23. daddy issues
After what happened in the last thing that Maeve or anyone had thought about was her apartment, when she returned her key didn't work, the locks seemed to have been changed, and only a few things were seen lying in front of the door.
Maeve checks the boxes. Things like her books or records were thrown there without any delicacy. The girl prepares to pick them up so she can move them away from the entrance.
Morgan kept her company that afternoon, because he doesn't want to leave her alone after what happened despite the girl having shown that she can take care of herself.
— I need to get my clothes out of there. —Maeve says trying to force the lock. — I'm not Paris Hilton.
— I can open the door.
— yeah, How?
— Like I open all the doors.
— You're not going to break down my door, You doorman.
— In theory, it's no longer yours.
— In theory shut up.
Maeve gives up on the lock and knows that it is easier to open a window than a door so she tries it this time, this time with the window. It takes her a few seconds to come out with her things in her backpack.
— I'm not even going to ask how you know how to do that. — Morgan says when he sees her come out of it.
— Good. Because I would have to kill you if I explain.
Morgan had helped Maeve carry her things, Spencer had been present with them, giving his girlfriend the key and making sure everything was according to plan, Spencer had made a point of reading her the building rules even though no one had told her. He complied but it was very important that he knew it. She now lived exactly two floors above his.
It was Maeve's first night in her apartment, it was obviously bigger than her previous apartment. There were still things missing that made the place characteristic of Maeve. For now it seemed like any other room, walls without colors, a room with little decoration and Maeve's books thrown everywhere.
— Hmm. I feel a little offended that now that you live nearby you don't want to sleep with me. — Spencer said.
— Come on. I need to spend at least one night here, you and I know that I will rarely use my own bed.
— I hope that is the case, Hunter.
— You're being a little dependent on me, don't you think so, Dr. Reid?
— Not even close. I would like to spend as much time as possible with you if the day didn't have twenty-four short hours.
— Mhm. What if. . .You sleep in my bed, Just this time!
— I'll get my pillows.
The day after that they had a case quite early in Las Vegas. This has caused Spencer Reid nightmares. The team trying to solve the disappearance of children close to five years old. Spencer's memory got in the way at all times, causing him headaches and nightmares that prevented him from being part of the case or at least giving his hundred percent.
Maeve would think that the boy was happy to return to the city where he grew up, after all she would be too if they returned to New York. It was Morgan who noticed it more than the rest of the team, so he decided to find out what was wrong.
Morgan insisted that dreams are a reflection of something we do not see, and our subconscious shows it to us, there was something that Spencer did not want to be aware of. And even he himself was beginning to suspect it, so his plan was to stay in Las Vegas and find out if those were his memories, or just his imagination.
— You said you would spend the day with your mother. —It's the first thing Morgan says when he sees Reid enter the hotel room.
Morgan, Rossi and Maeve stayed to spy on the lying genius.
— Lovely woman by the way. —Maeve says putting the spoon back into her ice cream.— Rossi give me the whipped cream.
— Did you know that Maeve knows how to open a window?— Rossi asks, passing her the whipped cream.
— Don't believe them. — Maeve spoke while she stuffed her mouth with ice cream. — They gave us the key at reception, I would never break into a hotel room. . .For the second time in my life.
Spencer looks at the three repeatedly trying to take in the situation. Morgan looks down at the report Reid had in his hands.
— What are you doing here? You guys should be at Quantico.
— And you shouldn't be looking for information about the murder of Riley Jenkins. —Spencer hides the file behind his back.—Reid, we already talked about this. He was a child who was murdered, The story reached your ears, and your mind did not limit your imagination.
—There's something about Riley's killer that maybe only I know. — Morgan doesn't understand what Reid was referring to. — I think was my father.
Morgan turns to look at his coworkers, making sure they heard the same thing but Maeve and Rossi were more focused on their ice creams.
— Would you like to taste my ice cream?— Maeve raises her spoon, pointing at Spencer.
First thing in the morning the team went to the law firm where William Reid works. The team looks at the unusual behavior of Spencer. Spencer, with nervousness that the team could notice, went to the bathroom to prepare to face the fact of not having seen his father in more than twenty years.
— It has affected him more than he thinks. — Rossi comments when Reid is gone.
— Imagine the idea of your father abandoning you. —Morgan says.—You will spend the rest of your life wondering what you did wrong.
Morgan and Rossi's gaze quickly shifts to Maeve.
The office door opens, now stealing attention from the man who had just left. It wasn't difficult to imagine that he was Spencer's father, there was a certain resemblance to them, but at the same time they seemed like different people.
— Mr. Reid. I'm Supervisory Agent David Rossi, this is Special Agent Derek Morgan and this is our Field Agent Maeve Hunter. We are from the FBI.
— FBI? How could I be useful to you?
— It's about your son.
— Spencer?
William agrees to talk to them only when he sees Spencer among them. Astonished by his son's physical change, he does not stop looking at him with pride, he is no longer just that little boy he once left with his mother. But for Spencer it wasn't the same. Every word that came out of that man's mouth was a prayer that had to be countered, This not going over the heads of any of the people in the room.
Spencer claims out loud to accuse his father of murder, telling him about the recurring dream he has had that he knows is hiding something from him. But William doesn't plan to let them access his past easily.
— If you want to search my belongings you need a warrant.
Which they didn't have.
Spencer leaves the place leaving the rest of the team inside, Morgan tries to continue talking to the man but he gives him nothing more than questions about his son, claiming that he has contributed to making Spencer who he is now.
— Unless breeding has revolutionized and could begin to be applied by telekinesis, I don't think so.
— Don't take away the merit, Rossi. — Maeve says. — He is responsible for his trauma, give him some credit.
— Spencer has no trauma.
Are you fucking blind?
— Would you rather your son think you're a murderer than tell the truth? —Morgan asks.
— I didn't murder Riley Jenkins, that's the truth.
Maeve lets out a sigh and walks out into the hallway to follow Spencer. She manages to see him and approaches it.
— We won't get a warrant. —It's the first thing he says as soon as he sees her. —So I want you to do something for me. — Maeve raises her eyebrows. — We have to hack my dad's files.
Maeve smiles in such a happy way that Spencer can claim to have never seen her like that.
— Of all the things you've said to me, this is my favorite.
Even though team members like Morgan insisted that they not do it, they continued. Luckily for Spencer, Maeve brings her computer on all her trips. It took a while to access the database but they found nothing incriminating, much less related to Riley Jenkins.
Spencer lay alone feeling disappointed thinking that he has gone back and forth on a case when the answer is right in front of him like this. A victory bell rings on the machine, catching the attention of a blonde woman who was two chairs away from the genius.
She looks in amazement at the boy's ability to get it right at the game and sits next to him. Morgan, Rossi and Maeve arrive behind their partner's back and observe his low spirits. Morgan looks to his right out of the corner of his eye, seeing Maeve as calm as always, even though the woman next to her boyfriend seemed to have other intentions beyond a talk.
— That girl is flirting with Reid, aren't you jealous? —Morgan asks.
— Spencer hasn't even noticed that he's being flirted with. — Maeve answers and goes to Spencer's side, using the free machine, he looks to the side noticing that she is her girlfriend next to him but his gaze returns to the game.
— Yeah you're lucky man. — Mention that strange woman to Spencer.
— It's not luck. It's mathematics. They are just commands that are repeated to each other, if you know how to play there is no way to lose.
— Fifty fifty. —Maeve speaks with her eyes on the screen, striking up a conversation with Spencer. — The program follows a card pattern, but it is not random, it knows the exact pair it should give you so that you can win at least three times in a row. Whose pair is not going to be repeated within, I don't know, some fifty times, You need some luck. If you are within the seven percent that do know how to play clearly.
— You don't even know how to play poker. — Spencer remembers the times he has let her win.
— It's not about poker, it's about software programming, Dumbass.
Spencer, who had not taken his eyes off the screen, had done so only to pay attention to what Maeve was saying. He smiled when he saw that she was doing so, feeling happy.
The blonde, with no interest in that conversation, takes out a cigarette, lighting it, and begins to smoke.
— Six minutes
— Excuse me? — Adrianna asks, that was that woman's name.
Spencer apologizes and explains that he said that as a reflection of something he said to her mother. They start a conversation that Maeve eventually stopped listening to.
Here's the thing, Maeve knew that Spencer had grown up in Las Vegas, so in her head she's sure that Spencer has seen all kinds of attractive women around the place, it's nothing he hasn't seen before, or nothing he was able to impress him.
But, that wasn't the reason she didn't feel jealous. She knew that Spencer's eyes were on her, at least in a figurative sense right now, When Spencer Reid's eyes stopped shining in the presence of Maeve Hunter, she will start to worry.
— Hypnosis. — Spencer says and he touches Maeve's shoulder as if she too understands the answer.
The boy stands up and informs his classmates what he has just discovered.
— Maeve we have to go. Reid had an idea. —Morgan says next to her. He frowns when he sees the numbers growing on the screen, increasing from a thousand dollars to more and more. —Did you break the machine or what did you do? Did you get into the system?
Maeve doesn't respond and just laughs. She didn't expect that to work, but the security was easier to breach than she thought.
— Okay, leave that. — Morgan drags the chair and grabs Maeve by the waist to take her away against her will before she could withdraw any winnings. — That's what happens when we let you violate someone's security. You have no limits, little thief.
— I won it fairly! — Maeve shouted as she tried to free herself by kicking but it was useless.
Rossi accompanied Spencer to hypnosis therapy, to delve into the recesses of his mind, blurry memories of his father, some with his mother present, Spencer couldn't quite distinguish what was happening, his mother seemed overwhelmed. Rossi has Spencer woken up when he wouldn't stop gasping and shaking, but he had woken up with what he assumes is the answer to Riley's death, which causes him to request his father again for another interrogation, taking a DNA sample from Riley. Spencer's father to compare them in the meantime.
— Good cop and bad cop? — Morgan asks Maeve and she nods with a small smile. —But you're going to be the good one this time.
—What? Why? That's unnatural!
— When I do it there is only bad cop. —Rossi says.
Despite Spencer's memories nothing seemed to fit, but he clung to the idea that his father was responsible, having Morgan interjecting himself between Spencer's screams in the middle of the interrogation accusing his father of it again, it was not a question of justice, Spencer wanted to see him pay for other things. Earning a glare from Maeve for his actions.
— Spencer. — The girl pulls him away from his friends, holding him by the shoulders, removing him from the scene. — Don't you think Morgan is right about this?— Look where these clues have taken us, We've been like dogs twirling our tails without finding anything, If the DNA matches. . .It doesn't matter if your dad murdered Riley or not, he's going to prison for the cover-up. Don't you think it's time to put a stop to this?
— Maeve, I don't want to be rude, but what do you know about losing a father? I know what I want to achieve with this.
— Yeah. . .You're right, I don't know shit about what it's like to lose a parent. I didn't even have one to lose.
— Maeve, That's not what I meant. . .
— I'm sure you can figure this out without me. —She walks towards the door.
— Maeve. — She turns her head back looking at him.— I'm sorry.
— I'm out.
Riley Jenkins was the youngest of two children born to Lou Jenkins and an unnamed mother. His family became familiar with the Reid family when his father, William Reid, coached the local youth baseball team of which he was a member. When he was six years old, he was seen by Gary Michaels when he was walking home alone from a T-ball game, because his parents were working late, and offered him a ride to his house or just asked him. he continued. After being persuaded to enter the basement by Michaels, he was raped and stabbed nine times in the chest by him with a knife in the fishing equipment under the stairs, leaving his body behind a washing machine; his mouth was sealed with duct tape before or after doing so.
That explained Spencer's memories. The clothes he saw weren't Riley's, they were his mother's. That's why William burned them. Unable to bear the guilt, William claims that was the reason he abandoned his family, starting a new life. life unrelated to anything Diana Reid consisted of.
Spencer could have been that man's next victim if it weren't for her mother acting first.
Somehow Spencer didn't want to think about how he could have been a victim of abuse. Now he understands why even now as an adult his parents wanted to protect him. The case was over and Reid owed his father an apology.
Hunter had returned to Quantico without the team, Rossi and Derek did so when the case was solved, Spencer claimed that he still had to do a couple of things in Las Vegas, and that was to spend more time with his mother.
The woman takes her son's hand and caresses it. She had no idea of the things that Spencer has seen in his work and this case was just a glimpse into what his life is like. He smiles at her touch and she does the same before returning her hands to the pair of cards and playing.
— I didn't know you have a girlfriend. —Diana says, taking Spencer by surprise.
— H-How did you know that?
— A mother always knows. . .She asked a lot of questions about you when she came with your partner. —The woman laughs.—She is pretty.
— Yeah. . .She is. — Spencer states with a sly smile, thinking that maybe Maeve should be there with him.
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