64. (Y/n) is no barbie

(Y/n) is no barbie
In which you patiently wait for your
 barbie transformation, only to
 realize that the gods hate you 


   -Aerokuu on twitter

   Dying wasn't fun. You didn't wanna die again. 

   To be fair, it had been a pretty decent experience the first time. Then again, that was only due to three factors: First one being that it had been absolutely painless. You hadn't felt a thing, not even when you had hit the ground. Second, you had two whole lives left afterward - that was more than enough. And the last factor was that you had died like an absolute badass. 

   But now? Well, it hadn't been painless. It had hurt so much to the point where your body had a hard time even registering the pain. And there had been blood, lots of it. Blood and tears. You remembered there had been enough of it to sink a whole ship, but that was probably an exaggeration from your mind.  

   Not to mention, you were on your last life now. If anything happened, it would all be over. No going back. There had always been a peace of mind knowing that if you were to screw up and die, it wouldn't really matter because you would just respawn. But now, you didn't have that safety net. That meant, you couldn't afford to be your impulsive and reckless self anymore. For once, you had to be careful. And you hated being careful. 

   Then there also was the most humiliating part, as icing to the cake. You hadn't died like a badass, you hadn't yelled 'yeet' and thrown yourself off a cliff like last time. You had died by an accident, died at the hands (or well, feet) of a bunch of creepers, just like your parents had. And of course, Dream had found you. Dream. As if the situation hadn't been embarrassing enough. You wished he could've just waited to show his face until you had actually died, so it wouldn't have ended up in that awkward, war-declaring, and heartbreaking situation it had.

   Not to be mistaken, you were glad that you had gotten those things off your chest. You were glad that you had said the things you did to Dream. But looking back, it must've been very confusing to him, it was no wonder he hadn't let the message sink in right away. He had just returned home, excited to see you and take you on that little trip he had been talking about, and then he finds you on the surface of the prison he had built you, not greeting him at all because you were too busy dying. You weren't even sure if the things you had said to him had made any sense, or if he had just heard you repeatedly choke on your own blood. Your words had sounded perfect in your mind, but you didn't know if they had actually come out that way. Who knows, maybe the only thing you had said was "Hello Dream, I remember everything, so fuck you, I'm outta here."    

   You were pretty sure the point had come across either way, though. Dream knew, that you were back to being enemies. He knew, that the next time you met, you would be on opposite sides, and you would do everything in your power to make him pay for all of his crimes. No more of the 'I hate you but I kinda love you' thing you had going on, anymore. He was going to be stopped once and for all, and you wanted to be the one to do it.

   Your consciousness once again drifted around in the eternal black void, that had become like a second home to you at this point. It was the one you found yourself in during close death experiences, actual death experiences, and when you had been about to jump in time with Karl. You could feel yourself return to your new-spawned body slowly but surely, and as you did so, you promised that you wouldn't return to this darkness any time soon. As said before, from this moment on, you would be careful. No more dying. 

   It was hard to tell how much time had passed before you got sucked back into the real world. Time in the black void was relative and hard to determine - so whether it was five minutes, five hours, or even five days, you didn't know. 

   Therefore, it was a relief when you finally did wake up and your body allowed you to control it again. You opened your eyes in a flash and gasped for air, as you had done the last time you had woken up from the dead. You immediately recognized the feeling of being born as new, like your whole body had been 'reset', but in contrast to last time, the feeling wasn't satisfying or relaxing at all. This time, your whole body felt heavy, as if it was constantly being pushed down by an unknown force. It felt like a burden, a curse, or even a sickness. You had a hard time keeping your head up and not give in to the indescribable urge to roll it back and just stare up into the night sky. You had a bad headache, which gave the illusion of making your vision red with every heartbeat. Even your eyes hurt, and they sure took their time signaling what they saw to your brain. It was like they couldn't keep up, turning the world around you into a blur.

   You felt bad, to say the least. Like you had just woken up with the worst hangover of your life. 

   Before you began to eye your surroundings, you decided to shoot your clothes a quick glance.  It was still torn and covered in blood, and it smelled so bad that your sense of smell had a very hard time getting used to it. Your hair was a bloody mess too, to the point where you wouldn't be surprised if you started hearing bird chirping coming from it. 

   You had to admit, you had kinda hoped for the ultimate barbie-transformation you had gotten the last time you died. You had woken up with smooth and soft hair that smelled like flowers, and a nice, clean body. You most certainly hadn't woken up with a headache that seemed to suck the new life out of you. You hadn't hoped for a ginormous pink dress with white laces and bows, or hair that was taken out of a hair commercial, but this?.. It was like the gods hadn't even bothered with you. If there were any higher powers in this wicked world, they sure hated you. 

   You clicked your tongue and shook it off. Your clothes didn't matter anyway, it was what was underneath it you were interested in. With a hand as cold as ice, you lifted up your shirt (what was left of it) and examined your stomach. You were relieved to see that you weren't bleeding anymore. However, you couldn't say that there were no traces of the wound - the explosions had left a nice, big, red scar. 

   You brushed your hand over the skin and tensed up at how cold it was. The corpse you had been revived in, had apparently just started to warm up. 

   That sounded very gross.  

   You cleared your throat and finally decided to look around, wanting to know the answer to the following question: Where did a person respawn, when they've destroyed their spawn point?

   The answer was a forest. A dark, tall pine forest that you weren't sure if you recognized or not. You couldn't conclude anything in total darkness, as the forest just looked like any other right now. 

   Something in you had hoped you would wake up back in L'manburg or maybe even Pogtopia. That sure would make things a whole lot easier, but you guessed you weren't that lucky. 

   Droplets of sweat made their way down your body, as you continued observing the darkness around you. The trees that looked like people, bushes that looked like monsters. A shiver was sent down your spine when you felt the presence of someone staring right back at you in the darkness inside the woods. You felt as anxious as ever. You were paranoid, and you couldn't explain why. 

   Giving up on finding anything, you decided to check something else. You did the iconic hand gesture, making a luminescent screen appear in the dark, only for an empty inventory to stare right back. 

   You cursed out loud. You knew it would happen, but it still sucked.

   At least you still had your bow - the one Techno had helped you make. It hadn't been in your inventory when you died, but around your shoulder. It had respawned with you just like your clothes had. The few arrows you had left in your quiver were still there too - but all of the other arrows that had been stacked in your inventory were lost. All of your food, materials, tools, everything was lost. 

   And for the first time since you got revived, which was five minutes ago, you didn't know what to do. It was dark, you couldn't see a thing, and you had no clue of what direction to go. You weren't in the possession of anything. You couldn't build some sort of shelter that would protect you from any mobs. You couldn't just stand and wait, but you couldn't take a wild guess as to where L'manburg was located and start walking either. 

   You were lost. You were hungry, and you were in a very bad mood. You had just died and broken up with your boyfriend, so you had every right to be so, but it was still frustrating. You couldn't think clearly when you were annoyed. 

   You were stuck in a forest, in the middle of the night, somewhere in the world. You didn't know if you were five minutes away from your friends or 500 miles. You knew you needed to get back to L'manburg as soon as possible, but you didn't know just how you would get there. 

   You were stupid. Your plan had been stupid. Sure, you had taken dying into consideration - that's why you had broken the beds - but not once had you thought about where you'd wake up. And that left you here, all alone in the darkness, more vulnerable than you'd ever been. 

   "Curse this." You growled, feeling the panic rise inside you. You couldn't just stand here and do nothing, your friends needed you right now. You were certain that Dream's behavior toward them wouldn't get any better after the stunt you had just pulled. He must be angry. And now that he hopefully didn't know where you were, the only people to take his anger out on were them. You needed to save Tommy, help Quackitny, talk some sense into Tubbo, and you needed to do that now

   "Karl? Karl, can you hear me?" You whispered to yourself, despite how stupid it seemed. The last time Karl had spoken to you, it was inside your head. Maybe if you thought of him hard enough, you could summon him or something. You just needed someone

   But of course, that didn't work. You couldn't hear a thing, the forest was deadly silent. There was only the familiar ringing in your ears, and the cold wind that waved through the tree branches. 

   Being as desperate as ever, you decided to do something stupid and alarming that would most likely attract all the mobs nearby: You screamed at the top of your lungs.

   "Hello?! Can somebody hear me?" 

   It was nighttime, and you were in the middle of the forest, of course there wasn't anyone there. That was what your common sense kept saying, and that's probably why you got so surprised when someone actually answered

   Or well, 'answered' probably wasn't the right word. You heard a bleat, which you guessed came from a sheep. It came from somewhere in the depts of the forest, and after a few seconds of looking around, you finally saw the outline of an animal coming out of the bushes and toward you. 

   You sighed, as a sheep hadn't exactly been what you had hoped for, but you guessed it was the best you could get. 

   "Hey, buddy. You out here all alone too?" You asked the sheep, which appeared to be black in the darkness. "You wouldn't know where L'manburg is, would you?" 

   You could've sworn you saw the sheep nod, but it was probably just a coincidence. Sheeps didn't understand humans as far as you knew. 

   You patted the sheep's head and got surprised at how soft it was. You then got even more surprised when you felt a collar around its fluffy neck. You traced it and found a name tag - but unfortunately, you couldn't make out the words that were written on it. 

   "You have an owner, don't you?" You mumbled with wide eyes. That was good. That meant that the owner could possibly be looking for their sheep right now - and maybe that person could help you out. 

   A stray of hope lit up inside of you, as your headache seemed to ease a little. Maybe you weren't doomed just yet. But first thing first - you needed light. Fire. You needed to be able to see something. 

   It didn't take you a long time to find the specific kind of rock you needed to make a spark. The tip of most of your arrows were made of flint, so that should be able to work. For someone who had lived in the wilderness for most of their life, it didn't take you a long time to make a flame, and make it catch onto a dry branch you found lying in the grass. 

   Just like that, a torch was made. The surroundings lit up around you, and the first thing you noticed was the sheep. It wasn't black like you had first thought. It was blue

   It didn't take long for you to realize. "No way..." you found its name tag again, finally being able to read what was on it. You gasped. "You're-"

   "Friend!" A happy voice beamed from behind you. Before you had a chance to turn around, the person had already passed you and thrown themselves over Friend-the-sheep as if it was a gigantic pillow. "I've looked for you for 2 whole minutes straight, I've told you, you can't just run off like that! I got scared, you know I have Friend-Separation-anxiety!" 

   Their face was buried into Friend's fur, but you knew exactly who it was. 

   It was someone you had seen in Karl's visions. A humanoid spirit of who had once been your good friend. A friend that had turned insane, which had been the death of him. 

   "Wi- uh, Ghostbur? Is that you?" 

   It was him, but you needed some sort of clarification. The chances of him showing up when you needed him the most were at a minimum, there was simply no way. And yet here he was, wandering around the same forest as you along with his blue sheep. 

   Said gal slowly lifted his head from Friend and looked at you. Your (e/c) eyes met his black ones, which were narrowed in confusion. He wore a yellow sweater and grey pants just like in Karls visions. For a moment you recognized a trace from Wilbur's old psychotic look on Ghostbur's face, but then Ghostbur lit up into a bright smile. 

   "Ghostbur! Yes, that's me! Did Friend tell you that?" His voice sounded so happy, so different from what Wilbur had sounded like. You had a hard time processing it. 

   Ghostbur was just about to continue talking when his eyes suddenly widened upon really looking at you. He eyed you up and down slowly. Your torn and bloody clothes, your nest of a hair. 

   His mouth opened in awe. "Woah, what kind of mob are you?" 


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