8. Bang, bang into the walls, bitch
Bang, bang into the walls, bitch
(They know you want it)
In which you point out Dream's lack of D-vitamin
Running around in a flaming forest, was just as warm as you would expect it to be. Your fire resistance helped you to not drown in your own sweat, but it sure didn't make the temperature any lower. It was like running around in purgatory.
You were running around like a headless chicken. You had no clue where you were going - you didn't even know where you were anymore. But you didn't really mind that - the only thing you concentrated on was finding the two boys.
And someone must have heard your prayers. Cause not too long after, you found a blonde and a brunette sitting under against a tree, which was magically the only one that hadn't caught on fire. They both wore the L'manburg uniform. There was no doubt about it - it was Tommy and Tubbo.
You began running towards them, now with a ton of new energy. And that was when you realized something was wrong. Tubbo's shoulder was fully visible and very red. As you got closer, you saw that it was burned. Third-degree. It looked very bad.
"Tubbo!" You exclaimed, sitting next to the boy. They jumped in surprise at your sudden voice. "Tommy, what happened?"
Tommy looked up, relief in his eyes when he saw you. "(Y/n)! Thank goodness! Tubbo's shirt caught on fire. He's been paralyzed the last couple of minutes."
You kneeled down beside the brunette, examining the wound. You gulped, almost feeling the pain yourself. "We need to get him back to L'manburg."
Tommy nodded, gathering strength to stand up.
Tubbo's eyes were filled with tears. He bit his lip, trying very hard not to cry. "It stings. I-I can't move it" He mumbled, voice shaky and brittle.
"I know. It's okay." You said, stroking his hair. You should've brought a healing potion with you. Well, you could always give him one of your healing arrows, but in order for that to work, you would have to stab him - and right now that didn't seem like the best idea.
When Tommy was on his feet, he reached a hand out to Tubbo. "Can you walk now, big man?"
Tubbo squinted his eyes but nodded. He took Tommy's hand and stood up, biting his lip in the process. When he got on his feet, he looked at you. "(Y/n) did you come here to help us?" The wounded boy demanded to know.
"Well, yeah." you quickly said, as if it was a matter of course. "Why wouldn't I?"
They both smiled. "Thank you."
When you were done with your epic friendship moment, the three of you began walking - at a very slow pace, so Tubbo could keep up. You were walking in front to look out for any falling branches, monsters or enemies. You tried your best not to limp too much, due to the wound on your upper thigh. You didn't want them to pity you - it was Tubbo who was in focus right now.
It was quite deep, and you felt the warm liquid run down your leg. You hadn't meant to stab the arrow that deep, but you guess you had just got caught in the moment.
The fire resistance was still working, but you felt the air beginning to get thicker. There wasn't much time left, and if you began coughing as much as the boys behind you, and be just as affected by the fire as they were, getting back safely would be much more difficult. You needed to hurry.
At some times, Tommy had to point you in the right direction to go in, since you didn't really remember the way back to L'manburg. Everything looked the same since there was fire everywhere.
And finally, after five minutes of walking, you began to see the walls of your home. But you saw something green in the corner of your eye too. You turned your head to see Dream, staring at you through the flames. From what you could see, he didn't carry any weapons. Only flint and steal. Bastard.
What was he doing here? Didn't he have some forest left to burn down? And why was he staring at you?
"Go on ahead Tommy, I'll be right there." You said, smiling at the boy reassuringly. The boy behind you stopped up. He was exhausted from pulling much of Tubbo's weight on top of not being able to breathe properly. He looked confusedly at you.
"Go." You ordered sternly.
Tommy had an unsure look on his face but kept on ahead with Tubbo by his side. They hadn't spotted Dream like you had, so they didn't look back. When they were gone, you turned to face Dream, who hadn't moved an icnh.
There was quite a distance between the two of you, but it was almost as if you could hear him breathe. He didn't smile evilly or anything, as Sapnap did when you first saw him in the forest. Even the stupid face on Dream's mask seemed monotone in that very moment.
You narrowed your eyes at the man. His arms were crossed in a confident posture, his mask lit up by the flames.
You hadn't expected the big bad guy to be around the same age as you. And you surely hadn't expected him to hide behind a mask. Was it because he wanted to seem intimidating, or was the guy underneath just really insecure?
You snorted. Yeah, probably not the latter. There wasn't a single thing about him that seemed humble.
You disliked him. Very much. You wanted to say you hated him, but that was a very strong word to use for someone you haven't really met properly. But judging by all of the horrible stories you've heard of him, he sounded like someone you would hate if you did know him. But for now, he had to settle for someone you strongly disliked.
He was the worst kind of person, in your opinion. He was the kind, who would go as far as to kill another person for their own benefit. There wasn't any excuse for that.
He was exactly the kind of person, who you feared your old friend had turned into. And whenever you looked at him, you couldn't help but think of just that. It was like the green guy awoke every fear you had inside of you.
The two of you had stared at one another for quite some time, and you were currently, as dumb as it sounded, debating whether or not you should give him the finger and run off.
You had just come to the conclusion that it probably wouldn't be the smartest idea, when the guy moved just the slightest bit, making all of your alarms go crazy.
He was about to say something. A declaration of war maybe? As payback for you humiliating one of his friends? Was he about to warn you? Attack you? Maybe curse you?
You tensed up, as you saw his mouth open slowly. You didn't know why, but you held your breath.
"Thanks for the fish,"
That cocky bastard. That absolute poor excuse of a man. Why was he talking about the fish you had put in his chest, as an oopsie-gift, because you had taken all of his diamonds? And now of all times, when he was surrounded by flames? He was more of a psychopath than you had thought.
You didn't know how to respond. Once again you were left on the spot, where you would just say some weird-ass shit without thinking. "Uh, no problem. You looked like the kind of guy who was in need of some D-vitamins."
You mentally slapped yourself. Why. The actual fuck. Would you say that.
Dreams shoulders were shaking in a laughing manner. He then continued to look at you, but you were so done. You turned around and left, without saying anything more - and the whole way you regretted more than anything that you had learned the ability to speak.
You met up with your friends in the medical room. Inside, Tubbo was sitting on a bed, bandages wrapped around his shoulder. The boy had a smile on his face again, which made you smile yourself.
Everyone else were standing right in front of him, talking about the forest fire. When they noticed your presence though, they turned around. Wilbur met you with a warm smile and a calp on your shoulder. "You found them, (Y/n)."
Oh, he was quite the observer.
You nodded. Well, it wasn't like they had been completely incabable of getting back to L'manberg without your help, but you were glad to take some of the credit.
"Do you have any wounds that needs to be healed as well?" Fundy asked after everyone had greeted you back.
"Oh, right." You said, taking off your armor. Once you remembered that you had actually been hit by not only your own arrow but also an axe, the pain increased. You looked down to see your upper thigh completely covered in blood. "Well, fuck."
Wilbur, Fundy, Eret and Tommy gasped while Tubbo let out a loud squeak, covering his eyes.
Fundy immediately placed you on a bed, taking up your leg with his hands. He pulled up your pants, eyeing the wound (Why did that sound so sexual-) "Dear lord, did you get shot!?"
You winched as Fundy cleaned the wound. "Oh no, I stabbed myself."
Fundy dropped your leg in shock, causing you to groan in pain. Everyone looked at you wide-eyed. You wished you could take a photo of their expressions.
"You stabbed yourself!?" Tommy shouted. "Are you fucking crazy, woman?!"
Wilbur took a humble step away from you, Eret's mouth hanging open. Tubbo looked like he was about to cry.
"It was with a fire-resistance arrow." You explained, enjoying how everyone let out a sigh of relief that they hadn't let a self-harming psychopath inside of their walls. "I needed it for the smoke."
Fundy was continuing his work on your wound. It didn't need stitches (Luckily enough, since you hated needles) so he just wrapped bandage around it.
"I also have this one." You said, pointing at your left upper arm, where Sapnap had landed a hit on you. "It's not very deep though."
Wilbur looked at it. "How did you get that? Surely you didn't cut yourself with a sword too."
You let out a dry laugh. "No. This one's from Sapnap."
Fundy let go of your leg again, causing you to curse loudly. "Fundy!!"
"You got that from who!?" The furry almost screamed back at you.
"You fought Sapnap?" Wilbur questioned in disbelief.
"And escaped with only that!?" Tubbo added in awe, gesturing to your wound.
You clicked your tongue. These guys' reactions were priceless. "Yeah, I caught him in the act. He was burning down the forest when I stumbled upon him. I pinned him against a tree, but only managed to because of the fire resistance."
Tommy and Tubbo immediately began cheering, jumping up in the air. "I knew you'd be useful! I knew it!"
Wilbur brought a hand up to his chin. "So it was Sapnap who burned the forest down..."
You could say that you had seen Dream as well, but you chose not to. You didn't want them to ask you about your little conversation with him. You were still mad at yourself for saying what you said. 'You look like someone who's in the lack of some D-vitamins', your ass.
"They are two days early. And if they made their first move now, it's only a matter of time before" Wilbur got interrupted by a loud bang. It felt as if the ground was shaking beneath you, and your grip tightened around the edge of the bed.
"What was that?" Fundy asked, finishing your bandage. You all looked at Wilbur as he slowly made his way outside, Eret following close up behind him. They didn't see anything unusual, so they kept on searching the area - now with you, Eret, Tubbo, and Tommy helping.
But none of you found anything. You were just about to go outside the gates when Eret pulled your sleeve. "The ladder (Y/n). Let's go up!"
You nodded eagerly. That was actually a really good idea. You put on your armor and took a grip of your bow before you and Eret were making your way on top the walls. Wilbur noticed what you were doing, and sent you a thumbs up.
Your body was tired from all of the runnings you had done today, so it was only natural that climbing such a tall ladder was exhausting.
When you finally reached the top, you and Eret looked down at the area surrounding L'manburg. You gasped. The fallen and burnt out trees were everywhere your eyes looked, leaving only the ashes of the once beautiful nature. Some trees were even still burning in the distance, and the sky above you was completely grey due to the smoke that had risen up there. You couldn't spot any animals - other than a few ones that laid dead on the ground. It was truly a sad sight.
It was another loud bang that made you snap out of your thoughts. You and Eret ran towards the source of the sound, finally seeing it;
A canon. Placed safely on the ground, right to the left of L'manburg's gates. By it stood Dream and Sapnap, who had apparently gotten away from his tree, and fiddled with it.
[A/N: I figured that it would be more realistic for the TNT-canon to be on the ground, rather than in the sky, lol]
Your eyes winded. They were crazy. They were actually crazy.
Sapnap had seemed to notice you, because he aimed the cannon right at you.
"Get down!" You screamed at Eret, as you ducked yourself, just as a piece of TNT got sent flying above your head, and onto L'manburg's ground. You leaned over the edge, watching the TNT explode right as it hit the grass. It wasn't a big explosion, but it sure did some damage.
"WILBUR!" You screamed on the top of your lunges. You saw his little figure look up at you. "THEY ARE RIGHT OUTSIDE! THEY HAVE A CANON!"
He had probably already figured it out, but you informed him just in case.
"(Y/n)," you heard Eret speak in front of you. He had a wild and scared look in his eyes, panting heavily from nearly getting blown up. "I think it's time for you to use your bow skills."
You nodded, collecting yourself. You tried to build up the courage to face Sapnap again, who was furious at you for humiliating him, and just generally facing the green maniac again.
Your hand were sweaty, shaking even. "Eret." You said, as an idea slowly popped up in your head. "You wouldn't have a flame enchantment on that bow of yours, by any chance?"
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