7. Sapnap, the Disney princess

Sapnap, the Disney princess
In which you stab yourself with an arrow,
and realize you're a badass bitch.

   -avona on twitter

You got surprised at how thick the smoke was, and immediately gave up running. The smoke-filled air got in your eyes, making them watery, and entered all of your air-ways, making you cough.

   "TUBBO! TOMMY!" You screamed as loud as your vocal-range and lungs allowed you to, eyes searching every corner of the forest for the two boys.

   Not only did the lack of oxygen slow you down a fair amount, but you had to look out for falling branches and trees as well. At one point a flaming branch fell down right from above you, and you just barely managed to dodge it.

   You looked around the chaos. You couldn't believe how far that masked bastard was willing to go.

   You yelled their names again, but still no response. You made your way further into the forest, when you saw a person, standing right next to a tree that had yet to catch on fire.

   But it wasn't Tommy, Tubbo nor Dream. It was the guy with the white headband. Since Dream had referred to the blue guy as George a few days ago, you guessed this must be Sapnap.

   He had his back facing you, but apparently, he had already noticed your presence. He slowly turned his head, looking at you with a mad look in his eyes, and a grin playing on his lips.

   You tried backing away, but of course, a tree had to fell right where you had come from, blocking your way. Typical. 

   "(Y/n)!" He said playfully, coming toward you. "Just my luck! I've been waiting to properly meet you."

You gulped. Why was he here? Had Dream sent him? If so, was Dream nearby too? 

   You debated if you should risk jumping over the fiery branch behind you to get away. But what if he followed you? Were you quick enough to escape him? And then what about Tommy and Tubbo? 

   You were just about to flee, when your eyes fell on the flint and steel in his hands, and the realization hit you as anger fumed up inside of you. Of course, Dream wasn't doing the dirty work by himself. Every thought about running away completely dissapered. "Just who do you think you are, to burn this forest down just to prove a point?! Don't you realize how dangerous it is!?"

   The boy in front of you chuckled darkly. "Well, it isn't like we didn't warn you. Or well, maybe not you specifically, but we sure warned the others. You're quite a new member of L'manburg after all - which by the way, are the stupidest decision you could've made. You're on the wrong here. And you're going to lose."

   You shook your head and narrowed your eyes - not only because you were angry, but because you had a hard time seeing in the smoke. You looked at the boy straight in the eyes, simply replying with a; "I disagree."

   And you truly did. Sure, there might be some unfair things that your friends in L'manburg had done to these guys, but no matter what, it simply couldn't top burning down a whole-ass forest.

   You fought for what you believed was right. And that meant fighting for L'manburg. You didn't have any doubt.

   Sapnap shrugged. "Well then~" He drew out his axe, as you took out an arrow from your quiver. You placed it on your bow, ready to defend yourself if he decided to attack.

   And he did. He jumped forward, swinging his axe at your head, which you barely managed to dodge, by ducking. It was actually a relief to get down where the smoke wasn't that thick, but it didn't last long. You ran a short distance away from him, almost falling over several branches on the way. You looked back at Sapnap who laughed like a maniac. He danced towards you, lightly and elegant. Like a ballerina or some kind of Disney princess. It wouldn't surprise you if he suddenly began talking to birds. Just how could he move so fluidly around, when you had a hard time not to stumble over your own two feet?!

   You coughed as you aimed for his upper leg, not wanting to do some severe damage, but your vision was blurry. The smoke was constantly in your eyes, making them water up - you couldn't aim. So how the hell could he!?

   He lunged out for you once again, you blocking the hit with the arc of your bow. Anyhow, his axe managed to hit your left upper arm, causing you to wince in pain. You kicked him backward, falling over in the act. You landed on the hot grass with a thump, your head spinning around. There was no way you could fight like this. Your vision and mind were foggy, your body tired, and you were constantly gasping for air - you couldn't breathe properly.

   You looked down at your arm. You were bleeding, but the cut wasn't that deep. You let out a groan in frustration and pain, as you tried to get up. How come Sapnap wasn't affected by the fire at all!? 

   The boy was getting on his feet, smiling. Heck, he wasn't even out of breath. But how so? It was impossible for him not to be affected by your surroundings at all, like you were.

And then it hit you.

Fire resistance. He had fire resistance. He was at a clear advantage.

But not for long.

   You quickly took an arrow with an orange tip out of your quiver. You raised your arm, sending it directly into your upper thigh without hesitation.

   "What are you doing!?" Sapnap yelled bewildered, letting his guards down as you stabbed yourself. You just smiled, as you stood up, your vision and mind getting clearer than ever. You inhaled fresh air into your lungs and laughed.

"Oh, Sapnap. Two can play that game."

   While Sapnap was still in a state of shock, you fired an arrow at him with one quick movement. It hit his sleeve, sending him flying backward into a tree. You fired another arrow right at his other sleeve, making him stand in a T-pose, pinned up against the bark. He tried to get free, but the arrows were far too deep into the bark. His eyes were flickering around in a panicking manner. "Bitch! let me go!"

   You came towards him, pointing an arrow at his neck. "You're lucky I'm 10% pacifist." You leaned towards him, narrowing your eyes. Now it was your turn to wear the victorious smile. "L'manburg won't give in to your childish attempts at scaring us. We won't back down. And we definitely won't lose - they've got me on their side now, after all. Tell that to your green friend."

   His lips were a straight line, his eyes staring intensely into yours. His chest was rising and falling at a quick pace. "Are we about to kiss right now?"

A/N: HAHAHAHAHHA, I couldn't stop myself, pretend that never happened.

   His lips were a straight line, his eyes staring intensely into yours. He didn't say anything, and when you thought the message had sunk in, you lowered the arrow, backing away.

   "Now, I hope you reconsider the next time you think about burning down a forest!" You yelled as you walked away, continuing to look for Tommy and Tubbo.

   "I'll kill you!" Sapnap yelled after you, but the wildering flames drowned out his voice, so you weren't able to hear. "I'll kill you! You hear me? I don't care if Dream knows you! I'll fucking kill you!"

   When you had gotten out of sight from the struggling and angry boy, you leaned up against a tree, completely overwhelmed. You had just threatened a guy. You had literally just threatened the enemy. And you had acted like an overly-confident bitch while doing so.

   Most of it had been an act. You wished it hadn't, but it most definitely had. You had been trembling inside, praying that Dream wouldn't pop up from behind you, snapping your neck.

But you think it had worked pretty well... In fact, it had played out just as you wanted it to.

You couldn't help a smile from appearing on your dry lips.

   That move had been risky. Maybe even dumb, because now Sapnap was definitely mad at you. You were indeed playing with fire.

But you had fire resistance arrows, so you couldn't care less.

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