60. Quackity wants some bacon

Quackity wants some bacon
In which you discover that Dream has
manipulated so many others, aside from you...
Just when you thought that you were special. )):


-Jazetello on twitter

   With that very sentence, you seriously considered to just throw yourself off the obsidian wall. If it would be an effort to wake up from whatever this was, or to just escape this heartbreaking scene, you didn't know, but you just wanted to do something. To act up. You hated being an observer, you hated not being able to hug Tommy, knock some sense into Tubbo, or start a heated argument with Dream. And you hated the fact that all of this had happened in the past, so everything Karl showed you were basically carved in stone. It couldn't be changed.

    "Did he actually-" you started, but hadn't really thought your sentence all the way through. You rephrased, still in utter shock. "Did Tommy really get exiled? Is he- is he okay? Was this what you wanted to show me?"

    Karl wiped his nose and shook his head. "It's part of what I wanted to show you."

   That answer made your heart drop. You didn't know how much more you could handle.

   "And Tommy, he's... Well, he's managing. Remember, this happened quite a while ago."

   "Yeah." You nodded, repeatedly reminding yourself to breathe. You wondered how much more Karl needed to show you. You sure had already missed out on a whole lot while being hidden away with Dream. You were pretty sure, you had been here with Karl for about an hour - meaning you were halfway from the deadline. In another hour, Dream would come home, and you really hoped you'd be long gone by then. One thing was being in L'manburg right now in this dreaming-like state, but you'd love to actually return properly. In person. Where your friends were actually able to see you. 

   The next scenes Karl showed you, were mainly Tommy in his exile. Dream had found a place for him at the shore, far away from L'manburg. Only a nether portal connected Tommy's new home with his old one, but he wasn't allowed to return through it without Dream's permission.

   Tommy was forced to build a home. Forced to learn how to behave while being isolated from everything. Deam would often check up on him - mostly to update him about the situation back in L'manburg, but also to just to chat with the boy. However, the visit would always end with Dream making Tommy throw all of his new-made stuff into a hole, where Dream would burn it afterward.

   At first, Tommy was resistant when Dream did this. Resistant and proud. He refused to let go of any of the things that Dream had made him spent time on getting. But when Dream threatened to kill him, he quickly changed his mind. And as time flew by, it became more of a routine that Tommy didn't dare to question anymore.

   Apart from Dream's visits, no one came to visit Tommy, which not only made your heart ache for the poor boy, it also surprised you a whole lot. Surely some of his friends were concerned for Tommy's wellbeing, and wanted to stop by. But then Karl told you how Dream was switching from being with Tommy and L'manburg, and gave the two parts, two different sides of the same story. He told Tommy, that every one of his friends was still angry at him, and that they simply didn't want to see him again, while he told L'manburg that Tommy was angry at them and wanted them to stay away. 

   "He was living a double life. And, well, considering how he was also being with you through all of this, I guess you could say triple." Karl explained, shaking his head. "He sure has a lot on his plate. I'm amazed at how he didn't get caught sooner."

    "Yeah." was the only thing your mouth allowed you to answer. It was hard to build up sentences when you were constantly being showed devastating scenes of Tommy or got told ominous things about Dream. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, you always turned out to be severely wrong. You were always left shocked and speechless of the events you had missed. 

   But one of the things that surprised you the most about all of this, was Ghostbur. The very ghost of your old friend, Wilbur, who somehow seemed like a totally different person. At first, you had thought he had the ability to see you and Karl, since the two of you weren't really 'alive' or 'present' either, but sadly, he wasn't. You were just as invisible to him as to any other. 

   Ghostbur had stood by Tommy's side throughout most of his exile. He was a very strange gal, and didn't have many memories of his past life or how he died, but he seemed to like Tommy just as much as he had done before. He even gave Tommy a compass, named 'your Tubbo'. A compass, which needle pointed toward Tubbo at all times, and Ghostbur told him how he had given Tubbo one just alike - his Tommy.

   The gesture nearly made you cry. And when you heard how Dream had told Tommy that Tubbo had burnt his compass, you did cry. Because Tommy's reaction was heartbreaking. All life got taken from the boy's eyes, who always used to be so filled with energy and pride. In his world, he had lost Tubbo for good. He was in the belief, that his best friend hated him.

   But that wasn't even the worst part. Because soon, Tommy decided to make one last attempt to reach out and see his friends. He hosted a beach party and wrote everyone an invitation. It was a desperate attempt, his last attempt to hold onto the relationship he had build with his old friends.

   He let Dream, the only person who regularly visited him, be in charge of giving out the invitations. Tommy was excited for the first time in weeks. He made his tired self, messy hair, and torn clothes look as presentable as possible, and set up a huge table by the beach with chairs for everyone. He even made all the food himself, even if it was just bread and a single cake.

   But at soon as you saw Tommy give the invitations to Dream, your heart forgot how to beat.  Because those letters were the very same ones you had watched Dream throw into the fireplace as soon as he had come home to you.

   Ýour hands covered your mouth. You felt so bad for Tommy, and you promised yourself that the first thing you'd do when you saw him again, was give him a bone-crushing hug. Tell him, that he mattered, that he was loved, and that he deserved so much more than being treated like this. You would make damn sure that he wouldn't ever again be as sad as he was when he realized, that none of his friends had come to his party.

   They hadn't even received an invitation, but Tommy didn't know that. In his mind, they had all chosen not to come. Everyone had chosen to cut him out of their lives, despite everything they had been through together.

   In fact, Dream was the only person who showed up. The same person, who was the only one who visited him (well, if you didn't count Ghostbur). Who was there to keep him company. And after some time, Tommy actually started looking forward to Dream's visits. 

   Dream was repeatedly telling Tommy how he was the only friend he had left. That he cared about him. And when a person hears a lie over and over again, they slowly start to believe it. 

   It was almost as if you could see the strings that Dream was wrapping around Tommy's whole body. And Tommy was - just like you had been - too blinded to notice.

   Dream wasn't the villain in Tommy's story anymore. Now, it was L'manburg. His old friends. 

   You were truly disgusted with the fact that Dream had done all of this to Tommy, and then just proceeded to come home to you and act as if everything was fine. As if he wasn't holding a literal child away from his home and everyone he loved. He was mentally torturing him. And you would make damn sure he paid for that. 

   It was painful to see Tommy turn into someone he wasn't. A sad boy, who didn't believe he had a point in living anymore. It was a whole different boy than the one you used to know and love. The one, you had forgotten all about until an hour ago. 

   Just as you were about to tell Karl that you couldn't take anymore, you got taken back to L'manburg. The sand disappeared beneath your feet, Tommy disappearing for your vision. The last thing you got to see from Tommy's exile, was a very tall, mysterious pile. Then you appeared in the very van you had been in countless times before. You immediately vomited in the nearest vase.

   You hovered over in sickness, resting your hands on your knees. "You could've warned me you know." You complained. Karl quickly apologized, not feeling so good either, but it was clear to see that he desperately wanted you to look at your surroundings. Time was running up. Karl could almost hear it ticking. 

   It was Tubbo, Quackity, and Fundy, standing around the table. They all looked dead-serious. It took you some time to be able to listen properly to what they said. Jumping from time to time was getting more and more sickening.

   "Alright. What did the two of you want to discuss?" Tubbo spoke up, folding his hands professionally. Fundy and Quackity shared a firm look, nodding at each other. It was Quackity who took the word. 

   "As you know, Tubbo, even after Tommy's exile, L'manburg still isn't completely safe. And it needs to be exactly that. As you've said before, no one can afford to be in another war. We're here to discuss any possible threats to L'manburg, and I think we all know which two people stands out." 

   Tubbo slowly nodded, much in contrast to you who were confused at the sudden change of topic. "Technoblade and Dream." 

   Your eyes widened, even though you knew it would come eventually. It had been a massive stunt Techno had pulled off after Manburg had gotten blown up, but rightfully so. Pogtopia had treated him like he was a weapon and gone against everything he stood for. Who wouldn't have acted out? 

   "They're both on the hitlist, obviously." Fundy agreed. "But considering the fact that we're on good terms with Dream right now, since you did what he asked regarding exiling Tommy-" 

   Tubbo looked down, his brown locks covering his eyes. You could sense his regret even from here.  

   "-We think that Technoblade is our biggest threat." Quackity finished. His brows here furrowed angrily together, his face growing redder as he talked about the guy. "And his time is up. We can't let him get away with his betrayal of Manburg, we can't let him walk freely around, giving him the time he needs to plot his next major attack on L'manburg. We need to find him, and- and-..."

   Tubbo rose a brow. He sent the beanie-wearing male a suspicious but sympathetic look. "Listen Quackity, I agree that we have to do something about Technoblade, but... Are you sure that you're doing this for the sake of protecting our country rather than getting revenge?"

   Fundy rose his brows as well, now. He was about to ask Quackity something himself, when said man slammed both of his hands onto the table, making a sound loud enough for everyone to flinch as the tree collided with Quackity's fists. 

   "He's fucking part of the reason that (Y/n) died! He knew that Wilbur was going to blow up Manburg, the very explosion that she died in, and he didn't do anything about it! It's just as much his fault as it was Wilbur's. It just happened to be Wilbur that pressed the button. Technoblade needs to fucking pay for that!" Quackity's voice was shaking along with his body. Tears were forming in his eyes, despite the only feeling he was showing was anger. 

   Tubbo and Fundy exchanged worried looks. Your hands found their way to your mouth once again, tears welling up in your eyes as well. "Oh, Quackity," you muttered. "Not that." 

   Dream had done so much damage around him. He had erased your memories, broken the relationship between Tommy and Tubbo, heck, even Tommy's relationship with anyone in general, and now he had corrupted Quackity as well. 

   Techno was right. History really did repeat itself. And not just because of everything that was happening with Tubbo and Tommy going down the same path as Schlatt and Wilbur, but now Quackity was going down the same path as you had done, when you had gotten told by Dream that your friend was dead. In your situation, Dream had made you blame Schlatt. And now, Dream had made Quackity blame Techno. 

   You knew exactly how Quackity felt. To feel such hatred toward a person, that you'd go to any length to feed the sudden hunger for revenge. How the death of one's best friend messed with one's mind - even when that best friend was actually very much alive, watching you. Dream had watched you through everything, watched you lose your mind, and now you watched Quackity. But unlike Dream, you couldn't do a single thing about it. 

   Dream had at least had a choice. He could've chosen to tell you the truth. It had been the only thing you needed, and he hadn't given it to you because he valued his power over you. 

   "Please don't blame Techno." You breathed helplessly, nails digging into your palms as you tightly braced yourself.  As always, no one heard you.

    Tubbo didn't dare to move, but his eyes sure were flickering around a lot. He was thinking to the point where his head hurt. "Big Q, I agree to a certain aspect. I miss (Y/n) too, everyone does. If I got the chance to avenge her, I would. But as the president, I need to think of what's best for the country. I need to leave my personal feelings out of this, and so do you. When we-" 

   "We don't fucking need to keep everything a hundred percent professional all the time! Taking out Technoblade wouldn't just help satisfy my anger toward him, it would help L'manburg too! May I remind you how he betrayed us and sent withers at our faces when we were at our lowest!?" Quackity was walking toward Tubbo. He towered over the smaller boy, eyes as dark as his emotions. Fundy tried to place a calming hand on his shoulder, but Quackity shoved it off. He wasn't done. "Besides, I'd rather die than to act like he didn't help kill my best friend. Pink-haired-pvp-legend or not, anyone who does that deserves to have a little taste of my sword. I can't rest until I know (Y/n)'s avenged - and now that Wilbur is dead, Techno is the only person left. I don't care whether you guys will help me kill him or not. if you're not coming with me, I'll decapitate him myself!"

   Tubbo was doing everything he could to not get intimidated. He let out a breath, and met Quackity's angry face with a calm one. "You didn't let me speak out. We are going to help you, Quackity. I was just saying that when we go after Technoblade, I don't want your personal feelings to interfere with your work. If you suddenly lose your temper while we're confronting him, then it'll only result in more harm. I need to know, that you'll have me and Fundy's back no matter what, and most importantly, always put the safety of L'manburg first. Can I trust you on that?"

   Quackity softened up. The arms he had raised in anger slowly fell down to his sides, and he cleared his throat awkwardly, waiting for the red color in his face to fade out. "Y-yeah. Yeah, of course, I can." 

   Tubbo smiled. "Then let's go on a hog hunt." 

   Sadness rushed over you as a painful cleanse. You were completely torn. Your friends, who you so equally loved and adored were now turning against Techno - Techno, who you also loved and cared about. And you couldn't even talk some sense into them, since you weren't really here. You absolutely hated not being able to do anything, other than just pray that Techno would escape them. Pray, that Quackity would realize the madness in this.  

   You just hoped, that when you'd come back, everything wouldn't be too late. 

   "We don't know where he is, though. No one has seen him ever since you became president." Fundy then pointed out, getting your attention.

   Quackity looked like one who had waited for that question to be asked. "He's moved back to where he used to live, before all of this. No one knows where that is."

   No one except you. 

   "No one except Philza" 


   You were just about to ask Karl about Philza, when the scene suddenly began flickering, just like an old television screen. You rose your brows as Quackity, Fundy, and Tubbo each stopped moving, as if time around them had stopped. 

   And that made your heart burst with worry as you realized. 

   You turned your head to look at Karl in such a quick movement, that you were afraid you accidentally snapped your neck. You saw him in a much worse state than you had expected. He was hovering over himself, panting as if he had just finished a massive workout. His face and whole body were covered in sweat and his eyes were flickering around, since the pain he was feeling was too much for his mind to comprehend. 

   "Karl! Karl, hey! Are you okay?" You rushed to his side, trying to help him stand up. But despite his fragile state, he rapidly shook his head and backed away from you. 

   "Don't- Don't mind me. You need to look!" his voice was helpless and fragile as he gestured to what was behind you. You shot a quick glance over your shoulder, while now holding Karl tightly in your grip, to see that your surroundings had morphed into something completely new. You got to see Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, and now Ranboo, search through someone's house, clearly looking for something. There also was a blonde man, noticeably older than your friends, but you didn't have the time to get a proper look at him. 

   "I'm not going to look if you're hurting!" you stated firmly, helping Karl down to the ground. You kneeled beside him, letting his tired head rest on your shoulder. You hadn't realized the amount of energy all of this time-traveling had taken out of him, before now. You felt really bad. 

   Karl squinted his eyes. Even his voice was shaking at this point. "But you need to understand. That was my mission, I can't - I can't fail. I needed to save you."

   "You did save me, Karl!" You reminded desperately. "I've remembered everything now, and I'm gonna escape, okay? Then, once we meet again under real circumstances, you can tell me everything yourself, rather than showing me! I didn't even realize how much it affected you." 

   But Karl didn't listen. He slowly got out of your grip and stood up once again. he wasn't shaking anymore, but his eyes held as much pain as before. "You have to see for yourself. Otherwise, Dream could just manipulate you again. We have half an hour left. I just have to suck it up."


   "No, (Y/n). I've seen all possible outcomes of this, and trust me, this is for the best. So stop talking and watch." 



-Kirbyomokoi on twitter

-Leobunz on twitter

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-ArtLinXin on twitter

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