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Physical Description
Rosetta Bennett is a fair-skinned older woman with dark blonde hair and light brown eyes as she is commonly seen wearing a light auburn suit underneath her ebony shirt and khaki slacks along with black high heels.

Face, Voice and Cartoon Claim
Cartoon Claim: to be developed
Face Claim: Brianne Howey [adult/current state], Nikki Roumel [teen/flashbacks]
Voice Claim: Kristin Chenoweth [who voiced Rosetta from Disney's Tinker Bell]

Adult Years
Brianne Howey

Teen Years
Nikki Roumel

Official Look:
To be developed

Edge of Great {main appearance/soon}

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Full Name
Rosetta Bennett [formerly Moore]

Associated Name:

Name meaning:
Rosetta - First name of Italian and Persian origin meaning "rose, little rose, splendid."
Bennett - Last name of British origin meaning "blessed"

Nicknames (for her):
Etta the dreamer, Dream Girl - Emmett Moore
Ro, Ros, Rose-kins - Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14]
Little songbird - her parents [mainly used as a pet name to insult/control her]
Auntie Rose [initially], Mom [soon/once she's able to adopt her] - Allison Starglow

Nicknames (for other people):
Ri, Ria, Rei-kins - Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14]
Tink, my precious daughter [soon/once she's under her custody] - Allison Starglow

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Asexual Biromantic - The first term describes individuals who don't experience sexual attraction to others of any gender while the second term describes individuals who experience romantic attraction, but not sexual attraction, to individuals of more than one gender.

Love Interest, if any:
Emmett Moore [on-and-off love interest/former husband/current ex]

Family, if any?
Emmett Moore - Former ex-husband/currently exes
Vevina {formerly Bennett} Starglow - Estranged older sister
Kurtis Starglow - Brother-in-law [from her sister's marriage whom she despises]
Allison Starglow - Niece/daughter figure/soon-to-be-daughter [on her sister's side]

Drama teacher at Collรจge Franรงoise Dupont [currently]
High school and college student [formerly/has since graduated]
Actress {in progress/currently involved in small roles and commercials}
Waitress [started in her high school years/currently ongoing/her side job]

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Does your character suffer from any mental illness(es)?
No, so this section is not applicable.

Does your character suffer from any disorders, if any? If so, list them.
No, so this section is not applicable.

Does your character suffer from an allergy and/or allergies, if any?
No, so this section is not applicable.

Does your character own any pet(s)? If so, list them.
No, so this section is not applicable.

Relationship(s) with listed family member(s), if any
Vevina Starglow - Rosetta has a strained relationship with her sister as Vevina enjoys to brag about how she's much more successful as a top-tier journalist. As such, Rosetta has grown to accept she'll never meet the standards set by her parents, whom she cut out of her life.

Emmett Moore - As her former husband, Rosetta has mixed feelings about him as she still loves and cares deeply for her, but she's sick of their own on-and-off relationship as it has brought her nothing but pain and anguish. In spite of this, she still annoyed with herself for being unable to stay upset at him for a long period of time, especially when he smiles in her direction in a tender manner.

Kurtis Starglow - These two are at each other's throats as neither one like each other for reasons unknown. Their antagonistic relationship only grew when Kurtis purposely left her out of the wedding ceremony plans and never sent her an invite to the wedding. In response, she took back the food and donated what would have gone to their wedding to charity and the homeless communities. Needless to say, the two have never gotten close to each other since then. This might potentially change.

Allison Starglow - She shares a healthy relationship with her niece, which has only grew with each year to the point where she views Allison as the daughter she never had as she has since worked tirelessly to secure the custody rights, so Allison could be her daughter instead of her sister's as Vevina doesn't even bother to invest in the girl.

In her youth, Rosetta was a meek and shy person who was essentially a pushover and vulnerable as she couldn't quite find the courage to make friends. This led her to meet Anaรฏs, who used her in the name of "friendship." Because of this, Rosetta unwittingly became a jerk [to some extent] due to Anaรฏs's influence.

The only time she truly felt like herself was when she was on the stage. She loved the spotlight and she loved the lights shining for a large turnout. Plus, the stage made her feel appreciated โ€” like she was somebody special since she didn't feel this way back home as she was essentially labeled a failure for choosing "a career she was going to doom herself in."

Her personality never really changed until she met Reina [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] for a school assignment. From there, Reina's [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] confidence rubbed onto Rosetta and when this happened, it was like a fire was lit up inside of her as she became more assertive and confident in herself.

By the time of graduation, she had stood her ground against Anaรฏs, ended their so-call friendship and Rosetta had cut her toxic parents out of her life. This confidence would only grow over the years, but every once in awhile, the girl would experience a setback in which her confidence would be tested.

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Best Friend(s):
I. Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14]

I. Emmett Moore [currently/friends-to-lovers/on-and-off]

I. Poppy Bourgeois [OC belongs to GeekyCookie1]

I. Anaรฏs La Clare - one-sided on her end

I. Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14]

I. Anaรฏs La Clare - currently/main enemy
II. Her sister, Vevina - main enemies as the two have a strained relationship
III. Her parents [she blames them for the terrible relationship she has with Vevina]

To be developed



"Emmett, you... sometimes, you don't make any sense. One day, I think you like me and you want to give our relationship another go and the next thing I know, I'm being stood up on a date by the same guy who claims to 'love me.' I don't get it. Every time you want to commit, you just back out at the last minute. Every time, I think it's going to be a bit different and every time, I'm left more disappointed than ever. Maybe, I'm the fool for thinking this could work between us."

"Reina [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14], how did you know Shawn [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] was the one for you? I think Emmett might be the one because he's so sweet and caring, but ugh! He's the worst when it comes to committing and sometimes, he'll say he loves me only to push me away. I just don't get it. How a hot guy like him just be so scared of committing to a relationship?"

"I still don't understand why you just had to marry Kurtis. The insufferable prick thinks he's so full of himself all because his parents went to Yale. Plus, he doesn't even like me! Couldn't you at least pick a guy that I could tolerate?"

"Anaรฏs, it's pretty obvious as to why I believe you're pretty much incapable of teaching my niece. You're spoiled, you're prissy and if anything, you'll be attempting to end up making her a mini version of you. So, no, I'm not taking Allison to you, because she's a real actress in the making and she needs real talent to help her... something you've no doubt lacked over the years. Also, people change, Anaรฏs. Besides, I only hated Reina [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] because of you. Backstabbing traitor? Heh. Look who's talking now."

"Vevina, I don't understand why you keep Allison around when you keep neglecting her at every turn. At least Kurtis, as much as I hate that husband of yours, attempts to give Allison some attention even when he's busy. You, on the other hand, don't even try to be there for her whatsoever, so why โ€” why do you pretend to care for your daughter when you really don't want anything to do with her?"

"Allie, don't ever let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. You're the one living out your life, not your mother. If you want to be an actress and you're willing to commit, then I'll support you in every way I can because this life is yours and you should do what makes you happy. No one should take that away from you. So, if that's what you really want to do, then I'm here for you. Okay?"

"Do you remember what our parents said when I told them I wanted to be an actress? They said dream on, little songbird. Dream on and see your hopes crumble. That's what our parents said to me, all because I didn't want to be a lawyer like mom or a journalist like dad. They said my dream was unrealistic and you... you kept it going. You thought I was wasting everyone's time with my decision. You thought I wouldn't be good enough to last. When I needed you most, Vevina, you just... left me there to bleed. So now, I'm returning the favor, sis."

"Well, they can all say what they want, but dreams, they pay off. So dream on, little one. Dream on and don't let anyone discourage you. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Okay? Can you promise me, Allison, to never let anyone crush your dreams or let anyone talk you out of following your passion?"

"Wait! Before you go, Allie, I made some homemade cookies for your friends. I did my best but uh... some of them came out burnt. Sorry. I hope Dominique [OC belongs to GeekyCookie1], Catherine [OC belongs to GeekyCookie1] and Marinette are into burnt cookies. Actually, this might have been a terrible idea. Let me just toss 'em out before I end up embarrassing you with my terrible baking skills...."

"Aww, sweetheart! I'm glad you and Rey [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] are friends now. I know you didn't think it was possible, but trust me. You'll thank yourself in the long run for being friends with her. Besides, me and her mother are best friends and now, I get to talk about you two beings friends over brunch and mimosas."

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1. Rosetta's relationship with Anaรฏs was and still is similar to Marinette's relationship with Chloรฉ Bourgeois [except I'm referring to the show version of Chloรฉ, so it's really terrible]. In this case, Rosetta resembles Marinette in terms of her lack of confidence and the occasional inability to stand up for herself. She is still to some degree, getting better at it, but not as terribly afraid of Anaรฏs in their high school years.

2. Rosetta's relationship with Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] starts off being similar to Marinette's relationship with Sabrina as Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] attempts to get Rosetta away from Anaรฏs, who had a tendency of neglecting their 'friendship,' which was more of Anaรฏs being cruel to Rosetta and the girl [Rosetta] just viewing this as a friendship.

In this case, Rosetta resembled Sabrina in terms of her lack of confidence and inability to stand up to herself while Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] resemble Marinette in terms of her wanting to help out. It took some time, granted, but Rosetta was able to stand up for herself and quit being Anaรฏs's little puppet.

As such, the bond shared between Rosetta and Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14], is able to evolve as she couldn't help but be appreciative towards as Reina Hunter-Lopez [OC belongs to Sci-Briana14] was the one who helped Rosetta stand up for herself. This is evident after their high school years and onwards.

3. Rosetta talks with a southern accent as she wasn't born in Paris. She was born in the southern part of the states, which is why when she and Vevina moved to Paris in their teenage years, Vevina was able to fare better while Rosetta could not.

No matter what she did, the accent was still with in her and that led to teasing in her high school years. However, she has since learned to embrace her southern roots and has no issues talking in her southern accent.

4. Rosetta will be an akumatized villain in Edge of Great, but the logistics are still in the works. However, her sister [Vevina/Allison's mom] will be the one to be responsible for her akumatization when Vevina ends up sabotaging Rosetta's moment of getting a lead in a movie as her role is given to another, upstarting actress [presumably the actress to get this role could be Iris Lopez {OC belongs to Sci-Briana14} but this is still to be seen].

5. In addition to dotting on Allison, Rosetta has shown the same affection to the girl's friends: the Primaries [the group name belongs to GeekyCookie1], which consists of Dominique [OC belongs to GeekyCookie1], Catherine [OC belongs to GeekyCookie1] and Marinette. As such, Rosetta has a good relationship with the group.

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Can't Tame Her by Zara Larsson

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

That's My Girl by Fifth Harmony

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I'm Good [Blue] by David Guetta and Bebe Rexha

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Will They Won't They by Jeremy Shada

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Thanks for reading Rosetta's page! See you all in the next update! ^^

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