•Chapter one•



Dean came out of the gas station with a bunch of junk food in his hands, and he started towards the impala where August and Sam were.

"Hey. You want breakfast?" Dean called out to his brother who was sitting in the passenger seat of the impala, his legs hanging out of the car.

"No, thanks." Sam said, seeing as all Dean had was unhealthy junk.

Dean made a face and shrugged before looking into the back window that was rolled down, at the baby who was looking up at him with big blue eyes.

"What about you, Auggie? You hungry?" He asked her with a smile.

He opened the bag of chips in his arms, and pulled one out, breaking off a very small piece, and feeding it to the baby through the window.

"So how'd you pay for that stuff?" Sam spoke up again. "You and dad still running credit-card scams?" He questioned.

"Yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro-ball career." Dean stated. "Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards."

"Yeah, and what names did you write on the application this time?" Sam asked as dean had put the gas nozzle back on the pump, and started around the impala to the drivers side.

"Uh...Bert Aframian and his son, Hector. Scored two cards out of the deal." Dean said, sitting down in the drivers seat, and closing the door back.

"Sounds about right." Sam nodded before looking back down into deans box of cassette tapes. "I swear, man, you got to update your cassette-tape collection." He told Dean.

"Why?" Dean questioned him.

"Well, for one— they're cassette tapes, and two— Black Sabbath, Motörhead, Metallica?" Sam questioned as he picked up each tape he named off before dropping them back into the box. "It's the greatest hits of mullet rock." He said as dean took the Metallica tape from him.

"House rules, Sammy— Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole." Dean stated as he put the tape into the tape slot in the radio. "Ain't that right, Auggie?" He turned in his seat and smiled at the baby.

August smiled and clapped her hands.

Dean chuckled as he dropped the Metallica case back into the box just before Sam spoke again.

"Sammy is a chubby 12-year-old. It's Sam, okay?" Sam told his brother who just turned up the radio.

"Sorry, I can't hear you. The music's too loud." He said.

Sam scoffed lightly as dean put the gear into drive, and pulled away from the gas pump.


After a while of driving, Sam hung up his phone and put it down in the seat beside him.

"Alright, so there's no one matching dad at the hospital or morgue. So that's something, I guess." He told dean.

Dean glanced over at his brother before looking up ahead and seeing a bunch of cop cars in front of a bridge.

"Check it out." He said.

Sam looked up ahead and saw the same thing Dean did. Dean parked the impala further away from the bridge, then got into the glovebox, pulling out a small box full of fake badges for all different kinds of jobs.

Sam looked at him like he was crazy, but Dean only smirked.

He turned in his seat to august who had her pacifier in her mouth, looking up towards the window.

"Alright, Auggie, me and uncle Sammy will be back very shortly, okay?" Dean told her as if she would answer him.

He grabbed her mint green blanket from the seat beside the baby's car seat, and he gently laid it over her. August let out a heartwarming laugh that even Sam smiled at.

Dean chuckled before turning back into his seat.

"Alright, let's go." He said to Sam before opening his door and climbing out.

Sam sighed and hesitantly followed after him.

Sam and Dean walked up towards the bridge where some officers were talking.

"You fellas had another one like this last month, didn't you?" Dean spoke up to them.

"And who are you?" One of the officers asked.

"Federal marshals." Dean answered, holding up his fake badge, Sam doing the same.

"You two are a little young for marshals, aren't you?" The officer questioned.

"Thanks, that's awfully kind of you." Dean chuckled with a smirk. "You did have another one like this, correct?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's right, about a mile up the road. There have been others before that." The officer stated.

"So this victim— you knew him?" Sam asked.

"A town like this, everybody knows everybody." The officer stated.

"Any connection between the victims besides that they're all men?" Dean asked as he circled around the car parked on the bridge.

"No. Not so far as we can tell."

"So whats the theory?" Sam asked the officer.

"Honestly, we don't know— serial murderer, kidnapping ring." The officer said.

"Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys." Dean said just before Sam stomped on his foot making him grunt.

"Thank you for your time." Sam said just before they walked off.

As the two brothers were walking, dean smacked the back of Sams head.

"Ow! What was that for?" Sam questioned him.

"Why do you have to step on my foot?" Dean questioned.

"Why do you have to talk to police like that?"

"Come on." Dean stepped in front of his brother, stopping him from walking any further. "They don't really know what's going on. We're all alone on this. I mean, if we're gonna find dad, we got to get to the bottom of this thing ourselves." He stated.

Sam cleared his throat as his eyes shifted behind Dean. Dean turned and saw the sheriff along with two men in suits.

"Can I help you boys?" The sheriff asked them.

"No, sir. We were just leaving." Dean told him. "Agent mulder, agent scully." He said as the two men in suits passed them.

The brother then walked past the sheriff, going back to the impala.


Dean was wearing the baby harness, August was in it, leaning back against deans chest as he kept his hand on her chest to keep her from falling forwards.

"I'll bet you that's her." Dean spoke up as they saw a girl putting up posters of a guy.

"You must be Amy." Dean said as they approached the girl.

"Yeah." The girl, Amy, nodded.

"Troy told us about you. We're his uncles, and his baby cousin." Dean introduced. "I'm Dean. This is Sammy, and this is Auggie." He told Amy.

"He never mentioned you to me." Amy stated as she kept walking.

"Well, that's Troy, I guess. We're not around much. We're up in Modesto." Dean said as they followed her.

"So we're looking for him, too, and we're kind of asking around." Sam said as they all stopped walking.

Just then, a girl came up to Amy, and put her hand on her arm.

"Hey, are you okay?" The girl asked.

"Yeah." Amy nodded.

"Do you mind if we ask you a couple questions?" Sam asked Amy as Dean gently shushed August who had started whining a little.


"I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and he never did." Amy explained to the men as they all sat at a booth across from each other.

"He didn't say anything strange or out of the ordinary?" Sam asked her.

"No, nothing I can remember." Amy shook her head.

"Here's the deal, ladies—" Dean started as he fed August a small piece of a French fry. "The way Troy disappeared— somethings not right. So if you've heard anything..." he trailed off as he saw the way the two girls looked at each other. "What is it?" He asked.

"Well, it's just—" Amy's friend started. "I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk." She said.

"What do they talk about?" Sam and Dean asked in unison.

"It's kind of this local legend. This one girl, she got murdered out on centennial like decades ago. Well, supposedly, she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up— well, they disappear forever."

Sam and Dean looked at each other.


August babbled as Sam bounced her in his arms while Dean typed into the library computer.

Sam playfully gasped at the baby making her laugh. She reached up towards his face and Sam smiled at her.

He looked up to see Dean not getting any results for what he typed in, which was 'Female murder hitchhiking.'

Dean took away the 'Hitchhiking' part and replaced it with 'Centennial highway.' He clicked search, and once again, got no results.

"Let me try." Sam said, reaching for the computer.

"I got it." Dean said, smacking Sams hand away.

Sam then shoved deans chair making him roll backwards, August giggled as Sam pulled his chair in front of the computer.

"Dude. You're such a control freak." Dean said to his little brother.

August let out a laugh as she clapped her hands.

Dean smiled at her and held his hand out to her. Sam gently passed the baby to him.

"So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah." Dean nodded as August grasped onto his hand.

"Maybe it's not murder." Sam stated as he took away 'Murder' in the search bar, and replaced it with 'Suicide.'

He clicked search and one result popped up.

Dean raised his brows.

"This was 1981. Constance Welch, 24 years old, jumps off Sylvania bridge, drowns in the river." Sam read.

"Does it say why she did it?" Dean asked, pulling his hand away from august who was in the process of trying to put his fingers in her mouth.

"Yeah." Sam nodded.

"What?" Dean asked.

"An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die." Sam read.

Deans grip around his daughter tightened.

"Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it, said husband, Joseph Welch." Sam read another article, that had a picture of a bridge.

"That bridge look familiar to you?" Dean asked his brother.

Sam looked over at him.


August was in her car seat in the impala while Sam and Dean got out and walked on the bridge.

"So this is where Constance took the swan dive." Dean said as they looked over the railing.

"So you think dad would have been here?" Sam asked.

"Well, he's chasing the same story, and we're chasing him." Dean stated.

"Okay, so now what?" Sam asked.

"Now we keep digging till we find him. It might take a while." Dean said.

"Dean, I told you I've got to get back by—"

"Monday. Right. The interview."


"Yeah, I forgot." Dean said. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?" He questioned his little brother. "You think you're just gonna become some lawyer, marry your girl?"

"Maybe. Why not? I'm sure you were thinking about it with Delilah." Sam stated.

Dean clenched his jaw.

"Does Jessica know the truth about you?" He asked him. "Does she know about the things you've done?"

"No, and she's not ever going to know." Sam stated.

"Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy, but you're gonna have to face up to who you really are." Dean told him.

"Who is that?" Sam questioned.

"One of us." Dean stated.

"No, I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life." Sam rushed around to dean as he started walking the other way.

"Well, you have a responsibility." Dean said.

"To dad and his crusade?" Sam questioned him. "If it weren't for pictures, I wouldn't even know what mom looks like. What difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, moms gone, and she isn't coming back."

Dean grabbed his brother by the collar of his shirt and slammed him up against the side of the bridge, pinning him there.

"Don't talk about her like that. And don't you ever mention Delilah to me, I swear, Sam, I will break your nose."

Sam saw the tears glistening in deans eyes. Truth was, dean wanted to forget about Delilah, because it hurt too much to think about her.

But it was hard, considering that August was a reminder of her, and the best five years of Deans life.

Dean shoved Sam, finally releasing him. He turned away from the younger Winchester, but stopped when he saw the figure of a woman standing on the railing of the bridge.

"Sam." He said.

Sam looked up and quickly came up beside his brother.

The woman looked over at them, just before she stepped off the edge.

Sam and Dean rushed across the road to the other side of the bridge where they saw the woman step off the bridge.

"Where'd she go?" Dean asked as they looked over the railing, but didn't see the lady anywhere.

"I don't know." Sam said.

The headlights of the impala then turned on and they heard the engine start.

The two brothers pushed away from the railing of the bridge and turned towards the car.

"What the—" Dean cut himself off.

"Who's driving your car?" Sam asked his brother.

Dean fished his keys out of his pocket and held them up.

The impala then lunged forward, speeding straight towards the men.

"August!" Dean yelled as he heard the baby start crying.

"Come on, Dean. Let's go! Go!" Sam grabbed his brothers arm and pulling him the other way.

The two brothers started sprinting from the impala that was racing at them.

The car chased them for a few good seconds just before they jumped over the railing.

Sam caught himself, but dean didn't, and instead, landed in the water below the bridge.

Sam grunted as he pulled himself up.

"Dean!" He called out.

"Is she okay?!" Dean yelled back. "Is August okay?!"

Sam looked back at the now parked impala, he could hear august still crying. He climbed over the railing and rushed to the impala, opening the back door and getting the baby out of the car.

"Hey, hey, sweetheart, it's okay." He told her as he gently bounced her in his arms.

"She's okay!" Sam called out to dean.

Dean let out a huge breath he didn't even know he was holding in.

Sam looked down at August who just started calming down.


"Car alright?" Sam asked Dean who was holding his baby in his arms, not even caring that he would have to bathe her, and wash her clothes later.

He just wanted her close to him.

"Yeah, whatever she did to it, it seems alright now." Dean said as he gently bounced August in his arms. "That Constance chick— what a bitch!" Dean yelled.

August let out a laugh making Dean look down at her and smile.

"Well, she doesn't want us digging around, that's for sure." Sam stated.

Dew sighed, and gently rocked the baby.

"So where's the trail go from here, genius?" Sam asked his brother as they leaned against the front of the impala.

Dean raised one of his arms, keeping august in the other, and flicked mud off his hands. Sam sniffed the air before looking over at Dean.

"You smell like a toilet." He told him.

Dean dropped his head.


"One room, please." Dean said as he put his credit card down on the desk.

The man took the card and looked back up at them.

"You guys having a reunion or something?" He questioned them.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"That other guy, Bert Aframian. He came in and bought out a room for the whole month." The guy told them.

Sam and Dean looked at each other.


Sam picked the lock to the room their father rented out for the month, then pushed the door open and they walked in.

Dean still had the baby in his arms, she was babbling to herself.

Dean went and turned on the lamp as Sam started looking around. Dean picked up a half-eaten burger on the nightstand, and sniffed it before immediately pulling it away, groaning at the smell.

Sam stepped over a circle of salt before Dean spoke up.

"I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least." He said.

"Salt, cats-eye shells. He was worried, trying to keep something from coming in." Sam said.

Dean looked at the wall that had a bunch of papers taped to it.

"What do you got here?" Sam asked him.

"Centennial highway victims." Dean stated. "I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection, right?" He said as he looked over the pictures of the men who had gone missing. "What do these guys have in common?"

Sam was scanning over the room until his eyes landed on a piece of paper that had the words 'Woman in white' written on it.

"Dad figured it out." He stated.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked as August reached up for his face.

"He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She's a woman in white." Sam told his brother.

"You sly dogs." Dean shook his head. "Alright, so if we're dealing with a woman in white, Dad would have found the corpse and destroyed it." He stated.

"She might have another weakness." Sam said.

"No, dad would want to make sure. He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" Dean came over to his brother.

"No, not that I can tell." Sam shook his head. "If I were dad, though, I'd go ask her husband, if he's still alive."

Dean hummed.

"Alright, why don't you see if you can find an address? I'm gonna get me and Auggie cleaned up." Dean told his little brother.

"Hey, Dean, what I said earlier about Delilah, and mom, and dad— I'm sorry." Sam apologized to him.

Dean looked down at August who was looking up at him with big blue eyes. He looked back up at Sam before sticking his hand out towards him, and moving it off to the side.

"No chick-flick moments."

"Alright, jerk." Sam chuckled.

"Bitch." Dean said before turning and going into the bathroom with August.


"Alright." Dean muttered as he gently dried the baby off with a towel.

August started whining.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're okay. It's okay, daddy's got you." Dean told her.

Since dean didn't have a fancy thing to bathe august in, and she was too little for the bathtub, he found it easier to just bathe her in the shower with him.

He'd heard of parents doing this with their babies, and he tried it one day and realized it was just a lot easier and faster.

He had managed to dress himself, or at least get his pants on, all while holding august in one arm.

But he then realized he forgot to grab the diaper bag on the way to the bathroom.

"Sam!" Dean called out to his brother.

"Yeah?" Sam called back.

"I need Auggies diaper bag!"

It was quiet for a moment just before Sam knocked on the bathroom door. Dean opened it and took the bag from his brother.

"Thanks, Sammy."

"It's Sam—"

Dean cut his brother off by closing the door. He chuckled as he looked down at August who was grinning at him.

"Is that funny?" He asked her with a smile making her laugh.

Dean couldn't help but chuckle.


About five minutes later, Dean and August came out of the bathroom, now both fully dressed.

Dean grabbed August's hearing aids off the table, and put them in her ears, August laughed making Dean smile.

He kissed her nose before speaking to his brother.

"Hey, man. I'm starving. I'm gonna go grab a little something to eat at that diner down the street. You want anything?" Dean asked.


"Aframians buying."

Sam just shook his head.

"Okay, then. Do you mind watching her?" Dean asked him.

"I don't mind." Sam lightly shrugged, holding his arms out for the baby.

Dean gently passed the baby to his brother before grabbing his jacket off the bed.

"Oh, she needs to be fed, there's some baby food in her bag." Dean told Sam.

"Yeah, okay." Sam nodded.

"Alright, I'm going." Dean turned and opened the door before going out.

Sam sighed and got up off the bed with August in his arms. He went over to the diaper bag and starting digging around in it. He pulled out a jar of baby food and read the label aloud.

"Potatoes and chicken." He read, then made a face.

Sam grabbed a spoon out of the bag, and set the spoon down on the table. He opened the jar and grabbed the spoon, he scooped up a little on the spoon, and held it up to the baby.

"You hungry, Auggie?" He asked her as he gently urged it towards her mouth.

August opened her mouth and let him feed it to her.

Sam smiled.

He looked up as his phone then rang, he fished it out of his pocket and answered it, seeing as it was only Dean.

"What?" He asked, holding the phone up to his ear with his shoulder as he scooped up another small amount of baby food onto the spoon.

"Dude, five-o. Take off." Dean told him.

Sams face fell as he put the spoon in the jar, then grabbed his phone with his hand, holding it to his ear as he stood up with the baby.

"What about you?" He asked his brother.

"Uh, they kind of spotted me. Go find dad." Dean then hung up.

Sam shoved his phone into his back pocket, and set the jar of baby food down on the table.

He quickly grabbed the diaper bag, then he rushed to the back window with August still in his arms, and he opened the window just before slipping out.


August was now in the baby harness that  was strapped to Sam, as they were at Joseph Welchs' house, Constance Welchs' husband.

Sam knocked on the front door and it soon opened, revealing a man.

"Hi, uh, are you Joseph Welch?" Sam asked him.

"Yeah." The man nodded.


"Yeah, he was older, but that's him." Joseph nodded as Sam gave him a picture to look at.

It was a picture from when he and Dean were kids. It was a picture of them sitting on the hood of the impala with John.

"He came by three or four days ago, said he was a reporter." Joseph stated as they walked around his house.

"That's right. We're working on a story together." Sam nodded.

August started babbling against Sams chest making Joseph look at her.

"What's with the kid?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm just, uh, babysitting for my brother." Sam said.

"Well, she's a cutie." Joseph smiled a little at the baby.

Sam chuckled.

"I don't know what the hell kind of story you guys are working on— the questions he asked me." Joseph said, getting back on the topic of what he and Sam were talking about.

"About your late wife, Constance." Sam said.

"He asked me where she was buried." Joseph stated.

"And where is that again?" Sam asked him.

"What, I got to go through these twice?"

"It's fact checking, if you don't mind."

"In a plot behind my old place over on Breckenridge." Joseph told him.

"Why did you move?" Sam asked.

"I'm not gonna live in the house where my children died."

"Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?" Sam asked as they stopped walking.

"No way. Constance— she was the love of my life, prettiest woman I ever known." Joseph said.

"So you had a happy marriage?" Sam questioned.

"Definitely." Joseph spoke after a short moment.

"Well, that should do it. Thanks for your time." Sam nodded just before he turned and started walking towards the impala with August.

As he was fishing the keys out of his pocket, he turned back towards Joseph.

"Mr. Welch, you ever hear of a woman in white?" He asked him making him turn back to them.

"A what?" Joseph questioned.

"A woman in white or sometimes a weeping woman. It's a ghost story. Well, it's more of a phenomenon, really." Sam started slowly walking back towards Joseph. "They're spirits. They've been sighted for hundred of years, dozens of places in Hawaii and Mexico, lately in Arizona, and Indiana. All these are different women, you understand, but all share the same story."

"Boy, I don't care much for nonsense." Joseph stated as he started to turn and walk away from Sam.

"You see, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them, and these women, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children." Sam followed him until the man stopped again, and turned back to him. "Then, once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways, and if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him, and that man is never seen again." Sam told him.

"You think...you think that has something to do with Constance, you smartass?" Joseph stepped closer to Sam.

"You tell me."

"I mean, maybe— maybe I made some mistakes, but no matter what I did, Constance never would have killed her own children." Joseph told him as his eyes watered and his lip slightly quivered. "Now, you get the hell out of here, and you don't come back."

Joseph then turned and walked away from Sam and August who had her hand in her mouth, looking around at whatever caught her eye.


As Sam drove the impala down the road, August laid in her car seat in the back with her pacifier in her mouth, and her blanket wrapped around her, she was slowly falling asleep.

Sam phone started ringing, he reached over and grabbed it out of the passenger seat before answering.

"Fake 911 phone call, Sammy? I don't know, that's pretty illegal." Deans voice filled Sams ear.

"You're welcome." Sam said with a chuckle.

"Is Auggie okay?" Dean asked.

Sam looked at the baby in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, she's falling asleep." Sam said.

"Alright, listen, we got to talk." Dean said.

"Tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white, and she's buried behind her old house."

"Sammy, would you shut up for a second?"

"I just can't figure out why he hasn't destroyed the corpse yet."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. He's gone. Dad left Jericho."

"What? How do you know?" Sam questioned.

"I've got his journal." Dean stated.

"He doesn't go anywhere without that thing." Sam said.

"Yeah, well, he did this time."

"What's it say?"

"Same old ex-marine Crap when he wants to let us know where he's going." Dean said.

"Coordinates. Where to?" Sam asked.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Dean, what the hell is going on?"

Sam then looked up at the road and gasped as he saw a woman standing in the middle of the road.

"Whoa!" He slammed on the break causing the tires to screech.

"Sam, Sam!"

The impala came to a stop and Sam heard August whining, he guessed she felt the impala jerk.

"It's okay, Auggie, it's okay." Sam said as he went to turn in his seat and check on the baby, but as soon as he turned he came face to face with Constance who was sitting beside the car seat.

"Take me home." She told him. "Take me home." She said in a more firm tone.

"No." Sam shook his head.

Constance blinked and all the doors suddenly locked. Sam turned back into his seat and tried pulling the lock up on his door.

He turned and tried pulling up the lock on the passenger side door.

The gear then shifted into drive, and the impala started driving forwards.

Sam swallowed thickly as watched the road ahead of them. The impala pulled up in front of an old, worn down house, then shut off.

"Don't do this." Sam told Constance who had tears in her eyes.

"I can never go home." She said.

"You're scared to go home." Sam stated, he then turned in his seat, but Constance was no longer in the back.

He turned towards his window, and when he turned back, Constance was sitting in the passenger seat.

She quickly climbed on top of sam, pinning him down as the seat laid down.

"Hold me." Constance said. "I'm so cold."

"You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been." Sam groaned in pain.

"You will be." Constance whispered in his ear.

Sam groaned just before Constance kissed him. Sam tried reaching for the keys, and once he finally reached them, Constance sat up and disappeared.

Sam looked around just before he felt her nails burning into his chest. August was crying as Sam was yelling out in pain.

Constance appeared again, on top of Sam, her nails burning holes into his chest.

Suddenly, Dean shot Constance making her disappear for a second. She reappeared on top of Sam, and Dean shot her again.

The second she disappeared, Sam sat up and started the engine.

"I'm taking you home." He said as he put the gear into drive.

He stepped on the gas and sent the car flying into the side of the house in front of them.

"Sam!" Dean yelled.

The impala stopped, now sitting in the worn down kitchen of the house. Dean rushed in and to the car.

"Sam! Auggie!" Dean yelled

"Here!" Sam called out.

"You okay?" Dean asked.

"I think." Sam said.

"Can you move?" Dean asked his brother.

"Yeah, help me."

Dean grabbed his brothers hand and pulled him out of the car.

Once Sam was out, Dean didn't hesitate to throw open the back door revealing the crying baby.

"It's okay, sweetheart, daddy's here." Dean told her as he leaned down to her, taking her tiny hand into his and kissing her head.

August started calming down just a little as she reached up, touching deans face.

"Dean." Sam spoke up making Dean look back at him.

Dean gently pulled away from the baby and closed the door back, knowing she would be a lot safer inside the car.

Constance was looking at a picture of her and her kids. She then looked up at the brothers. She threw the picture down, then sent a dresser flying towards them.

It pinned them against the impala.

The two brothers tried pushing it away, but it wasn't even budging.

The electricity started sparking and the lights started flickering. Constance turned as she heard water running down the stairs.

She looked up and saw two little kids at the top. Constance walked over to the bottom of the staircase just as the two kids grasped onto each other's hand.

Sam and Dean watched very carefully.

"You've come home to us, mommy." The kids spoke in an eerie voice.

The kids then disappeared and reappeared behind Constance, making her turn around to them.

The kids hugged her and she let out an ear piercing scream just before she and the kids disappeared, leaving a puddle of water on the floor.

The brothers then pushed the dresser off of them onto the floor. Dean rushed back to the back door of the impala, opening it again, and getting his baby out of her car seat, immediately bringing her to his chest.

They then made their way over towards the puddle of water on the floor.

"So this is where she drowned her kids." Dean said as he gently rocked the baby.

"That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them." Sam stated.

"You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy." Dean hit Sams chest, hitting the burns.

"Ah!" Sam let out a painful laugh. "I wish I could say the same for you." He said as Dean headed back towards his car. "What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?"

"Hey, saved your ass." Dean looked back at him. "I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car, I'll kill you."

Sam laughed.


August was finally asleep in her car seat, wrapped up in her blanket, and her pacifier in her mouth.

"Okay, here's where dad went." Sam said as he was looking at a map, locating the coordinates from Johns journal. "It's called blackwater ridge, Colorado." He told Dean who nodded.

"Sounds charming. How far?" Dean asked, glancing between his brother and the road.

"About 600 miles." Sam said.

"If we shag ass, we can make it by morning." Dean stated making Sam look up at him.

"Dean, um..." Sam started.

"You're not going." Dean said.

"The interview's in 10 hours. I got to be there." Sam told him.

Dean nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home." He said.

Truth was, he didn't want Sam to leave. He wanted his little brother back.


Dean pulled the impala in front of the dorms, and Sam unbuckled himself, opening the door and getting out.

He then leaned down into the window.

"You'll call me if you find him?" He asked his big brother. "Maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?"

"Yeah, alright." Dean nodded.

Sam then looked back into the backseat at august who was sleeping peacefully, as if not a thing in the world could bother her.

Sam sighed lightly and leaned down into her window.

"I'll see you later, kiddo." He told her before leaning out of the window.

He hit the roof of the impala, telling Dean he could go just before he turned and headed up the stairs towards doors.

"Sam." Dean called out making his brother stop and turn back to him. "You know, we made one hell of a team back there."

"Yeah." Sam nodded with a slight smile.

Dean glanced down, then turned to face forward. He put the gear into drive, and pulled away from Sam and the dorms.


After about two or three minutes of driving, August had woken up and started crying.

"Whoa, hey, Auggie." Dean said as he glanced back at the girl. "It's okay, calm down." He reached back over to seat towards the baby.

Dean was looking to the road, but his eyes shifted down to his watch that had stopped working, which was odd because it was just working fine not too long ago.

He then got a gut feeling that he needed to go back. Back to Sam.

Dean furrowed his brows and immediately turned the car around.


When Dean pulled back up to the dorms, he saw that Sams dorm was on fire.

He didn't hesitate to get out of the car, and rush into the burning building.

"Sam!" He yelled as he kicked in his brothers dorm door.

"Jess!" He heard his brother yell from the bedroom.

"Sam! Sam!" Dean rushed into the doorway of Sams and Jessica's bedroom.

He looked up and saw Jessica burning on the ceiling.

"No! No! Jess!" Sam yelled.

Dean rushed forward and pulled his brother out of the bed, shoving him out the door.

"Jess! No!" Sam yelled.


Dean brushed past people who we're standing by, watching the firefighters start packing up, as the fire was now out.

Dean walked over to Sam who was loading a rifle from the Arsenal in the trunk of the impala.

He looked up as his little brother who turned to look towards him, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

Sam lightly sighed as he looked back down, and tossed the rifle back into the trunk.

"We got work to do."

Thank you so much for reading!

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