
"It's going to be okay, Mellie. Everything is going to be fine." Jamie says from the driver's seat as he pulls into the valet section on the side of the building. "And, if things go to complete shit, at least we've got free front row seats to fight night!" He looks excited and I can't help but glare at him for his insensitivity.

"Yeah, seeing my biological father for the first time ever, after twenty-five years of my life, isn't awkward at all. It's going to be completely okay as long as you get to watch fight night. Yeah, sure, because that's such a wonderful thing to say right now, Jamie." His face looks shocked but I don't wait for a response as I exit the car, slamming the door as I do.

"Amelia!" He shouts out as I quickly make my way into the building. I'm not here for the fight. I really could care less about it. That was more Jamie's thing than mine, anyway. There's way too many people here for my liking. My social anxiety is just absolutely loving this situation right now, heavy on the sarcasm. "Amelia, Christ love, slow down." I don't. "For fuck's sake." He grabs ahold of my arm. "What is your problem?"

"My problem?" His face falls automatically, because he knows those were exactly not the words I wanted to hear right now. "My problem, James," I put extra emphasis on his name, "is that I hate large groups and I'm walking into a building with a ton of people. On top of that, my anxiety is already revved up ten-thousand percent because of why I'm here. But hey, I'm glad you get a free fight night out of it. I'm so happy that this is a non-awkward and fun situation for you. Truly, super happy."

"Did you really just call me James?" His face scrunches up in disgust. "You sound like my bloody mother. Since when do you ever call me that?"

"Out of all of that, everything that I just said, that's what you're going to take out of it? Are you fucking serious right now?" I shake my head and blow out a long breath. "And you've always wondered why I've only dated much older guys. This is why. This shit. This shit right here is why." His lips go into a flat line and his jaw ticks. I can tell that struck a nerve. "Jamie," I reach out for him but he walks past me, "Jamie, come on, I'm just stressed."

"Yeah, I got that." He walks through the door that's held open for us as I trail behind him. The age thing was always a sensitive topic for Jamie. He always held some disdain for me dating older men. Jamie asks a man where to get to where we need to go and then heads off in another direction without a glance back at me, assuming I'm following.

"Jamie, I'm nervous and upset. I'm a lot of things right now. I don't need you to be angry with me on top of it."

"I'm not angry, Amelia. It's fine." But he's not. He always does this when he's upset, just walks away. "I heard Rhoen is going to be here tonight so maybe you can go hang out with him for some comfort." Ouch. "Maybe once you're back in Boston too." What the hell?

"Really, Jamie?" He starts going up a set of stairs without a response. I follow him as quickly as I can but the heels I'm wearing make it next to impossible to keep up. "The last thing I need you to be right now is an insensitive asshat!" I shout at his back, making a few people look in our direction but I really don't care. I'm already uncomfortable around this many people. What's a little bit more discomfort thrown on top of it? He pauses, still with his back toward me until I reach him.

He doesn't look at me as he says, "I'm not trying to be an asshat." He holds his hand out for me to take.

"Well, thank you for that." I say, as I reach out and grab ahold of it.

"I know you're nervous and you're not too big on this whole scene but there's no need to take your insecurities out on me." That irritates me, making me pull my hand away from him.


"You know what I mean." He rolls his eyes and sighs like he can't be bothered.

"Uh, actually, I don't. Being nervous and uncomfortable in certain scenes doesn't mean I'm insecure." Now, I've seen this side of Jamie before but never with me. He's never acted like this with me and it's a surprising wake up call for what an ass he truly can be in his relationships. "You know, now that I think of it, speaking of insecurities, I think you need to check yourself."

"What?" He lets out a laugh, like there's nothing in the world he could be insecure about. "Check myself? Is that so?"

I quirk an eyebrow at him, "the age thing? Definitely something you're insecure about."

"God," he looks me up and down in disbelief, "you sound like every other jealous girl I've ever fucking dated right now."

"I'm not one of your ex-girlfriends but thanks for the comparison. I think I can make it the rest of the way. You go enjoy the fight."

"Will do." He turns away from me and begins going down the stairs with, "you know where to find me." I stare at his retreating frame in disbelief. Never in a million years would I ever think Jamie would treat me like this, especially right now. I feel tears prick my eyes as I see him reach the bottom step. He goes to turn but pauses before turning around to look up at me. Our eyes hold each other's for a second but, before I let the tears fall, I quickly finish my way up the stairs.

Once I make it through a much less crowded area there's a hallway off to my left. Apparently, my actual father is a boxing and fighting promoter. This whole event is one that he helped put together. I get to the entrance of the hall and am automatically met with a large body.

"This area is off limits." The large man says. "Fight is downstairs."

"Um, no, I'm here to-"

"It's okay, Kevin, she's with me." The man steps aside but not before looking me over in appreciation. I wonder if he thinks I'm here for something other than what I am. That thought makes my stomach roll. "Hey Amelia." I hear Denver's voice say.

"Hey." I tuck my hair behind my ears. He gestures for me to follow him and I do. A few doors down we reach his office. He opens the door for me and when I enter I'm a bit taken aback by its large size. There's a huge desk, a couch, lavish decor. For a fight promoter, It's more than a tad over the top.

"Yeah, I know it's a bit much." I turn and nod at him in agreement. "My partner may have gotten a bit carried away." Partner. That's right.

"Which one?" He looks at me blankly. "When you say your 'partner' do you mean the man or the woman?"

"Come again?" He said, after a good long moment.

"You're a polygamist, right?" He doesn't say anything. "You know the whole multiple spouse thing. That's what you're all about, right?"

"Uh," He runs his hand through his hair uneasily, "I don't, um, I don't know where you got that from. I uh, um..."

"Seth told me." His gaze hardens infinitesimally and I know he's not happy about that fact. "Is there a problem with that?" He looks off to the side for a moment before looking back to me.

"I don't know, is there?" He states very matter-of-fact.

"You like being with both men and women. So you're in a relationship with one of each. It's whatever." I shrug uneasily and look anywhere else in the room but at him. "I don't even know you. Why would I care about how you live your life?" I mean, he never cared about mine, so there's that.

"Jesus, this is not how I thought we'd start this whole thing." He walks over to a bar area and asks, "you want a drink?"

"Sure." I'm usually not that much of a drinker but this was bound to be an awkward conversation and I could use the liquid courage. After he pours some amber-colored liquid into a glass, he passes it to me.

"Yes, I am in a relationship with a man and a woman." I nod awkwardly. "It's not like a free for all or an open relationship. It's monogamous between the three of us." He sounds slightly defensive.

"I'm not judging you." He still looks semi-guarded. "Like I said, I don't know you."

"I'd like that to change." He leans against his desk. He's wearing jeans and a t-shirt. His tattoos on full display. He reminds me of Seth. He reminds me of my dad, well, the man I'd called my dad. The tattoos and seemingly arrogant demeanor. It's all very reminiscent of them. "What are you thinking?"

"You remind me of my dad. Well, the man I've been calling dad my whole life."

"You mean Seth's father Sean?" I nod. "He's a good man, took real good care of you and your mother." He's not wrong.

"Yeah, he did. So where were you?" I shoot the question at him.

"I was in New York and then I came here. But if you're referring to where I was when you grew up and why I wasn't around then you'll need to elaborate more with your mother about that."

"She won't tell me anything about you." He looks a bit hurt. "I've asked and she won't tell me anything."

"She asked me not to be in your life. I mean, I didn't even know she had you until you were about eight. I met you at Seth's wedding." I think back to it but it's hard to remember exactly who was there and what happened. "My lifestyle, our lifestyle, wasn't one for kids. Well, not at the time, anyway."

"Are you referring to the lifestyle of your partners and yourself?" He nods. "But don't you have another daughter?"

"Biologically she isn't mine, but yes, I have a daughter." Convenient he could take care of one that wasn't his biologically. I'm not going to say that though. "I do have a son that is mine."

"I have a brother?" He gives me a smile and nods.

"Yeah, his name is Torey. You could meet him if you want." He looks almost hopeful but I'm not sure I'm ready for something like that. I just met him. "Or not. You don't have to."

"Not yet, at least." I take a sip of my drink. "I'd like to hear about him though."

"Of course, but only after you tell me all about yourself. I want to know everything." His eyes hold hope in them with a touch of excitement and I can't help but feel the same way.

"Where should I start?" I ask.

"The beginning. I want to know it all."

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