Chapter 9
Rudra's Mansion.
Rudra's eyes darkened upon seeing Arnav and he equally glared at him with intense hatred.
It was as if they were both competing as to who could give up but in the end Arnav was no match for Rudra and he turned his gaze back to Khushi who was staring at Rudra and pressed his arms.
Rudra's darkened gaze softened immediately it fell on Khushi and she smiled at him and he knew it was time.
"Don't hesitate to call me if you need help. " Khushi nodded and Rudra signalled Alex to follow him but he looked pissed and turned back to Khushi she gave him a nod.
Alex sighed but glared at Arnav who rolled his eyes at him.
He smiled when he saw Khushi but she had a blank expression on her face and Arnav knew she was determined to hate him.
"Look Khushi I am really sorry for everything that happened but please come to your senses...... This man is just using you...... He doesn't love you like I do. " Khushi scoffed and rolled her eyes at him. "Yes I was wrong for what I did to you but believe me it was all shyam fault because now that I think about it he lied to me and made me out to be a monster...... You know I was changing just for you but he was jealous and when I saw you on the terrace in his arms and asking him to divorce Di I was angry and that made me do what I did...... I love you Khushi and I can make this right..... All you have to do is deny everything that happened yesterday and I will shower you with love. "
Khushi let out a mocking laughter which confused Arnav who thought his sincerity will soften her heart.
"You are just as disgusting as that shameless woman you call a sister. " Khushi taunted and Arnav started fuming like raging bull and Khushi shook her head at him. "Look at you...... Immediately I spoke the truth about your two Faced sister you are angry and all of sudden you forgot your so called love for me. " Arnav mellowed hearing this and bowed his head. "But I don't blame the two of you because you two have the blood of two adulterers running in you. " Arnav's head snapped back at Khushi in shock. "Yes I already know your so called innocent mother was the other woman and Anjali is an affair baby and you mother thought just because she could have children she had won the jackpot but karma got her when her husband cheated and they both deserved it...... Do you know the difference between you and Rudra, he may have anger issues but he knows how to control himself....... He was raised by a good and honest woman while you were raised by a bunch of adulterers, hypocrites and narcissists...... When he loves he loves unconditionally but you want terms and conditions....... You are the fire that destroys but he is the fire that lights the way to happiness and leads you out of darkness...... I don't have to prove myself when am around him and he makes me feel safe something you have never made me feel...... He believes in my dreams but your crash them for you ego....... You are my biggest mistake and I regret ever meeting you...... No wait actually I don't regret meeting you because meeting you led me to Rudra and I thank you for that...... Now leave and never show me you ugly face again..... This house was filled with happiness not long ago until your venomous stench polluted it...... You have seen his love for me when he announced me as his fiancee then imagine what he will do if you hurt me...... Leave and go play puppet to that shameless sister of yours and I heard your business is now non existent because everyone is quitting from investors to your employees...... You are nobody..... Leave from here before I have you dragged out. "
Arnav was shocked hearing everything Khushi just said but he wasn't going to give up on her and he marched up to Khushi but before he could touch her fist met him in the face sending him onto the floor with a broken nose.
He was shocked that Khushi had punched him this hard but what he didn't know was that Rudra had been training her in the act is self defense for that past few days and she being very good at picking up things, Khushi has immensely excelled.
Alex and Rudra who were watching them through and CCTV footage run back to hall and were stunned seeing their girl on fire.
Alex laughed as she called security and they dragged a screaming Arnav out.
"You are mine Khushi...... If I don't have you the no one will. "
Rudra hugged Khushi and he felt her smile.
"I did good right? " Khushi asked with a smile on her face as she pulled out of the hug and Rudra nodded reciprocating her smile.
"First aid. "
Alex gave the box to Rudra who led Khushi to the couch and started apply soothing cream on her knuckles which was beginning to swell and bandaged it.
Both stared at each other and became lost and Alex took this opportunity and secretly snapped some pictures.
Someone cleared their throat which broke their reverie and both looked away embarrassed.
They turned to find Shyam with a mocking smile on his face.
"Sorry to interrupt what ever is going on but I came to give Khushi the deeds and ownership to the restaurant. "
Khushi looked perplexed at how fast Shyam got the job done because she knew it will take at least a month to have everything ready.
"Don't be surprised jalebi...... Rudra pulled some strings and not only that renovation to you taste has already started and you can go and check it out now but unfortunately I can't go with you because of the scandal..... I don't want them twisting anything to favor themselves. "
Khushi hugged Shyam who happily reciprocated.
She then turned to Rudra and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you. "
This stunned Rudra and he smiled as he watched Khushi waddle out of there and upstairs to her room.
"Can you feel the love this day. " Alex sang and Rudra glared at him and Shyam burst out in laughter.
"Cut it out....... Shyam did you find out about her parents? " Rudra asked changing the topic and Shyam nodded and they took a trip into his study.
"Actually Khushi is extremely rich...... Her father was a silently owns Gupta Textiles and it's in Khushi's name which she was to inherit when she turned twenty one which was three years ago. "
"Wait you mean the award winning textiles factory in Mumbai belongs to Khushi? ".
Shyam nodded at Alex's question and he was stunned but confused.
"Then why did her father hid this? " Alex asked confused.
"I did a little digging and according to my sources, millions of rupees from a trust fund for Khushi was lost eight years ago in a ponzi scheme by Buaji and Garima and my guess is Shashi was angry and never told them about the textiles industry because he wanted to protect Khushi...... My investigators are doing more digging and I will continue to brief you if we find more. "
Rudra nodded and the ring of the bell broke their reverie and Rudra pressed a button on his desk and the door opened and in entered Khushi looking ethereal in a floral print blouse and oversize pants.
"Am leaving now. "
"Take care and be very careful of your surroundings okay........ The necklace I gave you yesterday has a tracker in it and I know it's intrusive of your privacy but I can't risk your safety which I hope you understand. " Rudra uttered and Khushi nodded and bid goodbye to them.
"What is our next move? " Shyam asked.
"AR's stocks have dwindled over night..... We buy him out...... We do what ever it takes to much sure he is left penniless. "
Alex's phone rang and he received it and he looked stunned.
"Aman Mathur is here. " He said shrugging seeing the confusion on the or face and they all walked out of the study to the Hall with Shyam hiding behind the pillar.
"What do you want? "
Aman flinched seeing the man in front of him, he thought Arnav had domineering aura but this man in front for him take it to a whole new level.
"I am here to give you this? "
Rudra snatched the file Aman forwarded to him and together with Alex they were surprised seeing the files.
"This proves that Arnav sabotaged his rivals and small companies that threatened his dominance....... I know you love Khushi and want to protect her and this will send Arnav not only into bankruptcy but to jail...... Don't underestimate how deadly Arnav is and knowing how twisted his mind is, I know he won't rest until he hurts Khushi or even you."
"So what do you want in return because I doubt you did this out of the good of your heart. " Alex asked staring at him suspiciously and Aman knew there was no hiding his real intentions.
"I quit because he threatened my family last night and I can't take him on by myself so I need you help...... Getting rid of Arnav will secure the safety of my sister and mother....... I don't care about myself but I can't bare it if anything happens to my mother especially my sister. " Aman confessed and Rudra scoffed taking Aman aback.
"You can't see anything bad happening to you sister and yet you helped Arnav force an innocent girl into marriage...... How original of you forgetting she is someone's sister and daughter...... If not because of Khushi,I would have strangled you. " Rudra bellowed and Aman flinched in fear. "Stay around because I will also need your testimony when the time comes. "
Aman nodded and took his leave as Rudra kept on reading the content of the file.
"Well now we have the weapon to drain Arnav of all his money. " Shyam said walking out of his hideout.
Rudra then ordered Alex and Shyam to contact all the people on the file and they all agreed to sue Arnav which made him happy.
He also promised to compensate them for their help.
Arnav barged into the mansion screaming out Anjali's name which startled Mami and Nani who were both wallowing in their misery.
Anjali with puffy eyes limped out of the kitchen and was shocked seeing her brother with bloody nose and bruises all over his body and Nani and Mami also seems shocked.
"Ch..... " A loud slap cut Anjali off as she fell to the floor and raging like bull. "You witch you destroyed my life....... I dedicated my whole life to you thinking you are so innocent but behind closed door you are no different from our whore of a mother and bastard of a father....... Because of you I hurt the only woman who saw the good in me...... Because of you I paid the commissioner to destroy evidences of the murder you committed five years ago. " Arnav cried out hysterically making Nani and Mami gasp in shock.
Nani marched up to a crying Arnav and turned him around to face her.
"Chote tell me the truth....... What you said is not true and Anjali can never be a murderer...... Answer Arnav. " Nani yelled and Arnav fell to his knees in tears.
"It's true Nani...... Di run over a girl five years ago because she had accused her of having an affair with Mohit...... She was a junior and Anjali made me believe it was all a lie because she was obsessed with Mohit who was just her friend and I like a fool believed her and finding out she is an orphan made it easy for the case to be fabricated as a hit and run because she was drunk but now I know who ever that girl was was telling the truth."
Nani turned to find Anjali without any form of remorse on her face but instead she was glaring angrily at Arnav.
"Because of you I forced Khushi into a six months marriage contract all because I wanted to save your marriage and I pushed the love I was feeling for her aside all because of you. " Arnav yelled at Anjali who looked at Arnav shocked and so did Nani and Mami.
Mami forced him to tell the truth and he revealed everything he saw on the terrace and how he treated Khushi afterwards.
Nani slapped Arnav and held her chest as a sudden heart attack attacked her system sending her to the floor.
To be continued.
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