
Long ass first chapter!

This ain't gonna happen often, bwahaha.


1st POV




"GHUZIJZZB, UH WHAT?!" I cried out, suddenly waking up in a black void— hold on, how did I even get there...?

"You've got 10 seconds to save Toji! Hurry!"

As soon as it finished, I found myself thrown onto an unfamiliar path, destroyed by what seemed to be a typical Shonen battle?

'Did a war happen here? What the fuck?!'

I thought as a blinding purple light assaulted my poor eyes. Eyes, which I promptly closed shut by reflex, because fuck, what the hell is going on?!

Before I could ask any more questions, I managed to squint a bit and noticed two tall figures not too far away from me. I immediately concluded that one of them was the source of all this wind and destruction, as the fucking purple light was radiating from him!


My eyes quickly shifted to the other one who stood frozen in place just in Gojo's field of attack.

Wait a damn minute… Oh fuck.

Before my black ass could start fangirling because boi, Gojo Satoru and Toji Fushiguro were right there, fighting, I suddenly remembered what the annoying dipshit had shouted.

"You've got 10 seconds to save Toji!"

Aw shi-

[Imaginary technique: Hollow...purple!]

Gojo suddenly shouted, urging me without thinking to hurry and throw myself in front of his beam of absolute destruction.



3rd POV



Toji's eyes widened so much that he must have looked like some cartoon character once he registered the sudden appearance of this intruder who had placed themselves right in front of the attack meant for him.

Before the male could react, the destructive beam hit the two of them head-on, throwing debris and dust everywhere in the area.

The surrounding buildings had been completely razed by the sheer power of the attack, and a confident and bloodied Gojo stood tall in front of the destruction he just caused, convinced that he was done with the man who surprisingly gave him so much trouble. For a non-sorcerer, at least.

But how surprised was he, once the dust settled, to find the presence of a dark-skinned woman dressed in pajamas, standing with her arms outstretched to protect whatever was behind her - which turned out to be a thoroughly confused Toji.

"POUAH!! That was close!" she exclaimed, dusting herself off and inspecting the damage to her clothing, allowing some parts of her skin to be visible through the tears, but thankfully nothing indecent.

The two men shared a glance for a second then turned their flabbergasted attention to the woman.

"What the-" Gojo began, shell shocked that someone had survived his new attack, HIM! The most powerful sorcerer to ever walk down this earth, wielder of the [Six Eyes] and [Limitless]. HIM, the chosen one! He was interrupted by the intruder.

"Hehe! I know it's rude to barge into someone else's fight, Gojo-kun, but I have some business with this guy over here..."


Ignoring Toji's confused voice behind her, she chuckled nervously before snapping her fingers, causing the bamboozled man's eyes to roll back in his head and rendering him unconscious. She caught his heavy, bloody body in her arms just before it hit the ground.

Right after that, she casually retrieved the chains he had been using, placing them inside the worm before wrapping it around her neck while humming a little tune, all this before the bloodied sorcerer's eyes as he watched the surreal scene unfold.

A tiny woman just took his attack head on and walked away unscathed from it before casually knocking out the guy who almost killed him with a simple finger snap and had the audacity to have no trace of cursed energy in her body?! Where the hell was this world going?

Not knowing what to say, something that was a first for someone like Gojo who generally has a comeback for any situation, he dumbly watched the young woman unceremoniously hoist the man on her shoulder like a vulgar sack of potatoes. Holding back from taking pictures for future blackmail use, he remembered that his camera was probably busted because of the fight he had just been through.

"Who the hell are you?" Quickly regaining his composure, he took a more serious stance, no longer planning on underestimating this strange woman as he had done earlier with the sorcerer killer. She didn't have cursed energy and was still able to withstand a jujutsu technique. She could therefore be a danger to the jujutsu world if he didn't take her seriously.

He couldn't have that, could he?

The woman paused, turning her head in his direction, allowing her gaze to land on him, which allowed him to finally catch a glimpse of her eyes for the first time.

Beautiful shimmering gold met equally magnificent crystal blue eyes to his surprise. He hadn't expected to see such bright and heavenly eyes in his lifetime, and although he knew how beautiful his eyes were, the ones he was currently staring at were truly breathtaking!

He couldn't help but wonder what she was.

"Tobe Colith, nice to meet you, Gojo Satoru." She gave him a silly smile that caught him off guard since he wasn't expecting it.

She knew him?

Hold on, everyone knows him, so that shouldn't surprise him.

He watched her frown for a moment as she seemed to be in deep thought. Suddenly, he saw realization flash through her eyes and she quickly looked at him.

"Oh shit! Uh, Gojo, would you be interested in taking Fushiguro Megumi under your wing one day? Yes? Cool! Okay, bye!" She blurted out before quickly appearing in front of him and pecking his cheek as she blatantly bypassed his infinity, which surprised the hell out of him. The woman then vanished with a knocked-out Toji in her arms. Gojo gawked, realizing that he could hardly follow her movements, and that was a first!

Or second. Huh.

He touched the cheek she had kissed before realizing that all his wounds were now completely healed.

'How did she...?' he thought to himself.

What the hell was this mission?!

He could already hear the old fossils freaking out about this unknown woman. Hopefully, they'd die of shock, haha!—


Slowly, Toji's eyes opened, only to be completely disoriented before finally freezing in place.

'The mission, success of the mission, fight with Gojo Satoru, last atta-'

His eyes widened as he vaguely recalled that someone had interrupted his fight against the white-haired brat, but then nothing.

He looked up and realized that he was leaning against a wall in an abandoned building; he groaned, his teeth gritting slightly in slight exasperation.

'Did I just get fucking kidnapped?'

He straightened up before realizing that his body was now devoid of any wounds.

"Huh?" He looked around, and realized his cursed caterpillar was no longer around him, throwing him off. Frowning, he stood up, on guard, and proceeded to sneak out, feeling another presence in the vicinity.

The impromptu investigation ended up being a success when he heard a woman's voice echoing in a dilapidated hallway a few meters ahead of him.

"What do you mean, one shot?! Are you kidding me?" Clear frustration could be heard in her tone as she wildly whispered to someone.

Toji's eyes narrowed in immediate distrust. 'One-shot?' he wondered. Who the hell was she talking to? He couldn't sense anyone else.

He stealthily lifted his head out of his hiding spot, peeking just enough for his eyes to widen in surprise at the sight of the same dark-skinned woman he briefly saw earlier before everything went black. She was wearing a yellow T-shirt, grey sweatpants, and some type of sandals instead of the ridiculous pajamas she had been sporting earlier.

However, what shocked him the most was that he could feel the presence of his cursed worm on her, as if it were wrapped around her.

His eye twitched.

'Little traitor!'

The cursed worm served as a pocket dimension where he stored all of his weapons, and also…well, as a pet too. Not that he could see it.

Jaw clenched, he watched as the gaijin grimaced in anger before her lips gradually morphed into a smile that somehow made him shiver.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'

Without wasting any time, Toji suddenly appeared in front of her. She jumped in surprise, startled by his sudden appearance; before she could even squeak, he pinned her violently against the wall, one hand tightly gripping her neck. She barely had time to open her mouth when he interrupted her harshly, glaring at her.

The situation was confusing enough, and he honestly wasn't in any mood to play games.

He tightened his grip, which momentarily blocked her airways. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded in a dark tone that would have made anyone else pass out from fear. "How did I get here?"

He threw a stern look in the direction of where he thought the worm's head should be. It wisely chose to look away.

The surprise having passed, she simply stared at his imposing figure with wide, innocent eyes before attempting to let out a sigh; however, she realized that, well, she couldn't, so she lightly tapped his arm to get his attention.

Toji frowned in confusion. Her lack of reaction to his threatening presence was odd, considering that her life was clearly on the line. Realizing that humans needed air to communicate, he reluctantly loosened his grip, but left no room for her to escape.

Finally able to breathe, she began to speak.

"Well damn, if that's how you thank someone who just saved your ass, who knows how you treat people who piss you off!"

Toji's glare intensified, causing her to chuckle nervously.

"Okay, okay, chill my guy! The name is Colith, nice to meet you I guess...?" She mock-saluted, which made him wonder if he should just kill her and ask questions later.

Seeing that he expected more, she lazily continued, seemingly unbothered.

"And to answer your... meh question, I just teleported us here." She confidently grinned.

Toji simply stared, his face blank.

"Teleport." he repeated.

"Hm-hn." she nodded.

There was a beat.

He removed the worm which was still around her neck and placed it back on its rightful place before noticing how she had not once attempted to free herself from him, a notion that confused the hell out of him.

'How the hell did she survive the brat's attack when I could've died...?'

He looked her up and down, failing to notice the gradual reddening of her cheeks as she continued to blush under his scrutiny.

'She must have an impressive innate technique. I could sell her to the clan and make a lot of cash...'

A wicked grin slowly pulled his scarred lips upward and Colith immediately squinted her eyes in suspicion, no longer flustered.

"Oi, whatever fucked-up idea you have there isn't going to happen," she said, crossing her arms, still pinned against the wall by the man who frowned in annoyance. "I know exactly what you were thinking, and I'd rather die than be taken to your clan of assholes!" She huffed in indignation. "Can't believe this... And it's not like I'm going to let you take me there either way..." she mumbled with a pout.

Toji merely hummed before simply snapping her neck in a swift movement. She didn't have time to react as her lifeless body slid to the ground.

'Powerful or not, a surprise attack's still a surprise attack. Bummer, I could've gotten more money...even if the mission brought me enough. No clue why that bitch healed me but I'm not complaining.'

The cursed worm whimpered in sadness which made him scowl.

"Don't think I forgot about you, little traitor!" he growled, silencing the creature. "You're lucky for being useful, or I'd have exorcised you a long time ago," he continued, letting out a "Tch." He then proceeded to walk towards a window and leap from the fifth floor.

Landing harshly, he straightened up and looked around before groaning, "Great..." he had no flipping clue where he was. Fortunately, the few kanjis on an abandoned sign confirmed that he was still in Japan at least.

Huffing, he walked out of the crater. Just as he took another step, something soft crashed on his back and to his surprise, two arms wrapped around his neck devoid of the curse, having taken the time to put it away to not attract any unwanted attention, "What the fu-"

"How could you do this to me?!"

His eyes widened upon hearing the woman he just killed...what?

"I save your ass and that's how you thank me? By snapping my neck, seriously?!"

Almost immediately, Toji sent her careening into a tree before quickly pulling the worm out and assuming a combat stance. He wasn't taking any chances with this fool like he had done earlier with those sorcerers. His face remained blank, but his gaze was sharp as he sent a glare in her direction.

She calmly rose from her spot, dusting off her clothes as if nothing had happened before pointing a scandalized finger at him.


"Shut the fuck up, I didn't ask you to save me, dumbass," he said flatly, taking out the inverted spear of heaven from the worm's mouth, an act that made her cringe a bit.

'What's her jujutsu...? I'm pretty sure I killed her...did she pull the same shit as the gojo kid...?' he scowled.

She gasped in outrage.

"What an asshole!" she exclaimed. "And you, Peggy, are you for real?" She pointed at the worm who made an apologetic face.

Toji frowned, "Peggy?"

Blinking, she lowered her finger. "Since it had no name, I decided to give it one." She smiled, quite proud of herself. "I think Peggy suits her!" She nodded, quite pleased with her choice. Toji's eyes twitched; she seriously had a few screw or two loose.

Ignoring her whining, he quickly executed powerful slashes towards the annoying pest; these were moves that would have been too fast for any human who happened to stumble upon the scene to follow. Even sorcerers had trouble keeping up with his movements. While attacking, he noticed how she didn't seem threatened by the situation and, in fact, wasn't using any cursed energy, unlike him.

Even more shockingly, she had the audacity to use his head as a springboard to avoid another fatal slash that would have cut her in half. Unfortunately, the building behind her didn't escape unscathed; it soon began to collapse. She swiftly and somehow gracefully landed a few meters away from him, hands in her pockets with a bored look on her face.

After a few more attempts and seeing that none of his attacks were working, he stopped and turned to her, causing her to tilt her head in question.

"You done? Mister, 'I kill anyone who helps me' seriously..." She scoffed in disappointment, her arms folded. "It's not like I have bad intentions though..." She mumbled, kicking a rock.

He remained silent for a while before calmly walking towards her with a neutral expression.

She just stood there, not at all frightened by his towering height but eventually narrowed her eyes in suspicion as he stopped right in front of her, forcing her to look up. It didn't take a genius to see that she was clearly alert, waiting to see what he was up to despite her nonchalant posture.

Leaning down, Toji brought his face close to hers.

"You're not so bad actually... pretty much my type, hm..." He hummed as he closely watched her face flush red.

She was caught off guard and sputtered, flustered.

"What?! The fuck did you say?" She weakly articulated, flabbergasted as the guy had just tried to kill her earlier. "Did you hit your head or something?!" Her voice was high-pitched and she quickly averted her gaze, frowning.

Toji admired the effect he had on her with a satisfied smirk.

'So easy.'

Before she could speak, with a swift motion, Toji beheaded her.

A victorious grin etched itself onto his lips as he watched her head roll on the ground, an insane amount of blood gushing from the body, staining his clothes in the process, slightly annoying him. He watched with satisfaction as the headless body toppled to the ground, coloring it with red liquid.

After some time, he nudged the body with his foot. Seeing that it was no longer moving, he kicked it away. He wasn't planning on repeating the same mistake he had made with the Gojo brat. Decapitation was the best possible way to deal with annoying cockroaches like them.

'Finally some peace...'

Yawning, he scratched his neck. The cursed worm whimpered softly while staring at the woman's lifeless head. "What? She was annoying," he grumbled at the creature before turning and striding away, eager to return home to see his eight-month-old son.

His eyes softened.

Even though he claimed to not know the kid, going as far as denying his existence in front of people, he loved Megumi more than anything. He was even willing to put his life on the line just to ensure his son’s survival; not that he would ever admit it in front of others. No, he wasn't a tsundere.

Unfortunately, his wife didn't survive the delivery; strange, considering she already had a child before, though. Life has its ways to constantly fuck with him, so he wasn't surprised by this turn of events. In any case, that just left him alone with a newborn to raise, and between his job and son, Toji was always in need of new babysitters whenever the job came down on him, just like it did three days ago. He could have left the kid with his wife's family, but he decided against it.

Now that he thought about it, the bitch had allowed him to live for another day and perhaps see his son grow up because honestly, he didn't think he could have survived that one.

Regardless, he'll eventually be forced to send the boy to those damned sorcerers' Jujutsu High or whatever they called it when he starts manifesting the slightest bit of cursed energy. How did he know that his flesh and blood might become a sorcerer? His Heavenly Restriction, of course. There's a big chance that the kid might inherit their clan's most prized technique someday and he couldn't wait to flaunt it in front of their damn faces.

And since he doesn't have cursed energy and will be unable to properly train the brat, it's therefore inevitable.

How ironic, considering his moniker, Sorcerer Killer, and he'll have a sorcerer for a son. He'd rather go with that solution than allow the clan to fuck up the squirt's life like they did to him. He knew that if anything happened to him, the boy would've been sold to the clan anyway.

Why the fuck did he make that deal back then?

Ah, yes, he had no attachment to the kid prior to his birth, but hey, people change. Even fuckers like him.

He never imagined he'd feel so protective over his own brat one day. Either way, he was a bit thankful for the dead bitch, but heh, didn't really care.

As he walked out of the forest, he failed to notice the body disappear into smoke.

Upon arriving in a livelier part of the city, Toji realized that he wasn't too far from home; just a few minutes away on foot. He huffed and looked down at his bloodied clothes.

"Huh..." he should maybe change out of these. He'd rather not scar the nanny.

Not that he cared, but civilians were a hassle to deal with, and he literally didn't have the energy for that. After changing in an alley without anyone's notice, he looked up and watched the orange sky that announced a gradual sunset.

Maybe he'll go on a vacation.



He didn't bother announcing his arrival; the sound of the door was enough to notify the person who was taking care of the squirt that he had arrived, signaling the end of her job.

That's how it went, often time.

Joyful baby noises could be heard coming from the living room and that made him pause.

That was unusual. He quietly removed his shoes before walking into the living room. He vaguely heard a female voice chuckling softly alongside his son's gleeful gurgles.

'Weird...I've never seen him smile around his babysitters... Maybe I should give her a tip for the kid's good mood...'

Yawning, he trudged to the entrance of the living room, expecting to find his son and the babysitter he had hired three days ago.

"Hey Megu—", But how surprised was he, or rather horrified? when he saw the kid in the arms of—"??!"

"What the—"

"Welcome home, Toji!" she beamed.


Well then, that vacation was definitely out of the window that's for sure.

And he was really going to commit murder for the fourth time today.


(Rewritten I guess!)

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