Trent Gets Schooled

xiii. trent gets schooled


Freya sat in the cafeteria at school with Bree, Leo, and Adam just chatting and having lunch.

Perry walks in. "Greetings, puke puddles!" Freya groaned and pushed her tray away, losing her appetite. "Tomorrow is yearbook photo day and, while I'm not sure why anyone would want a record of this awkward phase of your lives--" A boy with acne looks up and she grimaces. "Ugh-- I'll be your photographer. Oh, and don't blink, 'cause homie don't do retakes! Haha!" Perry walks out and Freya pulls her tray back, picking up her sandwich to eat.

"Well, that settles that. I am so getting my hair done right after school." Bree declared as Juliet walks up to her.

"I can do your hair," Juliet offered. "I do Freya's all the time."

"You do?" Adam asked and grimaced when he looked at Freya. "No offense, but you need to get better trained."

"Adam," Bree frowned and Freya was just glaring at him.

Juliet smacked him upside the head and Adam groaned. "Ow!"

"Make fun of my hairstyling all you want. Just not my sister," Juliet warned Adam, leaning down to him. Adam rubbed his head and his eyes met hers.

He nodded with his cheeks turning pink. "Yes, ma'am."

Freya chuckled at how flustered Adam got.

"Anyways, I'll do you hair, Bree," Juliet smiled. "No problem."

"Thanks, Juliet." Bree smiled and Juliet walked away after that.

"Oh! Can you bring me back some clippings off the floor? I need 'em to finish building my 'Taj Mahair.'" Adam places his sculpture of the Taj Mahair on the table.

"And there goes my appetite again," Freya said, putting her sandwich down.

"Where did all of that hair come from?" Bree asked Adam.

"Pets, shower drains, brushes-- If you want it, you can get it." Adam shrugged.

Bree leaned back in her seat. "Well, that is disgusting."

"Yeah." Adam scoffed. "Well, if you think that's gross, wait until you see "Buckinghair Palace."

"Please don't," Freya pleaded.

"Why are you so concerned about a stupid yearbook photo?" Leo asked as Chase walked over and Freya gave him a soft smile, lightly blushing.

"I am still trying to live down last year's picture when I wasn't ready for the flash and my eyes glitched. "Bree holds her yearbook photo from last year where she looked like a zombie with black eyes.

Adam, Chase, and Freya groaned at the sight. "Ughh."

"Bree, your zombie picture was the least of the problems with the yearbook. Perry photo-bombed every group picture." Chase mentioned and Bree flipped the page. "Drama club..." Bree flips the page. "Cheerleaders..." Bree flips the page. Swim team--"

"No!" Freya grabs book out of Bree's hands shaking her head. "No, no, no! None of us need to see that again."

The bell rings and all of the students walk into the main hallway. Chase, Leo, and Frey walk out to see Trent and the other footballs players practicing football.

"Move thirty-two! Hut! Hut!" Trent called.

A football player passes the ball to Trent and he throws it across the room, which made some students stumble around.

Chase walks up to Trent with Leo and Freya. "Trent, what are you doing?"

"Using football practice as an excuse to knock over innocent bystanders." Trent smiled

"But it's not even football season." Leo reasoned.

"True, but it's always tackling season. Heads up!" Trent called out.

Trent throws the ball to Leo and all of the football players tackle him while he screams. Chase pulled Freya away, who let out a small chuckle and Chase pinched her arm.

"Ow," she frowned before she noticed he was holding her waist. The two moved away from one another, blushing.

Trent walked over to Leo when the other football players got off Leo. "Let me help you up."

"Yeah, right. I'm not falling for that." Leo objected.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm only being nice 'cause I need something." Trent said and pulled Leo to his feet. "You guys...are gonna help me past my history test."

"You don't even take history. The only class you have left is physics." Chase mentioned and Freya furrowed her eyebrows.

"Weird that you know that." She said to Chase.

"And since when do you care about taking tests?" Leo asked.

"There is a lot about me you don't know. I have many layers. I am very dense." Trent informed them and Freya let out a quiet laugh.

Chase grinned. "Hmm. Yes. Yes, you are."

Freya and Chase shared an amusing smile.

"Look, Perry says I can't fail again." Trent told them.

"Oh, but you can. It's kind of your thing." Freya remarked.

"Come on, there's gotta be some kind of trick." Trent pleaded. "Like, what's that thing you do that makes you pass tests?"

"It's called studying." Leo told him and Freya snickered.

"Or cheat off the person next to you." Freya said and Chase frowned.

"I sit next to you." Chase said and Freya smiled, patting his arm.

"I know."

"What else you got?" Trent asked.

"How about this? We help you pass, you move football practice back outside." Leo negotiated.

"Yeah. I guess I could do that." Trent shrugged and walks over to the football players.

"Hmm. That was easy." Chase said.

"There's always a catch." Freya added.

"Come on, guys, we're taking this outside. And we're gonna need some tackling dummies..." Trent turned to the trio and Freya folded her arms, glaring at them.

"Touch me and you'll need a trip to the hospital!" Freya snapped and Trent flinched, chuckling nervously.

"Except her."

Freya moved to the side as football players ran over and grab Chase and Leo. Freya folded her arms and watched them carry Chase and Leo outside while they scream.

Freya sighed. "Well, I can't miss this."

She followed them outside.


~Davenport House~

Freya, Chase, and Leo walk in the house and Freya plops her bag on the couch. She enjoyed watching Chase and Leo ger tackled by the football players for a while, until she got bored and her and Juliet stopped it.

"I can't believe you filmed us being tackling dummies." Leo said and Freya chuckled.

"I can't believe you think I wouldn't do that," Freya laughed, nudging him.

"Man, I can't stand Trent. Why do we have to help him pass his test?" Chase asked, tossing his backpack on the couch.

"Because he's big and you're small. Because Perry likes him and hates you. Because he has all the power and you don't. I could go on and on and on." Freya explained.

"You're just happy Trent doesn't torment." Chase remarked.

Freya shrugged. "He knows better. And yes I am happy."

"You know, since he needs our help, technically we have the power in the situation. We control what he learns." Chase mentioned and walks across the room to grab something.

"Ah, yes. I'm gonna speak in a tone that suggests I know where you're going with this, but wait for you to tell me more." Leo said speaking in a confident tone.

Chase walks back, holding up a pair of glasses. "These are Davenglasses."

Freya scoffed. "Gee, someone needs to have their name on everything."

"They're a subliminal learning device that helps the user rapidly memorize any programmed information." Chase explained. "Here, check out demo mode."

Leo puts on the glasses and Chase presses a button on them to turn it on.

A screen of information about Davenport Industries appeared with Davenport doing a voiceover. "The world knows Donald Davenport as the most successful tech mogul of Silicon Valley, but he's so much more. A true fashionista, he's even able to make sequins manly. Let's have a look."

Leo takes glasses off immediately. "No, let's not have a look."

"Okay, those are cool and all, but how are they gonna help us with Trent?" Freya asked.

"We'll get even with him by programming the glasses with fake facts." Chase told her.

"The glasses said that Big D looks manly. They're already programmed with fake facts." Leo mentioned and Freya chuckled.


Later that night, Chase, Freya, and Leo's were sitting on the couch waiting for Trent to come by. He was coming over for their study session, but the three were going to use the Davenglasses to give Trent fake facts. Freya was glad to be pranking Trent again. She knew she would be unharmed, so she was fine.

The doorbell rang and Chase giggled. "That's Trent!"

Freya chuckled at him. "You know, when you laugh like that, I can see how Trent picks on you."

Chase's smile faded and his lips pressed together. Freya found it cute nonetheless.

"As much as I want to get even with him, isn't this just gonna blow up in our face when he fails the test?" Leo asked Chase, who was standing by the door.

"Or maybe he'll never want our help again." Chsse reasoned. "Just like you always do a bad job with the dishes so you don't have to do 'em anymore."

"Hey, that's only because of my sensitive skin. These dandy hands don't dance in dishwater." Leo objected, holding his hands up.

"I see why Trent picks on you too." Freya mentioned and Leo gave her a glare.

The doorbell rings again and Chase answers it. Trent walks in and immediately goes to the kitchen.

"All right, let's make this quick. I got a full schedule tonight." Trent told them.

"Of what, terrorizing kids and destroying private property?" Leo asked.

Trent nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay, Trent, since you asked us to help you study for your test, we decided to let you in on a little secret as to how we study and get good grades." Chase explained as Trent opened the fridge and got out a bowl of food.

Freya frowned at this. Freya rummages through their fridge because she's their friend, but Trent doing it is just wrong.

"Is your secret having no friends and being bad at sports?" Trent asked, taking a bite of his food.

Chase let out a forced laughed. "This guy..." Trent walked into the living room as Chase continued. "Look, all you have to do is wear these special glasses for the next few hours. These will implant facts into your brain." Chase showed Trent the glasses.

"I don't need the "facts," I need the answers." Trent told him.

Freya blinked. "Those are in there, too."

Chase nodded. "Mm-hmm."

Chase hands Trent the glasses and he puts them on. Freya takes his bowl and eats the food in it.

The glasses turned on and Chase did voiceover. "Here is everything you need to know about physics."

Kinetic energy is the study of energy in Connecticut." Leo's voice spoke.

"Duh. Who doesn't know that?" Trent chuckled.

"Sir Isaac Newton chopped down his father's cherry tree and then lied about it." Freya's voice spoke.

"Oh. I thought that was George Washington." Trent said with shock.

"Thermal expansion occurs when you eat something hot and get huge." Leo said.

Trent gasped. "My dad has that!" Trent takes off glasses, standing up. "These are awesome! It's just like TV except without commercials, or my mom telling me to put on pants." He saw Freya eating his food. "You're eating my food."

"Technically it's their food," Freya corrected. "Now go away."

Trent walked out of the house and the trio high fived.


~School Hallway~

Chase is hiding on the staircase watching Trent when Leo and Freya walks over. Trent had taken the test and was waiting on test results.

"Has Trent got his test results yet?" Leo asked.

"No, but he's about to. I can't wait to see his face when he finds out how badly he did." Chase grinned and laughed.

"You do know he's gonna come after you two and you can't outrun him, right?" Freya asked them.

"Oh. I don't have to outrun him." Chase said and pointed at Leo. "I just have to outrun you."

"Everyone can outrun Leo," Freya said and Leo glared at her.

Perry walks out of her office and over to Trent. "Well, Trent, I got the score back on your physics test. You got a hundred percent-

"Yes!!!" Trent cheered.

"Of the answers wrong." Perry finished. Chase, Freya, and Leo silently cheer from the staircase.

"Wait. What? That's impossible. I got help from Dooley, Not-Dooley, and Little Monroe. They even gave me these magic learning glasses." Trent holds out the Davenglasses.

Perry scoffed. "Magic learning glasses? That's dumb even for you."

"Wait, I don't get it. They learned me things." Trent told her.

"They set you up, feather-brain!" Perry exclaimed.

Trent stomped his foot. "When I find them, I am gonna do this to them!" Trent snaps the glasses in half. "Except it's gonna take longer and be a lot more painful. And not Monroe, her sister will hurt me."

"Good luck," Freya told the boys, who seemed frightened.

Trent leaves and Perry spots Chase, Freya, and Leo try to run away.

"Hey! Smokey! Bandit! Thumbelina! Get down here!" Perry called to them and Chase, Freya, and Leo reluctantly walk down the staircase to Perry.

"I hope you three are happy." Perry said.

"Well, since you asked, I would say we feel ecstatic. What word would you use, Leo and Freya?" Chase asked.

"I feel wonderful," Freya grinned.

"I feel complete." Leo smiled.

"Well, enjoy that victory, because if Trent had passed that class, he would have finally graduated." Perry informed them and their eyes widened in shock. "Still feel complete?" Perry walks away.

"Wait, so that means—" Leo started.

"We missed our chance to get rid of Trent forever." Chase finished and Freya chuckled.

"You both are dead." She told them and Trent walked out, spotting them. She patted their shoulders, pressing her lips together nervously.

"There you are. I'm gonna chop you down like Sir Isaac Newton's cherry tree." Trent threatened.

"I may be slow, but I do know how to play dirty!" Leo said and stomped on Chase's foot. "Yah!"

Freya laughed as Chase yelped, holding his foot.

Trent growls angrily as Chase runs out of the school screaming. Freya sighed as she followed them out, folding her arms.


Chase and Leo run back into the school with Trent chasing them. Freya was just following them around, watching and laughing from time to time.

Leo saw Perry and yelled. "Principal Perry, help! Trent is chasing us!"

Chase and Leo grabbed Perry, using her as a shield. Freya walked over to them, standing there unharmed.

Perry yelled. "Aah! Get off me!" She pushed Chase and Leo off her. "The state says I can't fight back, but if I cared what the state said, I wouldn't have wallpapered my kitchen with parking tickets!"

"Look, we're sorry for setting Trent up." Chase apologized.

"I'm not," Freya snickered and Leo nudged her rib.

"Just please, please give him another chance. We'll help him study. For real this time." Chase promised.

"Don't trust him! It's a trap! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...I'm gonna hit you!" Trent threatened and went to Perry and Freya both block him.

"Don't touch them," Freya snapped and Trent moved back. "That's enough!"

"Well, since it wasn't technically Trent's fault, he can retake the test tomorrow." Perry offered.

"Ooh! Burn! 'Cause of you two, I gotta take another test." Trent bragged and then realized what she said. He turned to Perry. "Wait. What?"

"That gives you three the rest of the day to help him study." Perry told them.

"So you don't care if we skip our classes today?" Freya asked her.

"I care very little about you." Perry remarked.

"Same here," Freya smiled.


Later, Freya, Chase, and Leo were in the gym helping Trent study. Well, they were attempting to, he wasn't paying attention to them. He was doodling.

Chase was writing equations on the whiteboard. "Pressure equals force...over...?"

Trent writes something and turns around his notebook to reveal a drawing of himself as a t-Rex with him chasing Leo and Chase.

"What is that?" Freya sighed.

"Trentosaurus rex. I'm about to eat them," Trent remarked. "I'd draw you, but you would feed me the drawing."

Freya nodded, folding her arms.

"Okay. Maybe he's more of a visual learner." Leo said.


Chase got out a pendulum.

"So this demonstrates conservation of momentum." Chase explained and initiates conservation of momentum on pendulum. Chase noticed Trent doodling. "Are you drawing another Trentosaurus rex?"

"No!" Trent shows them drawing of a different dinosaur. "It's a Trentodactyl. Guess what he eats?"

"Better not be me," Freya warned and Trent shook his head at her.

"You're hopeless." Leo said.

Oh, really?" Trent asked and picked up a dodgeball. He throws ball that hits Chase, who falls into Leo, who knocks over a cart of gym balls. Freya scooted back, chuckling at this.

Trent laughs. "Now that's conservation of momentum."

"That was rude. But funny," Freya grinned and knelt down to the boys. "I'm starting to think he only learns when people get hurt."

Chase brightens up, getting an idea. "We can use that!"


Freya was smiling at sight of Leo strapped to the giant gyroscope. She knew she was going to every moment of this.

"This is the best idea you've ever had," Freya told Chase, who chuckled.

"I didn't mean when I get hurt!" Leo cried. "Why not Freya?"

"He knows better," Freya told him.

"I really don't feel like losing my limbs," Chase mentioned and Freya nodded. "Okay, so here's how it works. For every question you answer correctly, you get to spin the gyroscope. The more you get right, the more Leo suffers."

Leo stared at him in horror. "Wait. What?"

"Woo!!" Freya laughed.

"Awesome!" Trent smiled.

"Nope, not awesome." Leo protested as Trent stood next to the gyroscope.

"Okay, first question. How do you calculate force?" Chase asked.

"Oh! I know this one! Uh, mass times..." Trenr started and trailed off.

"Picture Leo spinning fast..." Freya hinted.

"Acceleration!" Trent exclaimed.

"He's right!" Chase beamed.

"Nope. Nope." Leo shook his head. Trent laughs while Leo protests, and then spins Leo. Freya laughed along with Trent and got out her phone, taking a picture of it.


"Torque!" Trent answered.

"Right!" Chase smiled and handed Freya the flash card.

Leo was still spinning and Trent spun it more. "Yahh! Stop the spinning!" Leo yelled.

Trent spinned him and laughed.


"Applied force?" Trent answered.

"Riiiight!" Chase laughed and Freya clapped, watching Leo get spun faster.

Leo continues to yell as he got spun. "Aaah!"

"Kinetic energy!!!!" Trenr yelled.

"He's right!" Chase exclaimed, swinging his arm and pointing at Trent.

"WOOO!" Freya cheered.

Leo continued to yell as he got faster and Trent cheered.

"Give him a hard one!" Leo cried.

"Don't!" Freya protested and laughed.


After studying all day with Trent and making Leo suffer, Chase, Freya, and Leo were waiting for Trent to finish the test. The boys were pacing as Freya sat on the bench.

"What do we do if Trent doesn't pass?" Chase asked nervously.

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna aim for your other foot and run." Leo remarked.

Perry walks in. "Well done. "Trent passed and finally graduated. He's no longer a student at Mission Creek High."

Chase, Freya, and Leo cheered. "Yes!"

"He's society's problem now!" Freya said.

A whistle blew by the back doors and they look to find Trent there in a uniform.

"Hi, nerds, miss me?" Trent asked.

"Trent, you graduated. You don't have to be here anymore." Chase told him.

"Yeah, shouldn't you be working at a gas station or living at a gas station?" Leo asked.

"You belong at a gas station." Freya added.

"Nope, he belongs here. I just hired Trent as the new gym teacher." Perry informed.

"That's right. From now on it's "Mister" Trent." Trent smiled and Freya frowned. "And I'm not scared of you anymore. I have the right to send you to the principals office whenever I wish."

Freya looked at Perry, shaking her head. "That's cold, Terry Perry. That's cold."

"He fulfills all the requirements-- Dirt cheap, high school grad, and he almost passed the psychological exam. Did better than me, anyway." Perry explained.

"Thanks for all your help, guys. Now I get paid to torture you." Trent smiled kindly and Freya glared at him. "I don't care what my dad says, graduating high school is worth it."

"It really isn't," Freya shook her head and sighed.


The following day, Leo, Freya, and Chase were sitting on the circle bench, talking when Trent walked out, blowing a whistle.

"Let's go, short, shorter, and shortest! Time to sweat till you cry!" Trent ordered and Freya glared at him.

Perry told Freya if she hits Trent, she will expel her. She is no longer immune to Trent's torment.

"It's not even gym class." Freya frowned.

"Now that I'm here..." Trent whispered, getting in her face. "It's always gym class for you, Thumbelina." Trent blows whistle in her face and she leaned back, groaning loudly.

"Might be worth getting expelled," Freya hissed as Trent walks away and Bree walks in.

"Hey. We saw the yearbook. You take quite a photo, "Hairy Mary.'" Chase teased, chuckling.

"I know my sister didn't give you that disaster. However, it was pretty funny whatever did happen." Freya chuckled and Bree pressed her lips together, suppressing her internal annoyance.

"Yeah, the junior class just renamed you "Señorita Sasquatch." Leo laughed.

Bree shrugged. "Eh, I'm not too worried. People are gonna forget all about my picture when they see what I did to Adam."

"Hey, Bree!" Adam called from outside the school. "I don't know where you got that hair gel you gave me... "Adam walks in with a full Afro and Freya laughed at the sight as he walked in. "But I'm lovin' it."

Adam started to dance and spins around. He raises his arms, revealing a bush of armpit hair. Freya gaged at the sight, looking away.

"Ahhh! Eww!" Everyone groaned in disgust, looking away.


Next Chapter: No Going Back

Season 2 finale is next! Then it's time for season 3!

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