Drop Zone

Normal dialogue
'Telepathic link'
[Foreign language] <Dialogue in foreign language>

Caribbean Sea
June 22, 20:08 ECT

Four days after defeating Mr. Twister, the team (all in their hero uniforms) was now in the Bioship, flying to an island for a stealth mission.

Prior to this, Nathan designed a new suit for this mission. It was the same as his standard suit, except the blue was replaced with black, the red was now a darker shade, and the white spider on the chest and back was now a darker grey.

Miss Martian: We're approaching Santa Prisca.

Robin sat in silence, remembering the briefing Batman gave them before they left.


The team stood behind Batman and Red Tornado, who were standing in front of a hologram of the island.

Batman: Isla Santa Prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neo-steroid. A strength-enhancing drug, sold under the street name Venom.

The hologram switched to images of a factory.

Batman: Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert, recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones.

Dick: So who's in charge?

Batman and Red Tornado looked at each other, then back at the team.

Batman: Work that out between you.


Robin smirks.

Miss Martian: Drop Zone A in 30.

Aqualad got up from his seat and pressed the emblem on his belt. As he did, the red top of his suit changed to a dark grey.

Aqualad: Ready.

Miss Martian: Putting Bioship in camouflage mode.

Once the Bioship turned invisible, Miss Martian dropped until they were only a few feet over the ocean. A hatch on the bottom of the ship opened, allowing Aqualad to jump out and dive into the water as M'gann piloted the Bioship further inland.

Aqualad: Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data's now on a continuous loop. Move in.

M'gann piloted the Bioship and stopped over a clearing in the jungle.

Miss Martian: Drop Zone B.

Everyone got off their seats as tethers appeared in front of them. Robin, Kid Flash, and Spider-Man attached the tethers onto their belts as Kid Flash pressed the lightning emblem on his chest. Once he did, the yellow and the white in his suit changed into a dark grey, and the red turned to black, including his goggles.

Kid Flash: (to M'gann) How cool is this?

Miss Martian: Very impressive.

She changed into her stealth uniform, which consisted of an all-black suit, apart from the X on the front, and her cape, which remained red and blue, respectively.

Spider-Man: Okay, that's awesome.

Kid Flash: You can say that again. (turns to Superboy) Hey, Supey. Not too late to put on the new Stealth-Tech.

Superboy: No capes. No tights. No offense.

Spider-Man: Alright, have it your way.

Kid Flash: You didn't have to make a whole new suit, Spidey. You know that, right?

Spider-Man: I've always preferred using my own gear, anyway. At least, I know they work when I know I made 'em.

Miss Martain: It totally works for you.

Spider-Man looked at Miss Martian, who was resting her hand against her face while she stared at him. Once she noticed him looking at her, she backtracked.

Miss Martian: In that you could totally do good work with your own gear.

She gave him a thumbs-up. Under his mask, Spider-Man raised an eyebrow while Miss Martian put her hood over her head and turned invisible.

Spider-Man: 'Wish I could do that.'

Once the bottom hatch was opened, Kid Flash, Robin, Spider-Man, and Miss Martian jumped out. Miss Martian simply floated onto the ground while Robin, Kid Flash, and Spider-Man landed softly next to her using the tethers attached to their belts.

When they looked up, they saw Superboy falling towards them at full speed, prompting them to jump out of the way. Superboy landed harshly on the ground, leaving a small crater under him as he got up.

Superboy: (smirks) Knew I didn't need a line.

Robin: And yet, creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the covert.

Everyone stepped back into the clearing as Robin activated a hologram of the island on his glove.

Spider-Man: Aqualad, Drop B is go.

Aqualad: Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP.

Robin: Roger that.

He deactivated the hologram before leading the others towards the factory.

While walking on the trail, Superboy managed to hear twigs snapping.

Superboy: Did you hear that?

Spider-Man: Hear what?

Kid Flash: Wait, is this a super-hearing thing?

Spider-Man: Looks like it. What's the plan, Robin?

They turned, only to find that Robin disappeared.

Kid Flash: Man, I hate it when he does that.

Spider-Man: Next time, I'm putting a cowbell on him.

Aqualad: Superboy, Kid, Spider-Man. Switch to infrared. See if you're being tracked.

Kid Flash lowered his goggles, while Spider-Man's mask lenses switched from white to blue with red dots where his eyes would be as they looked around.

Kid Flash: Got a squad of armed bozos incoming.

They saw a squad of four armed men walking a path as the team hid behind a rock. Spider-Man and Superboy looked around...

Spider-Man: Make that two squads. I see another group of five.

Superboy: But they'll meet each other before they meet us.

Suddenly, they heard rapid-fire gunshots where the two squads were.

Kid Flash: No super-hearing required now.

He lifted his goggles off his eyes.

Aqualad: Swing wide. Steer clear.

Kid Flash: Yeah, yeah. Just as soon as I find Rob.

Spider-Man: No, Kid, wait—

Kid Flash just ran off toward the gunfire.

Spider-Man: (sighs) Looks like we'll have to save his sorry butt. Come on.


While Kid Flash was running, he ended up slipping on a patch of mud. He tumbled until he landed right in front of the squad of mercenaries, led by a muscular man in a black-and-white luchador mask.

Kid Flash: So much for the stealthy.

The mercs began shooting at Kid Flash, who barely managed to avoid the bullets as he ran off, but he had to change directions when the squad wearing red robes started shooting him as well.

One of the mercenaries didn't notice Spider-Man landing behind him. The webhead's finger sparked as he tapped the mercenary's shoulder, making him turn around.

Spider-Man: Yo, what's up?

The mercenary attempted to swing at Spider-Man, but he was suddenly shocked into unconsciousness.

Another mercenary turned around, only for Spider-Man to web-strike him into a tree.

While the luchador shot at Kid Flash, he was tackled by Superboy. The luchador pinned Superboy to the ground, but he was quickly thrown into a tree.

While a couple of mercenaries shot at Kid Flash, who evaded the bullets, Robin landed on top of them and quickly knocked them out.

Robin: What is wrong with you guys? Remember "covert"? Why didn't you follow my lead? Vanish into the jungle?

Kid Flash managed to toss a robed gunman towards Spider-Man, who swing-kicked him into a tree, knocking him out.

Spider-Man: (sarcastically) Ah, yes. Very generous of you to let us know.

Kid Flash: Way to fill us in. We're not mind readers, you know.

They looked behind them and saw Miss Martian telekinetically two robed gunmen into a tree, knocking them both out.

Kid Flash: Or Spidey and I aren't, anyway.

Miss Martian: You told me I could only read the bad guys' minds.

She looked over Spider-Man's shoulder and noticed a robed gunman aiming his rifle at him.

Miss Martian: SPIDER-MAN!

Without even looking, Spider-Man shot a web line at the rifle and yanked it off before pinning him into a tree with an impact web.

Miss Martian sighed in relief as Spider-Man gave her a thumbs-up.

Robin noticed a robed gunman making a run for it. He took out a birdarang, but Aqualad landed in front of the gunman and shocked him with his electric powers before crushing his rifle.


After tying the mercenaries and the robed gunmen into trees using Spider-Man's webbing, Robin took a closer look at the red robes.

Robin: I recognize these uniforms. They belong to the Cult of the Kobra.

Aqualad: I am certain Batman would've mentioned it if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's Venom operation.

Robin: Agreed.

Spider-Man: And since the mercs and cultists started blasting the second they saw each other, it's safe to say that Kobra went for a hostile takeover. Which would be why any normal supply lines have been cut off.

Kid Flash: We get it. Kobra wanted super-cultists. Mystery solved. Radio Bats and we'll be home for—

Robin: These cultists aren't on Venom. Kobra's hoarding this stuff. We don't leave. Not until I know why.

Kid Flash: Until you know why?

Robin: This team needs a leader.

Kid Flash: And it's you? Dude, you're a 13-year-old kid who ducked out on us without a word.

Robin: (laughs) And you're a mature 15? You blew our cover first chance you got.

While Robin and Kid Flash argued, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Spider-Man stood next to each other.

Miss Martian: Don't either of you boys want to lead?

Superboy shook his head with a scoff.

Spider-Man: Leading is not my thing, and I don't think it ever will be. You?

Miss Martian: After the Mr. Twister fiasco?

Spider-Man patted Miss Martian's shoulder.

Spider-Man: You did a pretty good job.

Miss Martian looked away with a blush as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. Just then, Superboy picked up something with his super-hearing.

Merc: [Spanish] <Look at them argue! Free yourself and take them out while they're distracted.>

Luchador: [Spanish] <Quiet! For now, I play along. They'll give me what I need.>

Superboy smirks slightly.

Kid Flash: (to Robin) Yeah? You don't even have superpowers.

Robin: Neither does Batman.

Kid Flash: Tscha! You're not Batman.

Robin: Tscha! Closest thing we've got!

They were interrupted when the luchador started laughing.

Luchador: Such clever niños. But you only know half the story. Let me show you the rest. Get you into the factory via my secret entrance.

The team stood in front of the luchador.

Miss Martian: There is a secret entrance, but he's also hiding something.

She pressed her hand against her temple as her eyes glowed white.

Bane: Ah, ah, ah, chica. Bane is not that easy.

Miss Martian: (groans) He's mentally reciting fútbol scores. En español. This could take a while.

Bane: It's not complicated. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Spider-Man: [Spanish] <Careful, Bane. One day, you're gonna find that saying cuts both ways.>

Bane simply smirked.


With help from Bane, the team reached a cliff overlooking the factory. Robin took out a pair of binoculars and examined the factory. What none of them noticed was Bane walking towards something.

Spider-Man: What do you see, Rob?

Robin: A whole lot of guards, and a buttload of product. A buy is going down. But if Kobra's not selling to the usual suspects, then...

Aqualad: We need to identify that buyer.

Kid Flash: Just what I was thinking.

Robin: (sarcastically) Yeah. You're the thinker.

Kid Flash: Sarcasm? Dude.

Spider-Man: Can the two of you just shut up? We came here looking for answers, not bickering every chance we get over every little thing like a bunch of toddlers.

They turned around and saw Bane lifting a boulder and moving it out of the way, revealing a mine shaft.

Bane: Answers are this way.

He walks ahead into the mine.

Kid Flash: So, now El Luchador is our leader.

Robin smacked Kid Flash before entering the mine, and the rest of the team followed them. Once they reached the end of the mineshaft, Bane pressed a button, opening a sliding door that led inside the factory.

Bane opened the door as Robin peeked through.

Robin: All clear.

Without a warning, Robin ran out the door and into the factory. Bane and the rest of the team followed, but they found no sign of the Boy Wonder.

Bane: Has that little fool already been caught?

Aqualad: No. He just does that.

Spider-Man: It's just getting ridiculous at this point.

Kid Flash: Stay put. I'll get our intel and be back before the Boy Wonder.

Aqualad: Wait, Kid—

Kid Flash ran off.

Bane: Great chain of command.

Spider-Man: Shut up.


In a control center above, a Kobra cultist sat on a computer until a birdarang landed next to him. It released a sleeping gas that knocked out the cultist instantly as Robin tossed him out of his seat and began typing into the computer.


Bane, Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Spider-Man were hiding behind some crates while watching the Cult of Kobra moving crates of Venom around the warehouse.

Aqualad: It's a massive shipment.

Spider-Man: But they're only taking new product off the line. They're not touching his venom.

Miss Martian: Maybe freshness counts?

Superboy: Helicopter's coming.

They look out the window, and sure enough, they heard the faint sound of helicopter blades that were approaching.


Back in the control center, Robin continued typing on the computer as Kid Flash sped in with a candy bar in his hand.

Kid Flash: What you got?

Robin: Chemical formulas.

Kid Flash took a bite out of his candy bar as he stood next to Robin.

Robin: I'm guessing it involves Venom, but...

The screen showed chemical compounds of two substances.

Kid Flash: This one's Venom. That one's...Woah. The Blockbuster formula from Cadmus. Mixed correctly, Kobra' new juice is three times stronger than Venom. And permanent. But how did Kobra get access to Project Blockbuster?

Robin: Our mystery buyer must also be Kobra's supplier, using the cult to create a Blockbuster/Venom super formula.

He tapped his earpiece.

Robin: Robin to Aqualad. We got...

He stopped himself when he heard...

Robin: Static.


The helicopter landed outside, and Sportsmaster stepped out. He walked toward Kobra, Shimmer, and a freakish giant monster that was injected with the Blockbuster/Venom hybrid.

Sportsmaster: Lord Kobra.

Lord Kobra: Sportsmaster. The shipment is ready.

Shimmer opened a box, and revealed several vials full of purple fluid. Sportsmaster took one and examined it.

Sportsmaster: The new Kobra-Venom?

Lord Kobra: A complete success. Our friends will not be disappointed.

Sportsmaster: This is a game-changer. Finally, we can go mano a mano with the Justice League.

Directly above them, Miss Martian hovered above them, invisible to the naked eye.

Miss Martian: 'Aqualad, sending you a telepathic image of the buyer now.'


On the catwalk back in the warehouse, Bane, Aqualad, Superboy, and Spider-Man sat by while Aqualad saw the image in his head.

Aqualad: Sportsmaster. He is the buyer. (taps his earpiece) Aqualad to Red Tornado, do you read?

All he got in return was static.

Aqualad: Ugh. Can't reach the League, Robin, or Kid. Comm's jammed. We need a plan, now.

Bane: I have a suggestion.

Without warning, Bane jumped off the railing and landed below, attacking two cultists.

Suddenly, Spider-Man heard his Spider-Sense blaring and immediately turned to the window behind him. Aqualad and Superboy noticed this and turned around, only to see the Kobra-Venom-induced monster crash through the window and land on the catwalk, breaking it and making the three of them fall down.

As Aqualad, Superboy, Spider-Man, and Bane stared the monster down, Superboy heard something lunging towards them. Or, more specifically, Spider-Man.

Superboy: Spidey, look out!

Spider-Man turned around, only to be tackled by an unknown figure. He ended up skidding on the ground until he stopped and managed to get a good look at who his attacker was.

His armor was mostly black. His shoulder pads, most of his mask, kneepads, and gauntlets were purple. The lenses of his mask and the emblem on his chest were glowing bright green.

Before he could react, Spider-Man felt a sharp stinging sensation on the side of his neck. He quickly managed to push the man off him before getting up. For some reason, he didn't feel anything getting injected into his bloodstream, but he noticed the armored man in front of him gently pocket an injector-like device into his suit.

Spider-Man quickly realized that the man didn't inject something into him, he drew blood out of him.

Lord Kobra: Destroy them!

Superboy and the monster charged at each other, while Spider-Man and the armored man began trading blows, and the cultists advanced toward Aqualad.

Aqualad quickly took his Waterbearers off his back and created a shield just as the cultists began shooting him.

While this was happening, Bane hid behind a pillar and chuckled before disappearing into the shadows.

Spider-Man: (to the armored man) Are you mad at me? I feel like you're mad at me.

He blocked a kick from the man before shooting two web lines onto his shoulders and pulling them, forcing the man's head onto his knee, staggering him.

Spider-Man heard a *skint* sound from the man's hands and leaned back just as the man swiped his hand across his face. Even though he evaded the swipe, he noticed that the man had claws.

Spider-Man: Claws? Really? A bit much, don't you think?

Then the man spoke with a modulated voice.

Man: Do you ever shut up?

Spider-Man: Once every Friday.

He kept dodging the man's swipes before grabbing his arm and tossing him away. Then he noticed Sportsmaster throwing a javelin into the air before it exploded in midair. The explosion forced Miss Martian to turn visible again as she was knocked onto the top of a silo.

Spider-Man widened his eyes and was about to swing towards her before his Spider-Sense blared again. He quickly jumped to the left and dodged a swipe from the armored man.

Man: Eyes on me, young'un!

Spider-Man: Kinda hard not to with all that purple.

The man didn't respond, instead tossing multiple devices on the floor. Each device created a holographic projection of the man.

Spider-Man: Holo-clones? That's a new one.

He charged up his fist with his bioelectricity before punching the ground, destroying each hologram. However, the real armored man managed to sneak off and kicked Spider-Man in the back, making him fly into a pillar.

Then, he heard Miss Martian's voice in his head.

Miss Martian: 'Everyone online?'

Superboy: 'Yeah.'

Spider-Man immediately knew what that was. A few days prior to this mission, he had suggested that Miss Martian could create a mental link between the team to replace standard radio comms. That way, it wouldn't be intercepted or jammed unless there was another telepath. Superboy was reluctant at first, but he agreed along with the rest of the team.

Kid Flash: 'You know it, beautiful.'

Spider-Man: 'Wally, can you please stop flirting for just 5 fricking minutes?!'

Aqualad: 'Good. We need to regroup.'

Robin: 'Busy now.'

Spider-Man groaned in frustration, knowing full well that Robin would most likely go for Lord Kobra himself while everyone else was occupied.

Spider-Man: (to the armored man) Hey, man. I'd love to do this all night, but...

He shot multiple impact webs at the man, sticking him to a wall.

Spider-Man: Bye! 'Now, Robin!'

He ran off towards the secret entrance, avoiding gunfire while neutralizing any cultist between the team and the secret entrance.

Aqualad: 'We need to retreat. Kid, Spider-Man, clear a path.'

Spider-Man: 'Way ahead of you.'

Kid Flash sped ahead, knocking over every Kobra cultist in his path as he, Spider-Man, Aqualad, and Miss Martian ran/flew/swung toward the secret entrance. Superboy held the monster back, then Spider-Man shot an electric web at it, making it let go of Superboy, who grabbed its arm and tossed it to some cultists before running past the entrance.

Once everyone was in the mineshaft, Superboy forced the sliding door closed, while Spider-Man webbed it up.

Spider-Man: GO!

The team ran just as the monster managed to break through the closed entrance and began chasing them as the cultists joined it and shot at them.

Aqualad: Superboy, Spider-Man, the support beams.

Superboy punched one beam, shattering it, while Spider-Man did the same with the other. This caused a cave-in that blocked the Cult of the Kobra from the team.

Once they knew they were safe, everyone took a breath as Aqualad turned on a few red glowsticks, illuminating the dark mineshaft.

Robin: How could my first mission as leader go so wrong?

Aqualad: You do have the most experience. But perhaps that is exactly what has left you unprepared. Fighting alongside Batman, your roles are defined. You two do not need to talk. But this team is new. And a leader must be clear, explicit. He cannot vanish and expect others to play parts in an unknown plan.

Robin: Oh, so I'm supposed to hold everyone's hands.

He stayed silent for a few seconds before finally speaking.

Robin: Who am I kidding? You should lead us, Kaldur. You're the only one who can.

Kid Flash: Please. I could run circles—

Robin: Wally, come on. You know he's the one. We all do.

Miss Martian: Hello, Megan. It's so obvious.

Superboy: (smirks) Could've told you.

Spider-Man raised his right hand as orange sparks surrounded it.

Spider-Man: When I asked you to teach me how to control this, you didn't even hesitate to agree. So whatever call you make, you best believe I won't hesitate to trust you.

They all looked at Kid Flash, who stayed silent. He eventually just shrugged.

Kid Flash: Okay.

Aqualad: Then I accept the burden...

He placed his hand on Robin's shoulder.

Aqualad: Until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders. You were born to lead this team. Maybe not now. But soon.

Robin gave him a nod.

Aqualad: Alright. Our first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving this island.

Robin: (smirks) Funny. I had the same thought.


Lord Kobra, the armored man (known as Prowler), and Shimmer waited outside the helicopter while Sportmaster attempted to start it.

Sportsmaster: Sabotage. Robin?

Lord Kobra: Undoubtedly. (turns to Shimmer) Find the problem. Fix it.

Shimmer bowed to Lord Kobra before walking to the helicopter as Sportsmaster exited it and walked towards Prowler.

Sportsmaster: You got it?

Prowler took out a vial of blood and showed it to Sportsmaster.

Prowler: Got it right here.

Sportsmaster: Perfect.

Just then, a Kobra cultist and the monster approached their leader.

Cultist: Master, shall we send search parties after the intruders?

Lord Kobra: Don't be absurd. They'll come to us.


The team then began running towards the mine entrance while Robin was reading his Holo-glove.

Robin: Sportsmaster's the supplier-slash-buyer. But it still doesn't track. He doesn't have the juice to acquire the Blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work.

Kid Flash: And neither of them have the chops to bond Blockbuster with Venom. That took some major nerdage.

Spider-Man: What about the guy with the purple fixation?

Robin: Based on the description you gave me, I only got one match. He's a master thief-for-hire known as the Prowler. He ran a lot of high-end jobs, most of them in New York. I still don't understand who would want some of your blood so bad that they hired him to take some.

Spider-Man: Neither do I, and that's what worries me.

Aqualad: I believe the expression is "tip of the iceberg."

Spider-Man: The question is, how deep does it go?

They then stopped near the mine entrance, where Bane stood in front of them with a detonator, while several injectors were on the ground.

Bane: Halt, niños. I'm feeling explosive.

The team looked up and saw the C4 placed on the support beams above them.

Aqualad: You betrayed us. Why?

Bane: I want my factory back...

Spider-Man: 'Kid, you might need a running start.'

Kid Flash immediately got the idea and discreetly took a few steps back.

Bane: So I forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies or die trying. If the latter, the Justice League would certainly have come to avenge their sidekicks. And when the smoke cleared, Santa Prisca would be mine once more. Blowing the tunnel with you inside should have the same effect.

He attempted to press the detonator, but he saw that it had disappeared from his hand.

Kid Flash: With what?

Bane looked behind him and saw Kid Flash leaning against a tree with the detonator in his hand.

Kid Flash: This trigger thingy?

Bane tried to punch Kid Flash, but Miss Martian telekinetically lifted him several feet off the ground as Superboy and Spider-Man stepped up, with the former wearing a smirk on his face.

Superboy: Finally. (turns to Spider-Man) Hey, Spidey. You want a piece?

Spider-Man cracked his neck as his left fist charged with electricity.

Spider-Man: You bet, SB. (to Miss Martian) Drop him.

Miss Martian lowered her hand, allowing Bane to start falling to the ground. Once he was close enough, both Superboy and Spider-Man punched him in the face, knocking him out like a light.


Back at the factory, the helicopter was up and running as the cultists loaded it with crates of Kobra-Venom.

Cultist: (bows to Lord Kobra) The helicopter is operational, Exalted One.

Sportmaster and Prowler walked towards the helicopter but stopped once they noticed a small, red, metal ball rolling on the grass until it stopped at a cultist's feet. The ball suddenly exploded, wrapping several cultists in webbing before Spider-Man swung in and kicked one back, while Kid Flash ran in and barged some other cultists away.

Lord Kobra: (to Sportsmaster and Prowler) Take the shipment!

Superboy landed in between two cultists, knocking them both down with the shockwave from his harsh landing.

Superboy: (to the monster) Go again?

The monster roared before charging at Superboy, but it was knocked away by a powerful stream of water, courtesy of Aqualad.

Superboy: Sorry. Not the plan.

What Superboy failed to notice was Sportmaster with a prototype rifle and Prowler appearing behind him.

???: Superboy, watch your six!

Spider-Man swung in and tackled Prowler away, while Superboy turned around, but he was still shot by Sportsmaster. The rifle shot out powerful laser blasts that knocked Superboy back.


Near the back of the helicopter, Spider-Man and Prowler kept trading blow after blow.

Spider-Man: Where'd you get that suit, Prowler? I'm genuinely interested.

Prowler: Shut up, bug!

He threw a mine on the ground, which Spider-Man evaded with a flip just as it exploded, leaving sparks where it once was.

Spider-Man: Technically, spiders are arachnids. People get it wrong more often than you think.

While they were fighting, Miss Martian (who was invisible) snuck into the helicopter and saw Spider-Man and Prowler fighting. She flew towards Prowler, but he quickly threw a mine to the ground. It quickly exploded, disorienting Miss Martian and making her turn visible again. Before she could react, Prowler wrapped an arm around her neck as he aimed a clawed finger at her throat.

Prowler: Back up, young'un! I don't think you wanna hurt the little lady, do you?

They looked to the right and saw Sportmaster repeatedly shooting at Superboy, whose black T-shirt was now tattered, as he backed up to the helicopter. Prowler did the same while dragging Miss Martian with him, his clawed finger still inches from her throat.

Spider-Man gritted his teeth under his mask. He wanted to attack Prowler with something, but he couldn't do anything without hurting Miss Martian, or worse.

Once both Sportsmaster and Prowler were on the helicopter, the former stopped shooting.

Sportsmaster: Thanks for the workout, but my associate and I gotta fly.

Prowler tossed Miss Martian back towards Spider-Man, who managed to catch her.

With all the doors closed, the helicopter began lifting up into the air, as Spider-Man and Miss Martian watched. The two were joined by Superboy.

Superboy: You guys alright?

Spider-Man: I'm good. (turns to Miss Martian) You?

Miss Martian simply grinned as she held up a detonator. Both Superboy and Spider-Man looked at each other, knowing exactly what she did.

The three of them looked at the helicopter as Miss Martian pressed the detonator, blowing up a major part of the helicopter. They saw both Sportsmaster and Prowler jump out of the helicopter and parachute into the jungle as the helicopter itself crashed into the factory, completely destroying it with everything inside.

The team ran up to Robin, who was pinned to the ground by Lord Kobra's foot as he stared at the destruction before him.

Lord Kobra: I am plagued my mosquitoes.

Robin: Good. 'Cause this mosquito's might concerted over your pain.

He managed to get out of Lord Kobra's hold and flipped back to his teammates.

Lord Kobra: Another time, then.

He backed away into the treeline. Robin ran after him, but he saw no sign of the cult leader. He then walked back to Aqualad.

Robin: We picked the right guy to lead. Automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman.

He walked away while laughing. Aqualad looked at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man: (shrugs) Don't look at me, man. That's a you problem.

Aqualad simply sighed.

Mount Justice
June 23, 01:06 EDT

Back in their civilian clothing, the team stood in attention as Batman chastised them (mainly Kaldur)

Batman: A simple recon mission. Observe and report. You'll each receive a written evaluation detailing your many mistakes. Until then...good job.

Everyone looked in shock. Did the Batman just compliment them?

Batman: No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success. And how who choose who leads determines character.

Kaldur glanced at Dick, recalling what he had said to him back in Santa Prisca. While Batman wasn't looking, Nathan and Superboy smirked before fist-bumping each other.


In an undisclosed location, Sportsmaster stood before several holograms, holding the only vial of Kobra-Venom that he managed to obtain.

Sportsmaster: All I recovered was a single ampoule of Kobra-Venom.

???: Peut-étre, the drug can be reverse-engineered.

???: And what of the arachnid's blood?

Sportsmaster: Prowler is delivering it to Dr. Warren as we speak.

???: Perfect. He'll know exactly what to do with it.

???: Mais what of our young heroes? First Cadmus, then Monsieur Twister. Now Santa Prisca.

???: Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. But three times is enemy action. And enemies of the Light must not stand.

(A/N: Let me cook)

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