(ITSV) Chapter 2: Eddie's Pizza

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(Starts music)

Scarlet and Spider-Woman were web swinging by the city of New York, with her behind comfortably following him.

Spider-Woman: So do you want me to keep guessing your name?

Scarlet: Please don't.

Spider-Woman: Is it the Red Spider? Spider-Devil?

Scarlet: No.

Spider-Woman: Then I gotcha... Scarlet Spider.

Scarlet: (annoyed) Yay, you figured it out.

Spider-Woman: Wait, is it really Scarlet Spider? Cause I don't wanna throw more names unless I want one of your stingers cutting through my organs.

Scarlet: I'm not some Spider-Hannibal Lecter.

Spider-Woman: So your dimension also has "Silence of the Lamps."

They swing by some cars, which Scarlet looks slightly down which Spider-Woman sees.

Spider-Woman: Not a fan of people?

Scarlet: More like the people fear me, is weird to see people not run away from me.

Spider-Woman: Relatable. Tell me you don't have the cops following you every 10 minutes.

Scarlet: They always did.

They keep swinging, until she catches up with him looking around. His sort of constant bad mood was sort of an opposite to hers. She looked forward and started to think of something.

Spider-Woman: Wanna thread the needle?

Scarlet: Huh?

She swings by him, he doesn't have time for this... but he can't also lose sight of the only person who is also in a similar state like him... glitching. She swings closer to the cars... only to get tackled by Scarlet, away from the other cars, as he lands on the ground holding her and goes to an alley.

(Ends at 0:32)

She quickly takes his hands off her and looks angry.

Spider-Woman: What the hell?

Scarlet shushed her, as they hear web swinging... just to see Spider-Man also web swinging.

Spider-Woman: Huh... Spider-Man.

Scarlet frowns and sighs leaning to an opposite wall.

Scarlet: Plan B, we gotta hide these disguises.

Spider-Woman: Which means revealing our identities but also we need to find a pair of clothes.

Scarlet: (sighs) Yeah... no more hiding our identities.

Spider-Woman was first to take her mask off, and pull the hoodie back. Under the mask, she had short blond hair that reaches her shoulders, blue strong eyes with some earrings in her right eye brow, plus a small tooth gap.

Spider-Woman: Gwen Stacy, that's my... actual name.

Scarlet looked at her... physically he wasn't fazed, but mentally? He knew her... Gwendolyn Stacy, she in his universe is... different to this one... in almost every possible way.

Gwen: Are you-

Scarlet: I'm fine... I'm fine.

Scarlet goes to grab his mask... slowly taking it off, as Gwen looks at him, Jensen's hair was pretty long, at least, long enough for a pony tail. He had red irises which were the first thing Gwen noticed, his face looked a bit banged up... but what caught her was the fact that he looked... like the same age as her, but looks so roughed up.

Jensen: My real name is... Jensen Banner.

Gwen: Jensen... I've never heard of that name before.

Jensen sighs as Gwen leans back to the opposite wall.

Gwen: Thought you were older with your deep voice and well... height.

Jensen: I'm a sixteen year old kid who has already gone through hell and back too many times.

Gwen: Sad perks of being a spider. So what now?

Jensen: We get some clothes, eat and find how the hell we go back to our dimensions.

Gwen: You make it sound easy.

Jensen with arms crossed scoffs silently. Gwen looked out of the alley, and she saw even a few kids dressed as Spider-Man, making her smile.

Gwen: We can scoff the clothes, part.

Jensen confused looked, seeing the kids with Spider-Man costumes, like for Halloween. He frowned and grabbed his mask as Gwen does the same.

Gwen: So I guess we can walk with this. We might have some fingers pointing but-

Jensen: Better than robbing.

They put their masks on, and walked out of the alley... walking fairly normal, like two fans of Spider-Man. The two walked looking around, as they look at each other, not very sure if this was a good thing.

???: Hey.

They look forward seeing a guy who was looking at both their costume.

Guy: Nice style, can I take a picture with you two?

Scarlet: Um-

Spider-Woman: Yeah, sure.

The guy like some fangirl got between the two and took a selfie with both Spiders... though Gwen did smile under her mask, Scarlet didn't. He took the selfie and looked at it.

Guy: Thanks, guys.

He walked away as Gwen looked at Scarlet who definitely didn't like that.

Spider-Woman: Getting grumpy?

Scarlet: Yes.

They walked to a pizzeria called "Eddie's Pizza" They look at it as Gwen looks in a bit of shock.

Spider-Woman: Huh, so there's a Eddie's Pizza here. Do you have any cash?

Scarlet: Do I look like I have pockets?

Spider-Woman: Geez, okay, no pockets, no cash... what now?

Scarlet looks at her and later to the pizzeria... he did have an idea... and a good one.

12 minutes later

Spider-Woman: Really? Beat up random criminals and steal their money? That was pretty ironic.

Scarlet growls under his lips looking at the cash, they had for now like 200 dollars... which will fly off in a matter of seconds. They walk and enter Eddie's Pizza Just to see someone counting the cash on the cashier and a few people working on finishing a pizza. They see a woman with her kid waiting, just to look at them.

Kid: Spider-Man!

Spider-Woman: S-Sorry kid, we're not actually Spider-Man. Just... huge fans of him, mhm.

The kid looked at Scarlet who walked to the counter.

Scarlet: What she said.

The kid looked bit terrified at Scarlet as Spider-Woman completely tries to handle the situation.

Spider-Woman: Don't worry about my friend... he is just grumpy.

The cashier sees the two but Scarlet was already on the counter. The cashier looked at Scarlet a bit confused who looked at the menu, until Gwen butts in and decides to order herself.

Spider-Woman: Hi, sorry fro my friend. He's pretty grump. Can we have a... (looks at the menu) the Spider-Special? Maybe with extra pepperoni?

Cashier: Yeah, sure. Anything else?

Spider-Woman: That's all.

Cashier: All right, $19.63, ma'am.

Gwen grabs the cash from Scarlet's hands and gives him 20 bucks.

Spider-Woman: You can keep the change.

Cashier: Thanks, we'll get the order done.

Spider-Woman walked to a chair and Scarlet decided to stay on his feet. That was until the mother looked at the counter seeing her pizza and also her big koca soda bottle.

Cashier: Miss García?

The mother gets up and walks to the counter and grabbed the box and gave it to her son as she holds the rest.

Miss García: Thank you. (to her kid) Come on.

The two walked away... as when they did, only seconds later... it was just the two of them.

Scarlet: Really? 20 bucks?

Spider-Woman: Hey, you want to die out of hunger, be my guest, but I will not. Things are already hard enough back on my dimension and I will not die out of hunger, just because you want to save money.

Scarlet: We don't have a lot. We have to save it unless we don't find a way to get out of this place.

He walks way slightly very frustrated.

Scarlet: I need to find Li-

Spider-Woman: Who's Li?

Scarlet: Mister Negative, Martin Li, some crime boss who wants to kill Norman Osborn.

Spider-Woman: Osborn? Let me guess. Bastard CEO of Oscorp? Horrible father to Harry Osborn?

Scarlet: Mayor of New York.

Spider-Woman: Mayor? It really was the end of times in your dimension. How long have you been... well... you?

Scarlet: Three years... in four months I'll get to four years.

Spider-Woman: Oh, cool. This is my second year, though now dimensional travel really is a new thing.

Scarlet: (changing subject) We're gonna eat, then find a place to stay, when we do, I'll go and start looking for Martin.

Spider-Woman: Looking for him... how?

Scarlet just then pointed at his lenses, which she really didn't pick up the message, still bit confused.

Spider-Woman: Y-Yeah I don't get it.

Scarlet: The bite affected my eyesight, I can see infrared, night vision, or look things from further distance and I see everything a bit way too clear.

Spider-Woman: Geez wish I could do that.

Scarlet: You don't, sunlight will blind you if you don't have control of such ability.

Spider-Woman: So that's what the red lenses are for? I mean, kinda hard to see through those actually.

Scarlet: Yeah... I use those or glasses with red lenses or sunglasses.

Spider-Woman: You sort of remind me of someone with the red glasses.

Scarlet: Hmph.

He kept his arm crossed waiting for their pizza... the whole situation... it was... getting awkward, like extremely awkward... and she well... she wasn't someone to be in a awkward situation. That was until a truck passes by the pizza place with loud music... the music was one of "Eminem's".

Spider-Woman: Eminem, I really don't like his songs

Scarlet shrugs his shoulders at her comment, he did in fact love Eminem... a lot.

Scarlet: (singing under his breath) Guess who's back. Back again. Shady's back. Tell a friend.

Spider-Woman: (annoyed) You gotta be kidding me, really?

Scarlet shrugs again as he keeps singing under his breath. He even starts to tap the floor with arma crossed, making her a bit more annoyed... this was on purpose.

Cashier: Um, miss.

Gwen looks and quickly walks and sees the pizza and the big Koca Soda bottle, as she grabs the pizza and gives Scarlet the bottle.

Spider-Woman: And can I have two plastic cups?

He gives them to her and then she gives them to Scarlet who looks confused.

Spider-Woman: Thanks.

She walks away holding the pizza and Scarlet following her.

Few minutes later

Both were on top of a roof, eating from the pizza, Gwen had her mask off but Scarlet only puts it up to his nose. She takes another bite, smiling relieved that the pizza is still good in this universe.

Gwen: This is so good, typical a spider's pizza.

Scarlet didn't say anything and keeps biting his slice. Gwen looks at him seeing that he didn't say anything and looked away. He was looking at the cars driving by, literally every screen was on showing news or ads. This isn't like his New York at all.

Gwen: So... how is your New York compared to this one?

Scarlet slightly looks down at her question.

Scarlet: Darker... it's almost impossible that it doesn't rain. Maybe that's just the weather or... maybe New York represents our life as a Spider.

Gwen: What do you mean-

Scarlet: Just look at this place... New York with a beautiful night, so colorful, people being kind. But ever since my... friends... died. The color disappeared, rain was always at my worst moments and raining blood against whoever I face. I assume your world is colorful too, matching your personality and colors, a vibrant color.

Gwen looked at him as she sighs... shaking her head.

Gwen: Not really. I mean... it's always bright, people are always celebrating and all but... not me though. Just like you I lost a friend very dear to me... his name was... Peter.

Scarlet slight looks back and very confused.

Scarlet: Peter... Parker?

Gwen looked in a bit of shock after that.

Gwen: Yes. Is he still alive in your world?

Scarlet slightly looks down... shaking his head.

Scarlet: He was the friend I failed to save... when The Goblin killed him.

Gwen: Oh... I'm sorry for your loss.

Scarlet nods at her not looking at her.

Scarlet: Same to you.

Gwen smiled a little taking a deep breath, looking at the horizon.

Scarlet: Did you... managed to move on? On his death?

Gwen: Being honest... not really. I use his death as a reason to... just move forward, even if dad thinks I killed him, as I don't want to lose any of my friends. Why do you ask? Did you... move on?

Scarlet looked at his free hand, completely sending memories to his brain, as he closed his eyes and clenched his fist. He finished eating and stands up lowering his mask.

Scarlet: Look somewhere to sleep, I'm going to hunt Li.

He web swings away, with Gwen looking at him go, just to look back to where she was looking... directly to the Empire State Building. She takes another bite thinking of how he dodges the question... she had a pretty good idea... what happened after his death... and she could tell that it wasn't good.

Chapter 2 is here everyone. Decided to write a bit more of how Jensen's universe is... like seen in Into the Spider-Verse, each universe looks different, as Noir's black and white, Miles' is pretty normal, Peter Porker's very cartoon and Gwen's very water-color washed which represents sometimes her emotions, Jensen's universe has tons a lot of color but it's also  very dark and in constant rain... kinda based it on The John Wick universe visual and Spider-Man The New Animated Series visual, which is pretty neo-noir in a sense, that's how I would interpret Jensen Banner's universe in this book.

Plus saw many comments on who took Jensen's v card... it is NOT Black Cat, as in that universe... she doesn't exist. Felicia Hardy exists but the name Black Cat doesn't, just like how Adrian Toomes doesn't become Vulture and was a loving father, Felicia isn't Black Cat. Plus he didn't lose it on purpose... you can say... Jensen was raped...

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