we approached a building about 3 stories, so I hid my gun under my shirt with the safety on, "miss any of this?" -- "of what?" I cut him off, "like THIS you know? killing people, looking badass as fuck while fleeing from a scene you made?" he exclaimed using his hand to talk 

"well yeah! I mean why would I not?" I scoffed in a semi-joking manner, "I don't know Lex but get ready to climb in some shit" he said going behind me and picking me up and setting me down on a ledge next to a vent, "alright take your boots off and climb in there your looking for a room with just a chair and some rope in it" I nodded doing as told after he gave me an ear piece

I quietly climbed into the vent grabbing a knife out of my pocket and unscrewing the vent that led into a hallway "am I looking for the gang or someone in particular?" I asked through the earpiece with a grin "both" he said while I lowered myself down onto a small desk


Lexi nodded grabbing her handgun and busting into rooms, "its clear Johnnie I don't see anything" she said as there was a shot fired, "you alright?" -- "holy fuck." she cut him off following up with a breathy laugh, "yeah just shaken up" she responded continuing until she found the gang

"why the fuck are you here?" Johnnie heard a confused Tara ask, "finishing your failed mission c'mon lets go" he heard her respond 


we all walked out Jake was just silent, his eyes went wide as we walked out, "hey man you okay? helloo?.... Jake?" Johnnie finally got his attention by fake slapping him, "oh yeah, I almost got shot though" he said as if it was new to him, "ah" Johnnie responded then walked to the car getting in we all did the same

God I missed this

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