👻Parental Bonding👻
[The exterior of Casper High, with a banner above its doors reading, "THE BIG DANCE." Tucker is holding the door open as girls walk out past him.]
Tucker: Hey there, I-
Girl 1: No!
Tucker: Hi, would you-
Girl 2: Forget it.
Rebecca: (Holding up her hand towards Tucker.) No!
Tucker: I didn't ask you yet! (Sees Aims) Aims! Hey so about the dance, do you wanna come with?
Aims: Tucker buddy I love to go to the dance but I'm aro/ace, sorry.
Tucker: Aw man I keep forgetting.
[Cut to Angie, Jay, Sam and Danny eating lunch at a picnic table. Tucker, upset, sits down next to Danny as Aims sat next Angie.]
Danny: Strike 3, Tuck?
Tucker Try strike 3,001.
Angie: Tucker, Aims did told you she's aro/ace.
Jay: Oh heh Sam I was thinking--
Sam: I don't know what the big deal is about going to some stupid dance. I don't need to be asked to some dance to know I'm special. I--
[Danny and Tucker are staring off-screen in a happy daze, not paying attention to Sam, Angie, Jay and Aims.]
Sam (Annoyed): What?
Danny + Tucker: Paulina...
[Cut to Paulina, who walks down a pathway while boys stare distractedly at her. One boy on a bike crashes into a tree, while another walks into a guy sitting on a fountain and they both fall into the water, only to sit up and continue staring. Cut back to the gang, with Danny and Tucker now standing as Angie rolled her eyes.]
Angie: Paulina, little pick me.
Jay: Somebody sounding jelly.
Aims: Heh.
Danny + Tucker: Paulina...
Sam Oh, please! Paulina? Girls like her are a dime a dozen!
[Danny and Tucker dig through their pockets and pull out some change.]
Danny (To Tucker): How much change you got?
Sam: Ha ha! Very funny. Just remember: you can't judge a book by its cover.
Tucker: Well, there's only one way to find out. Go on, Danny. Go to that library and check out that book!
[Cut to Paulina sitting under a tree with her lunch box. Cut back to Angie, Danny and Sam.]
Danny: I can't! I get weak-kneed when I try to talk to cute girls.
Sam: Oh, and you have absolutely no problems talking to me, Angie, Jay or Aims.
Angie: Mhm...
Danny Uh...
Sam: Skip it. (Walks over to Danny and lifts him up by the arms.) Go give your weak knees some exercise.
[Danny stumbles over to Paulina and leans against the tree with one arm.]
Danny: (Takes a deep breath.) Hi! I...
[Danny's arm turns intangible and falls through the tree causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground and Angie covered her mouth.]
Paulina: Please! Don't say you've suddenly fallen for me. That line is so last semester.
Danny: (Stands back up.) Yeah! I-I mean, no! T-that's not it. I'm...I'm Danny.
[Danny's pants glow green for a moment, then become intangible and fall to the ground to expose his boxers. The other students in the yard laugh, along with Paulina as Angie was pissed and was about to walk up to Paulina but Jay and Aims grabbed her.]
Jay: Girl calm down!
Aims: Child don't do this!
Angie: I just wanna talk to her. I JUST WANNA TALK TO THAT PICK ME PAULINA!
Jay: Oh boy she really hate paulina.
Aims: I can tell.
Paulina: A gentleman usually tips his hat, but I'll give you points for originality.
[Lucky Angie was out of Jay and Aims grasped and she walks over to Danny as the crowd dissipates and puts her hand on his shoulder.]
Angie: Kudos, Danny. You just set an all-time speed record for drowning in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Paulina: (Takes a moment to think about what was just said.) Oh, no! You did not just call me shallow, did you?!
Angie: If you mean do I think I can stand in a puddle full of you and not get my feet wet, then yeah.
Paulina: Shallow?! I am not shallow!
Angie: Yeah maybe I can call you shallow girl! (She smirked as Sam, Jay and Aims laughed) Yeah you heard me see you later!
[Angie grabs Danny by the arm and pulls him off-screen.]
Paulina: On the other hand, I'm not so deep that I couldn't lure a boy away from a star lover geek. And I will.
[The halls of Casper High where Angie was in her locker taking notes in her note book with a flashlight]
Angie: Mhm, stars can only be seen when you go to space, mhm I do like stars and Danny likes to be an a Astronomy, bingo! (Writes it down and she drew some stars and planets) Heh this is going great! (Then her locker opened to reveal Danny) Oh Hey Danny what's up?
Danny: Just checking on you, hey nice notebook!
Angie: Aw thanks, you know I do like seeing the stars and you want to go to outer space maybe soon we can.
Angie + Danny: Go to outer space togther and look at the stars! (The duo stopped talking for a moment and both chuckled) Okay that was funny. Okay stop. No you stop. STOP COPING WHAT I SAY!
[In the background, Sam was putting her books away when Jay came up to Sam]
Sam: Oh hey Jay-jay, you need something?
Jay: Oh yeah I was thinking if we can go to the dance together?
Sam: Wait your asking me out to the dance, mhm fine I'm just saying I'm not wearing some girly dresses I'm going with the goth dress.
Jay: Heh I knew you would say that. (Sam and Jay saw Angie and Danny keep coping each other words) Heh, this is funny.
Sam: Yeah, hey guys look at this!
[Aims and Tucker came and saw Angie and Danny keep saying the same thing before they saw Aims, Jay, Sam and Tucker watching them]
Angie: You guys were watching us?
Aims: Yeah.
Tucker: Sorry but it was to funny to watch.
Sam: You both are like two peas in a pod.
Jay: Yeah.
Danny: Whatever.
[In the Amity Park Mall, where Angie, Aims, Jay, Danny, Tucker, and Sam are sitting at a table in the food court, eating.]
Tucker (With a mouthful of food, as a girl walks by): Mmm!
Girl: No.
Sam: So, your dad is going to chaperone the dance?
Danny: Yes, but he doesn't know he's going to chaperone because he doesn't remember that I made him say yes!
Angie: Oof Danny you in big trouble when your dad finds out that ghost you possessed him (Eats her burger) Mhm, this is gooood!
[Camera zooms out to include a girl reading a book at another table.]
Tucker: Let me get this straight. You can just walk into people and take over their bodies from the inside?
Danny: Yeah, pretty much.
Tucker: (Looks at the girl with the book.) Hey, Danny. If you could control a girl for just about two minutes...
Danny: (Glances at the girl, then back at Tucker.) Forget it. You can get your own date for the dance like I did.
Sam: Does he have to take off his pants and act like a dweeb? Or will either one do?
Aims + Angie + Jay: Both.
Angie: Honestly, guys, I'm glad I'm not going to the stupid dance. Saves me the embarrassment of wearing the lame dress my dad bought me, it's cute but eh. (Laughs nervously.)
Tucker: So no one's asked you, huh?
Angie: Maybe if I was as pretty as Paulina.
Danny: Why are you so down on her? So she's pretty. It's not a crime.
Angie: Looks are deceiving, Danny, looks are deceiving.
[People start screaming and running away behind the gang. Both Angie's and Danny's ghost sense goes off.]
Tucker: Ghost time. (Holds up French fries.) Can I finish your fries?
Angie: Sure.
[Angie and Danny runs into an open spot to go ghost. They then flies into the air in front of Paulina the dragon.]
Danny: Say, haven't we met somewhere?
Angie: Oh man I always wanna do this (Cracks her knuckles) Let's do this.
[Paulina roars and breathes green fire at them.]
Danny: (Dodges the fire.) Let's try this again. Hi, I'm Danny Phantom.
Angie: (Dodges the fire) And I'm Spirit Girl! And you are?
[Paulina roars and hits Danny and Angie with her tail. They yells and crashes into the kitchen of the nearby Weenie On-A-Skewer.]
Danny: (Holding his head.) Testy, got it.
Angie: Yep.
[Paulina breathes more fire at the store's counter and Danny flies out of the way as Angie went behind Paulina.]
Danny: Sorry, dude! I think you got the wrong weenie!
[He smacks into Paulina, pushing her through the air. She grabs him mid-flight and skids to a halt, then pins him on the ground.]
Paulina: Must have tee!
Angie: Tea? Ooh, good idea. Coffee could make you a mite jittery as I say so myself. Better yet...
[They turns intangible and sinks into the ground. Paulina looks perplexedly at her claws.]
Danny + Angie: (While flying back up through the ground.) Have some punch! (Punches her.)
[Paulina flies through the air towards a girl carrying an Abyss shopping bag, who screams and runs away, leaving the bag behind. As Paulina smashes into the ground, the amulet flies off her neck and lands in the bag. She turns back into a human.]
Paulina (Disoriented): Ooh, whoa. What hit me? (Notices the bag and pulls out the amulet.) Hey! My amulet! (Puts it on, then pulls out a tee from the bag.) Hey! My fleecy tee! They must have had it in my size! (Folds the tee.) I guess good things happen when you maintain a positive attitude. (Sees Angie lucky in her ghost form) Wow your really pretty, I'm Paulina.
Angie: I'm Spirit Girl and thanks?
[Cut to Jay, Aims, Tucker and Sam. Danny and Angie flies out of the ground.]
Sam: Guys! (They changes back to normal.) Are you okay?
Angie: Yeah and when Paulina saw my ghost form, she called me pretty..
Jay: Wow that's a new low.
Aims: Yuck, I hope Paulina dosen't have a crush on Spirit Girl a.k.a. you.
Angie + Danny: Agreed. HEY STOP COPING ME!
[Aims, Jay, Sam and Tucker laughed for awhile]
Danny: Anyways. But that's the second time I've fought that dragon. We need to investigate. How are you guys?
Tucker: Great...if you don't count me still being dateless for the dance. (Starts tapping on his PDA.) Sasha, no. Denise, no. I've hit every girl in school except... (Valerie walks up to him) Valerie.
Angie: Hello!
Valerie: Yeah, hi. Sucker, is it?
Tucker: Tucker. Or Tuck. Or Tuckerino.
Valerie: Which ends with "no." Which, by the way, is my answer, unless something happens in the next five minutes that makes me dateless.
[Kwan walks up to her.]
Kwan: You'll never guess what happened! Donna said she'd go to the dance with me, so you're dateless! (Walks away.)
Valerie (To Tucker): You're on.
Tucker I'll take it! (Valerie leaves.) Some may call it the rebound, but I call it a yes! I got a date! Whoo! And the pants are still on! (Points down to pants.)
Angie: Well I'm the only one dateless.
Aims: Hey Angie I'm also here, but I'm not going to the dance so wanna watch a movie.
Angie: Sure.
Jay: Aw man you both gonna watch a movie.
Danny: Heh, so call tonight.
Angie: Sure!
[At home, Macaque was helping get Jay in her dress]
Macaque: And done!
Jay: Wow, I love it! (Spins in her dress) Haha!
Sun Wukong: My daughter is all grown up.
Jay: Again Monkey King, you're not my dad. I have a dad back home.
Aims: Angie you got the popcorn?
Angie: YEP!
Jay: Girls remember about the ghost dragon.
Angie + Aims: Awww!
[Angie opened her laptop and video calls Danny, Tucker and Sam and they picked up with Sam in her dress and Danny and Tucker getting ready]
Angie: Hey guys, nice outfits!
Sam: Thanks Angie, hey can I see Jay? (Angie nodded and turned the laptop facing Jay and Sam, Tucker and Danny mouth dropped) I love it, oh man I can't wait when we go.
Jay: Alright now ghost dragon chop chop!
Danny: (Adjusting tie.) Tie straight. Shirt tucked in. (Picks up Fenton Fisher. While retracting the pole and putting it in his jacket) Unbreakable ghost fishing line tucked neatly away just in case. (To Sam on his computer) What's taking so long with that dragon research, Angie?
Angie: Alright! Jeez! (Types on laptop.) Here. I'm sending you the link.
[A webpage with an image of the ghost dragon pops up on Danny's screen.]
Danny: That's it! (Clicks on "More Info" link. Reading:) "Medieval ghostly legend held that the cursed Amulet of Aragon--" (Camera cuts to images of a human Dora wearing the amulet) "--could transform any wearer into dragon form--" (Pans to image of the dragon's neck with the amulet) "--under states of extreme emotional duress or anger". (Zooms in on the amulet the dragon is wearing) That's the amulet I gave to Paulina. (Camera cuts to Danny and Tucker) It must have accidentally fallen into my backpack. Wait. You mean...I'm going on a date with a dragon?!
Angie: Like I said, looks are deceiving. I'm sure you guys will have a wonderful evening as me and Aims are going on to watch a movie. (Ends video-chat.)
Sam: See you later have fun! (Ends the video-chat, Danny's screen goes black.)
Danny: She really wants to go to the dance.
Tucker: But she says she didn't want to!
Danny: We're her best friends well with Aims, Sam and Jay. We should have known.
Tucker: Well, there's nothing we can do about it now, right?
[Danny thinks for a moment, then smiles mischievously and flashes green eyes at Tucker.]
Tucker: No way. Forget it. Absolutely not. No!
[Scene cuts to Tucker's hand knocking on Angie's front door.]
Sam: (Opens door.) Tucker? What are you doing here? Where's Valerie?
Danny (Overshadowing Tucker): She kinda cancelled on me. (Angie's eyebrows raise in surprise.) Do you think we could go together-- you know, as friends?
Angie: (Smiling, then frowns.) Uh, I don't know. This is so last minute. And I wanna watch a movie with Aims, and--
Danny: Well, I understand if you don't want to go. (Begins to turn around to leave.)
Angie: (Reaches out to stop him.) Okay, but only because you got stood up. I'll go change into that dumb dress I wasn't gonna wear. (Goes back inside and shuts door.)
Danny (Leaves Tucker's body and floats in air as Phantom. Saluting): See ya! (Flies off.)
Tucker: (Yelling after him.) That is so unfair! And as soon as Angie comes back, (Turns back around) I'm gonna...
[Door opens to reveal Angie dressed up in a white-and-yellow dress with stars and moon on it. Tucker grins and blinks repeatedly.]
Angie: Come on, we're gonna be late! (Shuts door and pulls Tucker, who yelps, by the arm down the porch steps.)
Aims: ANGIE! (Open the door and she saw Angie and Tucker walking off when she saw Sam car) Jay, your rides here.
Jay: Sam! (She ran to Sam and gets in and she look at Aims) Wanna come.
Aims: Sure I need to teach the child a leason.
Sam + Jay: Oh Angie's in big trouble.
[The Casper High gym, which has a banner above its doors reading, "SCHOOL DANCE 2 NITE" and dance music playing from within as students file in. Inside, students are dancing and cheering and Jay and Sam were talking as they drink some punch as Aims was telling Angie off for leaving her behind.]
Lancer (Walking amongst students, reading from his "Hip" book.): Let's get down with our bad selves. (Pointing randomly.) Yo. Shake that thing. (Looks another way.) Hey, G, you're my dog.
[Danny grabs two glasses of punch off a table and turns to hand one to Paulina.]
Danny: Paulina, I was thinking... That amulet--
Paulina: Isn't it fabulous? I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me.
Danny: Yeah, well, about that. See, I shouldn't have given it to you in the first place because...(Spots Angie standing with Tucker laughing as Tucker was making jokes.) It belongs to Angie!
[Paulina growls angrily and sticks out a green dragon tongue to suck the punch out of her glass,which she then breaks in her hand.]
Danny (Handing her his glass.) Uh... But I want to make it up to you. I'll get you something else. Something...more special.
Lancer: Mr. Fenton! About our conversation the other day concerning Danny.
[Jack looks confused. Danny sees this and worries, turning to Paulina.]
Danny: Like punch! I'm gonna get you some special punch. (Runs off.)
[Cut to Jack. Danny turns invisible behind him and overshadows him. Jack's eyes turn green.]
Danny (As Jack): Yes! Danny, what a fine boy he is! Ha! Yes, as his father, I get that all the time.
Maddie: Jack, you sound kind of strange.
Danny: Oh, must be something I ate. (Spots punch table.) Hey! How 'bout I get us some punch? (Walking through students) Excuse me! Excuse me! Adult coming through. I shave every day. (Walks to Jay, Angie, Aims, Tucker and Sam.) Guys, we've got trouble.
Tucker: We had nothing to do with it, Mr. Fenton. It was all Danny's idea.
Danny Tucker, it's me. It's Danny. (Hands them walkie-talkies.) Angie, you try to help me find Paulina. Tucker, Aims, Jay and Sam, keep an eye on my dad. If he starts talking to anyone, page me, got it? (Walks away.)
Sam: This dance gets better and better with every passing minute.
Angie: Alright Danny. (She smiled) I hope Danny didn't say anything dumb.
[Angie runs off in one direction, while Tucker, Aims, Jay and Sam runs off in another. Cut to Paulina walking through another room past Angie, who turns and sees her.]
Angie (On walkie-talkie): Danny! I've got her.
Danny (As Jack, on walkie-talkie): Stay on her. I'm on my way. And Angie, don't make her angry. (Invisibly leaves Jack's body and takes walkie-talkie from his hand. Jack looks confused.)
[Cut to the girls' bathroom, where Paulina is checking herself in a mirror. Angie walks up behind her in the reflection.]
Angie: Hey, Paulina. Nice dress.
Paulina: (Turns to her.) Yes, and it goes so nicely with your amulet, don't you think?
Angie: My amulet? That's not my-- (Realization of Danny's plan hits her.) Right! Listen...my grandma gave me that amulet, and--
Paulina: Forget it, sweetie. I'm not giving up this trinket or your little boyfriend Danny.
Angie: My boyfriend? Ha ha! And they say pretty girls can't be funny. Danny is not my boyfriend.
Paulina: He's not?
Angie: He's my friend. Maybe that's why I was so hard on you. I didn't mean to call you shallow. (Mummbled to herself) Not.
Paulina: What a bummer! I only agreed to go out with him because I thought I was stealing him from you. (Putting amulet around Angie's neck.) Here, take your crummy amulet. (Walking away.) I'm going back inside to dump your dorky friend.
[Angie shakes with anger and the amulet starts to glow. Her skin turns scaly and blue, and her eyes turn red.]
Angie: Shallow little BITCH!!
[She transforms into the blue dragon and roars. Paulina faints. Cut to Danny standing outside the bathroom.]
Danny Paulina? Angie?
[He walks into the bathroom and sees Angie the dragon flying out of the destroyed ceiling. He goes ghost and flies after her. Sam is carrying the unconscious Paulina. Danny flies above Angie and kicks her in the back. She falls and crashes onto the football field.]
Danny: (Lands.) Take it easy, Paulina. You don't want to hurt Angie. (Noticing Paulina in Angie's grasp.) Paulina? (Looks at Sam's face.) Angie?!
Angie: (Stands up on hind legs.) Shallow girl!
Danny: Yep, that's Angie. (Angie breathes fire at him and he turns intangible to avoid it, then reappears.) Whoa! Sam! Two words: breath mints, sorry if that's rude, just saying.
[He launches into the air and pulls Paulina from Angie's hand. Angie roars at them, then hits them with her tail, sending them towards the bleachers. Danny turns himself and Paulina intangible. Cut to behind the bleachers, where Dash is leaning against the fence talking to a girl.]
Dash: So, do you like quarterbacks?
[Danny and Paulina phase through the bleachers and hit the fence, turning tangible. Dash and the girl stare in surprise.]
Danny: Uh, sorry.
[Angie lifts up a section of bleachers and roars, causing Dash and the girl to scream and run away. Angie throws away the bleachers.]
Danny: Now, Angie, be reasonable. (His walkie-talkie beeps and he puts it to his ear.)
Tucker (On walkie-talkie): Danny, Lancer's getting close to your dad.
Aims + Jay (On walkie-talkie): Be quick!
Danny: I hate to do this, Angie but you leave me with no choice.
[He flies towards Angie and strains to pick up her tail, then pulls her into the air by it. He swings her around and flings her into the distance. He turns around, smiling, then frowns.]
Danny: Oh, man. Dad!
[Cut to Jack walking through the dance. He suddenly stops and looks angry.]
Jack: Hey! (Sees Maddie and Lancer, who look back at him. To Lancer) Who the heck are you? And why are you talking to my wife?
Maddie: Jack, this is Mr. Lancer-- (In a hushed tone) From the parent-teacher conference.
[Danny phases up through the floor behind Jack and overshadows him.]
Danny (As Jack): Right, right. I'm sorry, it's just in this light I thought you were George Clooney. Isn't he sharp, Mom? I mean, Maddie.
Lancer: Well... (Chuckles.) Thank you.
Danny: Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to dance with my wife. That's what we adults do, dance with our wives. (Pulls Maddie to the dance floor and they begin to dance.)
Maddie: (Sighs.) Doesn't this bring back memories?
Danny: If by memories you mean things you remember that I don't, then yes! Go ahead and remind me of stuff. I'll totally agree to remembering.
[The song ends and students start cheering for them. Danny invisibly leaves Jack''s body and flies off.]
Jack: What the heck? I mean, uh, thank you! Thank you all on behalf of me, Jack Fenton.
[Cut to Angie flying through the air, then Danny phasing through the roof and flying at her. Angie breathes fire at him three times, all of which Danny dodges. He stops in front of her.]
Danny I hate to say this, but you throw fire like a girl! (Angie growls. He pulls out the Fenton Fisher.) The Fenton Fisher. (Flying towards Angie.) It can capture ghosts and dragon ghosts. (Casting line at Angie, which wraps around her neck.) Way to go, Dad!
[Angie continually breathes fire at Danny, who keeps wrapping the line around her until her wings and arms are secure. She drops to the ground. Danny flies down to her and removes the amulet. She transforms back into her human self.]
Danny (Off-screen): Angie? (Light flashes as he transforms into Danny Fenton. Cut to him kneeling down next to Angie.) Are you alright?
Angie: Wow. (Holding her head) Did I have fun at the dance?
Danny Well, uh... (Chuckles.) Let's just say you had a roaring time.
[Then Jay and Aims ran and hugged Angie]
Jay: You're safe!
Aims: We saw the whole fight.
Angie: Wait, oh the dragon possessed me, didn't it.
Danny: Yep.
Angie: Heh. Oppies.
[Scene fades to a near-empty gym with students filing out. Angie, Jay, Aims Sam, Danny, and Tucker are standing in the middle of the floor.]
Tucker: Dude, sorry your date didn't pan out. Where is Paulina anyway?
[Cut to Dash leaning against the wall talking to Paulina, who looks annoyed.]
Dash: So, do you like quarterbacks?
[Cut to Angie, who looks as if she's about to answer Tucker, then changes her mind.]
Angie: Ah, who cares? Look! (Cut to the DJ.) The DJ's still playing. (Turns to Danny.) And I think there's time for one last dance?
Danny: Sure, I'd love to. (Hands Tucker the amulet.) Keep an eye on this, will ya? (Tucker nods.)
[Cut to Danny and Angie slow dancing.]
Angie: Promise me you'll keep your pants up.
Danny: I'll do my best.
[Cut to Tucker, Sam, Jay and Angie standing off to the side, watching them.]
Tucker: Wait a second. I'm dateless again?! What does a guy have to do to get hooked up around here?
[Dora the ghost suddenly appears behind Tucker.]
Dora: I want to go to the ball!
Tucker: On second thought, I don't need a date that badly. (Dora comes closer and places her hands on his shoulders. Yelling to Danny and Angie) Hey guys, wait up! Can I cut in?
Sam: Well thats a dance I'll never forget.
Jay: Same.
Aims: Best day ever and (Grabbed a camare and took a picture of Angie and Danny slow dancing) Keeping this one for my notebook, goodnight everybody.
NEXT UP: One of a Kind
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