๑۞ 𝔅𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔖𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔶 𝔉𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 ۞๑
"Miss Granger," The familiar warble of Professor McGonagall called from across the large stone foyer while waving her velvet green robed arm at me.
"There you are my dear," She happily smiled as I walked up to her.
"What can I do for you, professor?"
She looked around the sparsely filled area and ended up leading me out the front doors, into the sunny courtyard before speaking. "I have something for you." She pulled a palm-sized dodecahedron-shaped puzzle box out and handed it to me.
Studying the wood's vibrant color, I asked, "Is it mahogany?"
"No. It's purpleheart wood, and until now I'd never seen it before." The older witch added, "It's rather rare."
"Oh!" It was stunning, and I began studying the lines cut through the curved grain, thinking about how to open it. I quirked an eyebrow at her, "Who sent it?"
"Severus Snape."
"Really?" an excited tingle worked through my body.
McGonagall shook her head in exasperation, "That ornery man wanted me to present this to you tomorrow before your graduation ceremony, but I didn't think it would be appropriate to do so unless I give each student a gift."
"I can understand how that would be a problem." I smiled, "When was Severus here?"
"He popped in about thirty minutes ago but had to leave and wasn't sure if he'd be back."
"Oh," I hope I didn't look as disappointed as I felt.
"I told him to wait and give it to you himself, but there's no point in telling that insufferable man no when he's already made up his mind about something." Her eyes twinkled playfully, "Just like someone else I know."
I felt myself blush at her teasing.
Leaning in conspiratorially, she spoke in a whisper, "I'm not allowed to play favorites, but I'm sure you, Harry and Mr. Weasley know how much I've enjoyed being a part of your lives." Her wise eyes looked me over. "If you ever decide that you'd like to teach, let me know."
"Hogwarts is like a second home to me, and it's good to know that I can come back. Thank you again for delivering this." I shook the box a little before tucking it in my pocket with my hand still wrapped possessively around its many edges. "I wonder what's inside."
"Do you recall the leopardwood cat, frog and on occasion chicken that sits on the corner of my desk?"
"Yes. They're so lifelike, and the wood is beautiful." I realized what I just said and noticed the twinkle in McGonagall's eyes.
"One year, quite some years back, Severus and I were chaperoning the students over the holiday break. The sorting hat plucked my name from the few of us there, and he was designated my Secret Santa. That wood carving was my present. You wouldn't know it, but all three animals are one frustrating puzzle," She shook her pointy-hatted head, looking amused.
I was pleasantly surprised that he'd give such a strange and beautiful gift, making me wonder over all the other things I still didn't know about him. "What was inside professor?"
"Hum?" She jolted a little, "Oh, I've never been able to open it. But knowing Severus as we do, it's likely to be something else to puzzle over."
We laughed for a few moments knowing she was right, and I wondered how long it was going to take me to open my gift.
"You said it's all three animals?"
"It changes shape with every failed attempt at opening it. Making it impossible for me to see where I made my mistake and learn from it."
"That must be frustrating. How many times have you tried to open it?"
"I lost count, and yes, it's very frustrating - just like him."
"Why do you suppose he chose those animals?"
She sighed heavily, "He gave me a hard time about my romantic life."
"Why would he do that?" I was shocked that they had a close enough relationship to even speak about personal matters.
"It may surprise you, but I've been told that I'm attractive for my many years and sought after more than I care to admit." She chuckled warmly, "Severus found out and encouraged me to find someone to share my life with."
"I didn't realize that you and Severus were even friends."
"We've worked together too long not to have formed a friendship of sorts." She ran her eyes over me and had a strange look on her wizened face that I'd never seen before as she told me this next bit of information. "A few years before you came to Hogwarts, Severus almost proposed to a Witch named Zofia Harlow. He was quite taken with her, but she had a wonderful opportunity to start her own business that she'd been dreaming of since she was young. Unfortunately, this dream business required they move and Severus wouldn't leave Harry or teaching, so they ended things. Poor man, it broke his heart to let someone go again, and I think that's why he always prodded me to settle down."
I felt myself bristle as I thought of him being with someone I didn't know. Shoving that unpleasant thought aside I realized that the cat must represent McGonagall, the frog is her prince charming and the chicken - that's pretty self-explanatory. "Have you considered that the puzzle he gave you won't open until you fall in love?"
Frowning, she huffed, "Yes. I'd concluded that was the case long ago." She spoke with a far off look in her eye, "But every once in a while, I get the feeling that he'd have a way of opening it, just to get my goat."
Chuckling in agreement, Severus's intense gaze popped into my head, and my eyes were drawn to the astronomy tower. I imagined I could see his commanding figure standing up there, like a dark knight, carefully watching over me as he'd been doing all school year.
"Do you happen to know why he left so quickly?" I tried to sound nonchalant about him being here and not bothering to say hello to me. In reality, I'd wanted to sit on the steps and pout like a big baby. Instead, I squeezed the puzzle to remind myself he'd given me a gift, and I should be content with that - even though I was dying to see him.
McGonagall snapped me out of my thoughts as she spoke in a hushed voice, "Ministry business pulled him and his team back south. I'm sure you heard about the incident in the Forbidden Forest a few months back?"
"I'd heard there was a fight of some sort but nothing more than that."
"A pack of werewolves got into a fight with the Centaurs. Severus came to make sure that everyone that was injured had mended and to see if the attackers were sighted again."
"Why was there a fight?"
"Centaurs are very territorial, and the traveling pack was making a nuisance in their areas of the forbidden forest. It was one very unpleasant incident, with many injuries. No need to worry anymore though, the pack hasn't been sighted since then, the Centaurs are mending just fine, and better yet no one lost their life." She smiled before continuing, "Severus was also here because he planned on being at tomorrows ceremony, but I'm not sure if he'll make it back."
My heart sank. "I'd read in the Prophet that Severus and Auror Markus had been hospitalized after an altercation. Do you know what happened?" I'd sent an owl to ask after his health but hadn't received another letter from him since April making me promise to stay safe.
"Not everything, but Auror Markus lost his left eye."
"Oh, no!"
She was shaking her head no, with an amused look on her face, "He seems to think having an eyepatch makes him look dangerous and unstable."
"What?" I was baffled.
"Ellison was a student of mine, and it's very like him to think this is a good thing. Don't worry my dear, he's fine."
"And Severus?"
She took a deep breath, "He'd been infected with some type of poisoning spell that induced hallucinations."
I sucked in a shocked breath. If I ever found out who'd harmed Severus - I'd kill them! An image of his drunk father hurting him filtered through my mind.
"It took several weeks for him to recover. Don't worry my dear; he looks better than I've seen him look in years and is doing just fine."
"Well that's..." I took a few deep breaths to calm down, "...good."
She nodded her head slowly before changing the subject, "When will you be starting work at the Ministry?"
"I gave myself a month off, but I may start earlier than that. Harry, Draco, and Ronald insisted that we celebrate our graduation by taking a small tropical vacation before I go to work."
"Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter - a couple. Who would have seen that coming?" She shook her head in disbelief.
"Certainly not me. However, they're perfect together, and I even consider Draco a friend now."
"I've seen you two in the library studying together with Harry and on occasion Weasley."
"He's quite intelligent and a great study partner. It will be interesting to see how things turn out for them." I was happy for the couple and wanted to see their relationship continue because it gave me hope that things that seem impossible really can happen.
"I hope good things for them as well," She nodded. "You said a tropical vacation, where will you be going?"
I shrugged, "Draco's planning everything, so I'm sure it will be very nice and expensive so he can impress Harry with his money. Personally, I'm ready to move into 12 Grimmauld and start my new life."
"You're going to live in the old Orders headquarters?" She looked surprised that I'd want to stay there.
"Yes, Harry and Draco are going to restore it, and Ron, George and I will be living there and helping with the work."
"That's nice; I'll have to come and see it once you've finished with the restorations." She eyed me, "Are Harry and Draco going to live there too?"
"No. Harry and Draco will live in Malfoy's country home even though there's plenty of space. Ginny was going to move into 12 Grimmauld as well, but Oliver Wood is a scout for the Holyhead Harpies and asked her to try out."
"That's great news!" Her eyes sparkled excitedly. "I wonder if she'd send me tickets to a game or two if she makes the team?"
"I'm sure she would."
"Ginny's off to play quidditch, and Mr. Weasley is working with his brother at the joke shop. What will you be doing at the Ministry?"
"I rather enjoyed the challenge of Severus's trial, so I've decided to start working in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as a researcher for the Wizengamot. I should be able to learn all about wizarding law quickly. On top of that, I've already made a bit of a name for myself and if people want my advice or legal representation - I'll be there ready to offer my services."
"I bet Kingsley was happy to hear you'd be joining the ranks along with Harry. I know you'll both make me proud."
"Thank you, Professor," her kind eyes looked me over, and I felt a rush of sadness, knowing this was my last night at Hogwarts. I could feel tears obscuring my vision, and my chin quivered as I spoke, "I'm glad we have a moment alone so that I could thank you for all of your support over the years. We've been through a lot, and you've been there every step of the way."
She surprised me by pulling me into a fierce hug.
Breathing in her vanilla-rose perfume, I wrapped my free arm around her waist and sank into the comforting embrace, enjoying how good it felt to have her be a part of my life.
The older witch cleared her throat and stepped back, "If you ever need me, you know where I am." With that, she walked away, sniffling lightly and wiping at her face.
I took a moment to recompose myself, knowing it wouldn't make much difference because another wave of sadness would soon flood through me as it had been doing over the last few days. I would miss Hogwarts along with all the adventures and things I could still learn within its majestic walls.
I wiped my face and shifted my cloak around on my shoulders before I felt a tingling along my spine. My gaze was once again drawn to the Astronomy tower, and I could feel Severus's presence as the wooden box I was still clutching pulsed lightly.
I made my way inside and up the stairs.
It might be considered odd to want to go to the emotion-charged tower after experiencing Severus's memory from our kiss, but this last school year it had become a place of sanctuary for me. I'd also had the overwhelming feeling that the Potions Master had come here often, to think and possibly commune with Dumbledore.
Tingling zipped up my spine when stepping onto the tower's floor. Severus's masculine smell filled the air, and I took a deep breath before making my way to my usual sitting spot.
Shaking excitedly, I pulled out the beautiful puzzle. It reminded me of a complex Rubix cube, and after a few twists and turns, it's edges began glowing a similar hue of purple as the box. I felt butterflies flutter wildly in my stomach as I waited for it to open.
My anticipation ebbed when it didn't do anything more.
Flipping it over in my hands, I noticed small barely visible markings on each of its many faces when the light hit it just right. Upon closer inspection, I realized they were, in fact, ancient runes.
Quickly filtering through my mind to remember what rune would represent a lock, doorway, or some other opening, I noticed the Gifu symbol. It's represented by an X, means gift and I wondered if that would do anything. I held my finger on the symbol, and the glowing edges of the puzzle shimmered from purple to red then back to its original hue.
When I held my thumb against the symbol, the crimson glow was darker than before but didn't do anything. I immediately tried using my pinky on it, and the color was the lightest I'd seen but still didn't open the puzzle. I concluded that it must be the wrong symbol and started looking again.
I tried touching several other runes with the same red and purple flashes when spotting Beorc - family. My eyes were drawn to my pinky finger that had the baby ring from my parents on it and somehow knew it would open the beautifully crafted box.
The B shaped rune tingled at my touch, and the puzzle levitated from my hand to move into the middle of the tower room. I stood up and took a few steps towards it before stopping when the pieces of the puzzle began moving and clicking in a complicated pattern.
The bright purple glow from within the box that had shown through its edges began filling the tower with its blinding light as the wooden pieces retracted into themselves. I hid my eyes when it had become too painful to look directly at and waited for the light to fade before peeking through my fingers.
I sucked in a surprised breath when my eyes landed on the floating, thumb-sized crystal teardrop charm, dangling from an intricately made silver chain.
The quartz charm began clouding with smoke when I leaned in for a closer inspection. Upon touching it, my parent's smiling images appeared, and I felt tears collect in my eyes as I longed to be near them.
The image swirled around before morphing into a message that was glowing the same brilliant purple as the box, "Know-it-all."
My heart fluttered in delight as I laughed out at the nickname I crave to hear him call me. I remembered how it used to sting from the harshness of his scolding; to it now sending shivers of excitement through me at his praise, knowing it meant that he respected me for my mind.
"Allow me to assist you," His familiar baritone voice sounded from the staircase.
When I looked over, my breath caught at seeing the tall, black-clad figure making his way up the last few steps and glide towards me. The light breeze teased his long raven hair and rippling robes, mesmerizing me with the power that emanated from the skilled Wizard.
"Severus," Butterflies kicked up in my stomach.
His dark eyes ran across me, and I could feel it penetrate my skin while a sexy smile pulled at his mouth. "Miss..." he shook his head, making his dark locks flow gently around his face, "...Hermione."
I'd longed to see him all school year, having fantasized about this very moment; and here he was weakening my knees, sending a throbbing heat between my thighs by just speaking my name.
He took the necklace in his hands, and his warm, nimble fingers brushed along my collar bone as he placed it gently around my neck. His fingertip ran slowly back along the chain to the charm, sending goosebumps across my skin.
Without a thought as to whether it was okay, I hugged him, feeling his body tense before slowly relaxing into me. I breathed deeply, drinking in his unforgettable scent when his protective arms wrapped around me, loving the feeling of his body pressed along mine. "Thank you, Severus. It's beautiful."
His chest rumbled as he spoke, "I'm glad you like it."
After a few moments, I pulled back just enough to look up into his dark, mysterious eyes. "McGonagall said that you left earlier because of Ministry business. Is everything okay?"
"It's an ongoing investigation, so..." He trailed off.
"Oh, right. You can't tell me. I just wanted to know if I should worry about you?" I could feel my cheeks heating up under his dark gaze, as I realized how stupid and childish I'd sounded.
"Don't worry," He whispered. Blood pounded through me as he ran a finger lightly over my lips, desperately wishing he'd kiss me instead.
"Why did you come back?"
Dark, mysterious eyes gazed down at the charm he'd given to me.
"I had to see that you received my gift," Tingling sizzled across my skin as his fingers slid along my neck and down the new chain.
Longing throbbed exquisitely between my thighs as I imagined his naked, athletic, and skilled body pressing into mine. I moaned without meaning to," Please Severus."
"Please what?" His warm, peppermint breath caressed my face as he studied my mouth intensely.
My hands shook as I ran them along his broad chest, up into silky-dark hair and pulled his head to mine. Our lips were inches away as he possessively ran his hands down my silhouette, lifting and melting me against him.
His soft, firm lips pressed to mine, making my body quake with the desire to experience more. Needing a real taste of him, I nibbled his lower lip and was instantly intoxicated by his peppermint tongue sliding against mine in a seductive rhythm.
Clinging tightly to each other I quickly became aware of his bulging erection pulsing against me. Moaning in victory, I basked in the primal knowledge that he desired me as much as I wanted him.
I don't know what possessed me, but I couldn't stop myself from running my hand down to cup him and possessively squeeze; eliciting the sexiest throaty moan from him or anyone else that I'd ever heard in my life - urging me to keep going.
As I unbuttoned his robes, he deepened our kiss, and I felt my mind coming unhinged.
To prove that I was a hopeless idiot where Severus Snape was concerned; a gust of wind attempted to blow me over, effectively startling me out of my lucid daydream. I opened my eyes, feeling a deep sense of sadness and irritation at seeing I'd been there all alone - again.
I took a few deep breaths to try and calm my hormone-addled body and realized that somehow during all that, I'd closed my fist around Severus's gift as if to claim and absorb its intended kindness. At least I knew he'd thought of me because it was really in my hand and it was beautiful.
After a few minutes of looking around the room for the last time, I headed to Gryffindor tower to finish packing and do my best to enjoy my final night at Hogwarts.
๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°' °, ๑۞๑¸¸,ø¤º°'°๑۞๑
All the staff, students, and parents were quietly talking in the central courtyard of Hogwarts under a slightly clouded, warm June day. A small breeze carried the various plant-life and the Black Lake aromas into the large outdoor area, filling me with a sense of new beginnings.
The graduating class surrounded the front of the podium I was making my way to the center of.
Harry and Draco, were animatedly talking to each other as the blonde tried to smooth my friends wild raven locks.
Ron was holding Ginny firmly against his side and looked like a proud big brother with a huge smile brightening his freckled face. Ginny was radiant and kept looking longingly at Oliver Wood, whose cousin was also graduating today.
My gaze drifted to Dean and Seamus, who announced two months ago that they'd been in a relationship since last summer and were very much in love. They were standing with an arm wrapped around one another while whispering with the timid Neville and Luna.
The professors were quietly talking and looking happily at all the graduating class from the podium.
Bordering, the graduates stood parents, family, and friends gathered to celebrate with us. Amongst them were the cheerful faces of Molly and Arthur Weasley looking the happiest I've seen since losing Fred.
Heat filled my embarrassed face when I saw Narcissa Malfoy smiling and nodding approvingly at the Chameleon red, orange and gold gown that she'd insisted on giving to me. She was such a contrast to Lucius Malfoy who was standing there looking half-dead from his time in Azkaban. I wondered if he'd ever recover and how he felt about Draco being in love with Harry.
Seeing everyone's parents made me wish I could see mine standing in the crowd talking happily with the others gathered there. That they could hear my speech and would be proud of the person I was becoming. Sadness gripped me, and I momentarily thought I'd cry.
Caressing the charm at my neck a feeling of being loved flowed into me from the sparkling crystal. I glanced to the astronomy tower, once again imagining Severus was there watching me, and I straightened my shoulders.
Clearing my throat to get everyone's attention, I started my long-planned speech, "Today marks a last, and first day for us." Everyone quieted down, and I felt an exhilarating rush just as I had at the Wizengamot.
In a confident tone, I proceeded, "We came here years ago bright-eyed, nervous like never before and full of wonder at the magical teachings we were to embark upon. Fortunately for us, Hogwarts is packed full of ready to consume knowledge making it easy to jump in feet first, learning lessons we always wanted to know or things we didn't have a clue was even possible.
"There are hidden rooms, screaming plants, deadly potions, and many wonders held within the walls of the castle. Throughout our years here, we learned countless valuable lessons from books and hands-on experience. Some of those hard-learned lessons knocked us out, blew us up, and broke our bones.
"Books are great, but our professors taught us some of the best lessons. Albus Dumbledore taught us to enjoy our sweets, no matter how prone they are to bite back. Minerva McGonagall taught us to be a good sport and applause when losing to your house rivals during Quidditch but to party hard when you win. Rubius Hagrid proved that all living creatures have beauty if you look for it. Horace Slughorn insisted having dinner with everyone, regardless if you like them, is a wonderful way to network or better yet, get on his "shelf." And who can forget Severus Snape insisting that bewitching minds and ensnaring the senses with potions need no silly wand waving - dunderheads need not apply."
A light chuckling ensued my remarks, and I took a moment to look at Hogwarts, my second home. Feeling another wave of sadness, I caressed my necklace for the strength to finish my speech without getting too emotional.
"We lived through an exciting and dangerous time here at Hogwarts. Because of all our hard-learned lessons, we became smarter, grew stronger, and last year we fought hard at Harry Potters side while he destroyed one of the most powerful wizards of all time!"
A burst of energy filled the air as a roar of excitement, and clapping came from everyone gathered there.
"Yeah, Harry!"
"Way to go Potter!"
Harry was smiling proudly with Draco's arm wrapped possessively around him.
Once the crowd calmed down, I continued, "I'm sure you can all imagine when I first came to Hogwarts, I'd already planned on being top student and Valedictorian upon graduating, so I'd had my speech planned for years. Originally it was very long-winded, but I've learned no one likes to listen to a know-it-all prattle on." Polite laughter filled the air. I glanced at the astronomy tower and imagined I heard Severus's rumbling chuckle carry down from up there.
"Over time, what I had to say changed as I'd realized what mattered most instead of what I thought I knew to be important. What surprised me is how uncomplicated it became as well." My friends were smiling at me, knowing how right my words were.
"Who knows or cares what profession we'll go into or if we'll change our mind dozens of times in the process. What matters is that you enjoy the small things as much as the big ones. Stay true to your beliefs and apply yourself in all that you do. Most importantly, hold tight to those you love while living as if there's no tomorrow... and never forget to do it with a swish and flick."
Enthusiastic clapping ensued while McGonagall moved to my side, smiled warmly with tears in her eyes, and hugged me.
"Good speech, Mione!" Ginny and Ron yelled in unison.
McGonagall waited for everyone to grow quiet, "As Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I'm proud to announce the graduating class of 1999!"
A sense of having just stepped safely through a new threshold of my life overwhelmed me. I felt tears collect in my eyes as a roar sounded from those gathered there, and a smile covered my face. I pulled my cap off, tossed it in the air, and yelled with many others, "WE DID IT!"
The flying caps burst into bright multicolored fireworks, and I stood there marveling in the idea that very soon I'd be working at the Ministry. I'd be getting paid to do something I will feel like I was made to do, and it would have a positive impact on the world. Power surged through me, and I vaguely heard my name, causing me to jolt in surprise when being pulled into a fierce hug.
"Harry!" I clung to my raven-haired friend as Ron walked over, encompassing both of us in his arms.
"Your speech was brilliant, Mione," Harry enthused.
"Did you think it wouldn't be?" Ron asked as if Harry lost his mind.
"It was shorter than I thought it would be," Harry admitted with a laugh.
"It was all right Granger, but my speech would have had a bit more flair to it," Draco said while inspecting his fingernails.
"I'm sure," Ron mumbled.
"Thank you, Harry," I wrinkled my nose playfully at the blonde and hugged his boyfriend tighter, knowing he doesn't like other people touching his things.
"Hey, you're taking too long!" Draco hollered as he joined in by hugging Harry suggestively from behind.
Harry and I laughed at Draco's reaction.
"Do you have to do it all... you know." Ron scrunched his face up, still not entirely comfortable with seeing them behave as a couple even though he's been supportive for some time now.
"Have it your way, Ron." Harry kissed my cheek with a playful glint in his brilliant green-eyes before pulling out of the hug. He quickly spun and grabbed Draco, laying the most beautiful kiss on the blonde that I'd witnessed between the two of them. Watching it sent tingles running along my spine and I wished I was kissing Severus like that instead of seeing others having such a beautiful moment.
When Harry pulled out of the kiss, he caressed the blond's cheek, "I love you, Dragon."
Draco's smile was contageous, "Je t'aime, le petit sorcier."
I was doing my best to keep from looking around for the missing Potions Master when Arthur and Molly made their way to us and pulled Ron into a hug.
"Good job, Son!" Mr. Weasley trumpeted loudly.
Ron hugged Mr. Weasley, "I did alright."
"Of course you did." Arthur grinned proudly at his progeny.
Molly's kind eyes pulled me into them just before her arms did, "Your speech was lovely, and I'm sure that your parents would be as proud of you as we are my dear."
"Thank you," My heart squeezed uncomfortably at the mention of my parents, and my hand caressed Severus's gift for the hundredth time today.
"Hermione," Ginny surprised me as she pulled me into an enthusiastic embrace and excitement sizzled off of her.
"Ginny!" I laughed as she swayed us back and forth playfully.
"Your speech was brilliant! I was reminded of your day in court last summer," She backed out of the hug and looked me over carefully, "I don't know what's changed your mind about wizarding attire, but I have to say this gown is stunning on you and goes so well with your hair and eyes."
"Thank you," I blushed not used to the attention.
"You look beautiful, and you'll fit in perfectly at the Ministry wearing the clothes that are in fashion," Narcissa's silky voice sounded from behind me.
I turned and smiled warmly at Draco's mother. "Somone with an excellent eye gave it to me. I don't think I'll ever go back to muggle clothing with the exception of my flannel pajamas."
Narcissa chuckled, "It's the least I could do after you took such good care of our mutual friend. Plus, I love shopping and the colors you can wear are ones that would never work with my complexion even though I always wished they would."
She'd bought and shipped all the latest witches high fashion clothes and magazines to me. When I'd insisted on returning the expensive gifts, Draco wouldn't allow it. He claimed that I deserved to be compensated for what I'd done; and that Narcissa had always wanted a daughter to dote on, but due to unfortunate complications, she wasn't able to conceive any more children after he'd been born. He insisted that it made her happy to have a female to shop for, and all it took was trying on the perfect fitting, gorgeous gowns to be swayed to keep them.
"I hate to admit it Granger, but they're right, you look stunning. Even the intricate braid-work and curls in your hair look good. Everyone but the Malfoy's stared in shock at Draco, surprised he'd give anyone other than Harry or himself a compliment. "I hadn't noticed until your speech, but when did your hair get to your waist?"
"I've been growing it out for years, but I keep it up most of the time. And, thanks, Malfoy," I eyed him suspiciously and noticed Harry had a satisfied smile on his face. I know it meant a lot to him that Draco and I were getting along so well. Truth be told, it wasn't hard to like Malfoy once we worked through some of our past issues.
Lucius cleared his throat, "I must be heading back to the Manor before I get into any trouble with the Ministry for being out too long. Good job, son." He gave a curt smile and held his arm out for Narcissa.
She pulled Draco and Harry into a tight hug, "I'll take your luggage to your house, so you don't need to worry about it."
"Thank you, Mother," Draco smiled as she pulled back and then hugged me briefly.
"Your speech was lovely, and I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of you in the future. Maybe we could go shoe shopping?" She sounded hopeful, and there was no way I was going to turn down an opportunity to find out more about Severus from his friends.
"Sounds good, Mrs. Malfoy and thank you."
"It's Narcissa," She smiled and walked off with her husband after a brief awkward greeting shared with the Weasleys.
"Ginny dear, we're so proud of you!" Miss. Weasley sang out.
The pretty redhead lunged into her parents loving embrace, "Thanks, Mum and Dad."
"Would you like us to take your things back to the burrow?" Mrs. Weasley asked everyone in a hopeful, motherly tone.
"No, thank you, Molly. Draco and I are off to his-" He was cut off.
"It's our home now Potter, not just mine," Malfoy lovingly smiled down at Harry.
The green-eyed wizard blushed, "Our home in the country."
"All right. What about you three?" She inspected us.
"Sure Mom," Ginny chimed happily.
"Mione and I are going straight to 12 Grimmauld, but we'll be over this weekend for the party," Ron stated nervously. I could tell he didn't want to get another earful about living on his own, the responsibility of paying bills on time or worse yet, safe sex practices. I couldn't blame him for feeling uncomfortable, and even though I loved and missed them like crazy, I was glad I didn't have my parents nagging at me about moving in with someone when we aren't married.
"You're still planning on doing that?" she looked forlorn.
"Yes, mom. George is already living there," Ron stated.
"Yes, but." She looked between Ron and I. "I know you're adults and can do as you want, but please get married before you have children."
I sucked in a shocked breath before hearing my so-called friends laughing at what she'd just said. I glared at them and wanted to yell that Ron and I aren't really a couple anymore and haven't had sex in months. I'd even hoped that he'd officially end things so I wouldn't have to, but I was still waiting for him to do it.
"Molly," Arthur chided in horror. "You've already said your piece to Ron, and this isn't the time or place."
"Mrs. Weasley, the top floor is all mine so I can have my own bedroom, bathroom, study, and lab area all in one space. Ronald will have his own room on another floor." I smiled excitedly about how everything was going to look once I finished with it.
"Granger, we told you there was space to have a lab elsewhere in the house." Draco looked upset at my decision.
"I'm staying there, and I should get to decide what's there or not."
"Living there rent free disqualifies any of you from getting a say in the matter."
"12 is Harry's, not yours, Malfoy!" Ron chimed in.
Draco pulled his boyfriend close, "Harry is mine, and that means that 12 belongs to me too!"
Harry held up his hand to stop our bickering, "We can talk about this later."
"I want to put in a glass ceiling so I can have a greenhouse for special and rare herbs."
Draco's eyes snapped to mine, a knowing light glinted in them. He leaned close to my ear and whispered, "Maybe you should just move in with Severus." As he pulled back, his silver eyes glanced at my necklace.
My heart jumped, and I glared at him. Out of nowhere, I said, "Maybe I should!"
His smile reminded me of the Cheshire cats in Alice in Wonderland, "It would be much better suited for all your herbs and other bodily desires, Granger." He winked playfully.
I can't believe I just admitted to Draco Malfoy that I had a thing for his godfather, and he approved! "I think we should go shopping to discuss this further."
"Please stop!" Ron whined in confusion.
"After our vacation, we can plan a time to look at paint samples for the restorations. There's a really good Thai restaurant nearby that I miss terribly," the Slytherin stated.
"Sounds good to me. Ron doesn't like Thai, so we never eat it." This was an unexpected boost to our friendship, and I was really excited about it - weird.
"Who doesn't like Thai?" Draco looked perplexed.
McGonagall's voice boomed out, "It's time to make your way to the boats. Goodbye and good luck, everyone."
Ron moved to my side and wrapped his arm around me, "Ready?"
I took one last look at the magical castle before smiling at my friends, "Ready. How about you two?"
Harry laced his fingers with Draco's and nodded, "We're ready."
Joy, pride, and even sadness were flowing through me and washing down my face. As we made our way to the boats and onward towards our new adventures, I couldn't help but smile as delight filled me, knowing I would soon see Severus Snape.
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