
Normal dialogue
'Telepathic link'
[Foreign language] <Dialogue in foreign language>


Mount Justice
September 7, 06:41 EDT

The first thing Superboy did when he woke up in the Cave was work on his motorbike.

???: How's your little project going?

Superboy looked behind him and saw Valeria walking towards him. She was wearing a white tank top with a red leather jacket, jeans, and blue sneakers. She had a dark green backpack slung over her shoulder.

Superboy: So far, so good. How about you? You ready for Midtown today?

Valeria chuckled as she leaned against the motorbike. She and M'gann managed to convince Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter to enroll in Midtown High in New York instead of Happy Harbor High.

Valeria: Yep. Nathan and I agreed to just say he and I are cousins. It's more believable than saying we're siblings.

Superboy: Yeah, that's a good idea. Hey, you think Manhunter knows that Nathan and M'gann are dating?

Valeria: Well, Nate's still alive and mentally sane, so if Manhunter does know, he doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

Superboy: Okay, then. Can you pass me the wrench?

Valeria picked up a wrench and gave it to Superboy.

Superboy: Thanks.

He continued to work on his bike. Just then, Sphere rolled towards them and nudged Superboy.

Superboy: (smiles) Jealous much?

Sphere let out a series of beeps before rolling to Valeria and nudging her. She giggled and patted it.

Valeria: Alright, bud. Alright.

???: Ready for school?

Superboy and Valeria turned around and saw M'gann, in her standard Miss Martian uniform, flying towards them while being followed by Aqualad, Red Tornado, and Martian Manhunter. She was holding four paper bags in her hands.

M'gann: I made our lunches.

She landed in front of Superboy and Valeria and handed them two of the bags.

Valeria: Is that extra one for Nathan?

M'gann: Yep. I'm not sure if he brings his own lunch or if he buys it from that bodega or...

Valeria: He sometimes buys from Teo's. Depends on what kind of morning he's had. But I'm sure he'd still appreciate you making him lunch.

M'gann smiled.

Martian Manhunter: The first day of the scholastic season carries great cultural resonance. We want to wish you three well.

Superboy: Guess it's not a Kryptonian thing.

Aqualad: You may wish to change before you depart.

Valeria: Way ahead of you, Kal.

M'gann: Ah, I spent hours choosing this outfit.

She shifted her clothing into a red skirt, white knee-high boots, a red jacket, and a white shirt. She still retained her green skin, though.

M'gann: What do you think? Can M'gann M'orzz pass as an Earth girl now?

Valeria: Uhh...just one little thing...

M'gann: Just kidding.

Her skin changed to Caucasian as she did a little twirl.

M'gann: Meet Megan Morse. (turns to Superboy) What's your new name?

Superboy: (confused) My what?

Martian Manhunter: I chose the name John Jones for myself...

He shape-shifted into a bald African American man in a tuxedo.

Martian Manhunter: And suggested John Smith for Red Tornado. You could be a John, too.

Superboy: (crosses his arms) Pass.

Valeria: I mean...Conner's a pretty good name.

Superboy just shrugged.

Aqualad: A last name will also be required.

Martian Manhunter: Perhaps Kent?

M'gann: Oh, in memory if Dr. Fate, the late Kent Nelson.

Martian Manhunter shifted back to his Martian form.

Martian Manhunter: Of...course.

Conner: Okay, sure. I guess it'd be an honor or something.

Valeria: Alright, Conner Kent, now you should probably change your shirt.

Conner gave her a look of confusion.

Valeria: (smirks) Unless you wanna advertise your identity.

Conner looked down at his shirt, then at Valeria before proceeding to take it off in front of her. Valeria blushed profusely as Conner turned his shirt inside out.

Conner: (sighs) Will this work?

Valeria: Uh...Yeah. Works just fine. (shakes her head) Come on, Nathan's probably waiting for us.

She speed-walked towards the Zeta tubes.

Conner: What's up with her?

He looked at M'gann and saw her smirking at him.

M'gann: I think I know.

Conner: Okay. Care to share?

M'gann: Nah, that's for you to figure out. Come on.

She telekinetically took the lunch bags and walked past Conner, who raised an eyebrow before putting on his shirt.

Conner: Wait, shouldn't I be Conner Nelson?

He followed M'gann and Valeria into the Zeta tubes.

Martian Manhunter: They grow up so fast.

Sphere rolled up and beeped.


New York City
September 7, 07:58 EDT

After the zeta tube to New York, Conner, Valeria, and M'gann walked all the way to Midtown High. The trio stopped in front of the campus front gate as more students arrived.

M'gann: Is my head going bonkers, or are there more students than the last time I was here?

Valeria: It always feels like that on the first day. You'll get used to it.

???: Well, well, well.

They turned around and saw Ned Leeds behind them with his two cronies behind him. All three of them were smirking.

Ned: Looks like we got some fresh meat here, boys.

The two cronies snickered, while Valeria and M'gann rolled their eyes. The girls noticed Conner glaring right at Ned, who didn't seem to notice.

Valeria: (whispers) Conner, don't.

Conner's glare softened a bit, but Ned looked at M'gann and smirked even wider.

Ned: Now where did I see you before? You look familiar.

M'gann: Uhh...You probably got me confused with someone else.

Ned: Maybe, but you looking good.

M'gann: Okay, that's a no.

Ned: You really ain't gonna give me a chance? You got a boyfriend or something?

Conner immediately stepped up to Ned and grabbed him by his basketball jersey.

???: Matter of fact, she does.

They all turned and saw Nathan, who was wearing a white zip-up hoodie, blue shirt, jeans, and black canvas shoes, walking up to them while shooting Ned an unimpressed look before looking at Conner.

Nathan: Let him go, buddy.

Conner glared at Ned for a few seconds before finally letting him go.

Ned: (scoffs) Whatever.

He walked past Conner, shoulder-barging him in the process, while his friends followed him. Conner was about to march up to Ned, but Valeria stepped in front of him and put her hand on his chest.

Valeria: Don't.

Conner grumbled before stepping back and looking at Nathan.

Conner: I didn't need your help, Nathan, but...Thanks

Nathan: Honestly, I was helping him. You would've put him in a hospital if I hadn't shown up, Super—

He stopped himself at the last second before looking at Valeria and M'gann.

M'gann: 'He goes by Conner Kent, now. By the way, thanks for standing up for me.'

Nathan nodded before a blonde girl in a cheerleading uniform walked up to them.

Nathan: Hey, Liz.

Liz: Hey, Nathan. Looks like you had a great summer.

Nathan chuckled as he glanced at M'gann, who glanced back with a smile.

Liz: Right. Where are my manners? I'm Liz Allan. And you are...?

M'gann: Hi. I'm Megan Morse, this is Valeria Rollins and Conner Kent.

Liz raised an eye as she looked between Valeria and Nathan.

Nathan: She's my cousin.
Valeria: I'm his cousin.

Liz: Oh. Well, that explains it. (turns to M'gann) Anyway, I've been where you're at before, so I know how hard it can be to fit in. Although, you do look like great Tiger material to me.

M'gann furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

Nathan: She's talking about cheerleading.

M'gann: Oh.

Liz: Tryouts are after school if you want in.

Nathan immediately saw M'gann's eyes glint in excitement.

M'gann: Thanks! I'll be there.

Liz: Great. (turns to Valeria) Offer goes to you too if you want it.

Valeria: Thanks, Liz. But I'm more into science anyway.

Liz: (smirks) Guess it runs in the family.

She, Valeria, and M'gann walked into the school building, leaving Nathan and Conner outside.

Conner: How did you not put this Leeds guy on his butt more often?

Nathan: Mainly because he somehow learned from the first time. Besides, I was kinda pulling my punches.

Conner: Wait, seriously?

Nathan: I had almost ripped my bedroom door off its hinges and broke the bathroom sink to pieces that morning.

Conner: So you hold back, even now?

Nathan: If I were to punch a guy in the face full strength, I'd fling their jaw off.

Conner raised his eyebrows in surprise before Nathan patted his shoulder.

Nathan: Come on. We don't wanna be late on the first day.

He walked into the school building, while Conner stood still for a second before following him.


After the first couple of classes, it was time for Social Studies. Nathan, M'gann, Conner, and Valeria sat next to each other in a row just behind Mary Jane, Gwen, Harry, and Peter. The teacher, Mr. Myers, had brought in a TV and turned on a new channel broadcasting the Rhelasian Peace Summit in Taipei, Taiwan, which was arbitrated by Lex Luthor.

Cat Grant: (on TV) If Lex Luthor's unknown strategy for peace fails, the two Rhelasias are looking at all-out war before morning.

Mr. Myers turned off the TV before addressing the class.

Mr. Myers: Who can tell me more about Rhelasia? Harry?

Harry immediately lifted his head from his desk, having fallen asleep earlier.

Harry: Uhh...It's better than Fakeasia, right?

Only a couple of people laughed awkwardly. Nathan had to fight the urge to smack Harry upside the head.

Mr. Myers: (sighs) Anyone else?

Conner: Modern Rhelasia was created in 1855 and ruled by the Bokun dynasty until it was divided by the great powers into North and South Rhelasia after World War II.

This caught Nathan, M'gann, and Valeria off guard. They never thought that Conner would actually know something like this.

Mr. Myers: Very good.

Conner: But why are they fighting? They're all humans. I mean, Rhelasians, right?

Mr. Myers: Right on both counts, actually.

He turned around to write on the blackboard, while Valeria talked to Conner via the telepathic link M'gann established between herself, Valeria, Nathan, and Conner.

Valeria: 'Too many people don't care about the color of the blood we all bleed. Ever since we humans were born, we've been fighting each other just for having different beliefs, sexuality, even skin color. It's just disgusting.'

M'gann: 'It's no different on Mars. The White Martian minority are treated as second-class citizens by the Green majority. Of course, I'm green, but that doesn't make it right.'

She felt Nathan putting his hand over hers.

Nathan: (sighs) 'I guess discrimination is a universal language. There's still some good in the world. That's what we're fighting to preserve.'


After more classes, it was lunchtime. Nathan, Valeria, M'gann, and Conner sat across a table with Mary Jane, Gwen, Peter, and Harry while they ate their lunches.

Harry: (to Valeria) You're actually Nate's cousin?

Valeria: Yes, I am. Just like the last two times you asked me that question.

Harry: Sorry, it's just...You two look very much alike. Not to mention, he never said anything about having a cousin.

Nathan: It just never came up.

Harry: Probably.

He then started staring in a certain direction.

Mary Jane: (sighs) He's staring at Liz again, isn't he?

Nathan: Yep.

Harry stopped staring at Liz and glared at Mary Jane with his cheeks red.

Harry: No, I wasn't.

Valeria: Yes, you were.

Peter: Seriously, Harry, just go and ask her.

Harry: I can't just "go and ask her!" Besides, you don't exactly have a leg to stand on, Pete. You're the one getting cold feet whenever MJ's nearby.

Peter & Mary Jane: Shut up, Osborn.

Just then, Ned decided to make his appearance. He rested his hand on the table with a basketball under his arm while smirking at Valeria and M'gann.

Ned: Hey, ladies. What are pretty birds like you doing hanging out with these losers?

Conner growled as he was about to stand up, but Valeria put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

Valeria: (whispers) Stand down, Conner. I got this.

She then slowly got up and glared at Ned.

Valeria: You just can't seem to take a hint, can you, Leeds? You're seriously shooting your shot with a couple of new girls. One's not even close to interested, while the other is taken by one of those "losers."

Ned: (chuckles) I find that really hard to believe.

Valeria: Then you're dumber than I heard you were.

The chatter in the cafeteria stopped as everyone watched Valeria and Ned staring each other down.

Ned: You wanna say that again?

Valeria: (smirks) I'll do you one better, Leeds.

She quickly snatched the basketball from Ned's arm and stood in the middle of the cafeteria. She tossed it in her hands while slowly pacing around.

Ned: Okay, that's cute. Now give me the ball back.

Valeria: You know, Ned. I almost feel sorry for you.

Ned: You don't know me.

Valeria: I know more than you think.

She started spinning the basketball on her index finger and began walking around Ned.

Valeria: You're the man. Star player of the basketball team. Dates the pretty girls. Midtown High is your kingdom.

She stopped the ball from spinning before addressing the cafeteria.

Valeria: But, ladies and gentlemen...Ned's a bully. Why, you may ask? It's all too easy to say Ned preys on the weak simply because he's a douchebag.

This caused a few people in the cafeteria to chuckle, including Harry, Peter, Nathan, Mary Jane, and Gwen.

Valeria: Nah, nah, nah. Big boy Leeds actually more complex than that. See, according to leading physiatrists...

She started spinning the basketball on her middle finger while also holding up her index and ring fingers.

Valeria: Ned's a bully for one of three reasons. Numero uno...

She started rolling the ball over her shoulders.

Valeria: Underneath all that male bravado, there's an insecure little girl banging on the closet door trying to get out.

Almost everyone in the cafeteria started laughing as Valeria started doing more complex tricks with the basketball.

Valeria: Dos: Like a caveman, Ned's brain is...underdeveloped. Therefore, Ned suffers from a lack of self-control. And so he acts out aggressively. And finally, numero tres...

She started spinning the ball on her pinkie finger.

Valeria: Ned Leeds has a small wiener.

Everyone gasped in surprise. Ned glared at Valeria, who just smirked at him before dribbling the ball between her legs while walking closer to him before faking a throw at Ned's face, making him flinch.

Valeria: Don't hurt yourself, big boy.

She tossed the ball back to Ned, who fumbled for a bit before catching it and walking back to her table.

Harry: You sure you're not Nate's long-lost twin or something?

Nathan and Valeria chuckled. Valeria looked at Superboy, who smirked while nodding at her. She felt her cheeks burn up slightly before getting back to her lunch.


The bell rang as the period before last ended. Nathan and M'gann were at their lockers, which were next to each other, as they grabbed their stuff from them.

Nathan: So, you looking forward to tryouts?

M'gann: Yes! I really hope I make the cut.

Nathan: I'm betting you will, Meg. You'll crush it.

M'gann smiled, but then Nathan felt his watch vibrate. He looked at it and sighed, which caused the smile on M'gann's face to fade quickly.

M'gann: What is it?

Nathan: Shocker's robbing a jewelry store in Soho. I have to go.

M'gann: But what about tryouts? You said you'd be there.

Nathan: I'll wrap it up quick and get back before it's your turn. I promise.

He pecked M'gann on the cheek before speed-walking away. M'gann sighed sadly before continuing on her way to class.


Just outside a jewelry store in Soho, Herman Schultz, aka Shocker, broke out through the front window and landed on the street.

He used his sonic gauntlets to boost himself off the ground and leap away from the scene. He had just believed he had gotten away when he was suddenly tackled onto a rooftop.

???: Seriously, Herman?

Shocker looked up and saw Spider-Man standing in front of him.

Spider-Man: Didn't you get out on parole just last week?

Shocker: Out of all the people, it had to be you?

Spider-Man: Ouch. Words hurt, Herman.

Shocker: Well, this'll hurt EVEN MORE!

He shot a sonic beam at Spider-Man, who just managed to jump out of the way, before getting up and leaping away. Spider-Man shook his head before swinging after him.

Spider-Man: C'mon, Herman. How many times are we gonna do this song and dance? You get out of jail, you rob a place, I show up and put you back in. That's the second time we're doing this.


Spider-Man: You know I can't do that, buddy.

Herman shot a beam at Spider-Man, but he pulled himself out of the way before continuing his pursuit. Just then, Spider-Man got an idea.

Spider-Man: Okay, you might be right, Herman.

Shocker turned around and saw no sign of Spider-Man. He quickly looked around before leaping away, but he was suddenly tackled onto the street below by an unknown force. He was about to get up before he found himself quickly wrapped in webbing and hanging upside down on a streetlamp.

Shocker: What the—? How did—?

???: You got your tricks, Shocker...

Shocker saw Spider-Man shimmer into visibility in front of him.

Spider-Man: I got mine.

Shocker started stammering.

Spider-Man: Yep, it caught me off-guard too.

They then heard sirens approaching them.

Spider-Man: Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I actually promised someone I'd be there to cheer her on, so...Bye!

He swung away.


Back in Midtown High, M'gann stood in the football field in her own cheerleading outfit. She watched as other girls did their routine in an attempt to enter the cheerleading team. Some made the cut, while others didn't. Every once in a while, M'gann would glance up the bleachers, hoping to see Nathan sitting there to encourage her, but she was met with disappointment when she saw that Nathan wasn't there.

Before she knew it, Liz called on M'gann.

Liz: Okay, Megan. You're up.

M'gann sighed as she took one last glance at the bleacher, but this time, she saw Nathan appearing at the top of the bleachers while panting. He looked down and saw M'gann and smiled, which made her smile back before turning to Liz and performing her routine with complete confidence.

After M'gann was done with her routine, Liz and teammates huddled up and whispered amongst each other. M'gann waited anxiously as she looked at Nathan, who gave her a comforting smile.

After a few seconds, Liz separated from her teammates and walked up to M'gann. What M'gann failed to notice was that two of the cheerleaders were sneaking up behind M'gann with a large bucket of water.

M'gann: How'd I do?

Liz: I thought you did great. And I'm really sorry about this.

The cheerleaders dunked the water over M'gann's head.

M'gann: Aah!

???: Seriously?!

They all turned around and saw Nathan marching down the bleachers.

Nathan: What the heck was that, Liz?!

He jumped down and walked up to M'gann.

Nathan: You okay?

M'gann: Yeah.

Nathan nodded before glaring at Liz.

Liz: Sorry. It was a stupid initiation ritual that I wish my teammates would abandon.

Nathan: I didn't see you try to stop it.

Liz: Trust me, Nathan, I tried for two years.

M'gann: Wait. "Initiation ritual?" (smiles) Hello, Megan! That means I made the team! (stops smiling) Um, I did, right?

Cheerleader 1: You're a Tiger, girl.

M'gann smiled widely as she started hopping on the balls of her feet in excitement.

M'gann: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

She then hugged Liz, who hugged back while some of the other cheerleaders joined in on the hug. Nathan felt his anger dissipate as he watched.

Cheerleader 2: (points at Nathan) I take it he's your boyfriend or something? I mean, the way he came to your rescue was kinda cute.

M'gann blushed while Nathan scratched the back of his head. Their reaction caused Liz to smirk.

Liz: Well, I hope I'm invited to the wedding.

She and the cheerleaders giggled while Nathan and M'gann blushed even deeper. Nathan shook his head before taking off his zip-up hoodie and draping it over M'gann's shoulders, which made her smile.

After a while, tryouts ended, and everyone began leaving. Nathan bent down and picked up M'gann's books.

M'gann: You're carrying my books?

Nathan: (chuckles) You do not want wet textbooks, Meg. Trust me, it's a hassle to deal with. Come on

He and M'gann started walking side by side.

M'gann: Speaking from experience?

Nathan: (smirks) Uh-huh. Learned that the hard way after getting a little too close to the East River one time.

M'gann giggled as Nathan draped an arm around M'gann's waist.


September 7, 22:50 NST

On the other side of the planet, Lex Luthor had managed to successfully get the leaders of the two Rhelasias to sign the peace treaty. That was, of course, without its difficulties, since Cheshire, Sportsmaster, and Ra's al Ghul attempted to sabotage the peace summit, but the League of Shadows' efforts were thwarted thanks to Red Arrow and Aqualad.

After the summit, Red Arrow and Aqualad walked out of the building.

Red Arrow: I can't believe we just did a solid for Lex Luthor

Aqualad: Not for Luthor, for peace. Beyond that, if Ra's and the League of Shadows wanted to sabotage the summit, the signing of the treaty renders their contract moot. It is over.

Red Arrow: Is it? I heard what Sportsmaster said. Do you really think there's a mole on your team feeding him intel?

Aqualad: I cannot rule out the possibility. I will investigate quietly.

Red Arrow: Not tell them?

Aqualad: I do not want the unit unraveling over baseless suspicions. And if there is a mole, I have no wish to tip him or her off.

Red Arrow: Good luck with that.

He gave Aqualad a salute before walking away.

Aqualad: One moment, my friend.

Red Arrow stopped.

Aqualad: Tonight, you could have called Green Arrow for help, or the Justice League. Instead, your first instinct was to call the Cave.

Red Arrow: You're right. The Team deserves...Has my respect. Even Spider-Man.

He turned around to face Aqualad.

Red Arrow: I'm still getting used to this solo act stuff, but if you need me, I'll be there.

He and Aqualad shook hands.

(A/N: If you want to compare the heights of the characters, here you go)

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