In which Quackity unintentionally goes to the dentist,
only to discover that he has something in his eye... What?
A pickaxe.
-cyani07 on twitter
And watch, was exactly what you did.
You watched the boys search through Philza's house - the very guy who had killed Wilbur after he had blown everything up. He was apparently a father figure to many of the boys, including Technoblade himself. That's why Philza refused to rat him out, even when Tubbo, the president, ordered him to.
You watched, as Tubbo, unfortunately, found what he was looking for either way. A compass, that pointed straight to Techno's house, no matter where you were in the world. You had one just like it.
You watched, as Tubbo, Ranboo, Quackity, and Fundy left Philza on house-arrest and began to follow the compass. They each brought the best gear they were in the possession of - everyone except Ranboo was even wearing a butcher apron, making it painfully obvious that they were out for blood.
You watched, as the four walked through the snowy forest, before finally finding Techno's house. The very same one you've lived with Techno in, for several weeks after you had gotten thrown out of L'manberg. You tried not to let the nostalgia get to you, as the situation unfolding before you, was not only very serious but also heartbreaking, but it was hard to not recalling all the lovely memories you've had with Techno in this exact place. But you had to put that aside for now.
Techno had awaited them. He stood cross-armed and leaned against his front door, as he watched the four males dangerously made their way toward him. A black crow flew away from his window sill, as he did so.
The tension in the air wouldn't stop building. Techno knew they didn't come with peace - not just because they were all dressed up at literal butchers, but also because... Well, because he wasn't stupid. He knew, that no one had been too happy with him after his considered betrayal. And that's why he had stacked his whole inventory for this very encounter, that Philza had just warned him about. If they were here to fight, he was fully prepared.
The little small-talk that emerged when the two sides approached each other, only lasted a couple of minutes. You had been a fool for hoping that they could settle the conflict, only using words.
And so, you were forced to watch in absolute horror, when Techno suddenly yelled "I choose blood!" after being ordered to go voluntarily back to L'manburg. The fight broke loose seconds after Techno splashed potions down at his feet and went straight for Tubbo, his whole speech about being a changed man on retirement, falling straight to the ground. You immediately recognized the blood lust that was now visible in his wide, red eyes. He fought with everything he had, and despite it being four against one, Techno was in favor of winning.
"Holy fuck, shit, FUCK!" You cursed each time Techno landed a hit on one of your friends. It was a hopeless effort to get some of your frustration out, but it kept bottling up inside of you regardless. You didn't know what to do, how to help, or who to root for. Techno and Quackity were your best friends, and to see them at each other's heads was devastating. You felt like two parts of your brain were battling yourself.
Since Tubbo had been the one Techno was targetting, his armor was already seconds away from breaking. And knowing that the boy was on his last life and that the odds weren't in their favor, Quackity tried a different method. He ran over to Techno's horse, Carl, and threatened to kill it, if Techno didn't stop.
Carl, being one of the only living creatures that Techno cared the slightest bit for, now that you were dead, he immediately did as told. The blood lust in his eyes got replaced by anger, as he pointed his axe straight at the raven-haired boy. "You get away from that horse, Quackity!"
Quackity obviously didn't listen. Techno's threats were empty, now that he had something on him, and Quackity was going to abuse that power. He threatened to kill Carl, if Techno didn't step down from the battle and did exactly what he said. This led Techno to lower his guards and oblige, as much out-of-character as that was. He was forced to throw not only his armor, but his whole inventory onto the ground. He willingly gave them everything - everything, except a few golden apples, a pickaxe, and one little object that he hoped would come in handy later.
The five then began to head back to L'manburg (now followed by Ghostbur, who couldn't seem to understand the seriousness of the situation, no matter how hard Ranboo tried to explain it to him). No, all Ghostbur cared about was his new, blue, pet-sheep, literally named 'friend'.
You shot a quick glance at Karl every time the scene unintentionally flickered, sped up, or slowed down. His face was red from exhaustion, and he was still shaking ever so lightly. It even came to a point where you had to help him keep balance. You kept telling him that he could just send you back, that he could just tell you everything rather than showing you. But he kept insisting. He kept saying that he was fine, even though you both could tell he so obviously lied.
He really was a huge sucker for 'showing, not telling. You just prayed that it wouldn't be the death of him.
He had to skip a few scenes though. For example, the one moment, Techno was walking in handcuffs through the forest, and the next, he was back in L'manbrug, trapped inside an iron cage. An anvil was hanging 30 feet above him, threatening to drop and kill him, if someone pulled the lever it was attached to. The lever, that Quackity was currently resting his left hand on.
You didn't even gasp in surprise anymore. You just felt your heart bleed more and more, almost drowning in the puddle of pure sadness it had created, inside of your chest. Quackity had most definitely lost it. Everything about him now, wasn't the Quackity you used to know and love. But even though he was literally one movement away from killing your dear Techno, you couldn't be mad at him. You couldn't blame him. After all, you had gone through everything he was now, and you truly related. You knew how hard it was. The lust for revenge was so strong. It was blinding, and it made any other feeling inside of you seem irrelevant. It utterly destroyed your common sense, to the point where you didn't even recognize your own morals. Then suddenly, there would be a point where you would look back, and realize you've gone too far into the darkness, for the light to ever reach you anymore. A point, where you can do nothing but just give in, lean back, and let the darkness consume you completely. And then you've officially lost yourself.
You prepared yourself for the pull, nearly hugging the last bit of life out of Karl, when something unexpected suddenly happened. Out of nowhere, Punz appeared in the middle of the dock, starting to attack Tubbo and Fundy. Everyone was caught off guard - even Techno, whose knuckles had turned white around the iron bars.
Everyone was distracted, but Karl's weak hand pointed to somewhere else, away from the chaos. And there, you saw Dream. You saw him free Techno's horse from its cage, and disappear with it into a tunnel, inside the nearest mountain. Your brows knitted, but you didn't get to think of it for much longer. Only seconds later, you heard Tubbo's voice yell out something in a moment of distress. An order, that seemed to echo throughout the whole country, and send whispers throughout your whole body, making your limbs stiff and your blood run cold.
Everything after that passed by in slow motion.
No, literally. You didn't know if Karl did it on purpose, for the sake of adding a little spice to the memory, or just because he was so exhausted that this revolting scene was too hard for him to control. Either way, it sure gave your heart plenty of time to stop a hundred times over.
Techno was looking up at the anvil flying towards him with a gasp. Quackity's hand was still resting on the lever, as he followed the falling object with his eyes, a wild and satisfied look on his face. Fundy and Tubbo were busy fighting Punz, while Ranboo just stood and observed everything with wide eyes.
And Ghostbur - Ghostbur was jumping up and down, while excitedly waving at Philza, who also stood on his balcony in pure shock. He wanted to show him his pet sheep.
You knew, Karl wanted you to look at all times, but as the anvil fell closer and closer to Techno's face, your eyes squeezed shut on command. You couldn't watch him die, your body wouldn't allow you to - even if you knew this was only one out of three lives.
You kept them close for a few more seconds, just waiting for the loud crash when the metal would meet Techno's skin. And you did hear it. But it was followed by another sound, one that was so loud and inhumane that you thought you imagined it. You forced your eyes open, your curiosity getting the better of you, and there you witnessed the most beautiful, yet frightening thing ever.
Floating mid-air, right over Techno's head, which was supposed to have been utterly destroyed, was an object. An object, that shined so brightly it hurt your eyes to even look at it. A small, golden object, you recognized as a totem of undying.
The fresh blood on the iron bars was slowly beginning to fade, eventually leaving no trace of the incident. Techno was gasping for air, as if he had held it for hours. He was looking confusedly around the place like a wild animal, before finally getting an understanding of what had just happened. His plan had worked.
As everyone screamed in confusion and despair, Techno used the anvil at his feet to jump over the iron bars, and straight in the direction, you had earlier seen Dream disappear in.
Quackity was quick to get out of his shocked state and follow right after. The rest of the boys, however, stayed completely frozen. And with good reason - they had just seen someone escape death. Everyone had heard tales about totems of undying but never had they actually seen one. Especially seen one being used.
You were just about to see Punz's and Philza's reaction when the scene morphed into a new one yet again. This time, you didn't get sick, since you didn't jump in time, only changed location, but the same couldn't be said for Karl. His last bit of energy was now used up, and he collapsed into your arms as soon as the new scene had been set up.
"Karl! Karl, are you okay!?" You panicked, holding your palm against his burning-hot forehead. His response was a dry cough, which only worried you more.
It didn't come as a surprise that jumping in time was draining and bad for your health. You were just frustrated that it only affected Karl, and that he wouldn't allow you to do anything about it.
You held a hand to his cheek, trying to keep eye contact with him for dear life. "Karl, take me back! Take me back right now, you can't take anymore!"
To your relief, this time he didn't shake his head. He just narrowed his eyes, as if the light had suddenly become too much for him. His voice was very quiet and hoarse as he spoke: "You're right, we might have to change the plan a bit... We'll let this scene play out, and then I'll take you back. I'll make some pictures appear for your mind just before you wake up. I won't have the time to explain them to you before we meet again, though."
How he was still able to speak without stuttering or coughing was a wonder, but you let the message sink in. Still supporting him, you turned your attention to Quackity and Techno, who both were seething with anger. Techno had been about to escape, but now Quackity was blocking the way. And suddenly, Techno had no intention of running anymore.
"How the hell are you still alive?" Quackity was drawing his axe. It was a simple question, but it also let Techno know, that no matter what he answered, he wouldn't be alive for much longer.
A burst of laughter escaped Techno's lips. He corrected the mask on his head victoriously. "Did you really think, Quackity... That you could kill me that easily?"
Techno was taller than Quackity and way more intimidating. But even when he took a warning step toward the butcher, Quackity refused to let that fact get to him. He refused to budge. "You think you're so cool. This is all just a game to you, isn't it? You don't understand the amount of damage you've dealt, how many people you've hurt by your repulsive actions. You betrayed everyone, Techno. Man the fuck up and pay the price."
"Just because you don't know how to look inward, doesn't mean I'm the villain," Techno answered. Then snorted. "You know, I tried convincing you guys that government wasn't the answer. That it was actually the cause of all of your problems. I fought alongside you as brothers, and you just cast me aside. You used me, and still formed a government. And then when I retired, you hunt me down and hurt my friends. Now tell me, who's the real bad guy here?"
Quackity raised his voice. "This isn't just a simple anarchy thing, that's what you don't understand! I don't give a shit about the withers, I couldn't care less about your betrayal! I'm building a country, that-"
"Then what?"
Quackity was caught off guard for a moment. "Huh?"
Techno crossed his arms. "If you couldn't care less about my so-called betrayal, why do you want to kill me so badly? And I won't buy the explanation that 'you're trying to build a peaceful country'. I know it goes deeper than that. This is personal."
So, Techno had figured it out. You weren't surprised. Quackity was beside himself, and it most certainly wasn't because of the love for his country. It was because of you.
"You helped to kill (Y/n)." Quackity finally spat out, his eyes burning with fire as they once again met Techno's. "You knew about the TNT. It's partly your fault she's gone. And you are going to pay for that. You're going to pay for that with your life."
Techno's eyes quickly softened by the mentioning of you, but he quickly returned to his normal, cold self. Well, he tried to. Quackity's words had opened a wound he had thought had healed, and it was showing."I used to blame myself too, but not for the same reasons you do. Your reasons suck. (Y/n) knew about the TNT as well, you know. She was my friend just like she was yours, if I knew she was going to die in that explosion, I would've done everything I could to stop it. If I could've traded my life for hers, I would've."
Quackity didn't even flinch. He just raised his axe, getting ready for a fight. "Bullshit. You're full of shit, Technoblade."
"Maybe so. Now, get out of my way. Carl and I are going home."
But Quackity had prepared for this very moment for so long, and he wouldn't let him get away that easily. Not without a battle. He lunged his axe at Techno, who immediately dodged. Just like that, a fight had broken out. They were practically dancing around the tunnel.
"I will avenge her if it's the last thing I do! I'll kill you Technoblade, you hear me?! I have nothing but hatred left for you!" Quackity yelled as they fought, trying to drown out the sound of metal clashing against metal.
As an excuse to look away, you checked up on Karl again. His face had gained a bit more color, but he was still looking just as sick as before. You had begun to notice small cracks in the scene in front of you, as if it was having a hard time keeping itself together. You knew it had something to do with Karl's weakened state, and you protectively tightened the grip around him.
"The memory will end soon," Karl told you when he noticed you were looking at him. "I'll send you back. Promise me you'll escape, (Y/n)."
You didn't think twice about it. You looked him straight in the eye and gave him the best confident smile your anxious body would allow you to. "I promise."
He smiled and nodded. Then gestured for you to look back at the scene.
You weren't surprised when you saw that Techno had now locked Quackity in a position where the boy couldn't move. It had happened surprisingly fast. Again, you had forgotten how skilled Techno actually was.
Techno hummed. He didn't try to hide the fact that he couldn't care less about the words Quackity had just spoken. "And do you wanna know what I have, Quackity?"
Quackity narrowed his eyes into two thin lines, struggling to get free of Techno's grasp. Your rapid heartbeat was beating along with his heavy breathing. "What do you have? Other than a god-complex? Please, enlighten me!"
With a quick movement, so quick that your eyes didn't even try to catch up, Techno summoned the only weapon he had left in his inventory. He raised it high, eyes glowing as red as ever.
"I have a pickaxe. And I'll put it through your teeth!"
You screamed.
Time slowed down again.
The scene ended.
Everything disappeared in front of you. Including Karl.
You got sent straight back to the black void. The pictures that Karl had promised you, began flooding your mind at a much quicker pace than you had been ready for. The pictures of the scenes that Karl didn't have time to show you.
A picture of Dream, taking a crown off a shocked George's head. It was followed by a picture of George crying into Sapnap's arms.
A picture of Tommy, standing on top of a pillar, taller than anything you had ever seen before. Followed by a picture of him falling to his death.
A picture of Tubbo, half-way through the nether portal, connecting the nether and Tommy's beach, excited to see his friend for the first time since the exile. Then followed by a picture of him, down on his knees, crying his eyes out in front of that very pillar that was shown before.
A picture of Ranboo inside of a dark room, with lots and lots of signs. He was holding a book with one hand, and held the other to his head. He looked like he was in severe pain.
A picture of Dream, in the middle of blowing up the community house.
A picture of Tommy, standing in front of Technoblade's house, exhausted and starved. It was followed by a picture of him, laughing his ass off down in Techno's basement, while Techno himself was trying to hide a smile on his face. There was a door not too far away, saying 'Tommy's room'.
A picture of some familiar red vines, slowly spreading throughout L'manburg. It was followed by a picture of a large, red egg.
And a picture of Tommy and Techno back in L'manburg, trying to hide from the citizens. Tommy was wearing some of Techno's armor, and a weird turtle-helmet.
The last picture was blurry. So blurry, that you couldn't even tell what was on it. You only got to see a weird color scheme, before it disappeared into the darkness.
And then you finally woke up.
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