
"Ovahh will have his own cave." Loki promptly asserted.
"But I thought sleeping quarters were in short supple?" You teased.
Loki was exposed and without words in response to your query. As a diversion, he began to nuzzle your neck.
"And does Ovahh get his own Eden to cosy up to?" Ovahh quipped.
Loki gave him a little smile. "There is only one Eden, and she is mine."
Ovahh turned around and abruptly began walking towards the palace. Surprised by his sudden desire to leave, you called out to him.
"Where are you going, Ovahh?"
He turned to face you while continuing to advance up the steps. "I will prepare for our hazardous journey. A stick is ineffective against a dire wolf, Birdy."
"It worked for me the last time!" You confessed, and Loki was horrified upon hearing this for the first time. "The gods were firmly on my side!" You yell out while disregarding Loki's appalled expression.
"No! We had a storm on our side. But since there will be no fierce storm tomorrow, the dangerous animals will come out to play." Ovahh stated before he disappeared out of sight.
"Hmm," you muse, pondering his words. "Perhaps we need more than a stick, Loki." You smiled at his still horrified expression.
Ovahh dashed down the corridors and into his own private quarters, but not before seizing Loki's bottle of pinia. He had no intentions of doing anything this evening other than attempting to drown his ferocious jealousy with copious amounts of potent pinia. He resented himself for feeling the envious emotions, and while he was happy for Loki, he couldn't help but wish he had what he had.
He sat on his bed and surveyed his room, the empty shelves and his few belongings that were still in boxes serving as a reminder to never become comfortable in a location. Because sooner or later, those he enjoyed the companionship of would soon tire of him, and he'd be forced to move on... again.
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