65. (Y/n)'s biggest fan goes to (Y/n)

(Y/n)'s biggest fan goes to (Y/n)
In which Avery sincerely apologizes to her
readers for the lack of updates recently,
by giving them a long-ass chapter,
featuring everyone's favorite ghost.  

-u/clonkeestop on reddit.Turkeybaconbuster on all other platforms

   You've officially been mistaken for a mob. Now, that was an achievement you never knew you needed. You kind of agreed with Ghostbur though - that's also why you didn't blame him. Who could be angry at such an innocent being?

   A confused laugh escaped your dry lips, as you scratched the back of your neck. You took yourself in blinking a lot, as to check if Ghostbur was really here - who knew, maybe hallucinating could be an after-effect of dying? But the guy was very much present. "Oh no, uhm, I'm a person. You don't - uh, you don't remember me?"

   You were pretty sure that he had remembered Tommy and Tubbo, so you would've figured he would recognize you too. It would only make sense since the two of you had... Well, pretty much turned insane together. Then again, you hadn't known Wilbur for as long as they had.

   The light that was cast from your torch, continued to dance on Ghostbur's light grey skin. He eyed you up and down once again, before kneeling down to his blue sheep. "I don't remember her, Friend. Do you remember her?"

   After the sheep shook its little head, showing that it in fact did understand English, Ghostbur once again stood up. He did it with such ease, with such fluidity, that it made you look at his feet - and then you remembered how he didn't actually stand on the ground, but floated just a few centimeters above it. You remembered seeing that in Karl's vision, but you hadn't given it much thought. He was a ghost after all.

   "And if you're not a mob..." He pointed a finger at you. "Then why do you look like that?"

   You looked down at yourself. That was a really fair question. You did need some new clothes. And a bath. A whole makeover wouldn't be so bad either. "Uhm, I kinda just died. Just a typical afternoon, you know? That's why I'm so relieved to see you, actually! You see, I don't know where-"

   "You died!?" Ghostbur cut in, clapping his hands excitedly before throwing his arms up in the air and wrapping them around you. "I did too! Twinziesss!"

   You weren't an expert at handling weird situations with ghosts, but you sure tried your best. Once again, you laughed awkwardly and began patting his back. "Yeah, I know you did. I was there... Or well, I was close by. The difference between the two of us is that I haven't lost all of my lives yet."

   You tried giving him a genuine smile before pulling away. Despite this whole situation being very strange and unlikely, you still needed to take advantage of it. You had to convince Ghostbur to help you somehow, to show you the way back to L'manburg. That shouldn't be that hard.

   "You knew Alivebur?" Ghostbur tilted his head innocently. "You were his friend as well?"

   A frown tugged in the corner of your mouth upon getting reminded of the real Wilbur. "I guess you could say that. I considered him as one, so..."

   "Aweh, I'm so jealous! Alivebur had so many friends... Even though he was a bad guy. A bad guy, who did bad things." Ghostbur nodded, crossing his arms. An idea popped up in your head.

   "Well... We could be friends too!" You smiled at him encouragingly.

     His eyes lit up. "We could?"

   "Why, of course! And you know what friends do for each other? They help each other out! I can help you with... Uh, tell me, why are you out here in the first place?"

   Ghostbur patted Friend. "Friend and I don't really sleep, sleep is for the weak, and we're both very strong! We were looking for some blue dye. You can never get enough of blue dye."

   You had to admit, that was a little weird, but it still worked perfectly. "That's awesome! I can help you find lots of blue dye, and then maybe you could help me find the way back to L'manburg?"

   Ghostbur's brows furrowed as he heard a word he recognized. "L'manburg? I know L'manburg! I come from L'manburg!"

   You giggled at his excitement, feeling a certain relaxation take over you. You were going to get back with Ghostbur's help. You weren't screwed at all. For once in your life, things went your way.

   "But it's pretty far away from here though." He then said, which made you tense up again. Ghostbur noticed and rose a brow. "Have you been to L'manburg before?"

   You were just about to answer, when a shiver got sent down your spine. You froze, as you felt the presence of someone eyeing your every move from the forest. Confused, you looked around the darkness surrounding you, but even your torch didn't allow you to see anything beyond a 10 feet radius. You rose a brow.

   The strange and ominous feeling stayed with you, but you decided to ignore it and focus on the very friendly ghost and his sheep in front of you. You needed to focus. It was probably just nerves from just having awoken from the dead. 

   You nodded. "Well yeah, I lived there for quite a while. That's how I knew Wil- uh, Alivebur. I'm even friends with many of your current friends. Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, you name it."

   It took quite a while for Ghostbur to process, but you waited patiently. After a few moments of him just staring at you with wide eyes, he slowly shook his head. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't think they like you very much."

   "Really?" You clicked your tongue. "And why's that?"

   "Because I'm good friends with all of them. If they liked you, they would have told me about you. The only girl who matches your features the slightest bit, was the great, great (Y/n), and she's dead."

   The little bit of pride you had left in you, made you shoot your chest forward. You had completely forgotten everything about everyone thinking you were dead, but it wasn't all that bad when you were known as the great, great (Y/n).  "As a matter of fact, she's not. She's right here, better than ever and ready to kick some ass." you pointed at yourself with a smile. "I'm (Y/n)."

   The ghost's jaw dropped for a brief moment before he shook his head again. He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, as to assure you that everything would be okay. "Miss, I think you're having an identity crisis. (Y/n) is dead, that's what Tommy said, and Tommy wouldn't lie to me. I even attended the little funeral they held for her. That's why I ran out of blue dye - everybody cried, so I gave them as much as I could."

   Your heart stung upon his words. They had held a funeral for you? Buried an empty coffin as everyone cried, while Ghostbur obliviously handed out blue dye to everyone?

   That was probably the moment you realized that you couldn't just come back. Well, you could, and you were going to, but it wouldn't be as easy as you had hoped. Everyone thought you were dead. When they saw you, they would probably think that they hallucinated. That they had gone mad. You couldn't just show up in the middle of nowhere. You had to take their mental health into consideration. Their sanity.

   You ran a frustrated hand through your hair. Ghostbur was just as convinced that you were dead, as everyone else was. And he didn't even have a memory of you to convince him otherwise. So just how could you, a total stranger to him, explain that you were the dead girl all of his friends had been talking about? His friends, who he obviously trusted way more than you?

   "Uhm, well you see..." You began slowly, trying to send him a convincing look through your squinted eyes, that still had a hard time adjusting to the light and deal with your headache at the same time. "Dream - you know Dream, right? A tall, green psychopath, whose mother should've swallowed him at birth?"

   Ghostbur snapped his fingers. "Oh yeah, that guy!"

   "Well, he actually tricked everyone into believing that I died, even when I was very much alive. Dream took me to his house and now I've finally escaped. That's why I'm on my way back to L'manburg. To save them from him."

   You didn't know how much of the truth Ghostbur was able to handle. From what you could tell from Karl's flashbacks and your little conversation with him just now, he was very kind-hearted, naive, and extremely gullible. It would be to no use if you were to tell him everything. For now, you just had to say what was needed, in order for Ghostbur to agree to walk you back to L'manburg.

   "I really am (Y/n)." You said sternly, a hand placed on your heart, as if the genuineness of your words would shine more through that way. It was apparently quite hard to convince a ghost that you weren't one.

   Ghostbur now started patting your shoulder, closing his eyes in fake understanding. "Yes, yes you are... And I'm still alive."

   You threw your arms up in the air, trying your best to prevent an annoyed groan from slipping out. He didn't believe you, not a single word of what you said.

   Not wanting to get into an argument, you decided to deal with this differently. You reminded yourself that it didn't matter who Ghostbur thought you were - as long as he showed you the way back to your friends. Heck, he could even think you were the easter bunny for all you cared.

   "Alright, who I am doesn't matter anyway." You sighed, arms and hereby your torch, now hanging loosely by your side. You hadn't noticed Friend coming up behind you, clearly intrigued by the flame. "My offer still stands, though. And even - even if you don't wanna take me to L'manburg, could you at least point me in the right direction? I'm really in a hurry and-"

   "Oh, I can help you out! I'd love to show you the way!" Ghostbur agreed happily without a second thought. He even made a flip in the air, making him hang upside down for a few seconds, just to show his excitement. "And I'd even do it for free, you don't have to help me get blue dye! You see, Friend and I just filled my whole inventory, so I don't need more!"

   A whole inventory filled with just blue dye? Now that was a weird fetish you haven't heard of before.

   You smiled gratefully either way and folded your hands. "That means a whole lot, Ghostbur, thank you so mu-" you stopped when noticing a strong, orange light appearing in the corner of your eye. You turned your head and simply began freaking out at the sight. "Wha- Ghostbur your sheep is on fire!!!"

   "Ah yes, he's great isn't he?"

   "No, Ghostbur!" You yelled with panic, turning his floating self around by force. "Friend is literally on fire!"

   He finally followed your gaze and gasped in realization. "Ohhh!"

   Despite Ghostbur's love for Friend, he didn't freak out like you at all. He just slowly made his way to the blue ball of fur, and began putting out the fire with his bare hand, like he had all the time in the world. You squinted your eyes, but Wilbur didn't seem to feel anything at all.

   "Don't worry, Friend has infinite lives," Ghostbur explained, waving it off as if nothing had happened. "He's just like me, I'm immortal too! In two ways even."

   Once again, Ghostbur managed to throw you off guard. If it hadn't been for your headache, this conversation alone would've made you forget the fact that you had just died, and gotten revived in the middle of a forest.

   "Two ways? How can you be immortal in two ways?"

   The man held his chin up high in pride. "Well, I am a ghost, so I physically cannot die again."

   "And the second way?"

   "Tommy says that stupidity lasts forever!"



   Not wanting to burst Ghostbur's bubble, you just reacted by holding back a laugh, which resulted in a huge snort. That was typical Tommy.

   And speaking of Tommy... You really needed to get going. 

   "Well, I'll leave you to live that endless and 'stupid' life of yours. But first, I'd love for you to help me! So which way do we go?" You asked, looking around. The faint glow from the torch didn't let you know if there was a path in between the trees. All you could see were bushes and wild nature.

   He was just about to lead the way, when suddenly his excitement faded, getting replaced by uncertainty. His eyes turned damp and overly bright. "Oh that's right, I completely forgot... I was actually told to stay away from L'manburg for a little while. I don't exactly know why, but apparently, something huge is going down soon, due to events that happened at the festival, which just ended a couple of hours ago. They said, it would be best for me to stay away, as they wouldn't risk triggering some old memories! I didn't know what that meant, but I listened to Tubbo when he suggested for me to go get some more blue dye!"

   Your heart dropped, and your blood nearly stopped flowing. Everything around you stopped, as your thoughts began to run wild again. "Festival? What- what festival, Ghostbur?"

   "Oh, it wasn't a friendly festival, I can tell you that! Everyone attended it, even Tommy and Techno who weren't invited, and Dream, the tall, green psychopath whose mother should've swallowed him at birth. It was a good time, until Dream suddenly-"

   "Wait, wait, wait." You couldn't help but interrupt. Ghostbur hereby copied the puzzled look on your face. "Dream was there? And it took place a couple of hours ago? But that means-"

   You knew exactly what that meant, but you refused to believe it. You had assumed that there had been an hour or so between you dying and then waking up again in this forest. That was about the amount of time it had taken when you had died the first time, so why would it be any different now? It even matched up with the fact that it was still nighttime. 

   But the fact that Dream had attended a festival that had taken place not so long ago, didn't match up. Dream was with you when you died, he couldn't be two places at once. And that meant, that the time between your death and when you woke up remained unknown - although it was certainly way longer than just an hour. You were talking days

   The whole thing about this new life had been strange. You had woken up with a headache, you were tired out of your mind, and you looked like a literal mob, as Ghostbur had said. You knew all of this, but still hadn't considered the fact that you could've been gone, stuck in the black void for such a long time. What if something had happened at the festival? What if the thing Karl wanted you to help him out with was already in the past? What if you were too late?

   "Oh god, how long was I dead?" you whispered in horror. It hadn't felt like such a long time.

   You shook your head rapidly before Ghostbur got a chance to question your words. You looked at him with a pair of eyes, so terrified, that it even seemed to affect the usually so positive ghost. "What were you about to say? Ghostbur, tell me everything that happened at the festival!"

   He gave you a thumbs-up and put a serious look on his face. "Well, we all had a good time until Dream told us all to gather at the community house. When we got there, we saw that it had been utterly destroyed, and Dream told everyone that it was Tommy who had done it. That's when Tommy and Techno revealed themselves from being invisible. They looked very angry. Tommy didn't even wave back when I waved at him..."

   The last sentence was spoken in a tone, so heartbroken, that you were afraid Ghostbur would begin to cry. But surprisingly, despite the traumatic experience, he kept his shit together and continued. "Tommy denied Dream's accusation, but no one believed him. That's when Tubbo and Tommy got into an argument. I don't like it when Tubbo gets angry. Neither does Friend, so I had to take him somewhere safe. When I got back, everyone was fighting. I don't like it when people fight either, so I covered my eyes, but I could hear everything. Tubbo threatened Tommy to give Dream his disc, and that caused Tommy to absolutely lose it."

   Ghostbur suddenly cleared his throat: "The discs! The discs were worth more than you ever were!" He tried to mimic Tommy's tone, and it sounded scarily accurate. "That's what he said."

   You gasped. He didn't...

   "But Tommy quickly realized his mistake though, don't worry. I've taught him well! So after that, Tommy told Tubbo to just give Dream the stupid disc. Talk about mood changes, am I right? But yeah, when Tubbo gave it to Dream, everything suddenly changed. Dream started laughing, mocking Tubbo for how bad of a president he was. He said, that it was foolish of Tubbo to give him the last thing he needed in order to destroy L'manburg. He completely lashed out on Tubbo, he was crazy! It was like he had just gotten dumped by his girl or something."

   You gulped. 

   "-And then Tommy suddenly started saying that he had lost himself and that he wanted to make everything right. He made up with Tubbo and defended him against Dream, and that's when Techno got really angry too. I don't know if you know, but Tommy and Techno were really good friends before all of this, since Techno was the only one who helped him in his exile. But now Techno thinks that Tommy betrayed him. I don't really get it either." Ghostbur shook his head. "Anyways, the moral of the story is that everyone in L'manburg is gonna die. That's what Tommy said right before I came out here!"

   You slowly nodded, letting all of his information sink in. Then you registered what he had said at the end, and you nearly lost your balance. "What!?"

   He started braiding his brownish-grey locks. "Yeah, Techno and Philza both wanted revenge for what my L'manburg did to them. Tubbo and his men once put Philza on house arrest and such, you see! So they wanted to destroy L'manburg once and for all. Dream teamed up with them. They said that they'll arrive in L'manburg today, and told everyone to prepare themselves." Ghostbur looked up into the night sky, which was actually beginning to get a little brighter. "Oh, what do you know! I guess it'll happen sooner than I thought! Time sure flies when I'm with Friend..."

   Ghostbur sounded happy, but his message sure wasn't. It sucked all oxygen out of you, making you forget how to breathe. You felt sick. Lightheaded. Useless. This couldn't be happening.

   Normally, when your girlfriend breaks up with you for being a dick, you cope with it by crying, talking or even punch something to let all of your emotions out. Not destroy her and her friends' country.

   And the worst part was, they were gonna blow it up. You were sure of it. Techno had tons of withers, and Dream had tons of TNT. Besides, why else would Ghostbur be told that he should stay away, otherwise it might 'trigger some past memories'? Wilbur, the old Wilbur died in his attempt of blowing L'manburg up. It had to be it.

   Ghostbur was unproblematic and kind, but most importantly neutral. It wasn't unintended that they didn't want him there when everything went down. It was probably to secure he wouldn't get in the way of something. Tubbo would only send him away if it really was an emergency.

   Philza, Dream, and Techno. A deadly trio, not even the most skilled warriors would have a chance against. And taking their gear into consideration, not even the entirety of L'manburg. Not without your help.

   You didn't want to sound overly confident. You've never even met Philza, you and Dream weren't exactly on good terms, but if there was one person you could try to talk some sense into, it was Techno. You knew he would listen to you. He was one of your best friends, and you knew that the only reason he did this was out of spite for the people who have continuously betrayed him. It wasn't the first time L'manburg had turned their back on him... But if you could just have one word with him, help him understand your point of view, you were sure that he was willing to fight Dream along with you. And only then, the odds would be on L'manburg's side. 

   Dream was stronger than ever now. His actions were led by rage, and he didn't have anything to lose anymore. Not to mention, he had just gotten his hands on the last one of Tommy's discs, which are probably the most prized possession in history at this point. He needed to be stopped, and he needed to be stopped by you. The sooner you returned to L'manburg, the better.

   "Ghostbur, how long would it take me to get to L'manburg?" You eagerly demanded to know. Ghostbur hummed.

   "Half a day!" he responded happily. 

   Just like that, you erupted. 


   "Friend and I like to go on adventures..." 

   "But by that time it would be too late, wouldn't it?"

   "Dream, Techno, and Philza will probably have arrived by then, yeah."

   You cursed under your breath, and kicked to what your tired mind tricked you into believing was a large rock. Unfortunately, it was Friend, and the sheep let out an angry 'baa' before hiding behind its owner. You were too frustrated to apologize, and too lost in thought to hear when Ghostbur kindly asked you to stop kicking his comfort sheep.

   "This is bad." You mumbled, hovering over and resting your hands on your knees. "I need to save my friends, I have to stop this. Karl went through so much in order to get my help, I need - I need to be there in time!"

   "You're friends with Karl too?"

   It wasn't your intention to come off as rude, but you had to ignore him. You had to figure something out. "You don't know a shortcut or something? Do you have any enderpearls? Maybe a speed-potion? Is there any way I can get there in time?"

   "I could teach you how to fly?" He suggested innocently.

   You groaned in annoyance - not at Ghostbur, but at the whole situation as a whole. All of this had come so suddenly, and you didn't know how to handle it. You would've never thought in a million years that you would be in such a hurry when you woke up from the dead.

   "Maybe you can ride on Friend? He's quite fast... However, I doubt he'll agree to it after you kicked him..." Ghostbur tried again, really trying his best to help you out. 

   You tabbed a finger against your thigh repeatedly. You wasted your time, just standing here while trying to think of something, but there was simply no way you could just settle for walking for 12 hours straight. Your body was tired and you doubted your shape was what it used to be after being locked inside an underground house for such a long time. Then again, it might be the only option you had. And if so, you really should start heading off.

   Ghostbur started humming the L'manburg anthem while waiting for you. You began hearing the chirping of birds - and no, it didn't come from your hair. The sun was rising, slowly lighting up the forest and sky as it did so. It was already sunrise -  and that didn't exactly help you calm your nerves.

   For a brief moment, you stopped thinking when you once again felt as if someone was watching you. You looked in between the trees once again, in every possible direction, but once again you didn't find anything.

   "What's the matter?" Ghostbur asked, trying to follow your gaze.

   You just shook your head, not wanting to waste any more time or freak him out. Standing here didn't do you any good - you could think while you ran. "Nothing. We need to get going. Lead the way, we need to hurry."

   You were about to run in the direction Ghostbur had just started flying in, when you suddenly remembered that you had manners. You quickly stopped up, grabbing his wrist. He turned around, and you met him with a genuine smile. "Thank you very much, Ghostbur. You're a good friend."

   He flew around you excitedly and giggled. "Of course! That's what friends are for! Now let's go wannabe-(Y/n), if we run all the way, we might still be able to watch their dead bodies fade away as they respawn! Yay!"

   And so, you started running. Your headache seemed to worsen every minute, and you could already feel your lungs beg for you to slow down, but you kept running nonetheless. Your friends needed you. Tommy, Tubbo, Karl, Quackity, Fundy, Niki, Eret, everyone. Even Sapnap and George needed your help. 

   So with the strong determination of saving everyone, and the company of Ghostbur and Friend, you slowly got closer to L'manburg with every step you took.



   And so did the mysterious figure, who had followed you for a while now.




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