Myrrah (voice-over): "For a time, the humans of Sera knew the illusion of peace until... Emergence Day... In time... Their valiant defense was crushed with billions dead. Humans denied their enemy control by destroying their own civilization. Now the long struggle against overwhelming odds approaches a final... Desperate... Stand".
Marcus Fenix sat on the edge of the bunk, his sharp gaze fixed on his old friend Maverick Stroud. Maverick was gripping the overhead bars, performing slow, deliberate one-armed pull-ups. Beads of sweat slid down his muscled frame, glistening under the dim prison lights and revealing an array of scars-lash marks, and burns that told stories of battles and torment etched into his flesh. On Maverick's left shoulder blade, a tattoo stood as a tribute to his late mother, who had tragically fallen at Aspho Fields. The intricate design depicted a sword with golden wings piercing through the center of a crimson heart. The heart, surrounded by delicate flowers, appeared to be cracking apart, its fractured pieces clinging to the blade. The sword's tip jutted out from the bottom of the heart, a haunting symbol of loss and resilience. Another striking tattoo adorned Maverick's neck, dedicated to his wife. The complex artwork featured two roses flanking the design, their leaves forming an elegant backdrop. A diamond at the bottom of the piece was crowned by a regal insignia, while a heart rested at the top. Below the heart, an infinity symbol intertwined with the design, symbolizing eternal love. A mandala pattern framed the top and bottom, and delicate beads with small gems hung from the edges, adding a touch of ornate beauty to the tribute. Around Maverick's neck hung his COG tags, bearing his name and rank, a constant reminder of his service. On his wrist, another set of tags dangled belonging to his mother, carried with reverence.
Sweat dripped from Maverick's brow, trailing down his temple as he gritted his teeth and pulled himself up once more. His muscles burned, arms trembling from the relentless strain, but he welcomed the pain. It was familiar—earned.
His fingers tightened around the cold metal bar, knuckles turning white as he steadied his breathing. The room was quiet except for the faint creak of the pull-up bar and the rhythmic sound of his exhales.
Maverick: "1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000."
With a final grunt, he held himself at the peak, chest heaving, before slowly lowering down. He hung there for a moment, arms fully extended, breath steadying as the tension in his muscles lingered. Then, with a satisfied smirk, he dropped to the ground, rolling his shoulders as if two thousand reps hadn't just pushed his body to the edge. The faint creak of metal and the shuffle of movement broke the tense silence, drawing his and Marcus's attention upward. A guttural growl echoed through the air, low and menacing. Both men turned their eyes to the source wretches. The feral creatures clawed at the bars of their shared cell, their snarling jaws snapping as they strained to reach inside, desperate to tear them apart.
With a swift leap, Maverick launched himself upward, his hand clamping around the neck of a wretch. The creature thrashed and clawed at his wrist in a futile attempt to free itself, its claws scraping uselessly against his unyielding grip. Maverick's expression remained cold and focused as he tightened his hold, the wretch's struggles growing weaker with each passing second. Finally, with a sharp twist, he snapped its neck, the sickening crack echoing in the cell. He dropped back to the ground, casually shaking the blood from his hand, his stoic demeanor unshaken by the violent encounter.
Maverick: [chuckles] "Dumbass,"
Suddenly, the small viewing slot on the prison cell door slid open, flooding the dim cell with a harsh beam of light. Marcus and Maverick instinctively raised their hands to shield their eyes from the sudden glare. Amid the brightness, a familiar voice echoed through the silence, one they both immediately recognized.
Dom: "Jack, rip that door".
The door swings open revealing an old friend of theirs Dominic Santiago also known as Dom.
Marcus: "What are you doing here?".
Dom: "Getting you two out, here". [throws down two bags he was carrying] "Put these on you'll need them".
Marcus and Maverick exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them, before shrugging and crouching to retrieve their armor. Maverick methodically strapped on his chest plate, tightening the straps with practiced precision. Next, he secured his hidden blade to his wrist, the mechanism clicking into place with a faint metallic sound. Finally, he tied his mother's COG tags around his armored wrist, pulling the knot tight to ensure they stayed secure.
Marcus: [putting on chest plate] "You could get into a lot of trouble for doing this".
Dom: "Not anymore. Things have changed" [Raven flies overhead] "We'd better go".
Marcus: "What about the other prisoners? We can't just leave them here".
Dom: "They're gone. Hoffman pardoned everybody".
Marcus: "Is that right?".
Maverick: [scoffs] "I'm not surprised the asshole pardoned everyone but us, he should have pardoned Marcus as well and left me here to rot instead of keeping us both in here. It's what he did to me at my trial anyway".
Dom and Marcus exchanged a glance before turning their eyes to Maverick, their expressions heavy with sympathy. Breaking the silence, Dom stepped forward and handed each of them a Hammerburst rifle. Maverick accepted his weapon without a word, his movements swift and precise as he ejected the magazine, checked the rounds, and slid it back into place with a nod of satisfaction.
Dom: "Welcome back to the army, soldiers".
Marcus: "Shit".
Maverick: "I'll take anything to get out of this God-awful prison, let's get it".
The trio makes it out to the hallway and Dom turns towards them both.
Dom: "We've got two options. We can go back the way I came through the guard's quarters. It takes time, but it's safe. Or we can go through the prison blocks and get straight into the fight. Your choice guys".
Marcus: "Let's take the prison blocks, I'm ready to kick some ass".
Maverick: [laughs] "Let's get it, baby!".
Dom: "Let's do it!" [Dom grins while getting on comms] "Six-Four, this is Delta-Two, we are en route, over".
Six-Four: "Copy that we are beginning our run. Six-four in position. Fox-One, Fox-One"
The roof above the trio starts taking fire causing small pieces of rubble and dust to fall around them.
Marcus: "Hey!". [coughs]
Maverick: "Should have been specific Dom".
Dom: [taps comm] "Six-Four, this is Delta-Two, hold your fire! We are inside the prison, over!".
Six-Four: [disappointed sigh] "Roger that, holding fire. Advise you relocate ASAP".
Dom: "Man if command knew I was here to get you. I'd be in deep shit. C'mon let's go".
Maverick: "I thought you said Hoffman pardoned everyone?".
Dom: "I did, he didn't mean you two though".
Maverick: [growls under breath] "Of course".
The trio moved toward the door on their left, their boots echoing softly against the cold floor. Without hesitation, Marcus raised his foot and kicked the door open, the hinges groaning in protest. The sight that greeted them was a gruesome decaying body, severed at the waist, hung limply from meat hooks. The stench of rotting flesh hit them like a physical blow, so overpowering that Dom staggered back, gagging as he fought the urge to vomit.
Marcus: "Nice".
Dom: "What the hell's been going on in this prison?".
Maverick: "Don't ask the questions you don't want answers to, Dom".
Dom: [covers nose] "Good point".
As they make their way outside another Raven is making a bomb run taking out the tower close to them.
Dom: "Looks out, the tower is coming down!".
Marcus and Dom take cover, but Maverick stands still breathing in clearly.
The three Gears turned their attention ahead as three Locust drones burst out of the cafeteria, their weapons blazing. Before Marcus and Dom could react, Maverick was already on the move, sprinting toward the enemy. He fired a few precise shots, forcing the drones to dive for cover. Seizing the opportunity, Maverick vaulted over their barricade with fluid precision. As he landed, he delivered a powerful kick to the first drone, sending it sprawling to the ground. In one swift motion, his hidden blade flashed, slicing cleanly through the neck of the second drone, its head hitting the floor with a sickening thud. Without missing a beat, Maverick grabbed the third drone by the throat, the creature thrashing in his grip before a sharp snap ended its life. Maverick's gaze fell to the drone he had knocked down. Straddling the creature, he drove his thumbs into its eyes, ignoring its desperate screams and the futile clawing at his armored wrist. The sound of its death rattle echoed in the room as its body went limp. Rising to his feet, Maverick flicked the blood from his hands, his expression cold and unshaken.
Dom and Marcus run up and vault over the cover seeing the aftermath of what Maverick did to the three Drones.
Dom: [impressed] "Damn Maverick".
Maverick spotted a pair of bolo grenades lying on the ground. He crouched down, picked them up, and carefully secured them in his back pocket, ensuring they hung snugly in place without the risk of falling out.
The three go into the next room and clear out the remaining Locust.
Dom: "Okay, I think we're good. Let's grab some ammo".
Suddenly they hear a Locust roaring behind the door leading to the courtyard and sparks start flying from it.
Dom: "Guys, they're cutting through the door! Take cover! Take cover!".
Marcus, Dom, and Maverick quickly dove behind cover, bracing themselves as the tension thickened. Moments later, an explosive blast shattered the door to the courtyard, sending debris flying as Locust drones stormed forward. Without hesitation, Maverick pulled a grenade from his pocket, lobbing it with a perfect free throw. The explosive landed squarely among the advancing drones, detonating in a fiery blast that tore through them before they could breach the cafeteria. The room fell silent once more, the air thick with the acrid smell of smoke and charred flesh.
Dom: "Damn".
Maverick: "I'm 100% certain the Locust are complete and utter idiots". [laughs]
Dom and Marcus chuckle in agreement.
Dom: "Let's get out there!". [Taps comm] "Delta-One, this is Delta-Two. We are ready for extraction, over".
Delta-One: "Copy that".
The trio burst into the courtyard, only to be met with a hail of gunfire from several Locusts. Instinctively, they dove for cover, bullets ricocheting off the surrounding walls. Maverick's sharp eyes scanned the area and spotted a flanking position to his left perfect spot for an ambush. Without hesitation, he darted toward the position, moving swiftly and staying low to avoid detection. Once in place, he unleashed a barrage of gunfire on the unsuspecting Locust, catching them off guard. As they scrambled to respond, Marcus and Dom emerged from cover, firing relentlessly from the front. The coordinated assault overwhelmed the enemy, and within moments, the courtyard was littered with lifeless Locust.
KR-six-one: "This is Six-One. I'm hit! I'm hit! Controls not--".
The three watch as one of the king Ravens gets hit and spins out of control before crashing to the ground creating a loud crash and an explosion.
KR-six-four: "Six-One is down! I repeat. Six-One is down! Be advised we are aborting mission. Repeat, we are aborting mission, retrieving Delta Squad now".
Dom: "Guys, we've gotta move to the Raven. Now!".
Dom signaled for them to move, and the trio sprinted across the crumbling ground as it began to fracture and collapse behind them. Massive legs erupted from the earth, the monstrous Corpser emerging in pursuit. The ground quaked with every step of the beast as they raced toward the waiting Raven. Reaching the chopper, they scrambled aboard just as the Corpser closed in. Maverick wasted no time, leaping onto the mounted Gatling gun. He unleashed a hail of bullets at the towering creature, the gun roaring as rounds tore into its armored hide. The Raven lifted off, shaking with the force of the Corpser's enraged roars, but Maverick's relentless fire kept it at bay.
Marcus and Maverick leaned back, catching their breath as Lieutenant Kim handed their weapons over from where he was sitting, Marcus a Lancer, the iconic weapon settling firmly in his hands. He then turned to Maverick, returning his arsenal piece by piece: a custom Retro Lancer with its distinct blade, a pair of sleek Gorgon Pistols, and finally, the formidable Torque Bow. Maverick inspected each weapon briefly, ensuring they were in working order, before nodding in appreciation.
Kim: "Welcome to Delta Squad".
Maverick: Where are we going?".
Kim: "Embry square. Colonel Hoffman's waiting for us".
Maverick: [scoffs]
Marcus: "Hoffman? Oh shit...".
Dom: "This is gonna be awesome". [nudges Marcus' shoulder]
There was another soldier aboard the Raven taking potshots at the Locust down below before looking at Marcus.
Male soldier: "Hey, are you THE Marcus Fenix? The one who fought at Aspho Fields?".
Marcus: "Yep".
Male soldier: "Wow. Cool".
Marcus: [mutters] "Not really".
Before long, the Raven touched down in Embry Square, where Colonel Hoffman stood waiting near his own Raven. The trio disembarked swiftly, boots hitting the ground with purpose. As Hoffman approached, his gaze briefly flickered to Maverick, his expression clouded with what seemed like regret. The moment passed quickly as he shifted his attention to Marcus, his demeanor composed and authoritative. Dom stood silently at Marcus's side, his presence steady as Hoffman began to address them.
Hoffman: [jabs Marcus' shoulder] "You! A traitor like you who doesn't deserve to wear the uniform".
Marcus looks around the area noticing the small number of Gears.
Marcus: "Looks to me like you need all the help you can get".
Hoffman: "Step aside". [Marcus and Maverick step aside] "Lieutenant! I've got good news. We have a plan to end this war, once and for all".
Dom: [scoffs] "Yeah, right".
"Sensors are picking up enemy movement, sir. Close by".
Marcus and Maverick's attention shifted, and their eyes landed on Anya Stroud-Maverick's younger sister. A warm smile spread across Maverick's face as he broke into a run, closing the distance between them. He swept Anya into a tight sibling hug, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. Anya laughed, her joy infectious as she clung to her brother. But the heartfelt moment was shattered in an instant. A sharp crack echoed through the air, and the Gear standing nearby crumpled to the ground, a bullet hole clean through his head. The sudden violence sent everyone scrambling for cover, the warmth of reunion replaced by the cold urgency of survival.
Dom: "Locust!".
Kim: "Take cover!".
Marcus: "Move!".
Maverick shielded Anya with his body, his movements swift and instinctive as gunfire erupted around them. Keeping her close, he sprinted toward the waiting Raven, every step fueled by desperation and determination. Reaching the chopper, he hoisted her inside with practiced ease before climbing in himself, ensuring she was safe before taking his position.
Maverick: [concerned] "You hit?!".
Anya shook her head, signaling that she was unhurt, and Maverick's shoulders visibly relaxed with relief. But the relief was short-lived, quickly replaced by a surge of anger. His jaw tightened, and without hesitation, he moved to the Gatling gun, gripping it firmly. The weapon roared to life as Maverick unleashed a relentless barrage of fire on the advancing Locust, his fury evident in every squeeze of the trigger.
Maverick: [yells out] "You could have killed my little sister, eat it! I've got enough for all of your bitch asses! Come on, I'll take you all on!".
Hoffman: "We now have the Lightmass bomb! I'll take out all these bastards with one shot! But it can't work if we don't have the targeting data. That's why we need the resonator! It'll map their tunnels, so we can hit those sons of bitches where they live!".
Marcus: "Now I'm pissed!".
Dom: "Up there!".
Marcus stands up and fires at the Locust killing two of them.
Hoffman: "We've lost contact with Alpha Squad. Last transmission was from Embry Square. I want you to get in there, find those men, and deploy that Resonator!".
Kim: "Will we have air support?".
Hoffman: "What, are you kidding? You are the support, son!".
Marcus: "Down to two!".
Dom stands up and gives suppressive fire before hopping back into cover.
Hoffman: "Nemacyst is keeping our birds out of the area. You'll have to move in on foot!".
Dom looks at Marcus.
Dom: "We're screwed".
Two sharp sniper shots rang out in quick succession, dropping the final two Locusts in an instant. The Gears turned to see Maverick standing with a smoking Longshot in hand, his expression calm and focused. Without a word, he tossed the rifle back into the Raven, his job done before finally shouting.
Maverick: "All clear!".
Hoffman: "But the Lieutenant here will be feeding you Intel".
"Yes, sir. And the smart thing to do right now would be to leave".
Hoffman stands up and points at Marcus.
Hoffman: "I expect you to give me 110 percent, Fenix!".
Marcus: "I'm not doing this for you".
Hoffman turned toward Maverick, his mouth opening as if to speak, but Maverick brushed past him without a glance, his stride firm and unyielding. Hoffman watched him go, a flicker of regret crossing his face before his face hardened shaking his head. He then silently climbed aboard the Raven.
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