As Hoffman's Raven was taking off another wave of locusts came out of the building.

Marcus: "Enemy reinforcements!".

Kim: "Take cover!".

Delta squad gets down behind sandbag barricades as the King Raven flies over and shoots the locust down.

KR Pilot: "That one was on the house. Good luck, Delta".

Kim: "Get up those stairs! Alpha is waiting."

Delta squad then runs up the stairs.

Dom: "Okay guys, here we go, you still got it?".

Marcus: "I guess we'll find out, huh".

Maverick: "Did you not watch what I was doing at the prison?".

Delta squad exited the hallway leading into a small courtyard, and more grubs showed up.

"For RAAM!".

Maverick reacted first, raising his Retro Lancer with lightning speed and firing a precise shot. The bullet tore through the first drone's skull, the head exploding in a grisly burst. Without missing a beat, Maverick charged forward, the blade of his Retro Lancer piercing through the chest of a second drone with brutal efficiency. As the lifeless body slumped to the ground, Delta Squad swiftly dispatched the final enemy, securing the area.

Anthony: "Holy shit, that was awesome".

Kim: "Move up!".

Maverick's foot brushed against something on the ground, stopping him in his tracks. Glancing down, he spotted a lone COG tag lying amidst the debris, its surface scuffed and weathered. He crouched, picking it up with a solemn expression, recognizing it as the tag of a fallen Gear. Turning it over in his hand, he quietly honored the memory of the soldier who once wore it.

Maverick: "I'll make sure these get back to your parents, Jace Hunt".

As they get up the stairs, they are nearing the mausoleum, they notice that more locusts showed up, and a couple of sinkholes.

Dom: "Grubs!".

Maverick: "Anthony with me we'll flank them".

Maverick and Anthony skillfully flanked the Locust, dispatching them with precise shots while Delta Squad advanced methodically, moving from cover to cover. As they approached the mausoleum, now crossing the bridge, their progress slowed. Scattered across the ground were lifeless bodies, remnants of a brutal skirmish, lying near the edge of a massive sinkhole. Nearby, the wreckage of a crashed van added to the grim scene, a stark reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.

Kim: "Control, this is delta. We have a visual of Alpha. Possible KIA. No sign of resonator".

"Roger that, Delta. Keep looking".

They continued to the mausoleum and came across a locked door.

Kim: "I'll open the door. I've got the code".

Kim entered the code, and the heavy door groaned as it swung open. The squad stepped inside, only to be met by a Locust Drone lying in wait. Before it could raise its weapon, Anthony reacted swiftly, firing his snub pistol with deadly precision. The shot hit its mark, and the Drone collapsed instantly. After clearing the mausoleum of the remaining Locust, Delta Squad regrouped and began making their way outside. As they approached the exit, Maverick's sharp eyes caught a glint near the door. He paused, bending down to retrieve a set of COG tags lying amidst the rubble. With a quiet nod, he pocketed the tags and stepped outside to rejoin the team.

Maverick: "I'll make sure these get back to your parents, Damien Russel".

Dom: "I hope that's not Rojas down there. His little boy just turned two last week".

They approach the giant pit that Maverick assumes was made by a Corpser.

Kim: "Well, it could be Alpha".

Marcus: "COG tags are gone".

Anthony approaches a dead body takes a device out of his hand and starts examining it with Kim behind him.

Kim: "Is that the resonator?".

Anthony: "Nah".

Marcus: "Now what?".

Kim: "Let's get that Resonator".

Dom: "Marcus, Maverick. What do you guys think?".

Marcus: "What do I think? Could be Alpha... Or it could be the Locust, setting a trap. There's only one way to know for sure".

Maverick: "I hope it's an ambush, I love being a part of ambushes even if I'm not the one ambushing". [smirks]

Dom: "You're insane, dude".

Maverick: "What? Anya is the cool-headed one who thinks rationally and I'm the insane one who likes fighting, we're the perfect sibling duo". [smirking]

Dom and Marcus shake their heads with smirks knowing he's right.

"...Inside the House of Sovereigns".

Kim: "Our next target is House of Sovereigns. Straight ahead. Move".

Anthony took one last look at the device in his hand, his expression unreadable, before casually tossing it over his shoulder into the pit. Without a word, he turned and walked away as the squad prepared to move out. Their progress was soon interrupted as more Locusts emerged, weapons blazing. Maverick reacted instantly, taking down a charging grub with a well-placed shot before it could reach the troika. Seizing the moment, he hurled a grenade into the thick of the enemies, the explosion eliminating the remaining threats. Pushing forward, Delta Squad finally reached the fountain, but their respite was short-lived. The ground beneath them began to tremble ominously, heralding the arrival of even more Locust. The courtyard erupted into chaos as an all-out firefight ensued. Locust poured in from every direction, their relentless assault testing Delta's resolve. Despite the overwhelming odds, the squad held their ground. After what felt like an eternity, the battle ended, the smoke clearing to reveal the courtyard littered with the bodies of fallen Locust.

Marcus: "I think we're good. Let's grab some ammo".

Maverick: "That was fucking fun!". [laughs] "Give us another ambush!".

Delta squad looks at Maverick like he's crazy.

Anthony: "What the hell, man. Those holes could pop up anywhere?".

Marcus: "You'd think we would have figured out some kind of goddamn defense by now ".

Dom: "Yeah. Commands tried everything, but nothing works. If the locust wanna come up, they come up".

Anthony: "I used to have nightmares about those things when I was a kid".

Dom: "Shit... I still do".

Delta approaches a tunnel in two directions.

Kim: "Looks like we need to split up. Fenix, you, Carmine, and Stroud will go left. Dom and I will go right".

Marcus: "Yes, sir".

Marcus led Anthony and Maverick cautiously through the dimly lit tunnel, their footsteps echoing off the cold, damp walls. As they rounded a corner, the unmistakable roar of a troika gun erupted, bullets tearing through the air. Marcus and Anthony instinctively dove behind cover, while Maverick dropped into a low crouch, narrowly dodging the hail of gunfire. The oppressive barrage continued for what felt like an eternity, forcing them to remain pinned. Suddenly, a deafening explosion rocked the tunnel, silencing the troika's relentless fire.

Dom: "Clear!".

Anthony, Marcus, and Maverick rose from cover, cautiously making their way toward the now-silent troika. Spotting a green button on the wall near a heavy door, Anthony pressed it, and with a mechanical hiss, the door slid open. Stepping through, they reunited with Kim and Dom, exchanging quick nods before regrouping. Their reunion was cut short as another wave of Locust ambushed them. Reacting with practiced precision, the team engaged in a brief but intense firefight, swiftly dispatching the enemies. With the immediate threat eliminated, they pressed onward.

Kim: "Control, this is Delta Squad. Any word from Alpha?".

"Negative, Delta. We still have radio silence, over".

Kim: "Roger that. Dom, Fenix, Stroud. You'll look for a way in. Carmine and I will stay back and suppress".

Marcus: "What about Alpha?".

Kim: "We'll save 'em if we can".

Maverick: "Let's get it!". [laughing maniacally]

Maverick delivered a powerful kick to the door, sending it crashing off its hinges with a loud clang. The team marched out into the open, their weapons at the ready. Marcus's sharp eyes scanned the area, catching movement to the left. He spotted a pair of Reavers swooping low, their shadowy forms gliding ominously down the road ahead.

Maverick: "Always wanted to ride one of those".

Delta squad moves up and gets pinned down by another Troika.

Maverick: "Anthony, let's flank them!".

Anthony: "Right behind you".

Maverick and Anthony moved cautiously along the side of the building, their steps calculated and weapons ready. After swiftly taking down a Grenadier, the ground ahead rumbled ominously as an E-hole burst open, forcing them to dive for cover.

"For RAAM!".

Without missing a beat, Anthony pulled a grenade from his belt, arming it and hurling it into the gaping hole. The explosion that followed was deafening, sending a spray of rubble, blood, and Locust remains into the air. The E-hole collapsed in on itself, sealing the threat in a gruesome mix of destruction.

Maverick: "Damn kid, that was impressive".

They pushed forward, moving with precision and purpose. Maverick's eyes locked onto a Locust manning a Troika ahead. Without hesitation, he charged, closing the distance with deadly intent. His blade found its mark, plunging into the Locust's back. With a burst of strength, Maverick lifted the creature off its feet before slamming it to the ground with a triumphant yell, his adrenaline fueling the moment.

Kim: "Form up!". [Looks at Anthony] "You good?".

Anthony: "Yeah, but I got a problem". [grunts trying to fix Lancer] "Something's wrong with this thing". [grunts] "It keeps jamming". [stands and holds it up to show Kim] "See?".

A persistent voice echoed in Maverick's mind, urging him to pull Anthony down. At first, he was confused, his instincts on edge. Scanning his surroundings, his eyes quickly locked onto a Locust perched in the distance, a Longshot sniper aimed directly at them. Realizing the imminent danger, Maverick reacted without hesitation.

Maverick: "Down!". [tackles Anthony just as a longshot bullet goes off]

The Locust sniper let out a frustrated roar after missing its shot, its anger echoing through the battlefield. Seizing the opportunity, Delta Squad opened fire, riddling the sniper with bullets and silencing it for good. Maverick and Anthony got to their feet, miraculously unscathed. As they regrouped, Maverick grabbed Anthony's Lancer, giving it a once-over. Noticing the weapon's battered condition—scratches, dents, and wear from countless battles—he shook his head in disapproval.

Maverick: "A damaged fucking Lancer, are you kidding me? This some kind of prank to get you killed." [shakes head] "Kid, in boot camp what were you voted most likely to be?".

Anthony: "I was voted most likely to get shot in the head back in the academy they stuck a COG bullseye sticker on the back of my academy armor as a joke".

Maverick turned to Kim, disbelief etched across his face. Kim met his gaze and shook his head, a silent acknowledgment that even he wasn't aware of the kind of chaos that unfolded back at the academy. Shaking off the moment, Delta pressed onward, their focus sharp. They encountered and swiftly took down several more Locusts before breaching the east side of the building, ready for whatever awaited them inside.

Kim: "Control, this is Delta. Come in?".


Marcus: "Nice".

Dom: [sarcastically] "Military equipment. Always works".

Maverick throws away Anthony's Lancer and grabs a Hammerburst off a dead grub handing it to Anthony.

Maverick: "There, it's better than that beat-up Lancer, I'll find you a new one later".

Anthony: "Thanks Maverick".

Maverick: "Kid please, we're practically family now, you can call me Mav, almost everyone does anyway".

Anthony: [nods] "Thanks for saving me Mav".

Maverick: "No problem kid, just promise to keep your head down when you need to show any of us something".

Anthony: [nods] "Promise".

Kim: "I'll open the door. I've got the code".

Cole: "Yeah! Whoo! Bring it on, baby!".

Marcus: "I think we just found Alpha".

Kim: "Move".

Dom: "Somebody's havin' a good time up there".

Cole: "You wish, baby!". [more gunshots] "You missed! You need glasses, sucker! Damn! Oh, you can't see straight? Well, let me help you with this!".

Delta approaches the ledge, and they see a sleeveless gear fighting several Locusts on his own.

Dom: [shocked] "Holy shit! It's one guy".

Anthony: "He looks kind of familiar".

Before Delta could even process the situation, Maverick let out a wild, maniacal laugh and leaped into the fray. Joining the sleeveless Gear already in the fight, the two warriors tore through the Locust with unrestrained ferocity, dispatching enemies left and right. Delta Squad hung back, momentarily stunned, watching the chaotic yet oddly synchronized destruction unfold as the pair seemed to revel in the battle. Minutes later, with the last of the Locust lying lifeless on the ground, the chaos subsided. Maverick and the sleeveless Gear exchanged a brief nod of satisfaction, and Delta Squad descended the stairs.

Maverick: [turns to sleeveless gear] "Let's go again baby, woo!"

Unknown: [laughs] "I like you already, baby!"

The sleeveless Gear turns towards the rest of Delta Squad

Unknown: "Yeah, that was beautiful, baby!".

Kim: "State your name, soldier".

Cole: "Private Augustus Cole. Alpha Squad, sir". [nods]

Dom: [shocked] "Cole? As in the Cole Train?".

Cole: "Yeah, that's right".

Maverick: "Well, I'll be damned, honored to meet a Thrashball superstar".

Anthony: "Thought I recognized you".

Marcus: "Where's the rest of your squad?".

Cole: "They're sitting tight over in the tomb".

Kim: "We're Delta squad. We're here to retrieve the sonic device".

Marcus: "And to get you guys outta here".

Cole: "Well, hell yeah. We've been waiting for the chopper, but the radios don't work for shit. Sir".

Maverick: "We've noticed".

Anthony hands a Lancer mag to Dom, Cole, Maverick, and Marcus with them giving him an appreciative nod.

Cole: "It's the Seeders. They're jamming our transmissions".

Marcus: "Then we have to make those Seeders our top priority, sir".

Kim: "Agreed. We need to re-establish radio contact with control. ASAP".

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