I can tell that we're gonna be friends

(-swaggybitch, Thank you so much for commenting your idea! I highly appreciate it! I'm always going to be taking requests, so if you have any, just send them my way, and I will try my best to get them out!) ________________________

August walked down the road next to Castiel, holding his hand. Cas never minded it, she held his hand when walking with him all the time. Dean had asked him to pick her up from school, and cas of course said yes.

They had Jack with them, and Sam and Cas wanted them to meet, but Dean was very hesitant about it.

August smiled as they approached the bunker, she let go of cas's hand and ran to the bunker door, pushing it open. As cas came in, August was already rushing down the stairs.

August squealed as she ran to Sam, jumping up and hugging him tightly, Sam smiled and chuckled as he spun her around.

"How was school?" Sam asked her as he signed.

"Good!" August signed and giggled.

"Good!" Sam chuckled. "Alright, look, we want you to meet somebody." he told her.

August tilted her head looking to Dean who was looking at the floor, he still wasn't completely on board with this.

"Who?" August signed.

A boy then walked into the room with a glass of water in his hand. He stopped as he saw August.

"Hello." He smiled as he raised one of his hands in a greeting manner.

"August, this is Jack, lucifers son." Cas told august when she looked at him.

August smiled as she looked back to Jack, she then waved at him.

"Hi, my name is August." She signed, greeting him the same way she greeted everyone else for the first time.

Jack tilted his head.

"What is she doing with her hands?" He asked curiously.

"She's signing, jack. It asl, American Sign Language." Sam explained.

"Why does she do it?" Jack asked.

"She's hard of hearing, meaning she can hear, it's just harder for her to hear. That's why she has hearing aids, to help her hear better, but I believe she's on a hearing break." Sam chuckled.

August nodded.

"So she can hear me, but not all the way?" Jack asked.

August nodded with a smile.

"I can teach you!" August signed excitedly.

"She says she can teach you." Sam said.

"I would like that." Jack smiled.

August smiled.

Dean looked between the two kids, going to say something, but Sam noticed and elbowed him in the side.

"How old is he?" August signed, tilted her head slightly in question.

"A few days." Sam answered nonchalantly.

August was taken back.

"Again?" She asked, thinking maybe she read his lips wrong.

"A few days." Sam repeated, signing as he spoke this time.

August looked back at Jack who was still smiling, looking between everyone.

August smiled as she turned to Dean before signing to him.

"Can we go to the amusement park?" August signed excitedly.

"No." Dean shook his head.

"Dean." Sam warned, knowing the only reason he wasn't going to let them go, was because of Jack.

"Yes, you can go." Sam told August making her smile.

Dean gave his brother a look, one of which Sam returned.

August excitedly bounced in her spot.


August pulled Jack off with her towards a game, and Sam put his hand on Deans shoulder to keep him from following them.

"Dean, it's fine, you need to calm down." Sam told him.

"That's my little girl, Sam. And if anything happens to her because of him, I will kill him." Dean told his little brother.

"Okay." Sam sighed, Cas looked between them. "Okay, that's fair. I understand." He said.

Dean let out a breath.

"They're just hanging out, it's okay." Sam stated making Dean look at him.

"I don't care. I don't want him around my daughter." Dean told him.

"Dean, Jack won't hurt her. Not on purpose." Cas spoke up.

Dean stayed quiet.


August laughed as Jack tried playing the ring toss game.

"Can do it jack!" August cheered him on.

Jack smiled as he got one of the rings onto one of the bottles. He threw another one, and got it on another bottle.

Jack looked back at august with a smile.

He then turned back, and threw the last ring, it went onto another bottle.

August smiled as she clapped.

"I did it!" Jack cheered excitedly as he hugged august.

August laughed and hugged him back.

The woman behind the ring toss game, gave Jack a stuffed dog. August smiled as Jack confusingly took it.

"It's your prize! You won!" August said and signed to him.

"Oh!" Jack smiled.

"What will you play?" Jack asked her.

August grinned as she looked towards the roller coaster.

Jack tilted his head.

August giggled excitedly, then took his hand and started pulling him.

They came up to Sam, Dean, and Cas.

August took her hearing aids out and gave them to dean.

She sighed something, but she was going too fast so nobody could understand her signing.

"What? I don't—" Dean raised his hands as he held her hearing aids in one.

"She says they are going on the roller coaster. If I'm correct, she needs you to hold them so they don't come out while on the roller coaster." Cas stated.

August smiled excitedly.

"Sam, could you please hold this for me?" Jack asked, giving the stuffed dog to Sam.

"Yeah." Sam chuckled.

"Thank you very much." Jack smiled just before august took his hand, pulling him towards the roller coaster.

"See? Look, they're having fun!" Sam stated to his brother.

"Shut up. She doesn't like him, she just likes having someone to hang out with." Dean crossed his arms over his chest.

"Dean, just face it! August likes jack, and he likes her. They're going to be friends, if they're not already." Sam told him.

Dean sighed.

"Okay, fine. But one wrong move from him, and I swe—"

"We know, dean." Sam cut his brother off.


After riding the roller coaster, which jack found very scary, but fun at the same time, they played a bunch of other games before they headed home.

August yawned as she walked into her room, Jack following her.

"I have to take a shower, you can watch movies if you want." August spoke and signed to Jack.

"Okay." Jack nodded, taking a seat on August's bed.

August smiled at him, then took her hearing aids out, laying them on her dresser, then she went into the bathroom to take a shower.

About ten or so minutes later, she came out in clean clothes, with wavy damp hair.

She then noticed Jack looking at the red hearing aids on August's dresser.

August smiled before grabbing them and putting them in, making Jack look up at her and smile.

"What is it like without them?" Jack asked.

"Quiet." August signed and spoke at the same time as she sat next to jack on the bed. "Sometimes muffled."

"Does not being able to hear right make you sad?" Jack asked her.

August thought for a moment.

"Only sometimes. Very rare." August signed and talked to Jack. "I was born with it."

"Oh." Jack tilted his head a little.

August chuckled.

"I think we're gonna be very good friends." August signed and spoke.

"I would like that." Jack smiled. "I don't think i have any friends." he stated.

August couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry, me either." August said as she signed.

Jack smiled at her.

(I hope you liked it, and like I said, if you have any requests, just comment or send a private message!)

Thank you so much for reading!

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